MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 219 trek

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In the early morning, Li Yinguang opened his eyes and looked at the sleeping beauty beside him. The corners of his mouth could not help but curl up. What they said was right, the world has changed, and the concept in his heart must also change.

The duty of the armored city lord is to plunder, occupy, expand, and grow without limit until the world rules can be reset.

Coming out of the bedroom, Li Yinguang knew that Sophia was in the shadow by the wall, and asked calmly, "Has Gu Liyan left?"

In the shadow by the wall, Sophia came out, shook her head expressionlessly and said, "Not yet!"

Li Yinguang grinned at her: "Then inform her, tell Gu Liyan that I have changed my mind, and let her go to Qingzhou Prefecture with the Iron Armored City of the 'Ancient Castle', and cannot stay in Mambach Town."

Sophia smiled, but she quickly covered it up and nodded calmly. She has to save enough face for our city lord, right?

Li Yinguang coughed, pretended not to see, and walked straight towards the restaurant.

"Xue Niang, prepare a breakfast for Lan Ling, and bring it to her room when she wakes up." Li Yinguang sat on the dining table and instructed Xue Niang, guessing that Lan Ling would not be able to get out of bed all day today.

"it is good!"

Xue Niang covered her mouth and smiled, she is someone who has been there, so she naturally understands what happened.

Li Yinguang raised his head and said seriously to Xueniang: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill your promise in a short time. The Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle is about to start, and the destination is Qingzhou Prefecture or Turtle Dove City. The town is 7,000 kilometers away, and the city of Turtle Dove is about 20,000 kilometers away from the town of Mambach."

After a short pause, he continued, "The lord of the city approves of your delicious food, and hopes that you can continue to serve everyone in the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle."

Xueniang was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly and said, "Even if you don't take the initiative to mention it, I still want to tell you."

Li Yinguang looked at her: "Do you want to leave the iron armored city of the ancient castle and go back to the snowy wasteland? I can let you go, but you should know that this journey will be very dangerous. Not only will you have to face all kinds of strange things, snow beasts, but also And the deadly cold will kill you!"

Xue Niang shook her head: "City Master, you misunderstood. In fact, some time ago, I asked someone to find out that our Shuangxue tribe has been breached. Even if I go back, I can't find my relatives. I can't be allowed to stay in the Castle for a long time to serve you!"

Li Yinguang said: "Of course, you can. From now on, you will be a permanent member of the Iron Armored City of our Ancient Castle, in charge of the kitchen, and your salary will be based on the established standards."

Xueniang bowed slightly to express her respect and thanks.

After the housekeeper Goda came over, Xueniang turned around and walked away in a sensible manner.

"How much black fuel Andy Fei promised to allocate for us?" Li Yinguang asked while drinking fish porridge.

Goda, the steward, said: "The people in charge of logistics in the Lord's Mansion are only willing to allocate us black fuel that can travel 3,000 kilometers for the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle!"

Li Yinguang shook his head: "No, at least we need black fuel for the Iron Armored City of Gubao to travel 10,000 kilometers. Tell the other party that we will not go without it. If someone blames me, blame the city owner and say what I said! "

If you want to save even some fuel, then what benefits will you have in the future.


Li Yinguang stopped the housekeeper who wanted to turn around and leave, and continued: "By the way, ask Busters if he would like to go to Turtle Dove City with him. The dog called over, I have something to tell him."

Butler Goda nodded, then turned and left.

Not long after, the guard old dog walked over quickly: "City Lord, you call me!"

Li Yinguang wiped his mouth with a napkin, looked at him and said, "You stay in Mambach Town!"

The old dog was stunned, but he nodded for no reason, "Okay!"

"You are more aware of the situation at the sugar company. In addition, the newspaper office, the castle store, and the 'unqualified assassins' recruited and trained by Sophia from the slums all need someone to coordinate and manage them. It is impossible to take everyone away, and it is impossible for us to give others the situation that is difficult to deal with. So after thinking about it, I think you are the most suitable person to stay, let alone the intelligence organization "Dark Wind", It was also you who recruited people to build it!" Li Yinguang said.

The old dog nodded: "City owner, don't worry, the old dog knows what to do!"

Li Yinguang said: "Okay, normally, the sugar company, the newspaper office, and the old castle store don't need to pay too much attention to them, as long as there is no big trouble, and... pay attention to your own safety!"


The steward Goda went to the Lord's Mansion, and had a rough fight with the steward who distributed the black fuel for a long time. It was almost noon before the black fuel was brought back.

"The black fuel that can travel tens of thousands of kilometers for the 'Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle'!"

Li Yinguang nodded in satisfaction, and was not surprised by this. If he wanted to follow the Mambach family wholeheartedly, he couldn't be reluctant to give this little 'fodder'.

It is not known how long the price of black fuel can last at this high level.

At noon, snowflakes floated in the sky again.

The Lord's Mansion sent someone to notify them, and went outside the town to join the Ironclad City formation of the Mambach family.

"Let's go!"

Li Yinguang did not hesitate. After receiving the order, he activated the 'Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle' and headed out of the port. In the morning, he wanted to go to the slums to see old man Zhou in the black-hearted grocery store, and to go to the factory store directly under the Goblin Empire to see the little beauty, but he gave up in the end!

In the control room, Gu Liyan was holding a tall crystal cup in his hand. There was a dark red liquid in it, whether it was blood or wine.

The cup is their own, and so is the wine!

She did not choose to violate the 'contract', and did not argue with Li After Sophia notified her, she just frowned slightly, and then calmly agreed.

"Brother, where is Qingzhou Prefecture? Is it far away?"

Xiaoman was very happy, chatting with Li Yinguang non-stop.

If it weren't for the fact that Mambach Town is likely to become a war bridgehead, and the unrest factor is too high, Li Yinguang even wants to keep her and Heizi. Next fall, Mambach Town College will have the "Imperial College Enrollment Season" every ten years. There are two places in the town of Mambach.

The more he knows about this world, the more Li Yinguang understands what this 'opportunity' means!

The stepping stone of 'Imperial College' is definitely very important to small forces with no background and cannot be ignored.

Li Yinguang smiled wryly and said: "It should be quite far. According to the data, 'Qingzhou Prefecture' is more than 7,000 kilometers away from 'Mambach Town'. Calculated at a speed of 500 kilometers per day, it will take more than ten days to get there. "

The maximum speed of the Iron Armored City of the "Old Castle" is 65 kilometers per hour, but after a long journey, it can only drive 50 kilometers per hour. This speed may not be able to keep up with the Iron Armored City of the Mambach family.

Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future