MTL - Into Unscientific-Chapter 366 The Breakthrough of Yian Bacteria

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  Chapter 366 Yian Bacteria's Breakthrough

  The visit to the Key Laboratory of Galaxy and Cosmology is undoubtedly an extremely novel experience for everyone in the project team.

   Interlaced lines are like mountains.

   This is really not a joke.

  Looking at the vast starry sky, the starlight is like a curtain, and the whole person will feel a lot more open in an instant.

  A round of stargazing down.

  Whether it is Xu Yun or the members of the project team, everyone feels a little more comfortable, and they are short of shouting that the advantage is mine.

  With the support of this motivation and self-confidence, the project team conducted the experiment on the second day.

   Still failed.

no way.

  Scientific research is the same as cats, it’s not realistic.

  It cannot be broken through with some chicken soup for the soul and some chicken blood, otherwise, human beings would have counterattacked to Nanmen 2 by now.

   It's just that compared to the previous day, everyone's mentality is much more stable.

  It will not be affected by the failure of the project.

   What can be met is.

  This project is destined to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive tug-of-war, and it is difficult to see results in a short period of time.

   But there is a good saying.

  The east is not bright, the west is bright, and the north has the south when it is dark.

  When the Di Ting project team was at a standstill, Qiu Sheng sent a piece of good news:

   The laboratory finished product of Yi'an Bacteria Toothpaste has been successfully produced!

  The next morning.

   HKUST Medical Center 4th Floor.

   "Old Qiu."

  Looking at the white sticky mass in front of him, Xu Yun couldn't help but a strong curiosity appeared in his eyes:

   "Is this the Yi'an bacteria toothpaste you made?"

   Qiu Sheng on the side folded his arms around his chest, with an inscrutable look on his face:

   "Of course, if it is fake, it will be replaced, and if it is fake, you will pay ten."

  Xu Yun glanced at him, ignoring the guy's snarky appearance:

   "There is no evidence for what you say, what about the report?"

  Qiu Sheng moved his chin to the right of Xu Yun, with a cold expression on his face:

   "There, see for yourself."

  Xu Yun gave this guy a friendly middle finger, then came to the table and read the report.

  Seeing that Xu Yun started to get down to business, Qiu Sheng also let go of his hands on his chest, and explained to Xu Yun while reading the report:

   "Old Xu, do you still remember that before we cultivated Yi'an Bacteria, the specification has reached 30,000 U per milliliter."

   "The density is about 50% of that of ordinary probiotic toothpaste. The gap is obvious, but it is far lower than the concept of 'barrier'."

   "After that female donkey arrived at HKUST, our supply of donkey hair increased a lot, and I was able to try various conditions with peace of mind."

   "After more than a month, we finally determined the most suitable environment and temperature, and the specifications of the cultivated Yian bacteria have reached 70,000 U per milliliter."

  Xu Yun nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

   Mentioned earlier.

  In the field of pharmaceuticals and microorganisms, the smallest potency unit with certain biological efficacy is called "unit".

  Internationally called IU.

  Huaxia is called U.

  There is no mutual conversion between IU and U, only the conversion between IU and weight or between U and weight.

   That is to say, the dosage level of U/L is a unit unique to China.

  Generally speaking.

  In China, most vitamins are expressed in IU.

   Antibiotics are represented by U.

  For example, the specification of penicillin is generally 200,000 U per milliliter, and that of erythromycin is 70,000.

  Before Xu Yun and others found the largest new species unit in the moss was 8000U, 2000 can break through 10,000.

  Before Xu Yun entered the wheat dungeon, the specification of Yi'an Bacteria had broken through to 1ml and 30,000U.

   Now that more than a month has passed, it is not unusual to break through to 70,000.

   After all, Yian Bacteria itself is a strain that survives in a difficult environment, and its ability to survive and reproduce is actually very strong.

  In the case of sufficient supply of donkey hair and bean dregs, it is only a matter of time to cultivate high-density bacteria—simply speaking, permutation and combination.

   Then Xu Yun thought about it, and asked Qiu Sheng again:

   "Then Lao Qiu, what about the inactivation link?"


   This is a technique commonly used in various bacteria-containing foods.

  This technology is not to completely kill bacteria, but to retain the original structure and characteristics of beneficial bacteria through special means, but to make them no longer have the ability to grow and reproduce.

   It looks like castration, but the difference from castration is still a bit big.

  Things to say.

  It is roughly similar to the "erasing consciousness" of puppets or magic weapons in many Xianxia novels, and their own shapes are still there.

  For example, the probiotics in probiotic yogurt are inactivated bacteria.

  In the field of microbial toothpaste, inactivation is also a key technology.

   "The inactivated data is on the next page."

  Qiu Sheng pointed to the report in Xu Yun's hand, motioned him to turn the page, and continued to explain:

   "Actually, this is what I came to talk to you about today—the inactivation process of Yi'an Bacteria is a bit special."

  Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly looked at Qiu Sheng with strange eyes:

   "Special? Don't you want to use some materials from Brother Donkey? Like a donkey whip?"

  “.That’s not the case.”

  The corners of Qiu Sheng's mouth twitched a few times, and he waved his hands quickly:

   "The E1cB mechanism is used."

  Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment:

   "E1cB mechanism? This is not a conventional inactivation method?"

   "So I said it's a bit special."

  Qiu Sheng took off his glasses, and scratched his auricles that were sore from the pressure of the frames:

   "Old Xu, you should know that today's bacteria inactivation is actually a very mature technology, and there are no so-called patents or barriers."

   "Most of the time, the inactivation of the bacteria actually only needs to be repeated according to certain procedures, similar to a set of formulas."

   Xu Yun hummed.

  As Qiu Sheng said.

  The current bacterial inactivation technology is very mature, basically only a few categories:

  Ultraviolet radiation inactivation, high temperature heating inactivation, repeated freeze-thaw inactivation, formaldehyde, alcohol inactivation, ordinary acid or alkali inactivation.

  Just like the set of formulas in basic mathematics, the inactivation link rarely encounters special situations.

   "But Yi'an is a little different."

  Qiu Sheng put his glasses back on, sighed, and said:

   "The activity of Yi'an Bacteria is too strong. We have used various physical or chemical methods, but the results are not ideal."

"Later, I thought about it. It should have something to do with the living environment of Yi'an Bacteria—the sewer is the main excretion point of the University of Science and Technology, and all kinds of sweet, salty, sour, and spicy food are mixed together, so Yi'an passively let Yi'an Bacteria acquire the property of non-degeneration."

   "Just like the old cousins ​​in Jiangxi, they ate spicy food every day, and finally developed resistance to spicy food."


   "In the end, I can only try the quaternary amine base, and use the E1cB mechanism to eliminate the hydrogen on the β carbon of Yi'an bacteria, so as to achieve the effect of inactivation."

  Xu Yun suddenly let out a sigh:

   "Quaternary amine?"

  Quaternary ammonium base.

   This is a very special base.

  It belongs to the same level as caustic soda in terms of alkaline strength, but technically it falls far into the category of 'alkali inactivation' mentioned above.

   When the quaternary ammonium base is heated, a reaction called the Hoffmann rule will occur, which is opposite to the Zaitsev elimination rule, that is, the Zaitsev rule.

  It is essentially a volume effect, which is eliminated from the site with less steric hindrance, and is completed by E1cB.


  Xu Yun touched his chin and asked:

   "One or two steps?"

  Qiu Sheng quickly replied:

   "Two steps, the acidic proton is removed to form a stable carbanion, and then the lone pair of electrons on the carbon and the adjacent electrophilic carbon form a π bond, forcing the leaving group to leave."

Do not know why.

  After listening to Qiu Sheng's explanation.

  A strange feeling suddenly appeared in Xu Yun's heart.

   It was as if something was floating in front of him, but he couldn't catch it no matter what.


   It took a while.

   Xu Yun, who couldn't grasp that thought, could only sigh helplessly, and gave up the idea of ​​going further.


  Isn't it pretty self-disciplined lately? Why do I feel a little lack of brain power?

   Secretly murmured something that Qiu Sheng couldn't hear, Xu Yun put away the document again, and said to Qiu Sheng:

   "Old Qiu, how is the effect of this toothpaste? Can it remove bad breath?"

   "Toothpaste effect?"

  Qiu Sheng hardly hesitated, and directly gave Xu Yun a thumbs up:

   "It goes without saying, it's so good!"

   I don't know if it is an illusion.

  Xu Yun always felt that when Qiu Sheng said this, there was a flash of excitement in Qiu Sheng's eyes, like rain after a long drought.

  However, Qiu Sheng soon noticed his abnormality, coughed lightly, and said in a formulaic manner:

   "I cough, a friend of mine used this toothpaste. After using the toothpaste, the number of Neisseria and anaerobic streptococcus in the mouth dropped sharply to 1% of the original."

   "Under the condition of no food, Yian bacteria can suppress the number of two bacteria at 40% of the normal value for 12 hours."

   "If the user eats food during the period, the effect of Yi'an bacteria can still last for more than four hours."

   "This effect is currently on the market."


  Hearing this, Xu Yun's finger holding the experiment report tightened.

   Pinch the report paper to make a depression.

  In the current oral cleaning market, there is only one kind of toothpaste with relatively good effect:

   That is plant lysozyme toothpaste.

  Plant lysozyme can hydrolyze bacterial cell walls and dissolve a variety of oral bacteria. The plant lysozyme currently on the market is mainly extracted from figs.

   Judging from the laboratory data, it can indeed have a good effect.

  However, although plant lysozyme toothpaste has good data in the laboratory, it is relatively unsatisfactory after commercialization.

  Because in principle, there are four elements required for lysozyme to work:

  Temperature, sugar, enzyme activity, and sufficient time.

  The temperature in the human mouth is obviously suitable, and the enzyme activity will naturally not be too bad through various means.

   But sugar and time are a big problem.

  The amount of sugar on human teeth is not enough for lysozyme to work, and it only takes three minutes to brush your teeth—some people don’t have enough time, and lysozyme can’t work even if it has great skills.

  If you want to really achieve the deodorizing effect, lysozyme or enzymes are not very useful, and you still need super active bacteria such as Yian bacteria.

  This is the gap between the laboratory and real-world applications that have been mentioned many times before, and the gap between the two is too great.

  Unfortunately, there are always many manufacturers who use laboratory data to fool people or attract investment, and consumers will always be cheated in the end.

all in all.

  Once Huadun Biotech's Yi'an Bacteria toothpaste is launched, it will be another blow to the deodorization market!

   "Of course, Old Xu."

  After introducing the effect of E-Angel toothpaste, Qiu Sheng changed the subject again:

   "At present, what we have completed is still made in the laboratory. The toothpaste material only uses basic preservatives, friction agents and foaming agents, which is far from commercialization."

   "Not to mention that there are not enough donkey hairs to cultivate Yi'an Bacteria. If this toothpaste is to be officially put into production, it needs to be thoroughly discussed within the company."

   "However, that area is not my area of ​​expertise, and I have no suggestions for your reference."

  Xu Yun nodded seriously:

   "I understand, thank you, Lao Qiu."

   Well known.

  Toothpaste is a daily necessities for cleaning the oral cavity, and its core main component is actually an abrasive.

most of the time.

  The content of friction agent in toothpaste may even exceed 50%.

  Currently common friction agents mainly include calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, silicon dioxide, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate and so on.

   Among them, calcium carbonate may wear teeth because of its sharp crystal particles, and has poor compatibility with fluoride, so it is mainly used in low-end toothpaste—such as toothpaste in some third-rate hotels.

  Aluminum hydroxide has a certain relationship with Alzheimer's disease, so in recent years, most companies have stopped using aluminum hydroxide as a toothpaste abrasive.

   Therefore, the common abrasives used in the production of toothpaste are generally the latter three.

  The three types of friction agents are different, and the prices are also different.

  What kind of material needs to be selected in the commodity stage needs further analysis.

  In addition, there are thickeners, flavors, taste improvers, appearance improvers, acid-base buffers, antioxidants, etc., which need to be studied separately.

   After all, no matter how effective a toothpaste is, it is uncomfortable to use without any taste.

  The so-called whitening and bactericidal effects of many toothpastes on the market are mostly based on the psychological hints brought by the coolness of mint.

   Other than that.

  The company still needs to obtain some relevant procedures before it can produce toothpaste-but this matter is not difficult.

  When Qiu Sheng started to study the expansion of Yi'an Bacteria, Xu Yun and Gu Qunqing had already communicated, and the relevant procedures had already started.

  Domestic toothpaste only needs the product inspection report and product safety assessment data, and then obtain the serial number of the filed product in the administrative region and the prepared word of the national tooth network.

  At present, the basic departments of Huadun Biotechnology have been established one after another, and Gu Qunqing has already arranged manpower to submit relevant applications.

  As long as the commercialization process is completed, the toothpaste can be on the shelves within a few days.

  And the potential market for this toothpaste.

   is undoubtedly also an astonishingly large value.

   More than half an hour later.

  Xu Yun left the laboratory.

  As a result, not long after he walked out of the medical center, his cell phone rang.

  Xu Yun took out a look and found that the note was .


  Xu Yun has frequent contact with his family. He will make a video call or something in a day or two, so he presses the dial button as usual.

   But the next second.

  Xu Yun was so excited that he almost didn't throw the phone out:

   "Son, Mom introduced you to a girl who is in Luzhou. When do you think you can go on a blind date?"

  (end of this chapter)