MTL - Into Unscientific-Chapter 367 blind date? !

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  Chapter 367 Blind date? !


   Heard this sentence from the microphone.

   Rao is Xu Yun's two generations, so he can't help being a little confused at this time.

   before and after but a short 0.00001 seconds.

  The fear of being dominated by a blind date in his previous life appeared in his mind—

   "Son, you are 28, it's time to find a wife."


   "Son, you will be 29 during Chinese New Year, when can you bring a girlfriend back?"


   "Xu Yun! You're already 32 f***ingly old, so go on a blind date tomorrow!"


   "Look up, is there anyone around who is 35 years old and not married? Don't go anywhere during the Chinese New Year, give me an honest blind date, all seven days are full!"


  Think here.

  Xu Yun shuddered rarely, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

  Even the crisis that fell into the hands of Tian Caiming and Harvey Clement in the wheat dungeon did not make him so frightened.


  Why is my mother, who is usually so gentle and virtuous, so scary when it comes to blind dates?

  Just as Xu Yun recalled those painful memories of the past, his mother's voice came from the microphone again:

   "Hey, son, are you listening?"

  Xu Yun knew very well how persistent his mother was in this kind of thing, so he could only resist the idea of ​​hanging up the phone, and sighed weakly:

   "Well, here we are, the signal was not very good just now."

  Received Xu Yun's response, the voice on the other end of the phone immediately became more active, and blah blah blah blah:

   "Let me tell you, son, that girl was originally studying at Jinling University. This year, she applied for a graduate student in the Department of Chemistry of the University of Science and Technology. She said that she will be able to report to the University of Science and Technology in March next year. It happens to be the same school as you, you two"

   "Report next March?"

  Xu Yun interrupted his mother subconsciously and asked:

   "If you report in March, you will be a master's degree, but they should have just finished the preliminary exam and have not yet taken the re-examination."

   "If that's the case, then why did she come to Luzhou? She also said that the annual report has been completed? - The re-examination results are considered to be admitted."

   Well known.

  Huaxia's graduate students are divided into two types: master's degree and master's degree, and there is not much difference in status between the two.

  Among them, the special and master's programs are reported around March every year.

  School and master’s programs are around September.

  However, the two masters are consistent in all aspects of the examination stage. The first examination is around December, and then the re-examination is around February.

   You don’t need to go to the school for the first test, but you need to go offline for the second test.

  Generally speaking.

   Only after the results of the re-examination are announced can the success of the postgraduate entrance examination be guaranteed.


  Xu Yun's question kept the person on the phone silent for a few seconds. Apparently, Xu's mother didn't expect her son to ask a provocative question from this angle.

   But soon.

  Xu Yun heard the muffled sound of a kitchen knife chopping on a cutting board:

   "Xu! Cloud!!"

  Xu Yun quickly shrank his neck when he saw this, and said weakly:

   "Ahem. It's just a habit, it's just a habit, Mom, you continue to talk."


  He really wanted to say something like 'Our kitchen knife is not Zhang Xiaoquan, it can be shot horizontally'.

  However, considering that after the words were spoken, the old lady would probably rush to Luzhou to clean up the house with a kitchen knife, so Xu Yun still very wisely admitted.


   After a few seconds, Mother Xu said again:

   "In short, I saw the photo of that girl, she is quite delicate, only one year younger than you."

   "In addition, let me remind you that this is the granddaughter of your grandfather's old comrade-in-arms. If you dare to let the pigeons go, you can think about how to see your grandfather when you come back."

   "Pay attention to WeChat later, hang up."

   beep beep—

  Listening to the blind voice coming from the phone, Xu Yun's expression was inexplicably dumbfounding:

   "My tmd is only 24, why should I have a blind date?"

  The first blind date in my previous life was at least 28.

   But then again.

  Follow what my mother said.

  That was a blind date introduced by my grandfather, so it's a bit difficult

  Xu Yun's grandfather was from Haidai Province. He joined our army in 1942, neither too early nor too late.

   Later, he went south with the army and met the grandmother of Xu Yun Art Troupe in Shanghai, and got married when the relationship came to fruition.

   Later, the two continued to go south with the team, and finally settled in Fujian Province.

  Grandpa Xu Yun was an ordinary platoon leader when he was in the army. He settled in Xu Yun's hometown - a small fifth-tier county town and worked as the director of a movie theater. After retirement, he mentioned the treatment of the deputy director.

  This treatment is limited to medical care and pensions, and has no real power, but it is more than enough to support the rest of the world.

   It turned out that the old man didn't suffer on the battlefield, but was stabbed by his family.

   That person is Xu Yun's uncle.

  The old man has been the director of a movie theater for more than ten years. In addition to a staff room in a retirement building without property rights, he also has a three-story building of his own.

   As a result, more than forty years ago, Uncle Xu Yun found a girlfriend, who is Xu Yun's current eldest aunt.

  The two wanted to take the house into their own hands, so they set up a plan:

  The uncle went to find the old man and said that the aunt's family must have a house to get married, and asked the old man to transfer the house.

   Later, Xu Yun didn't know the specifics. After all, he was not born at that time. In short, the house was successfully transferred to the name of the uncle, and some materials were forged.

  Ten years later, the old man knew the truth, and went to the court to sue the uncle.

At that time, the eldest uncle was in the midst of a promotion, and was disturbed by his grandfather, which led to his final failure. He rushed to the retirement building in a fit of anger and broke Grandma Xu Yun's leg. .

   This is not over yet.

  The old man lost his house, and the later retirement building was very damp and dilapidated.

  So Xu Yun's parents took the two elderly people to live in their own home, and they raised them for ten years.

  The old man's treatment has gradually improved over the years, and his health is getting worse and worse. Uncle is actually eyeing the old man's inheritance again.

  Because the domestic law does not allow the severance of the relationship between father and son, so in desperation, the old man notarized a will.

   means not to leave the inheritance to the uncle.

  This will was originally made in secret, and even Xu Yun himself didn't know it.

  However, the interpersonal relationship in Xu Yun's hometown is too simple, and this matter has somehow reached Uncle Xu Yun's ears.

   So in the past few years.

  Uncle Xu Yun would go to Xu Yun's house and kick the door to threaten him. He took a recording pen with him, deliberately trying to provoke the old man to say something.

  The old man has lived in the hospital for countless times, and his health is getting worse.

  Now two old people, one 95 and the other 96, are writing letters when they are awake, hoping to get their house back.

  In fact, the house in Xu Yun’s hometown is not expensive, and the small building is estimated to be only four to five hundred thousand—at least for ‘real estate’, this money is really not much.

   But that anger is hard to dissipate.

  So facing the blind date proposed by the old man, Xu Yun really had no reason to refuse.

  Think here.

  Xu Yun sighed helplessly.

   I obviously didn’t experience this in my previous life, so why did such a girl suddenly appear?

   Logically speaking, even if it is the so-called butterfly wings, there is no reason to slap a Cupid's arrow, right?

   "Ding Dong—"

   Just as Xu Yun's thoughts were flying, another notification sounded on his mobile phone.

  Xu Yun clicked on it and found that his father had recommended a WeChat business card to him——Xu Yun's mother is an electronic novice, and his father is responsible for online shopping and transfers.

   "Dad is pretty good at it."

   After complaining that his father would even forward a WeChat business card, Xu Yun clicked on the other party's information bar.

  The portrait on the opposite side is a towering mountain peak, and the name is [Coast], which is quite disillusioned.

   Then Xu Yun clicked on the friend application again, ready to add the other party's friend.

   But just as he was about to press his finger, he quickly froze again:

  What should I write in a friend application?

   Mom didn’t even say the other party’s name

  In his previous life, when he added a blind date friend, he usually filled in words such as 'XX aunt's introduction' and 'XX platform'.

  And this time.

   It can’t be written as the grandson of your grandfather’s comrade-in-arms, right?

  So Xu Yun scratched his head and typed two words:

   Blind date.

   Finish writing and send.

  After sending the friend application, Xu Yun was about to put the screen of his mobile phone back into his trouser pocket and go to the cafeteria to have lunch.

  But before he had time to press the screen off button, a line of words appeared on the screen in front of him:

  【I have approved your friend request, we can chat now】

   Immediately afterwards, the chat box on the lock screen changed again:

  【Hello (smiley face expression)】

It is clear.

  The other party just passed the application online.

  Xu Yun happened to have nothing to do at the moment, so he found a chair by the side of the medical center and sat down, typing:


   After typing, he hesitated for a moment, and added another sentence:

  【My name is Xu Yun, my mother introduced us to a blind date】

   Following the second sentence, the status bar of [Coast] quickly changed to 'the other party is typing'.

   A few seconds passed.

  The other side sent a content with sweaty soybeans:

  【(Sweating), I’m sorry, I’m your blind date’s father】

  Xu Yun: "??????"

at the same time.

   Xu Yun’s father just sent a message:

  【I forgot to tell you, I don’t have that girl’s friend, what I gave you is her dad’s WeChat, be polite to elders, don’t leave a bad impression even if it doesn’t work out】


  Xu Yun was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly slapped his head in frustration:

   "What's the matter with this tmd?"

  The 'dad' opposite seemed to feel Xu Yun's embarrassment, and the WeChat status bar kept changing between 'typing' and nickname.

   This means that the other party chose to delete after typing a paragraph, and this has been repeated.

after awhile.

  The other party didn't seem to find any suitable words, so they simply sent a message:

  【Dr. Xu, I asked my daughter to add you, let's chat (cup fists)】

  【Student Xiao Xu】:

  【Okay, sorry for the inconvenience】

   About ten seconds passed.

  Ding Dong—

  Xu Yun's WeChat received a new friend request.

  Compared with this 'dad', the gender characteristics of this account are much more obvious, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a girl:

  The other party's profile picture is a cute short and white one, lying lazily in the cat's nest, I don't know if it is a picture from the Internet or a photo taken by myself.

  The nickname of the account is [Zhaowu], and the location is Andorra.

  Application Remarks are three simple words:

   Weng Yujing.

As the saying goes.

  First time raw and second time cooked.

  After touching the wall with the girl's father, Xu Yun unexpectedly found that his mentality was much calmer.

  Anyway, I can’t update the community anymore.

  So he clicked agree without much hesitation, and after adding it, he sent a sentence first:

  【Hi, I'm Xu Yun】.

   Soon, a reply came from the other side:

  【Hi, I'm Weng Yujing】

   Immediately after.

   Just when Xu Yun was thinking about whether to be polite, the other party sent another message:

  【Dr. Xu, when can we make an appointment to meet? 】

  Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment.

  According to what my mother said before, the other party is one year younger than myself, that is, around 23, and the imaginary age is at most 24 at most.

  Most of the girls these days are in their prime, either they are still studying in the ivory tower, or they just entered the society.

  Their theoretical social circle should not be so closed, and there is not much pressure to get married. Normally, they should be more resistant to blind dates

   Fishing or fairy jumping?

   This is obviously impossible—the other party is the granddaughter of Xu Yun’s grandfather’s comrade-in-arms, and the relationship is far beyond that introduced by ordinary acquaintances.

  Although the character of that girl is unknown for the time being, the whole blind date must be impossible.

   Then Xu Yun thought for a few seconds, then typed back:

  【No problem, but I may be busy during this time, how about we meet in ten days? 】


  【Okay, how about fifteen days later, I just arrived in Luzhou recently, and I’m doing retreat in liver thesis】

  Xu Yun:



  【How about Nanxiang Cat Cafe, AA system】

  Xu Yun:

【no problem】


  【Then I will contact you, my phone number is 180xxxxx】

  Xu Yun:

  【Well, okay, mine is 138xxxxx】


  【(ok emoji package)】

  After the other party finished the last sentence, there was no news for a long time.

  Xu Yun gently scratched his hair.

  I feel that chatting with a girl is not so much a blind date as it is more like completing a headphone transaction in the same city on Xianyu

   Then Xu Yun subconsciously clicked on the other party's circle of friends, and found that the permission was not set.

  The most recent one was published six days ago, and it was a photo of a cat litter, in which lay a beautiful short plus white that was the same as the head portrait.

  The content is [Finally moved, Ziroom’s service fee is really expensive]

  The earlier one is a train ticket, and the time is stretched to 24 days ago.

  The content is very short, just ‘Let’s go, I’m coming to Luzhou! ’ A few words.

  Xu Yun scrolled while watching, and found that the frequency of the other party's circle of friends is not high, and the social scope is fairly simple—at least from the perspective of the circle of friends.

   After a while, I didn’t even see a selfie, most of them were trivial things in life.

   But soon.

  Xu Yun noticed something that looked a little special.

   This post was posted more than two months ago, and there are two additional photos.

  The first photo is the scene outside the window of a certain house. It seems that it has just rained outside, and there are some water stains on the window.

  The second picture is a screenshot of a pure English webpage, and the dynamic text content is:

  【The second district's thesis has been drafted, I love this rain! 】

  (end of this chapter)