MTL - It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead-Chapter 186

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In the last world, he became the old man of his grandfather. He couldn’t live with his lover. It’s cheaper. Other stinky boys are enough to make Zhao Wei and his grievances. This world has clearly combined with 隋垣His guide was justified. As a result, he was accidentally cut off by a guy who couldn't beat him. This made Zhao Yihe really unable to endure.

Although the deceased has been paralyzed, as a "living person", he must also have a sigh of relief, and before that, he must first leave the **** guide college and return to the Germain Star Theft.

After all, the destroyer has been removed, so this matter is not too difficult for Zhao Weihe - even after the Erisha incident, the federal government has increased the alert and supervision of the guidance college.

Zhao Yihe’s Li Ying, plus the ambiguous external cooperation, the plan to successfully escape from the Guild Academy was very smooth. Even Zhao Yihe also brought out a group of guides who yearned for freedom and were not bound by family and friends.

In fact, even the star thieves and guides who participated directly in the operation were in a cloud, and they couldn’t figure out how they did this “feat”. But I have to say that it is probably such a mysterious feeling that they have a higher level of worship and trust. But Zhao Zhao, who really dominated this action, is very low-key, and simply pushed all the credits. On my own lover - anyway, even if he said that he planned it, probably not many people would believe it.

It is very difficult for the guide to live alone. They must cope with the heat of combination, cope with the sentimental sentiment of the five senses, and the so-called "protection" from the government. Therefore, this group of guides with Zhao Wei and fleeing All of them chose to join the Germain Star Theft Group, at least here, they are free.

Zhao Wei, who successfully brought back so many guides, suddenly rose to the level of "savior" in the eyes of the Star Thieves. After all, in addition to ordinary people, the proportion of sentinels in the Star Thieves is quite large, and this group of guides joined. It is simply that the sentinels who have been single for a long time and thought they would have been so single have seen the dawn of hope.

Although the captain and the captain's wife (?) issued an order that they could not force the guides to combine, they can completely pursue their pursuits! As long as you look at the right eye, you love me, this is naturally a great thing! For the guides, it is much better to be free to pick among the sentinels with their own preferences. It is far better than the "matching system" that is subject to the guidance college, not to mention that as long as they can prove their abilities, Being able to live on their own strength, even if you don't want to combine with the sentinel, no one will force them.

The escape of the guides is a big deal for the Germain Star Theft Group, but it is a completely bad news for the federal government. Once again, they were beaten by the Germain Star Theft Group, and they were beaten more and more, which made the government completely see it as a stab in the eyes.

It’s a pity that the Germain Star Theft Group was “insidious and cunning”, and because the Erisha incident catered to the people’s love, the federal government tried to encircle it several times but had no choice but to give the other party a lot of brilliant achievements. I have to be under the pressure of public opinion.

After this battle, the power of the Germain Star Theft Group quickly expanded, and many small star thieves that were difficult to support under the pressure of the government’s previous star thieves rushed to join the Germain Star Theft Group. One-eyed also led his own enthusiasm to join in, but still in the way of alliance, not attribution.

With the expansion of the size of the people and the fleet, the Germain Star Theft Group was unable to continue the life that had previously wandered around the universe, and had to find a planet far from the sphere of influence of the federal government. This day is called the glory. Day, and this planet became the predecessor of the later Freedom League.

Although Sakamoto wanted to succeed in the conflict with the federal military, he really had no way to rest assured that the gang had been loyal to his star thief, and he did not feel relieved that he stood on the side of the star thief. . If his leader "has passed away unfortunately", what kind of end will this group of stars and thieves who are still ugly? Will Nova, who has not yet fully grown up, lose his life?

In the end, under the persuasion of Zhao Yihe, he decided to stay in the world for a while, and wait until the situation is stable and then think about the way to leave. Zhao Wei and himself are not for the compassion of the sad and the sorrowful, he just wants to really establish At the same time, there are some "combination" ways between the sentinel and the guide.

As the Germain Star Pirates gradually gained a foothold in the new stronghold, many forces that were in a wait-and-see state also made their own choices, gradually throwing out an olive branch to them, acknowledging it as an emerging force, not just It is a star thief.

The change of the name of the German League's Jeremy Star Theft Group also attracted a large number of guides who just awakened but were not willing to be adopted by the Guide Academy. No matter how the federal government strictly controlled it, they could not stop them from dragging. The enthusiasm and belief of the family to the Freedom League. In the Freedom Alliance, the guide can live like a normal person and choose their own future. They are the individual of the **, not just the vassals of the sentinels.

The sharp increase in the number of guides naturally attracted the attention of many sentinels. Companions are big, as long as they can give them a guide partner, countless sentinels are willing to shed blood and sacrifice without this opportunity. The federal government's guidance colleges are guided by the origins, strengths, wealth, and contribution values. The underlying sentinels may end up in their lifetime and may not be able to meet face-to-face with an unbound guide.

But in the Liberty League, they are different, they are free to pursue the favorite guides - of course, this must have a certain degree of scale - and the criteria for guide selection are varied, maybe they will meet a situation that does not value too much external conditions. And would you like a guide to your partner's personality?

This is a snowball-like virtuous circle. Even though Zhao and He Wei and the leader did not specifically promote this, there are more and more people joining the Freedom League each year.

Of course, with the expansion of the forces, various troubles have emerged in an endless stream. However, after experiencing so many worlds, he and Zhao Yihe have dealt with these problems in a smooth and smooth way, and underestimated all kinds of murders. So that the federal government from the beginning of the emerging forces of the Freedom Alliance from the initial disdain to the final taboo, and even in order to curb the loss of the guide has to change the attitude of the guide has always been in order to compete with the Free Alliance for talent.

After waiting for Zhao and Zhao to basically get things done, they suddenly found out that they had completed what the protagonist had hoped to accomplish in the plot - building a society in which the sentinels and the guides were equal, free and harmonious. .

Silently turned the plot to the end, groaning and licking his hair: "What is this? The actor who was attacked by the protagonist and the protagonist completely robbed it? Even at the end of the plot, they still struggled for it. I don't know. Will it succeed?"

"The road they are taking is a reform route from within the federal government. Naturally, it is much slower than our life. It is easy to be constrained by all parties. It can only be slowly illustrated. However, this is the trend of the times, one step late. There is no big deal in one step, you don't care." Zhao Yihe put down the documents in his hand and licked his own eyebrows. He smiled at his lover sideways. "The statue will be erected on the square today. Go see it?"

"I really don't understand why you are interested in such boring things. Anyway, we will leave soon, isn't it?" Pouting, but still stood up with Zhao Weihe and walked side by side to the balcony - Here, they can clearly see the crowds of free squares, plus the statue in the center of the square that has not yet been unveiled.

"But in this way, everyone in the world, including those from generation to generation, will know clearly that the person standing next to you is me, and that Elisa has no relationship with you!" Zhao Wei and his eyebrows are cold and sorrowful.

I was so sad by my lover: "..........................."

——I really don’t know that Zhao Wei and Yu Ji have been so long. In the end, Iressa who can’t die anymore can’t die, or I can’t go with myself.

He had already given up the reasoning of the other side and shrugged his shoulders. He put his elbows on the railing of the balcony and looked sideways at the square. He watched the crowd cheering down the countdown, and finally slowly pulled down the curtain covering the statue in the sparkle of the fireworks.

At the same time, Zhao Yuhe suddenly stepped forward and reached out to hook his neck. In his slightly surprised eyes, he looked up and captured the lips of Weiqi, and 0007 took the time to capture this moment. Afterwards, the love of the fallen city between the founders of the widely circulated Freedom Alliance left a precious historical material—the fireworks of the sky, the eternal sculptures, and the two people who were deeply in love.

With his own efforts, Zhao Yuhe finally succeeded in cannoning Ayresa, becoming the only person who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Occasionally, someone will mention this name, but the original "White Moonlight" has been replaced by "Dew Marriage", and "Hill" has become the idol, goal and model of countless guides in this era and even in later generations.

He not only struggled with "German" for the freedom alliance, for the guidance of the autonomy, but also proposed the unique spiritual cultivation method of the guide, so that the guides will not have the slightest resistance in the face of the sentinel. The best of them can even mark the sentinel in turn.

After the Freedom League officially gained a foothold, the two founders handed the position of the leader to the successor Noah, who was carefully trained by them, and went to print. The reason is that Hill hopes to be able to spread his footprints throughout the starry sky from a young age, and he deeply loves him. He naturally loves his partner's wishes and fulfills his vows after making time – so not fame and fortune. Tired, loving and unmoving, it is simply ridiculous.

The development of the Freedom Alliance is getting faster and faster, and soon it has become a force that can be compared with the federal government. After all, there has been a lot of grievances between the two. In order to maintain the friendly relationship between the two, in the end, the government of the Federal and Freedom Unions decided to start the first step of cooperation with each other.

Although Nova is a guide, as the ruler of the Freedom League, he naturally needs a party to "challenge". After a tangled struggle, the federal government finally volunteered to "sacrifice the ego" and served as a lieutenant. "Married" to the role of the Freedom Alliance.

After attending this grand wedding, he silently observed Eric, who is very handsome and very military. He was the guide, but he was in the high position, and the momentum was not inferior to Eric's Nova. Look at your lover: "You said, who are these two people, who is it?"

Zhao Yuhe blinked his eyes and happily bent his mouth: "Last night, Nova had secretly asked me to mark the precautions needed for the sentinel!"

隋垣: "................................."

- Still silently give Eric a wax.

Even though the plot has completely changed, Nova and Eric will eventually come together. Maybe they will face completely different setbacks and dilemmas in the future, but I believe that these two people with the protagonist’s aura It will definitely overcome everything, and Anan will continue to go steady.

After confirming that Nova and Eric have enough power and guidance to lead the Freedom Alliance, Zhao and Zhao finally returned to the intersection of the world and the world.

The scores obtained this time are not bad. The destroyers who have been successfully eliminated have brought them a rich return. The main story has turned a big turn, but finally reluctantly returned to the end point it should have reached. - The freedom and liberation of the guides.

Looking at the scores, I smiled and smiled, and Zhao Yuhe was facing 0007. He seemed to be listening to what he was looking at, and then turned his head and looked at him: "The next world, I probably can't accompany you."

隋垣 Action: "Is it because of the Mozi tour?"

"Yeah." Zhao Yuhe hooked his mouth. "The source has locked his position. I will rush to him for a while."

I hesitated, and finally did not raise objections: "Then you have to be careful."

"I naturally won't make fun of myself. After all, I can't bear you." Zhao Wei and smirked and kissed the forehead of the kiss. "It's you, I don't know if the next world is for you to play ordinary tasks." It is also the destroyer's killing mission. If it is the latter, you must be careful."

隋垣 Some of the interest is not too high should be a cry, watching Zhao Wei and turned to rush, into the next world, suddenly felt that my heart is empty.

- This is probably his first time, so really separate from Zhao Weihe? What are you used to, and it’s really a bit ugly...
