MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 200

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Standing behind Director Guo is a young man with a smile. He looks like he has just stepped out of school, but his book volume is not strong. Instead, he has a sharp sense of society and is probably used to this "business" The reception of the banquet, at this time, is holding the wine bottle respectfully, ready to pour wine to the leaders.

Anyone can see that he is a standard attendant. Whether it is dressed or long-term, it is not the most attractive presence in this room, but Chen Yuanming can't look away. He did not expect that he can still live in this life. Meet again with this person.

Shen Jiankun.

The man who fell in love with him for 5 years in the last life, passed the professorship, worked side by side, and also pushed him to hell.

Those memories that were about to be forgotten suddenly came to my mind. Chen Yuanming couldn't control the figure with his own control, but at this time, Shen Jiankun was not exactly what he remembered. Too young, too shallow, lacking sleek demeanor, can not talk about taste and charm, just curled up in the back of Director Guo with a charming smile.

He doesn't remember Shen Jiankun's previous life on the exchange, and he can't guess what changed his life. The spacious round table is separated between two people, like a Chuhe Han realm that can't be more clearly distinguished. Everything used to be, but now it looks different.

"Mr. Chen?"

At the scene, all the battle-fried old churros were present, and there was no slow response. Guo Yang immediately noticed that the guest and guest in the seat had a different look, but with a glance, he found that the attendant brought by himself attracted each other Eyes. what happened? He hadn't heard Xiao Shen mention it ...

Chen Yuanming retracted his gaze and smiled slightly. "It made Director Guo laugh, that your secretary Shen is a bit like a friend of mine."

"That's a coincidence! Xiao Shen, you have to give Mr. Chen two more ..."

Guo Yang heard a laugh, and hit a round. Shen Jiankun is also wink, and the smile on his face is more and more eager, so he has to pour wine to the young man in the seat. Chen Yuanming did not stop, so he let him fill the glass in front of himself.

The hands that carefully held the Maotai bottle were slender, and each nail was trimmed neatly. I wonder whether it was excited or excited, and the fingers were shaking. There was a bit of water in the drooping peach eyes, and the eyes were curved, smiling. Every detail is so familiar, but for this person, Chen Yuanming can no longer burn even a trace of emotion.

He simply nodded at Shen Jiankun, Chen Yuanming raised his wine glass and greeted Guo Yang with a smile. With the guest and guest attitude, the banquet immediately returned to the original lively atmosphere, but nowadays, with the Australian mines as the support, even if the leader of Baosteel comes, Chen Yuanming will have a little face, not to mention a small exchange director . Guo Yang's unscrupulous communication methods seemed to run into the wall, but he was delayed in the room for more than ten minutes, and he didn't set out what he wanted. In the end, he could only say goodbye with a smile.

Chen Yuanming's eyes stopped for a moment on the back of the two men, and then he looked away and continued to talk to the factory director Li about business.

Gently closing the carved door of the VIP room, Shen Jiankun hurried forward and followed in the footsteps of Guo Yang. Although he knew that his boss was not in a good mood, he whispered, "Director Guo, this is the person we are trying to fight for recently?"

"Well, this kind of difficult thing is pushed to me." Guo Yang resentfully replied, "Well, it is also the industry of the western Henan mining industry that I ran in before. I do n’t know how much effort it took, I just want to cut a seam in the eggshell. As a result, I do n’t think I have to spend that effort. Is n’t the joint venture half of the state-owned, or concentrate on prying the government corner ... ”

Shen Yangkun also knows about this matter by Guo Yang. Now the battle between the financial and trade center between Shanghai and Shenzhen is already in full swing. Several major securities companies have rolled up their sleeves and put themselves into battle. Shanghai is preparing to separate out metal futures. , With the wrist of the Shenzhen Metal Exchange. I heard that the state is paying more and more attention to metallurgical issues, and the gossip is even clearer on several non-ferrous metals. Although the western Henan mining industry is rooted on molybdenum ore, aluminum ore and other non-ferrous minerals are not a minority. It is naturally a good thing to be able to pull it to the chariot in Shanghai.

To this end, the exchange has sent many people to continue to operate, but the effect has not been satisfactory. Therefore, when he heard the news of President Chen's coming to Shanghai, the boss of his family would come forward. Who knew that he was so proud that he didn't even give the face of the exchange. Listening to Director Guo's point of view, this guy might be more than just a miner?

Shen Jiankun raised his lips slightly, and his curiosity grew stronger. In fact, when he was just in the room, he was ridiculed and turned around and turned a blind eye, which really made him a little embarrassed. But after taking a closer look, Shen Jiankun really felt that the surname Chen was kind. For more than ten minutes in the room, he had been watching this young and unexpected boss, and the more he saw it, the more he felt wrong. The "likeness" of this person was too strong. Weird, is it a gunner with only one side?

Thinking of it, he inevitably felt a little bit itchy. Such a big boss is young, handsome, and wealthy. If he can hang up the bolt, how many decades of struggle? Even if he can't hold people back, having a handle is enough for him to spend some time ...

His heart was colorful, but Shen Jiankun's face remained calm, but he seemed to suggest to the boss, "Will you set up a bureau someday and make a 'personal relationship' with him?"

"Private dating?" Guo anode sneered in disdain, "I'm afraid the people we can provide are terrible. It's okay to deal with the people below. I'm having a hard time dealing with the boy named Chen. I heard that the boy was close to the Xiao family. For reasons, there is no 'entertainment' for the characters who mix with the princes every day ... "

Xiao family? For a moment, Shen Jiankun opened his eyes and suppressed the shock in his heart. He forcedly asked calmly, "Which Xiao family is the one who married Shanghai Liu ..."

"Which Xiao family can there be in Shanghai?"

This answer really scared Shen Jiankun. Until then, he suddenly remembered where he had met the general manager Chen. It was the first time that he had traded in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. He was almost killed by a hidden stake. In order to avenge his opponent, he found out the identity of the person through the network and quietly sent the news. Spread it out, creating a major case that shocked Shanghai.

That man was Chen Yuanming in front of him. Only a few years later, the little ghost turned into a mature man, and his identity, temperament, and even his life changed. Only then did he fail to think of it. That Xiao family! Shen Jiankun wasn't the gimmick with a higher arrogance and a higher eye than the sky. Soon after the major case of that year, he heard the inside story of the murder. It turned out that more than one person was killed, but also a grandson of the Xiao family. For this matter, Shenyin was cleansed again. The city did not know how many police officers were arrested to arrest the fugitives and suspects. Even the red vest he had bought through was in the game, but there were too many security holes at the time. He There was no suspicion, and he was lucky to escape.

But the shock this incident gave him is still not small. Having spent a long time in the big family room, he also became more and more aware of the significance of status. In this world, being rich is not a panacea. Only by holding the right can you become a real superior. Therefore, in the end, he chose to enter the securities system and become an insider who can step on the ladder.

How easy it is for such an identity. Now he is also on Guo Yang's thigh. This is Wang's line of troops. It is an important channel for Beijing to connect with Shanghai. Thanks to his talent in finance, this new boss has made his eyes stand. However, as soon as his career has improved, he suddenly encountered such an "old man", how can he not make his back cold?

Was anyone aware of what they had done? Thinking of this possibility, Shen Jiankun cold sweat all came down. What does that look mean ...

Relieving the turmoil in his heart, he cleared his throat and said to his boss, "Director, why don't I go and check this person's resume? No one is perfect, but there must be weaknesses. If you can find a cut in It ’s not easy for us to do things ... ”

Glancing at his subordinates who asked him to take the initiative, Guo Yang snorted, "People are rich and powerful now, even if there is a leak, it is not something we can catch at this level. Let's stare at the state-owned assets over West Henan I heard it was planned ... "

Although Guo Yang's remarks were too elusive, Shen Jiankun was determined. The exchange may not really want to form an alliance with the surname Chen, but he must deal with him? In this society, only the wolf eats sheep, and no one can show off his power in front of the wolf, so afraid that it is not the tiger ...

With a smile on his face, Shen Jiankun nodded and said yes. As long as it is not on a boat, this time he has to hide himself firmly and see who can laugh to the end ...


"Why did you call suddenly today? Business talks are completed?"

"Slightly frowning ..."

"Yo, this doesn't sound like a good news."

"Of course not. I just ..." Chen Yuanming paused and smiled, "I miss you a little."

After the last agreement, the relationship between the two has changed again, like going through a period of intense and ardent love, and entering a deeper level. I can't wait for the love affair to be more than half, and the old wife and wife seem to be more tacit. Therefore, this abrupt call made Xiao Junyi somewhat surprised and a little surprised.

Over the past month, too much has happened, and people have been dizzying. They haven't stayed in peace for a long time. Now that I'm seeing my birthday coming, receiving such a call naturally makes people expect.

"I'll go around Hangzhou in the next few days. Should I go boating together on West Lake?"

"As long as you have time," Chen Yuanming laughed. "I just want to give you a birthday gift."

"Did you forget?" Xiao Junyi's voice brought a sense of joy.

"It's impossible to forget in the future."

The voice coming from the microphone was straightforward and affectionate. Xiao Junyi's peach eyes were bent.

"Are you still excited?" Chen Yuanming laughed softly, but his heart was at ease.

What he has gained in this life has already covered everything that was lost in previous lives. With Zhuyu in front, how could it be sorry for Yume. Those flames, those angers, those hates are gone, it doesn't hurt, it's like a dream. Rather than thinking about these things, it is better to treasure the moment and firmly hold your own treasure.

He doesn't mind being a miser, as long as it is something worthy of his life's protection.

Holding the handset tightly, Chen Yuanming turned slightly and stretched his body against the sofa. The voice on the phone was still relaxed. He responded with one touch and the other with a smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: I finally came back, and I've just lost a layer of skin these days ...

It's a bit late today, and I'll continue to be busy for a few days. I'll fight for the day, the time will not be determined.