MTL - Invincible Exchange System-Chapter 20 Test IQ?

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少女 This girl looks at herself with a smile, her eyes seem to speak, as if to say: handsome, come, come X me!

I just looked at each other for a moment, and Wang Shu felt a chill. If I had to find a simple and rough word to describe the image of this girl, it would be a look of dissatisfaction on her face.


The young girl seemed to find something interesting and smiled, covering her mouth, but the dissatisfaction in her eyes and face became more and more obvious.

"Gao Xiang, do you think this waste idiot is not qualified to enter Qingfeng Pavilion?" The more Shuai Wu looked at Wang Shu, the more he felt uncomfortable and turned to shout.

"Gao Xiang, tell you about the last time you were in Spring Garden. How is this waste idiot idiot? If you don't believe it, I can give you a try once, and you know how idiot this idiot is!" After seeing Gao Xiang, Wu Shuai had the bottom of his heart. The last time Wang Shu chose silver between gold and silver, it was hot in their small circle.

帅 Wu Shuai's words fell, and one of the crowds that originally surrounded him came out, which is exactly what Gao Xiang, who Wang Shu is familiar with.

"Oh, this is Wu Sha's personal inspection. After all, the young just said that everyone didn't believe it!" Gao Xiang smiled awkwardly when he saw Wang Shu, especially when he thought of all the past, he found it unexpectedly, and he clearly It's that idiot who's been fooled by each other.

"Well, in this case, let everyone see how stupid this idiot is! Give me two plates of gold and silver!" Wu Shuai also felt guilty and decided to verify Wang Shu's IQ on the spot, He said.

帅 Wu Shuai's words fell, and soon his men appeared in front of Wang Shu with a large plate of gold and silver.

"What are you doing?"

怎么 "Why inexplicably come up with a plate of gold and a plate of silver?"

"I didn't expect Master Wu to use this trick!"

Most people have not heard of Wang Shu and are confused by Wu Shuai's actions, but many people understand that the inside look is smiling and smiling, and they are waiting for Wang Shu to make a fool of himself.

废物 "Waste, if you dare to lose your sister's face today, I will make you look good!" Lan Xue's eyes were full of hate, and at a glance you saw Wu Shuai's intention. She hated Wang Shu, but she did not like Wu Shuai either. Today she was forced to accompany Wu Shuai.

"Wang Shu, I heard that you have a tight hand recently, I have some gold and silver here, and I plan to give it to you. But I don't have much money. You can only choose one of these two, you choose." Wu Shuai remembered the original With Gao Xiang's means, he wanted to laugh in his heart. There are even such idiots in the world who said with a smile on their faces.

Those who came with Wu Shuai naturally heard of Wang Shu's original idiots, and he covered his mouth one by one to try not to make himself laugh, even Wu Shuai could not help but laugh.

"a bunch of idiots!"

But they didn't notice that Gao Xiang, the initiator of this incident, was bitter, and could not help cursing in his heart. If Wu Shuai is really an idiot, they are not as good as an idiot.


I saw that Wu Shuai was actually learning Gao Xiang to play this set. Wang Shu twitched his lips and almost laughed, but stiffly resisted the laughter. Because he decided to hit this Wu Shuai's face fiercely, even dare to hit his own blue moon wife's idea, who wouldn't hit you? Can my blue moon wife make an idea?

Master Wang Shu deliberately put on a look of gratitude, and asked with some uncertainty: "Do you want to give me money?"

"Haha, this idiot!"

"Mom's mental retardation!"

However, when Wang Shu spoke, Wu Shuai and his classmates couldn't help but smile.

Wu Shuai patted Gao Xiang on the shoulder and said with satisfaction: "Brother Gao, you can!"

"Damn, a group of mentally retarded!"

When Gao Xiang saw Wang Shu's deliberately stupid face, why couldn't he understand that they clearly wanted to pit you, and you were still happy. In retrospect, I didn't know that I seemed to have been so pitted. Gao Xiang wanted to remind Wu Shuai and his party, but found that Wang Shu occasionally looked at him badly, so he had to hold back his words and dared not to speak.

"Hum, a group of mentally retarded people, you usually look down on me. Today it is okay for you to be pitted by Wang Shukeng, who has been pretending to be an idiot." But Gao Xiang quickly found a way to comfort himself, secretly in his heart.

帅 Wu Shuai held back his smile and pretended to be serious: "Yes, of course it's for you, but you can only choose one of these two sets."

"Ah, you are so nice. I want this!"

King Wang Shu clapped his hands, rushed to the silver plate, and robbed him rudely, as if he was a monkey protecting his food, hiding aside, afraid of Wu Shuai's remorse.

"Haha, this idiot!"



I saw that Wang Shu had chosen silver as expected, and a group of people laughed wildly, and they couldn't hold their mouths together, their chests were stuck to their backs.

唉 "Well, General King is a sin!"

"Poor King I is so famous that he has such an idiot's son!"

"This idiot has lost General Wang's face this time."

"Unfortunately, the beauty of Lanyue is like a flower, and she married such a waste idiot!"

"Sadly, sigh, the Blue City Lord has such a son-in-law!"

"Don't you think he's pretending to be stupid? When he was murdered just now, he wasn't like that!"

Originally, the people who had just watched the crowd finally responded. No wonder Wu Shuai said that Wang Shu was an idiot and was not qualified to enter Qingfeng Pavilion. Now it seems true. However, many people think of Wang Shu, who had previously killed people like hemp. How could such a person be a waste idiot?

"Wang Shu! Good, you are fine!"

Lan Xue heard the voice of slandering her father in the crowd, she was out of anger, her **** had not yet developed and fluctuated, and she was almost out of breath. If she was not afraid of destroying her father's reputation, she would now like to Killed Wang Shu.

额 "Uh ... is he really an idiot?"

Gao Xiang who was still waiting to see the jokes of Wu Shuai's group stopped. This was different from what he expected. Wasn't Wang Shu supposed to choose gold to make this group embarrassed? Why did you choose silver? Can't figure it out, Gao Xiang can't figure it out.

"Brother Gao, that's right. This method is really the only way to detect IQ!" Wu Shuai has been happily unable to humiliate Wang Shu in front of so many people, which is very cool, especially with this The way IQ crushes is shame.

"Hehe, hehe."

Even Wang Shu followed the "smirk" with satisfaction, but his heart was laughing secretly: "laugh? Now you can laugh and hurry up, I will make you cry for a while!"