MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 209 Town management warehouse

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The town of Mambach manages the warehouse!

There are many materials stored here, which belong to the official Mambach town, which is equivalent to the property of Mambach town, but also belong to the lord of Mambach, because the entire Mambach town is the property of the Mambach family, and Mambach town itself is Mambach town The residence of the family.

However, the lord of Mambach has a lord's mansion and has his own "treasury". Relatively speaking, the treasury is more tightly guarded, while Mambach's "Town Management Warehouse" is managed by the Mambach guards, which is more lax.

The military force of Mambach Town, in addition to the "Mambach Town Guard Army" guarding the safety of Mambach Town, referred to as "Town Guard Army", and the Law Enforcement Administration Bureau that manages the security of Mambach Town, there is also the corps of servants in the "Conference Hall". The guard of the lord's mansion.

Among them, the "Servant Legion" in the Chamber of Commerce is the elite of all the elite regiments in Mambach Town, and only obeys the orders of the "Conference Hall" and serves the "Presbyterian Council".

The second is the 'Fusion Guard' under the control of the Lord's Mansion. There are about 500 people in the Mansion Guard, and they only obey the orders of the Lord's Mansion.

The "Town Guard Army" has the largest number of people, and it is also a serious military organization in Mambach Town. It has about 3,000 people and is the backbone of Mambach Town.

The last is the Law Enforcement Management Bureau, which belongs to the daily maintenance and maintenance managers of Mambach Town. There are thousands of people, but there are mixed people inside.

The 'Town Management Warehouse' belongs to the guards of the Town Guard Army.

Speaking of this, I want to mention one person, and that is the 'Mayor of the Town' Li Xiao.

In addition to the lord of Mambach, there are several real power departments in Mambach Town. Usually, the lord will not intervene in all the big and small things in the town. Lord Bach decides.

The "Town Bursar" is the manager of Mambach's daily affairs. In terms of rights, he is second only to the few high-ranking officials in the town.

Li Xiao is not only the chief of the town, but also one of the deputy army chiefs of the "Zhenwei Army".

One is Li Xiao, the other is Xi Ze, and the last is Pang Hu. It is rumored that Pang Hu is the confidant of the army commander and the daily manager of the "Zhenwei Army". As for the head of the legion, it is like a mystery. Neither Li Xiao, the mayor, nor Nishizawa, the other deputy head of the legion, have never seen it before, because every time they appear, the other party is wearing a dark black hood. Isn't it just wearing a mask on his face and never showing his true face to others.

And the three deputy army chiefs, Pang Hu, Caesar, and Li Xiao, have been fighting openly and secretly for many years.

Such a situation may have been caused by the upper echelons of Mambach Town, including Lord Mambach, who probably did not want any too 'powerful' figures to appear in Mambach Town.

"Just follow me, don't be afraid!"

Gu Liyan is in the front, leading the way to the gate of the 'Town Management Warehouse'. She has the ability to make the guards inside and outside the warehouse instantly fall into the dream she wove, performing short-term, large-scale sexual hypnosis .

Sophia hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward quickly, raised her hand and slapped the unbearably tight place. Mengyan was wearing leather pants that were particularly slim and wrapped tightly around her body, so her figure was particularly prominent.

"What are you doing?" Gu Liyan stopped and frowned, she was not very happy about being slapped for no reason.

There was a slight smile on Sophia's face, and it disappeared in a flash, but the smile was very clean and pure. She slapped her on purpose, and she accidentally gave birth to a playful heart. Who told the other party to have such a good figure.

"Have you forgotten what the city lord said? This kind of thing has to be sneaky. Let's walk in ostentatiously, and then ostentatiously carry away the equipment of the Black Armored Army. Looking back, the first thing people think of is you, except for the succubi. Who else has this powerful hallucinogenic and hypnotic ability? If you do this, everyone will be harmed!"

In the end, the words and expressions became serious.

Gu Liyan was stunned for a moment, and also realized that what she did was indeed wrong. Maybe no one will find out now, but what they will have to face in the future is not only Lord Mambach, but also the follow-up and investigation of the town's masters. The army will definitely send masters over.

Even if such a small trick tricked the masters in Mambach Town, it could not escape the investigation of the Black Armored Army.

"You're right...but next time, just say it directly, don't hit me again." Gu Liyan admitted with a cold face that she really didn't think carefully, emphasizing that she really minded Sophia's 'offensive' behavior.

Sophia usually has a straight face, or is silent, and rarely takes the initiative to joke with others, and fights with others. In fact, she is not very old.

"it is good!"

Sophia nodded flatly, expressing that she understands, and she will pay attention to her actions in the future. When passing by Gu Liyan, she said blankly: "It feels good!"

Gu Liyan was stunned for a moment, and frowned, it really is what kind of master there is, and what kind of subordinates there are.

Just when she was about to lift her leg, she was slapped again at the same place, with a 'slap', hot and even harder than Sophia's slap.

Eyes full of anger looked towards the person who did it, but Heizi was laughing and winked at her: "Don't be angry, I'm just curious about what Master said, and I don't understand what it means to feel good."

Gu Liyan's eyes were burning and he said, "If you don't understand, you are attacking me?"

"I understand now!"

Heizi put away his smile, finished speaking in a serious manner, and while quickly chasing after Sophia in front, he muttered softly: "It really feels good!"

Gu Liyan looked at the two masters and apprentices in front of them, and suddenly couldn't help but covered her mouth and smiled, and shook her head helplessly, both big and small were not serious.


Maybe... It's okay, although it hurts a bit, it's still within the acceptable range, and she can accept this kind of joke.

Sophia, Heizi, and Gu Liyan are all masters of concealment, and Gu Liyan, as a nightmare clan, is also a master of illusion hypnosis and assassination!

It was easy to get past the guards of the 'Town Management Warehouse' and enter the warehouse.

"The town management warehouse is so big!" Heizi was a little shocked.

In the warehouse, various metal ores, Zerg corpses collected last night and this morning, and a large amount of black fuel were placed.

"How can there be so much black fuel?" Sophia frowned.

Gu Liyan is thoughtful, UU reads www.uukanshu. com recalled the news about the skyrocketing price of black fuel a few days ago, and said flatly and softly: "Nine out of ten times out of ten, the price of black fuel is controlled by the upper echelons of Mambach Town."

"What we are looking for is the equipment of the Black Armored Army!" Heizi reminded the two of them.

The purpose of sneaking into the 'Town Management Warehouse' was not to investigate black fuel, but to find equipment from the 'Black Armor Army'.

After rummaging for a long time, I finally found the armor, weapons, and other scattered equipment worn by the Black Armored Army next to the shelves of advanced Zerg materials.

"There are so many, how do we move away?" Gu Liyan frowned.

Sophia looked at her: "You should be able to carry a lot of things at once by turning into a 'Nightmare Clan'!"

Gu Liyan stared at her beautiful eyes, turning herself into a load? Isn't this humiliating! I am a majestic 'Nightmare Clan', and I am not a horse, how can I carry things for others!

Before she could speak, Sophia said calmly again: "The city lord said, if you behave well tonight, I will give you the pair of eyeballs of the 'Dragonworm King of the Underworld'!"

Gu Liyan swallowed the words that came to her lips!