MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 33

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"Are you still mad at me?" The fingertips slid gently across the jawline, resting on the cheeks, and the coolness penetrated into the skin.

Wen Ning raised her chin, not knowing why, "Why are you angry?"

Her eyelids drooped, her expression seemed contemptuous and disdainful, there was a feeling that she knew but pretended not to know. With her temperament, it was very likely that she would react in this way.

"I'm sorry," Gu Chixi sighed, lowly and sincerely, "I misunderstood last time."

Wen Ning suddenly remembered, oh.

It was pouring rain outside, the wind was howling, the windows were smashed and swayed, making a series of "bang dong" sounds, like the beat of a drum in the heart.

Gu Chixi held Wen Ning's face and kissed her lips, "You shouldn't be so emotional."

Things involving Wen Ning always made it difficult for her to control her emotions. It was clearly not the case before. Maybe it was because there was too long a gap between them. She was very uneasy, and she became nervous whenever there was trouble.

In fact, she understands that too much urgency will push people away.

"It's alright," Wen Ning closed her eyes, "Anyway, it doesn't matter if you play your own way. You can go if you want. I promise not to interfere."

After speaking, the voice seemed a little lacking.

"Do you think so?" Gu Chixi asked in surprise.

Wen Ning pursed her lips, bit her head and hummed.

The room was suddenly silent, and a trace of cool moisture invaded and surrounded, and the wind and rain made the air stuffy and damp, and even the pores were sticky.

Wen Ning didn't dare to open her eyes, she didn't dare to look at Gu Chixi's expression at the moment, she really wanted to take back the angry words she just said in her head, but she was so stubborn that she couldn't hold her face, and it took a long time to say, "Don't let me see it. Just come."

She is also very possessive, and when she was a child, she often became angry about it.

At that time, Wen Ning was in the second year of junior high school, and Gu Chixi was in the second year of high school. They both studied in a private school, separated by several buildings. They go to school together, eat together, and go home together, and there is no room for a third person.

After school at noon one day, Wen Ning came out of the classroom and walked to the stairs as usual, but she didn't see Gu Chixi waiting there. She took out her mobile phone and called, but no one answered, and went to the classroom of the high school to find someone ,did not find.

She had to eat alone.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the cafeteria, Gu Chixi and a strange female classmate sat in their usual seat and ate face-to-face.

Wen Ning was angry and aggrieved, and rushed over with pouting, "Gu Chixi! Why didn't you wait for me!"

When you're angry, just call your name.

Gu Chixi and her classmates raised their heads and looked at her in amazement.

The girl was obviously frightened, and Gu Chixi said to her, "It's okay, my neighbor", then looked at her, and said in a half-coaxed tone, "Come and sit down with the dishes."

It behaved quite naturally.

The more Wen Ning thought about it, the more angry she became. She turned her head and left, hoping that if her sister called her twice, she would stop, and if she wanted her to turn back, she had to call again. As for letting her go back to sit, she must be coaxed in a good voice.

However, until she walked a long distance, no one called her.

Wen Ning didn't eat lunch that day and was sullen. In the afternoon, she called her mother and asked the family car to pick it up. She didn't want to take Gu Chixi's car anymore.

In the evening, Gu Chixi came to coax people.

Wen Ning buried herself in the quilt and arched it into a ball. Gu Chixi gently patted her head across the quilt and explained what happened today.

The teacher asked her to take her new classmates to get acquainted with the environment.

She forgot to notify Wen Ning.

"It's my sister's fault, don't be angry."

"Ling lemon good-"

Gu Chixi took Wen Ning out of the quilt, put her in her arms, pinched her earlobe, and coaxed her softly.

After a long time, Wen Ning said sullenly, "I'm not angry."

At that time, I was very simple, and I thought how could my sister leave herself to eat with others. As she got older and understood some things, she gradually realized that this kind of mentality was wrong.

Later, the love gradually grew, but the arrogant and arrogant temper was restrained.

When you like it, you become cautious.

Listening to Wen Ning's awkward words, Gu Chixi's dangling heart was relieved, she understood her, it was just being arrogant, she went down the steps herself.

"I'm not going to play outside," she said.

"Why?" Wen Ning continued with a stubborn lips, "So many beautiful sisters and sisters, you are not at all tempted? If it were me, I would—"

"How about you?"

She shut up immediately.

Gu Chixi couldn't help laughing, reached out and scratched her nose, and said softly, "Because I have you, I can't tolerate others."

Wen Ning was shocked and lowered her eyes, "You did it of your own accord, but I didn't let it go."


Gu Chixi looked at her tenderly, eyes like water.

The storm seemed to stop.

Feeling her gaze, Wen Ning was stared at a little uncomfortable, her cheeks were slightly red, "Actually..."


"If it was me, when I saw a friend carrying someone into the hotel, I couldn't help but guess. I don't blame you for that. But I will definitely ask before I draw a conclusion." She raised her eyes and looked at Gu seriously. late creek.

This is the main reason that makes her angry.

The fundamental reason is that she cares about Gu Chixi and what this person thinks of herself.

Gu Chixi pinched Wen Ning's earlobe and rubbed it like a child. At the end, he kissed it softly, "I know I'm wrong, wife."

"Don't yell."

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Am I the kind of person who cares about everything?" Wen Ning was shivering with the heat in her ears, and turned her head away.

Gu Chixi smiled reassuringly.

The thin lips turned from the earlobe to the chin, she kissed, suddenly remembered what she brought, and said, "I brought you something delicious."


Gu Chixi let go of Wen Ning reluctantly, walked to the table, opened two plastic bags, and took out the lunch box inside.

It's two big boxes of salt and pepper mantis shrimp.

Wen Ning sniffed, her eyes glaring, "How do you know..."

"Give me your hand."


Gu Chixi grabbed Wen Ning's right hand and leaned forward to look at it. There was a very small wound on the abdomen of the thumb, and the blood had coagulated to a point. She frowned slightly and took a Band-Aid from her bag.

"Don't post that." Wen Ning struggled twice.

Gu Chixi said paranoid: "Be obedient."


At the dinner table at noon, Wen Ning hurt her hand after eating two shrimps. She didn't eat any more, but she glanced at the plate from time to time, clearly very greedy. Gu Chixi saw everything in his eyes, helpless and funny, and wished he could bring the plate in front of her and peel it off for her with his own hands.

It was inconvenient to be in a large crowd, so Gu Chixi asked the hotel to pack two copies and bring them over.

At this moment, Wen Ning suddenly realized.

She was a little embarrassed and stopped asking questions. She reached out her hand to get the shrimp, but Gu Chixi stopped her and said, "Your hands are inconvenient, I'll peel it off and sit on the sofa."

"What if you get stuck too?" Wen Ning was not convinced.

Gu Chixi raised her eyes and smiled: "I peeled it off for you since I was a child, when did I hurt my hand?"


Wen Ning was stunned, thinking of things from her childhood.

In my memory, I was clumsy and couldn't peel shrimp very well, and the meat that was peeled off after a long time was in pieces, and I was greedy and anxious. One time, she was in a hurry, and recklessly stabbed her hand to bleed, and the pain made her cry, and she didn't eat for a long time.

In the days to come, as long as there are shrimps on the table and Gu Chixi by her side, she will always be able to eat the most complete meat in the fastest time.

Gu Chixi practiced the "unique skill" of peeling shrimp for her.

It's all old and old, and now I think about it, I feel a little sad, and the corners of my eyes are slippery.

"I know you're amazing," Wen Ning blinked and tilted the corners of her mouth with a hint of shyness on her face, "but you still have to be careful."

"it is good."

Gu Chixi listened to his wife's words, put on gloves, caught a shrimp and skillfully opened the shell, peeled one in about five or six seconds, and put the whole shrimp on the cover.

At first, Wen Ning could keep her eyes on it, but then she couldn't resist the temptation and simply ate it.

The speed of eating gradually couldn't keep up with the speed of Gu Chixi peeling.

After peeling the two large boxes of shrimp, Gu Chixi took off his gloves and washed his hands, which were clean without any traces. She poured a glass of water in front of Wen Ning, sat down, and watched her eat quietly.

"Is it tasty?"

"Um, ummm."

Wen Ning didn't have time to answer, she could only make a satisfied nasal sound.

Gu Chixi took out a piece of facial tissue, rolled it up, and carefully wiped the grease from the corner of her mouth, "The company will soon set up a base in Jiangcheng. At that time, some people will be dispatched to come here, and then we will recruit."

Suddenly speaking of business.

Wen Ning was stunned for a moment, then she speeded up her chewing and swallowed, "Why didn't you see the internal announcement?"

"Secret for now."

"Then you still tell me?"

Gu Chixi stretched out her index finger and poked her forehead, and said with a smile, "You are my wife, the company is mine and yours."

Who would have thought that Wen Ning raised her face and said solemnly, "Don't tell anyone about business secrets casually. The more people around you, the easier it is to betray you. Why are you so in love and stupid?"

"Do you think we are in love?" Gu Chixi looked at her with burning eyes.

Wen Ning lowered her head to eat shrimp.

Gu Chixi was slightly lost, and threw the paper ball into the trash can.

The wind was blowing harder outside, and through the glass windows full of water droplets, you could see that the trees on both sides of the road were trembling, as if they were about to be broken by the waist. on the ground.

After eating the shrimp, Wen Ning cleaned up the lunch box, threw it into the trash can in the corridor, washed her hands, took off her uniform and put on pajamas.

I got up early today, but the flight was canceled. I am full and sleepy.

"I'll sleep for a while."

"Go to sleep, I'll do some work." Gu Chixi took out the computer and sat down at the desk.

The table was facing the bed, Wen Ning got into the quilt, lay down, and quietly opened a crack, just enough to see Gu Chixi's figure.

She turned her face sideways, her black hair was slightly glowing, her jawline was soft and clear, like a perfect sculpture. When focusing, there is no smile, the expression is a bit cold, and there is an indifferent sense of alienation in the corners of the eyes and the brows.

Those eyes were like deep pools, and there seemed to be something heavy and depressing mixed in them, and the emotions were superficial, which taught people to not see the real thing or understand it.

Wen Ning suddenly felt that Gu Chixi was unfamiliar.

When she smiled at herself, she was still the familiar sister from before, but when she looked away from her face and stopped smiling, she suddenly became unfamiliar, as if she had changed from skin to bone in the past seven years one person.

Her heart twitched suddenly, releasing sourness, gnawing at her heart like a worm.

Wen Ning closed the gap and closed her eyes.

Unconsciously, sleepiness flooded into her brain, and she had a shy dream...

Going back to seven years ago, on the night of her twentieth birthday, Wen Ning summoned the courage to confess to Gu Chixi. In the candlelight, her sister smiled and nodded, then leaned down and kissed her.

She was caught off guard, unprepared, and responded jerkily and awkwardly.

My sister's kiss was delicate and gentle, very careful, guiding her little by little.

Sanity is devoured like this.

The candlelight elongated two shadows, and the air was filled with a sweet and greasy smell.

She closed her eyes and called out to her sister. The waves came and drowned her. She floated like duckweed and couldn't catch anything.

The picture flashed and repeated, shaking in front of her eyes again and again.

That feeling is real and clear.

Then, Wen Ning woke up.

There was a lot of sweat on her body, and it was sticky and uncomfortable. She half-closed her eyelids for a while, and suddenly realized that she had just had a C dream, her brain buzzed, and her face flushed.

The pants are like...

She got up quickly.

Gu Chixi was still sitting in front of the desk, tilted his head, and turned his eyes with a smile, "Awake?"

Wen Ning hummed in a low voice, avoided her gaze with a guilty conscience, and hurriedly got out of bed and went to the toilet.

When going out, Gu Chixi stood up, moved his back, and looked out the window, "Tomorrow, the typhoon should weaken, and when the flight will resume, we won't be notified until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a knock on the door.

The two froze at the same time.

Wen Ning asked loudly, "Who is it?"

"Captain Wen, it's me." The flight attendant's voice came from outside.

Gu Chixi calmly hid in the toilet, and before she could close the door, Wen Ning pulled her out and said in a low voice, "What if you want to borrow the toilet? Go to the closet."

Opening the wardrobe door, there was barely enough space to hide, Gu Chixi was pushed by Wen Ning like a chicken.

Then, Wen Ning opened the door.

"Captain, are we going to eat dinner together, or separately?" The chief purser stood at the door and didn't even look inside.

Wen Ning breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Eat each."

"it is good."

When the person left, she closed the door and quickly opened the wardrobe to let Gu Chixi come out.

"Scared me to death." Wen Ning pouted.

As soon as she turned around, Gu Chixi wrapped her waist from behind and said helplessly: "Ning Ning, do you think we are stealing love?"

"Who asked you to come here, the nice big suite doesn't live, come squeeze my small room."

"Today is Tanabata."

"What's wrong?"

"Valentine's Day."

"and then?"

Gu Chixi didn't speak anymore, buried her face in the back of her neck and hair.

She slept too much in the afternoon, and at night, Wen Ning was still full of energy.

Because of her dream C, she didn't want to talk to Gu Chixi very much. She avoided her eyes as much as possible and played with her phone alone. Gu Chixi didn't notice her abnormality at all. After answering a few calls, she kept working on her work.

The two were in the same room, each busy, quiet but not embarrassed.

There was thunder and lightning outside.

At eleven o'clock, Wen Ning put down her phone and went to take a shower, changed into clean disposable bottoms and pants, smeared herself, got into the bed, and continued to play games.

After a long time, Gu Chixi finally turned off the computer and went into the toilet with his clothes.

A figure was projected on the translucent glass. Wen Ning glanced over, turned back, and couldn't help but glance again. Hearing the sound of water, he suddenly remembered the dream.

Hot | meaning rushing from cheek to ear root...

Suddenly the phone rang.

Wen Ning's thoughts were interrupted, she raised her eyes to look at the desk, Gu Chixi's cell phone was ringing, she took a look, got up and walked to the toilet, and knocked, "Assistant Tan's phone."

"Help me pick it up." Gu Chixi's soothing voice came from inside.


Wen Ning sat by the bed with Gu Chixi's cell phone in her arms and pressed the green button, "Hello? Assistant Tan, Mr. Gu is taking a bath, so it's not convenient to answer the phone."

She acquiesced that Tan Jia knew that Gu Chixi was with her.

The phone was silent for a few seconds.


"Ah, it's okay, Captain Wen, I'll send you a WeChat message to President Gu, so I won't bother you." Tan Jia said with a cheerful smile.


The phone was hung up, and Wen Ning reached out and clicked like an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but the screen automatically returned to the menu page, and she clicked the memo without bias.

The page pops up directly.

The snow-white background board is densely filled with content.

[Ningbao menstrual period: around the 26th]

[8.5 Ningbao mask is used up, remember to buy]

[8.2 Ningbao planted **** lipstick color number 05, the counter is out of stock, remember to pay attention]

[7.31 Ningbao said he wanted to eat glutinous rice ribs]

[7.25 Change morning shift for Ningbao]

[7.21 Take Ningbao to see the aurora]


Wen Ning stared blankly at the screen, her heart was beating fast, and the cold white light scorched her eyes.

Her lips parted slightly.

The water suddenly stopped, she hurriedly exited the memo, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of the menu wallpaper, and found that it was a photo of her when she was a child, so she locked the screen, and pressed it on again, the screen was eighteen-year-old her.

A flash of lightning flashed across the window.

Wen Ning put the phone back in place and lay sideways in the bed. The temperature of the air conditioner was running high, but her body was cold and she couldn't stop shaking.

Listen to the rustling movement in the house.


The position around her sank slightly, and a warmth mixed with aroma wrapped her from behind. Gu Chixi's voice was soft: "Are you asleep?"


"Do you want to turn off the lights now?"


Wen Ning huddled in the quilt, her voice muffled, and then she heard two "pops", the room fell into darkness, and her heart also fell into chaos.

The ceiling is lit by the light from the phone screen.

Gu Chixi was about to call Tan Jia back, but when he saw the WeChat message, he didn't call back. He only sent the word "um", put the phone on the bedside table, and lay down next to the person next to him.

Lightning continued, illuminating the room as bright as day, and it was a bit scary.

It was raining heavily outside.

In the quiet night, the senses were infinitely magnified, Wen Ning stretched her body tightly, trying her best to restrain the trembling from her heart, breathing deep and shallow.

A hand rests on his waist.

The light lemon aroma poured into the tip of her nose, Wen Ning couldn't help shaking, and was immediately pulled into the arms of the person behind her.


Gu Chixi hugged Wen Ning, her lips brushed against her ear that could not stand the teasing the most.

Wen Ning didn't speak.

The breathing and breathing in the ear suddenly became heavier, hot and hot, and all of them fell on his face. Wen Ning moved uneasily, but was tied even tighter, and whimpered in her throat.

You can faintly feel a fire burning.

It was similar to a dream.


Wen Ning's heart suddenly jumped to her throat.

Another flash of lightning.

Suddenly thunder sounded.

Gu Chixi's strong arms hug Wen Ning firmly, the tip of her nose slides along her cheek to her chin, her voice is low | hoarse: "Can I do it?"


Mr. Gu: Can I?

Lemon cub: (brake.jpg)

——Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2020-07-2700:38:06~2020-07-2801:32:12~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 346285672; Moyan, Yingzuo, Lishou is all in silence, Qingpinxia, ​​a lump of meat? 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: rice. 32 bottles; 15 bottles of Wei Ran; 10 bottles of Shu Molan; 4 bottles of Ye Xingxing; 2 bottles of Oh;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!