MTL - Into Unscientific-Chapter 368 Pricing and Price Wars! (superior)

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  Chapter 368 Pricing and price wars! (superior)


  Looking at the content of Moments in front of him, Xu Yun couldn't help touching his chin.

   "Second district paper?"

   Then he clicked on the English photo interface of the second photo, and found a word written on it:


   This means that the thesis is initially accepted.

  Generally this step is followed by Proof, and after Proof is completed, it usually comes to Payment—that is, payment for the page.

   After you pay for the ticket, the last is the online link of the publication.

   Then Xu Yun zoomed in on the photo again, and after seeing the journal's reply mailbox, his eyes were fixed:

   "Hey guys, Topics in Current Chemistry?"

   Mentioned a long time ago.

  In the current paper industry, there are two ways to divide journals.

  One is SCI, the full name is ScienceCitationIndex, which refers to a journal catalog index operated by Clarivate Analytics.

  The other is the division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the "Journal Division Table of the Literature and Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences".

  Although the two journals are also divided into four categories, and both have high authority, but due to different judgment methods, one of the following situations often occurs between the two:

  A journal may be ranked Q2 in SCI, but ranked 1 in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and vice versa.

   Sometimes there will even be a situation in the first area of ​​the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where SCI can only shoot Q3.

  And "Topics in Current Chemistry".

   is one of the representatives.

  Although this journal can only be classified as the second district in the classification of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, its impact factor is as high as 8.905, which belongs to the Q1 level of SCI.

   It’s just that the girl named Weng Yujing applied for a domestic graduate student, so the argument from the second district was adopted.

   This is very interesting

  If you change to someone who likes to show off, maybe the copywriting in the circle of friends will not be the second district, but the Q1 of SCI.

   More critically.

  According to my mother, the other party is one year younger than me, and he is just a graduate student who just took the exam.

   That is to say, this girl was able to publish "Topics in Current Chemistry" when she was an undergraduate?

  Many third-year students do not have this ability.

Of course.

   This surprised state of mind only lasted for a short time before Xu Yun took the initiative to break it up.

   After all, compared to others, his degree of hanging on the wall is undoubtedly much higher.

   Then he stuffed the phone back into his trouser pocket and left the medical center building.

   Three days later.

  Huadun Biotechnology Headquarters.

meeting room.

   "Dear colleagues."

  Gu Qunqing was standing in front of the conference table at this time, pointing to a PPT, and said to everyone:

   "As you can see, this is an analysis of the current situation of the Huaxia toothpaste market released at the beginning of the year based on the results of the fourth national oral health epidemiological survey by Huajing Industry Research Institute."

   "As of this year, 84.9% of Huaxia residents have a positive attitude towards oral health care, and the awareness rate of oral health knowledge is 60.1%."

   "The rates of brushing teeth twice a day for children aged 5 and 12 were 24.1% and 31.9% respectively, and 36.1% for adults."

   "At present, the annual consumption of toothpaste per capita in the country is 3.8 standard sticks. If the rate of brushing teeth twice a day per person is increased to 80%, the per capita annual consumption of toothpaste can reach 5.5 standard sticks."

   Then Gu Qunqing paused, leaving enough time for everyone to digest the information, and continued:

   "As far as the production status of the toothpaste industry is concerned, benefiting from the increase in consumption levels, the overall production of toothpaste in my country shows a fluctuating growth trend."

   "In 2012, my country's annual output of toothpaste was 470,000 tons, but by 2020, the annual output has reached 675,900 tons."

   "And the direct feedback of production is."

   "In 2020, the sales revenue of enterprises above designated size in my country's toothpaste industry will be about 26.5 billion yuan, an increase of 6.81% year-on-year in 2019, and it will probably increase to nearly 30 billion Huaxia currency this year."

   As he spoke, Gu Qunqing had a trace of emotion on his face:

   "Everyone, 30 billion a year, this is a big cake."

  Everyone in the audience nodded.

be honest.

  When Xu Yun first proposed the establishment of the E-Anbacteria toothpaste project, many people, including Zheng Zu, the head of the New Innovation Fund of HKUST, were actually a little bit unconcerned.

   For people like Zheng Zu.

  They are usually exposed to various electronic products or emerging technology concepts, and have never done market research and understanding of daily necessities.

Of course.

   It's not their fault.

  After all, the functions and perspectives are different—the New Venture Fund of the University of Science and Technology belongs to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the venture capital projects must be closer to high-tech.

  They are looking for products with a more monopoly concept. Toothpaste, a relatively low-end market, is indeed a visual blind spot.

  But after hearing what Gu Qunqing said now, they suddenly realized.

  It turns out that the toothpaste market is so huge?

  That’s 30 billion.

To know.

  The domestic router market is only about 15 billion. Do you know how many manufacturers are desperately engaged in research and development?

  Zheng Zu in the audience turned the nib of his pen a few times, thinking deeply.

  I have not worked with many biotechnology companies, so it seems necessary to adjust my cognition in this regard

  Looking at the crowd with different faces, Gu Qunqing and Xu Yun looked at each other quietly, and they smiled at each other.


  The reason why Zheng Zu and others have the expressions at this time is of course that they do not understand the market.

   On the other hand, it is due to the deliberate guidance of Xu Yun and Gu Qunqing earlier—before today, neither Xu Yun nor Gu Qunqing had mentioned the issue of the toothpaste market much.

  Xu Yun only raised an idea at the original board of directors, and set aside a fund of more than 100,000 yuan for funding—what can more than 100,000 yuan do?

  It seems that the entire E-Angel toothpaste project is just a small item that was randomly set up, similar to the act of scratching a lottery ticket.

   Now that the time has come, Gu Qunqing and Xu Yun really showed their 'fangs'.

  As for their purpose of doing this.

   Naturally, it was to increase Xu Yun's prestige.

  After all, real shopping malls are not novels or comics, and there is no such fantasy as the so-called domineering spirit.

  Although Xu Yun initially won the hearts of the company by relying on imidacloprid, he is still far from completely controlling the company's voice.

  Gu Qunqing, Tian Liangwei, Xiaorong, and others who are close to Xu Yun are fine.

  But Zheng Zu and some other new executives may not be completely convinced of Xu Yun.

  This is human nature. Anyone in their 20s who is the CEO of a company will have some ideas—this kind of thinking is not slander or diss, but a normal question.

  For example, did Xu Yun develop imidacloprid by luck?

  The situation where everyone is united as a family, intimate and loving, is a fairy tale most of the time.

  In order to dispel this doubt, Xu Yun must come up with other achievements that can shock everyone—you can call it luck once, so can it still be luck every time?

  So after discussing with Gu Qunqing, Yi'an Bacteria toothpaste became the core of the plan.

   With the fifth-generation imidacloprid and Yi'an bacteria toothpaste, Xu Yun's character can stand up steadily as if he had two legs.

   Then Tian Liangwei thought for a while, raised his hand and asked Gu Qunqing:

   "Manager Gu, what is the approximate proportion of bad breath toothpaste in this 30 billion market?"

  Gu Qunqing smiled at him, pressed the remote control pen in his hand, and the PPT quickly refreshed another screen:

   "Academician Tian, ​​it's like this."

   "In fact, the official data does not distinguish the type of 'bad breath removal toothpaste'. Functionally, it is mainly divided into whitening, anti-sensitivity, and Chinese herbal medicine toothpaste, etc."

  “Among them, the market share of whitening toothpaste reached 28%, the share of toothpaste with Chinese herbal ingredients reached 25%, and the market share of anti-sensitivity toothpaste reached 10%.”

   “The remaining 37% are other products, such as smoke stain removal, caries prevention or comprehensive type.”

   "However, according to the information I got from friends who work in industry organizations, more than 30% of users will put bad breath removal first. If secondary functions are counted, it may be more than 50%."

  The secondary function that Gu Qunqing mentioned is somewhat similar to the concept of auxiliary energy efficiency.

  For example, on many whitening toothpastes, the word "Brightening White" is written in large characters, and then words like "Fresh Breath" are written in small characters.

  Among them, whitening is the main function of the product, fresh breath belongs to auxiliary energy efficiency, unofficially, it means to make do with a little feeling—such as adding some mint to make you feel more comfortable in your mouth.


  Tian Liangwei glanced at Zheng Zu beside him, and saw that at this moment, the face of the person in charge of the New Venture Fund of the University of Science and Technology was full of a look of seeing a big market.

  So Tian Liangwei continued to whisper:

   "30% of 30 billion is 10 billion. If the effect of this toothpaste is really so ideal, there should not be many competitors in the market who can compete with us."

   "But let's be steady, don't talk about monopoly, assuming only 50% of the share, that's 5 billion a year."

   Bang Bang —

  As soon as Tian Liangwei finished speaking, he heard the sound of something falling, which was extremely eye-catching in the small conference room.

  Tian Liangwei followed the trend.

  I saw Zheng Zu holding up the thermos cup in front of him without moving his expression, and forcibly adjusted his glasses calmly:

   "Well, I agree with Academician Tian, ​​this is indeed a promising product."

   Then he took a deep breath and asked Gu Qunqing:

   "Manager Gu, what is the estimated selling price of our toothpaste? What is the profit margin? How long will it be before it goes on the market?"

   Facing a series of questions that came out of Zheng Zu's mouth, Gu Qunqing made a gesture of calmness to him:

   "Chairman Zheng, don't worry, I'll answer your questions in order."

  “The first is the price, which is actually one of the main topics today.”

   While speaking, Gu Qunqing pressed the pen again.


  If it is placed in a neon movie, after Gu Qunqing presses the control pen, there will usually be a girl shrugging her shoulders at this time, and then her body will start to twist around.

  But today is a normal meeting, so only the PPT screen is changed.

  What appeared in front of everyone this time was a pie chart, which was divided into multiple colors according to the corresponding names, and the area occupied by each color was also different.

   Then Gu Qunqing circled the pie chart a few times with a laser and explained:

   "As far as the current market price of toothpaste is concerned, toothpaste categories are divided into five grades according to price: C, B, A, AA, and AAA."

   "The prices of a single bottle corresponding to the five grades are within 7 yuan, 7-9 yuan, 9-15 yuan, 15-22 yuan, and 22 yuan or more."

   "It can be clearly seen that today's market has bid farewell to low-price competition, and the overall market tends to be mid-range or even high-end prices."

   "For example, grade B-AA. That is, 7-22 yuan is the main sales force, accounting for 76% of the total, AA and B both account for 28%, and grade A is 20%."

"At the same time, toothpaste above grade A has been on the rise, and toothpaste above grade C has been on a slow decline. The main reason is that the domestic per capita consumption level has increased, people no longer meet the basic daily needs, and the requirements for quality of life have gradually increased. .”

   Speaking of which.

  Gu Qunqing looked around the crowd and said:

   "So according to the discussion of the marketing department and the operation department, we decided to initially set the price of this toothpaste at 17.8, which is in line with the trend of mass purchases."

   "As for profit margins."

  When it came to the cost of the product, Gu Qunqing suddenly had a strange look on his face.

  However, this strange look was fleeting, and soon he returned to normal:

   "According to our calculations, there are four main costs of a Yi An Bacteria toothpaste."

   "The first is the inactivation of Yi'an bacteria. Since the inactivation needs to use the E1cB mechanism, our inactivation cost is higher than that of probiotic toothpaste. One bottle costs about two yuan."

  Zheng Zu and others nodded slightly.

   They still know the concept of inactivation, and it does require a certain amount of technical expenditure.

   Then Gu Qunqing said again:

   "Then there is the material cost of toothpaste. For example, we plan to use stannous fluoride as fluorine agent, sodium hexametaphosphate as adsorbent, and hydrated silica as friction agent."

   "These costs are added together, and a single piece of material costs about two yuan."

   "Two dollars?"

  Zheng Zu was slightly taken aback, but stopped talking.

   As a businessman.

  Zheng Zu opened his mouth subconsciously, wanting to ask if the cost of materials can be lowered.

  He has never been in contact with toothpaste production, but paste products are not uncommon—many of pharmaceutical products are paste types.

  As far as he knows, the cost of this type of ointment is generally very low.

  Some ointment medicines cost fifty or sixty yuan, and the cost is only three yuan—the expensive part is mainly due to the patent.

  However, thinking of Xu Yun’s policy of focusing on word-of-mouth mentioned earlier, he still chose to reserve his opinion:

"anything else?"

   “The other is the machine cost and packaging.”

  Gu Qunqing happily snapped his fingers, and said to Zheng Zu:

   "The company has limited channels for the equipment issue, so you may need to take action in person, Chairman Zheng. The specific cost depends on the final quotation of the equipment."

   "However, I estimate that it will be about one yuan if it is shared equally with each person."

  Zheng Zu nodded immediately when he heard the words:

   "No problem, just leave this matter to me."

   Although Zheng Zu's business thinking is very heavy, he and Xu Yun Gu Qunqing don't have much personal emotional disagreement - in the previous production of imidacloprid, Zheng Zu also guarantorly approved a sum of money for Xu Yun.

   It's just that the emphasis on 'profit' is much higher than that of 'feeling'.

   After all, he represents a start-up fund, and how much the company makes directly determines his income and status within the system.

  Now he needs to come forward to contact the equipment, so he will naturally not refuse:

   "Inactivation, material cost, production line, what else is there?"

  Gu Qunqing was silent for a moment, and a word came out of his mouth:

   "Forage for donkeys."

  Zheng Zu:


  Looking at the bewildered Zheng Zu, Gu Qunqing added:

   "Oh, and donkey hair restorer—literally."

  (end of this chapter)