MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 751 The method of refining spirits, the eyes of the great devil

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   "The method of refining spirits, a brand new school, can obtain the power of spirit beasts."

   This incident directly detonated the entire spirit control world. At first, it was thought to be a rumor, but later someone discovered that it seemed to be an ancient method.

   Not to mention, as long as the word "ancient" is added, the force will be raised several steps.

Then naturally, after a bloodbath broke out, the magic formula called Spirit Refining was widely circulated throughout the Great Spirit Dynasty, and the quick-witted people naturally realized that someone might be deliberately fueling the flames after discovering this situation. .

  Thus, even though he got the spirit refining method, he didn't use it immediately.

  This kind of people are usually people from big families, but they are from small families or casual people. After getting it, they don't have so many worries, and they use it immediately.

  The feeling of becoming stronger is really intoxicating.

But soon, the problem naturally broke out. After using the spirit refining method to refine the uncontracted spirit beast, it is impossible to control the spirit. Even the original contract will be destroyed and disappeared, and the contract cannot be established again. The road went dark.

This matter is also raging in the entire Great Spirit Dynasty. If it is big, it is also a big matter. After all, they have invested a lot of resources in spirit beasts. Contract, then as long as the spirit beast is refined, not only will it not lose, but it will also become stronger.

   It’s just that the contract has just been broken, so the relationship is still there, and it’s impossible to get rid of it for a while. It needs to gradually eliminate the subsequent impact of the contract through time, interests, etc.

  The practice of spiritual refinement spread to the entire Great Spirit Dynasty, and almost two-thirds of the masters of spiritual masters changed their schools. This incident naturally caught the attention of the Emperor Ling.

  As the ninth-level Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, although he devoted most of his energy to cultivating his four spirit beasts, he could see the danger of this spirit refining flow at a glance.

In the past, there was an equal contract between the spirit masters and the spirit beasts, but now that the spirit refining flow comes out, the spirit beasts may directly fall to the status and become a slave-like existence, being refined by the spirit masters at will. into ability.

  At first glance, it seems that the strength has become stronger, but there is a thing called overdraft, and Emperor Ling saw the problem at a glance.

Although he didn't know the importance of the contract, he also knew through the Lingling Flow that the Imperial Spirit Master was on the verge of reform. Once it broke out, it would definitely cause huge turmoil to the entire Great Spirit Dynasty. After all, this is a big change in the entire system. As a ruler, there is absolutely no possibility of being alone.

  As for suppressing the entire refining flow? Lingdi naturally put this idea behind him at the first time. According to the statistics of his imperial masters, if he really wants to do this, it will definitely cause a civil uprising.

   As the strongest, it is true that they can kill them all, but what should they do after they are killed?

   Most of the two-thirds of the spirit masters are actually scattered people and small families, supporting the entire Great Spirit Dynasty. Once they are all killed, he will not even have enough resources to provide daily expenses for the four spirit beasts under his command.

  Since he has the resources of the world, he should understand that it is not he who protects the entire Great Spirit Dynasty, but that he relies on the Great Spirit Dynasty to collect a large amount of resources to strengthen himself.

  Although he is squeezing the whole world, he has to correct his position and understand his relationship with the Great Spirit Dynasty.

   "Since you can't kill, let's call for security." Lingdi thought a lot in his mind, and the matter has become a foregone conclusion, so don't even think about turning the tables.

  If you can't stop the trend of the times, that is to make the trend of the times your own.

  Although Emperor Ling would not choose to refine the spirit flow, he could introduce certain policies to restrict and appease the spirit beast, so as not to cause problems with the spirit beast.

  In the past, spirit beasts were the foundation, but not anymore.

   "Besides that, we have to test the situation of the big families." Lingdi thought about this matter in his heart, and he was caught off guard, and so were those big families.

   The first to bear the brunt of the changes in the Great Spirit Dynasty was the Spirit Emperor, followed by those great families.

  This kind of change is not friendly to the big family, because it will overturn the original pattern.

   Judging from the information at hand, as long as they switch to spiritual flow, the resources required will drop immediately. Originally, the spiritual master needs to cultivate many spiritual beasts to ensure that he has no shortcomings.

  But it's different now, as long as you refine the spirit beast into your body, then you only need to cultivate yourself, saving countless resources.

  Even if this means that you need to fight in person, but the mighty power belongs to yourself, the sense of power is naturally not comparable to relying on spirit beasts.

  Although after becoming a Daluo Jinxian, the spirit beast can give the imperial spirit master a certain spirit beast ability by separating its own origin, it is only one point, which is completely different from refining spirits.

   But the question is how many people can reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian's strength?

   What's more, after the spirit beast separates from the original source, this part will be permanently lost, which will damage the strength and potential of the spirit beast.

   "This is a very good thing for the big family." Lingdi sighed, he has been balancing the relationship between the family through power.

  For Emperor Ling, the aristocratic family has both advantages and disadvantages.

   "It's just that this can't stop it. In order to avoid the aristocratic family becoming bigger, we still need to plan."

  The emergence of the Spiritual Refining Flow is not only beneficial to the scattered people and small families, but also can further ease the internal conflicts of the big families.

  Because the resources for cultivating spirit beasts are too great, the internal competition is indeed very fierce. Not to mention the big family, even the heirs of the Spirit Emperor are also very fierce in this respect.

  With the Spiritual Refining Flow, it is absolutely possible for the first son to follow the orthodox Royal Spiritual Flow, while the offspring follow the Spiritual Refining Flow that consumes less resources. If the latter is effective, it is not impossible to convert them all to the Spiritual Refining Flow.

  The premise is that these great aristocratic families can follow the trend of change, otherwise, the great aristocratic families will decline.

  A big family has a big business, but no matter how big it is, there will be a day of failure, and the foundation will be consumed.

  So, Emperor Ling was wondering whether he could clear up several big families through this spiritual refining flow, so as to obtain enough merit.

  He is also very greedy for the background of the big family. If the pigs are fattened, he can definitely make his mouth full if he finds a way to butcher a few of them.

  Even if he is the co-lord of the world, the furniture of those big aristocratic families can still make him jealous.

Cultivating spirit beasts is really resource-intensive, even if he lives with his belt tight, this matter cannot be relaxed, his strength guarantees his status, and political ability is just some insignificant icing on the cake under his strength, not is a necessary capability.

   "Your Majesty, the commander-in-chief of Tsing Yi Wei is asking to see you." The waiter at the side said softly.

   "Let him come here." Emperor Ling was a little puzzled, didn't he ask him to investigate the source of the spirit refining method? It's only been a long time since I came back, so it's not because I encountered any difficulties.

   As for finding the result? If it was so fast, he wouldn't have a headache.

  There must be a deeper existence secretly fueling the flames. Otherwise, how could such a powerful formula spread all over the country in one day.

   "Your Majesty, something has happened. This method of refining spirits involves a lot, and it is suspected that it was left by the great demon back then." The commander-in-chief of Tsing Yi Wei said hastily.

   "Big devil?" Lingdi was a little puzzled, and he really didn't know what this was.

   "This monster is unusual. It is said that it came from outside the sky. Its eyes can devour souls, turn empty, and become a disaster."

  It means eating human souls raw, emptying the origin of spirit beasts, and then causing disasters.

   After all, the commander-in-chief of Tsing Yi Wei presented an ancient book.

Ancient books simply record the existence of a certain humanoid, but the description is nothing. The only point is that a pair of strange eyes were born, one black and one white. In the end, the big demon was killed, and the pair of eyes fell to the ground and became a spirit. The beast flees.

  The white pupils ran so fast that they disappeared so far, but the black pupils were exiled and cut by the Yudao Spirit Beast.

   "You mean that the method of refining spirits was deliberately spread from this white-eyed spirit beast?" Lingdi naturally understood what he meant.

   "Exactly, Your Majesty, this method should be banned as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause serious trouble!" The commander-in-chief of Tsing Yi Wei said sonorously.

   But Emperor Ling was silent, so you can ban it if you say so?

   "Track down where the white eyes are as soon as possible, and cut the weeds and root them out." Lingdi skipped the suggestion of the commander-in-chief of Tsing Yiwei, and then said.

  He thought about it, but would everyone in the world agree? I really want to do it, I'm afraid it won't be a big deal.

So naturally I have to give up, I can only follow the other party's approach first, first find out the so-called white eyes, and then I can only guide it slowly for a while, there is definitely no way to change it, unless he surrenders with force .