MTL - Into Unscientific-Chapter 464 Some careless words solved the doubts~(

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  Chapter 464 Some careless words, clearing up doubts~(8.4K)

   Students who have done particle collision experiments should know it.

  When you enter the laboratory on the first day, your instructor will inevitably tell you this sentence:

   "In the field of particle physics, a single case report is of no reference value."

be honest.

   This sentence does apply to most occasions, and an isolated case does not make any sense in many cases.

   However, in a few situations, it may not be accurate.

  The most representative one is Makoto Kobayashi's impact experiment. Everything is 0, and the curve is so flat that it can't be flatter.

  Even if there is only one case statistics, it is enough to explain many problems.

   Another example.

  At this moment, the case sheet numbered 234491835 was placed in front of Xu Yun and the others.

  The bulge on this case sheet is extremely astonishing. It has already competed with the small umbrellas that readers have when they wake up in the morning, and they are running 20 centimeters away.

  Don't talk about people in the industry.

  Even Chen Shanshan and the audience watching the live broadcast outside the venue can see that this signal is definitely not a fluctuating accident.

   In other words.

  In the magnitude calculated by the Academy of Sciences group, there is indeed an unknown particle.

  But academician Pan, who is a veteran fan of AC Milan, knows a truth very well.

  That is, before the real hammer falls, no matter what, you must endure not being able to open champagne.

   After all, let’s not talk about the distance, let’s talk about the near:

  Atsuto Suzuki and the others calculated that the 11.4514GeV particles can overturn.

   So Academician Pan calmed down, forced himself to calm down, and said to the somewhat excited Carlo Rubia:

   "Mr. Rubia, please calm down, what we need to do now is to collect and summarize the cases, completely summarize the relevant attributes of the particles and determine the real attributes of the particles.

   "The old 750GeV thing can't be allowed to happen again."


  The second half of Academician Pan's words hit Carlo Rubbia's heart like a blogger's biography, which made him tremble all over.

  The original excitement also disappeared for the most part.

  Theoretical physicists are cursing CERN's original operation, but CERN at that time actually thought that it had discovered a new particle, and internally it is said that it even thought of the name of the particle.

   As a result, who knew that such a stable particle turned over, so that CERN has not been forgiven even after being scolded.

  So hearing what Academician Pan said, Carlo Rubia immediately calmed down.

  Then he thought for a moment, took out his cell phone, and dialed a number.

   After a while.

  The phone is connected.

   "Hello, Mr. Rubia."

  Carlo Rubia moved the phone a little away and pressed the hands-free button at the same time:

   "Popper, how many cases are there now?"

   There was a little keyboard knocking on the other end of the phone:

   "Messy cases—including nonsensical cases, a total of more than 2.3 billion copies."

  Carlo Rubia nodded.

  The number of cases reported by my assistant sounds scary, but it is actually quite normal.

  It’s like two high-speed cars colliding into each other by accident. If even the fragments of a few millimeters are counted, the order of magnitude can be hundreds, thousands, or even more.

  These examples are as they appear, and many of them are meaningless and worthless fragments.

   Then Carlo Rubbia paused and continued:

   "How many cases are optimized?"

   "8.79 million copies."

   "What about the one with the same fluctuation signal as 234491835?"

   "There were 219 major incidents and 548 signal bulges."

   Carlo Rubia's breathing suddenly accelerated a few points.

   is different from nonsense cases.

  The so-called big event does not refer to the sputtering event of various small particles after the collision, but the initial event of the collision of two lead ions.

  Using the example of a head-on collision, it is the collision of two cars.


   During a large collision, the total number of colliding particles emitted is about 10 to the 14th power.

   Among them, the "big case" is the total number of "car accidents" in which collisions occurred, about 2 million to 5 million times - of course, this number varies from project to project, it can only be said that this is a relatively common range.

  Among the large cases of this magnitude, the number of abnormally large cases that can prove the existence of a certain particle is generally

  From around 40.

   That is to say, in the 2 million collisions, if there are 40 major events with fluctuating signals, it can basically be judged that the particle exists.

   By the way.

  At the beginning, CERN proved that the number of large cases of the so-called 750GeV particles was .

   Two copies.

   Then Carlo Rubia glanced at Academician Pan beside him, and the two nodded in a tacit understanding.

  Just listen to Carlo Rubia say to the phone again:

   "Pop, please transmit those 219 major cases to the information background of the Chinese Academy of Sciences immediately, as quickly as possible!"

   "Understood, Mr. Rubia!"

  After hanging up the phone.

  Carlo Rubia stuffed the phone back into his pocket, took off his eyes, and said to Academician Pan earnestly:

   "Pan, I will leave the rest of the matter to you."

  Academician Pan nodded to him, then turned his ears back extremely skillfully, and ordered:

   "Xiao Chen, get ready and enter CERN's information packet into the background as soon as possible!"


   Finish these words.

  Academician Pan returned to the front row with Hou Xingyuan and Carlo Rubia.

  He first left Atsuto Suzuki panting aside, and then greeted Mr. Yang and Wei Teng with an expectant face.

   Then he waited with peace of mind.

   Another moment passed.

   Academician Pan heard a reply:

   "Academician Pan, all the information has been entered!"

  Academician Pan snorted, walked behind Xu Yun, used Xu Yun as a tool to block everyone's sight, and asked in a low voice:

   "How is it, has the report been verified?"

   "Yes, we used the supercomputer "Dawn" to conduct an urgent analysis. Although the specific properties still need follow-up analysis, we can be sure that this is a new particle, not a statistical fluctuation like CERN."

  Academician Pan felt certain when he heard this.

  The last sentence is enough.

  Then he thanked Er Fan face to face, patted Xu Yun on the shoulder a few times, and strode towards

   Speech platform.

  See this scenario.

   There was already a dignified atmosphere at the scene, but it was once again solemn.






   All kinds of eyes focused on Academician Pan at the same time.

   came to the podium.

  Academician Pan calibrated the microphone first, looked around, and then said slowly and clearly:

   "Everyone on the scene, media guests, and outside audience friends, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

   "Not long ago, the backstage of the Chinese Academy of Sciences received first-hand reports of a total of 219 major incidents from CERN."

   "Of course, the first thing to emphasize is that we don't know whether these 219 major events can prove the existence of that particle."

   "Maybe, maybe not, no one can know the truth."

   Hear this statement.

  Xu Yun in the audience couldn't help but glance at Academician Pan who said 'we really don't know anything':


   As expected of my rabbit.

   Then Academician Pan paused, and continued:

   "Next, our background staff will synchronize the reports of these 219 major incidents to the data terminals in front of you, and all professionals will analyze and judge the reports."

   "At the same time, participants whose main major is particle physics will get an additional voting qualification."

   "That is, if you think these reports are sufficient to prove the existence of particles, please vote 'yes', otherwise, please vote no-of course, you can also choose to abstain."

   "As for the participants who are not majors in particle physics, they are not eligible to vote, but they can still view the analysis case reports at will."

  Academician Pan said this.

  The audience was only silent for a few seconds, and then there was a low voice of discussion.

  Many scholars who were a little tired sat up quickly, and some quickly flipped through their briefcases, trying to find paper and pens.

  Academician Pan's words hit their hearts straight.

   After all, as the top bosses in the industry, after watching the show for so long, it is impossible for them not to itch.

   But the problem is that the process of calculating the particle Fermi surface data is very difficult, even Higgs and others need assistants to help.

  Although these bigwigs in the seats were moved, they were really powerless.

   But it's different now.

  Faced with the generated data, they do not need to perform large-scale calculations, and what is tested is the ability to analyze the data for a long time.

  This is their strong point, just like riding a bicycle, and they may never forget it for a lifetime.

Of course.

  Some people are eager to try, and naturally some people feel a little dissatisfied with the practice of the Academy of Sciences.


   On the seat in the tenth row.

  Christine was holding her hands on her hips, looking angrily at Academician Pan on the stage:

   "Why do you have to be engaged in particle physics to have the right to vote? Is this discriminating against cosmology and statistical physics?!"

   Lu Chaoyang beside her smiled and explained:

   "Ms. Christine, after all, this vote is of great importance. In this case, statistical physics is still different from particle physics."

   "Although your attainments in particle physics are equally profound, not everyone is like you"

  Lu Chaoyang's words were not all compliments.

   During the previous particle calculation process, he discovered that this girl is indeed an all-rounder, and she has a deep research in particle physics.

   But it is obviously not appropriate to give the green light to Christine alone on this occasion, so I can only feel a little wronged by this filial daughter.

  As an assistant researcher at Harvard University, it is not difficult for Christine to understand this truth, so she simply complained:

   "Forget it, I hope there will be a chance in the future. By the way, why are the documents of your Academy of Sciences passed so slowly. Huh? Here they come!"

   The voice just fell.

  In front of Christine and Lu Chaoyang, a file icon appeared on the data terminal that was originally watching the live broadcast.

  Seeing this, Christine couldn't wait to sit back in her seat, and quickly clicked on the file.

  Although for a scientific researcher, there are more opportunities to contact paper reports on weekdays.

  However, the popularity of computer equipment is very high these years, and many experimental data are directly checked on the computer, so the current data terminal is not difficult to adapt to.

   Then soon.

  Kristen put on the noise-canceling earmuffs and began to check the relevant data.

  [Particle Detection Report] This word may be a bit of a bad street in 2023, basically you can see this thing in novels with black technology.

  However, what is the content of this kind of report and how should we look at it? I am afraid that there are not many people who know it.

   For example, a very simple question.

  At present, all particles are invisible to the naked eye, and the trajectory can only be simulated after the event through the cloud chamber, so how do physicists know what particles they captured?

   is an image?

   Or what probe test?


   The answer is yes the reported value.

  For example, the simplest value is the intrinsic property of the particle:

   Mass, charge, spin.

  On the basis of the above three, the report will also add a special column:

  CP properties.

  In addition, through the interaction, data such as the section of the generation channel and the branch ratio of the decay channel can be refined.

  Take the Higgs particle discovered by CERN in 2012 as an example.

  The Higgs particle predicted by the Standard Model is a neutral particle with spin 0 and CP ++.

  It has direct interaction with W, Z particles and fermions with mass, and the interaction strength is proportional to the mass of the particle.

   It can be seen in the original CERN report.

  They found the Higgs particle from a two-photon final state, which means that the new particle can decay into two photons.

   Students who have attended junior high school physics should know one thing:

   Photons have no charge.

  Therefore, it can be known from the conservation of charge that this particle is also not charged.


  Since the final state is two bosons, it can also be known that the new particle must be a boson.

   Then according to the conclusion of the Landau-Young theorem, it can be known that a particle with spin 1 cannot decay to two photons.

  Therefore, the spin of the new particle can only be 0, 2, 3….

  Next, CERN measured the cross-section and angular distribution of the new particle decaying to WW and ZZ and made a fitting, and found that everything was in good agreement with [CP++ particles with spin 0].

  Finally, CERN measured the final states of new particles to bb, mumu, and tautau, and the joint production of new particles and tt, and found that they were also in good agreement with the assumptions of the Standard Model.

   Therefore, it can be concluded that:

   This new particle is the Higgs particle.

   This is the real basis for judging which model a particle can be compared with.

   Useless knowledge added. JPG.

  So at this time, what these experts are comparing is the awareness of the particle model, not other abilities such as computing power.

   "Spin 1/2 is the same as the value calculated by Professor Witten and others before. It satisfies the Pauli exclusion principle and belongs to the standard energy localized field configuration"

   "The LL3 process has the largest cross-section, conforming to the fourth-order Feynman diagram oscillation."

   "Chi Chi Chi Chi."

   As a result, I looked at it.

  Lu Chaoyang suddenly frowned.

  His gaze stayed on a report numbered 43967777, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

  This is a band signal data label of a large event, recording a small bulge in the final state of tautau+gamma.

   There are hundreds of similar bulges in the entire report—as I said before, it is rare for CERN to conduct such a high-level experiment, and it must collect a variety of data.

  But the current bulge

   But a little strange.

   Well known.

  In quantum theory, the Hilbert space can be decomposed into a direct sum of Bose and Fermi state subspaces:


  If the fermion parity operator is defined as (1)F, F is the number of fermions, this is its invariant subspace decomposition.

  The eigenvalue +1 corresponds to the Bose state, and the eigenvalue 1 corresponds to the Fermi state.

  The spin of the Pluto particle is 1/2, that is to say, it belongs to the fermion.

  But the eigenvalue of the tautau+gamma final state of the bulge is +1.

  This is a bit strange

   And just as Lu Chaoyang frowned and thought.

  Suddenly, there was a slight hey in his ear—due to personal habits, he didn’t wear earmuffs:

   "Hey, what's going on with this data?"

  Lu Chaoyang turned his head subconsciously, and found that Christine was staring at the screen in front of him with a pen in his mouth, frowning.

   Seeing Lu Chaoyang looking towards her, the girl turned the screen towards Lu Chaoyang:

   "Hey, Lu, come and see this."

  Lu Chaoyang poked his head towards her.

   Discovered that the report on her screen was not the same one she was looking at, but document number 2200433.

   As a result, after glancing twice, Lu Chaoyang couldn't help raising his brows:

"This is."

  It is completely different from the content of the report in his hand.

   This report in Christine's hand has normal eigenvalues, but it is an expression for a scalar field!

   Mentioned earlier.

  The scalar field cannot describe the fermion, only the spinor field can describe the spin of the fermion. (see Chapter 455)

   This is very strange

   Then Lu Chaoyang thought about it, and handed his own data terminal to Christine:

   "Ms. Christine, to tell you the truth, I also found an abnormal report here."

  Christine looked up at him, took a look at the terminal.

   After a while.

  Christine's voice sounded in Lu Chaoyang's ear again, but this time, the carefree girl's tone was unusually tense:

   "Lu, do you remember your previous guess?"

  Lu Chaoyang was taken aback for a moment.

   After a few seconds.

  He suddenly thought of something, and tapped the arithmetic paper on the table with his index finger:

   "You mean the riddleman cough cough, the theoretical model that can be established in the 1TeV range?"

  Christine nodded heavily:

   "That's right, if that theory is applied, this phenomenon seems to have room for explanation."

  Lu Chaoyang's face changed for a while, he looked down at the report several times again, and finally frowned and sighed:

   ". It seems that it is not enough, the energy scale is still a little worse, no, it should be said that it is much worse."

   "For that theoretical model to be able to explain this phenomenon, other new evidence is needed."

   "Otherwise, the bigwigs at the scene would have already expressed their views—do you think you and I are the only smart people?"

  Christine heard the words and turned over the earlier calculation paper again, picked up the pen and calculated on it for a while, and then quietly said:

   "Indeed, the difference is at least two orders of magnitude."

  As Lu Chaoyang said.

   There are not a few scholars who have discovered this kind of abnormality. After all, there are thousands of people at the scene, and among them, there are less than 20 Nobel Prize winners.

   Maybe no one can fully figure out the cause and effect of the data anomaly for a while, but it is definitely not one or two people who discover the anomaly and think of ideas.

Of course.

   There are also some scholars who don't think so deeply.

  After confirming that the data was normal, someone soon pressed the voting button representing the existence of particles.

   At the first row.

  Looking at the progress bar showing 14 votes confirmed and 0 votes opposed displayed on the screen, Academician Pan still looked very calm.

  After all, in this kind of situation, it doesn't make any sense to pretend to be a horse and refuse to admit it, and it will actually affect your reputation.

   Right now.

   What academician Pan, Wei Teng and others really care about are also the problems presented in a few reports.

   After all, the process of proving the existence of a particle is very complicated, not to say that it is done after it is captured.

  The particle’s spin, CP properties, which kind of particle it belongs to, and what its constituent state is. All these must be explored.


  Witeng put his left hand around his chest, put his right thumb against his chin, frowned and said:

   "We have received 39 abnormal data. Although it has no effect on the conclusion of the existence of particles, this abnormal situation cannot be ignored."

   "What the **** is going on?"

  Beside him, Academician Pan, Zhou Shaoping, and Elder Yang also had puzzled expressions at this time.

  Due to the real-time transmission of signals, the supercomputing background of the Academy of Sciences could only give priority to verifying the existence of particles.

  So even Academician Pan and Hou Xingyuan, or even Carlo Rubbia, the head of CERN, they were not aware of this situation in advance.

   After a while.

  Hutfut's eyes moved slightly, he slowly raised his hand, and said:

   "Guys, I have an idea. Could this particle be similar to the X17 particle? - I mean a model rather than a case."

  Witten was taken aback for a moment:

   "X17 particles?"

  X17 particles.

   This is a very topical particle.

   This is an example published by the Atomki project team of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences a few years ago.

   At that time, they announced that the new particles discovered during the transition of helium atoms and the decay of beryllium-8 had properties close to a class of predicted bosons.

   Well known.

  The new boson represents a new interaction, so many articles at that time exaggerated the suspicion that humans had discovered the fifth force.

   But actually.

  In the follow-up multi-party verification, none of the institutions reproduced this phenomenon.

  At the same time, the Atomki project team has announced many appalling 'major discoveries' before.

  For example, they announced in 2001 that they had discovered a new particle of 9eV, in 2005 they announced the discovery of the abnormal behavior of multiple particles caused by the new particle, in 2008 they announced the discovery of a new particle of 12eV megaelectron volts, etc.

  But the above findings have not been reproduced for the second time so far.

  So the Atomki project team is also nicknamed the Internet celebrity project team in the industry.

But on the other hand.

  Although the case of the X17 particle is likely to be false, its model is still quite informative.

  Its manifestation is the excited state of electronium, and its mass is between the ground state of electronium and the π0 meson.

  Theoretically, the electron momentum of electronium has reached a certain mutation state, which may indeed cause some abnormal data.

   But soon.

  Higgs, who has the deepest research on particle models on the spot, shook his head:

   "Unlikely, Gerald, if it is a similar principle of the X17 particle, then it must first decay to produce a positron-electron pair."

   "If positrons are generated, then there must be some signs in the range of 1.022MeV, but unfortunately."

   Speaking of Higgs, he pointed to a blank space in the report:

   "There is no positron-generated signal here."

  Terhooft leaned forward and looked at it for a while, then nodded silently.

   Higgs is right.

   That is to say

  The model of X17 particle is not applicable to the present situation.

   So what is the situation with this exception?

   Just when the atmosphere at the scene was a little gloomy.

   A voice suddenly sounded in Higgs' ears:

   "Ah, it's so strange."


  The doctor told me to be hospitalized, it’s difficult, but I actually feel that I’m alright

  (end of this chapter)