MTL - Jun Ye Can’t Help But Tease His Wife-Chapter 552 The exiled Xu family

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The Xu family did not expect that their home would become like this overnight. The entire house was ruined beyond recognition, and the creator of the figurine was sitting in the lobby of his house at this moment, as proud as showing off the fruits of victory. Yang Yang looked down at these small groups of humans.

Dozens of people were besieged by the military, but in the end they were steadily defeated. The latest weapons seemed to use pebbles instead of thick-skinned gorillas.

The Xu family turned around the car for a few laps. People outside could not attack, and people inside couldn't get out. He had to slap off his hands like an ant on a hot pot.

"Sir." The officer in charge of the mission was a colonel. He stood upright, saluting, and said, "The military has contacted the air company and will come to support in the shortest time possible."

"What's the solution now? Kill or expel?" The Xu family asked.

The officer hesitated for a moment, and had to euphemistically say, "We can only find a way to calm down the gorilla temporarily, and then send someone to sneak into the house to take Mrs. Xu and Mr. Xu out.

"So you can't kill this big guy on the spot?" The Xu family snorted. "Who can guarantee that this guy will never hurt an innocent again?"

"We have gone to the military to get the most effective anesthetic that has been researched so far. It will wipe out any special creatures that can threaten humans as much as possible."

The Xu family ignored his ambiguous official tone and stared at the big guy who seemed to be smashing the house again.

The gorilla raised his arms, and then drew down forcefully. The entire three-story villa instantly smashed from the roof to the basement. The smoke was soaring and the screams began to flow.

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

The Xu family heard the child crying for help, subconsciously wanted to run into the house, but was forced back a few steps.

The gorilla stood up from the ground, hammered his hands to the ground at the same time, and with a bang, the entire wall was broken into cracks in the form of spider webs.

The Xu family's heart was hanging high. "What will it do?"

The gorilla raised his hand, brushed his finger over the rubble, and pulled out the two little ones hiding under the closet.

One of the children couldn't help but urinate.

"Dad, save me, save me." The child struggled frantically.

The gorilla continued to play with these two humans that were not the size of an ant in its eyes.

The child stared anxiously at the beasts taller and bigger than the house, and retreated helplessly.

"Don't hurt my child, you go away, go away." Jiang Yan stood in front of the two children.

The two children shivered, "Mom, I'm afraid."

The gorilla raised his hand high, as long as the paw slaps down, the three little ant-man categories in front of them say that they have a sigh of relief, and wanting to leave the whole corpse is a crazy talk.

"Don't." The Xu family roared, and their legs were frightened by the scene in front of them, and they almost knelt down.

"Shoot, shoot quickly." The officer ordered.

The gorilla obviously didn't care that these bullets could not hurt their own bullets, and even more arrogantly wanted to hammer this group of ordinary humans who didn't know how to live or die.

"Cuckoo." The sky was suddenly gloomy, and a big bird was flying above the sky.

"Sir, there is another one." The soldiers stared at another behemoth that seemed to block the entire sun, the gun in his hand tightened uncontrollably.

The gorilla slowly put down his hand, and he raised his head equally high. He was not so friendly at staring at the big bird that ran out somehow. Then he ran out of the ruins and chased the big bird away. Xu Zhai.

Everyone is shocked. You look at me, I look at you, it seems that I have not recovered from the shock.

In such a blink of an eye, everyone originally thought that they had been attacked by two large creatures at the same time. They never thought of their own camps, so they fled.

The Xu family reacted and rushed into the house.

From time to time in the smashed and tattered house, the children's weak cries were heard. The Xu family pushed away the big stone in front of them and carefully climbed into the almost completely destroyed master bedroom.

"Dad." The two children rushed at the same time, hugging each other tightly for the rest of their lives.

Jiang Yan was so frightened that he walked over with trembling, "Master."

The Xu family pulled her into her arms. "It's okay, it's okay."

The sun was more intense, and the entire ground was flooded with heat waves.

The moisture in the air seemed to be completely squeezed out, and the search unit was standing by and resting.

Shen Xiaoxiao followed Xu Jinrui cautiously.

Xu Jinrui cut a dense branch with a small knife and lowered his voice, "Xiao Xiao tired?"

Shen Xiaoxiao shook her head. "Big brother, what are we going to do after the mountain?"

"Shh." Xu Jinrui motioned to her to speak a little, "Don't disturb the search team."

Shen Xiaoxiao hurriedly covered her mouth, and she was even more confused. "Brother, what are we going to do up the mountain? Is the search unit still looking for that bird?"

Xu Jinrui smiled, "Well, follow me."

Houshan has a wide area, and even a carpet-type search requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Although the big bird is large, it can capture its figure even 100 meters away, but it can fly. The searchers' eyes flashed by.

Xu Jinrui pried away the branches in front of him, and the big guy was sitting in his pit and screamed cooing.

It seemed that he heard someone's voice, and Big Bird opened his eyes alertly.

Xu Jinrui touched his head. "Just went out to play?"


Shen Xiaoxiao noticed that the light in front of her was blocked by something. Her body instinctively lifted her head. Above the sky, a behemoth that was too big to seem to fit in her eyes fell from the sky.

The gorilla jumped up and sat down aggressively, too large and directly crushed a large tree.

"Ah." Shen Xiaoxiao didn't hold her breath, she cried out in panic.

Xu Jinrui held her in her arms subconsciously, soothing softly, "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you."

Shen Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed. She blinked her eyes and looked at the gorilla who was crouching and begging like a two-ha on the ground. She looked like she wanted to ask her host for a favor.

Xu Jinrui took her hand and walked over, "You scared Xiao Xiao."

The gorilla twisted his head unknowingly, looked at the strange girl next to Xu Jinrui, and lowered his head, sniffing like a prey.

Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't move stiffly, she looked for the calm big brother next to her for help, and swallowed uneasily.

The gorilla smelled it, raised its head and turned its head, and then raised its paw to snap off a large feather of the big bird.

The big bird licked his tortured feathers distressedly, and pecked the gorilla's arm with a beak.

The gorilla reluctantly fought back.

The bird spread its wings and flew directly into the air.

The gorilla jumped up and tried to pull down the bird that pecked itself from time to time.

Shen Xiaoxiao moved silently behind Xu Jinrui, and gently pulled his horns. "Brother, what is going on?"

"They are mutants," Xu Jinrui explained.

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded. "I know they are mutants. I asked them why they didn't hurt us?"

"They are not evil people, why are they hurting us?"

"But the news received by the military over the years is that they wantonly destroyed civilian houses and harmed ordinary residents, and even killed countless soldiers during several besiege operations."

"If someone comes to siege you for no reason, what will Xiao Xiao do?"

Shen Xiaoxiao thought without thinking, "I have to run out even if I die."

"So they instinctively want to break through the encirclement. This can't blame them for being too cruel. Although these mutant animals look terrible, as long as we are approachable to them as always, they will not idle to kill humans."

Shen Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, "I understand what you mean, but these animals are animalistic after all."

"So Xiao Xiao is worried that one day her beastly hair can't control herself?"

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded, nodded solemnly, "They belong to the alien world in the human world."

Xu Jinrui stopped talking, and he looked intently at the little girl who had a head shorter than himself. If it was just about to come out, now it was stubbornly in his throat.

Shen Xiaoxiao wondered why he was suddenly silent, and asked, "Does the older brother think that I am wrong? Maybe it is because I am not thoughtful. In fact, you are right, they are ordinary survivors, but One day because of humans, they should be innocent. "

Xu Jinrui grinned, "Xiao Xiao was right."

"Alas." A rocket launcher exploded in midair.

Xu Jinrui guarded Shen Xiaoxiao to avoid the Martians that fell around after the rocket fired.

Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked, raised her head, and another shell appeared in sight.

The gorilla was probably injured. He was hammering his heart violently, then jumped up and rushed towards the place where the shell was fired.

Xu Jinrui looked up and said to Shen Xiaoxiao next to her, "You're going back to school."

Shen Xiaoxiao's heart stagnated and grabbed his arm. "Big brother, you?"

Xu Jinrui gently let go of her hand. "I'll check it out."

"Don't go, it's too dangerous."

Xu Jinrui disapproved and said, "Rest assured, I'll be fine, hurry up."

"I won't go, I'll go with you." Shen Xiaoxiao grasped him persistently.

Xu Jinrui frowned, and the explosion in front was getting more and more intense. It seemed that the military had launched a major operation and it was bound to kill these two special creatures.

"Hmm." The gorilla was bombarded repeatedly and was exhausted. It squatted down breathlessly and the whole body was dripping with blood.

"Sir, do you want to continue?" The commander asked.

A helicopter hovering high above the sky. In the cabin, the Xu family was staring at the dying big guy, giving the highest order without hesitation, "hanging."

The commander hesitated for a moment, "Yes, sir."

One rocket after another was put into the barrel, and the next round of bombing would begin at any time.

Shen Xiaoxiao noticed that the elder brother who was running stopped and she didn't know, "What's wrong?"

Xu Jinrui stared at the helicopter above the sky for an instant. He had not seen who was sitting in the cabin. The explosion of the mountain tsunami shook the whole mountain, as if the whole mountain was instantly annihilated. It's flat.

Shen Xiaoxiao felt a strong smell of saltpeter in the air. When she looked up, the big guy who had just half a head out was gone.

Xu Jinrui shivered uncontrollably.

Shen Xiaoxiao held his hand, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Jinrui clenched his hands into fists, and the **** smell in the air became stronger and stronger. He walked a few meters forward, and gradually the sight of the blown big unrecognizable guy gradually fell to the ground in blood.

Shen Xiaoxiao was startled, and tightly covered her mouth.

Xu Jinrui took a step back, took another step back, his pupils turned red, and he looked up at the man who was contentedly preparing to retreat in midair.

Shen Xiaoxiao panicked. "Brother, don't stop talking."

"Xiao Xiao, you must know that beasts will be beasts, but people are not necessarily all humans."

Shen Xiaoxiao trembled violently in her heart, and before she recovered, she saw him whistle.

The long-lost bird disappeared from the clouds again.

The Xu family was planning to return home, and the whole helicopter suddenly shook.

The pilot of the plane panicked and pointed at the big guy coming out, "Sir, there is one more."

The voice didn't fall, the wings of the bird fluttered over the wing, and the whole helicopter fell out of balance and fell down vertically.

Xu's family jumped out of the cabin.

The big bird grabbed the human with a parachute.

Everyone almost didn't respond. When they found another big guy, the big bird who had been holding them disappeared.

Shen Xiaoxiao noticed that Xu Jinrui's hands were all sweaty, anxiously, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Xu Jinrui smiled, "It's nothing, I just want someone who never knows what death is like to taste it."

Shen Xiaoxiao was a little afraid of Xu Jinrui. He seemed to be a different person. Before, Xu Jinrui was gentle, like a pool of water, very clear and clean, and a beautiful pool of water. Now he is a fire. They can burn thousands of miles to make the grass grow wild.

The Xu family was scared and urinated their pants on the spot. He tightly dragged the parachute rope, fearing that he would fall from the height of one hundred feet when he let go, or he would fall to the ground without a bone.

The big bird flew at him and didn't know how far and how high, he was a little embarrassed. From the initial fear to the despair in the back, to the numbness now, he followed this cold-blooded creature like a corpse. Ups and downs.

In the end, Big Bird threw him in the jungle.

The wet mud pit wet his uniform, and he stared in amazement at the big guy who was looking at his brain with a probe, and moved back in fear.

Big Bird seems to be looking at this human, and his dark pupils are full of human facial expressions.

The Xu family was frightened and found that they could not retreat, took out their own gun, and trembled their hands at it with a muzzle, "Don't come over, you're not allowed to come."

Big Bird didn't understand what he was saying. When he saw him step back, he would move forward.

"Well." The Xu family shot in fear.

The bullet landed on the bird like a rock. It didn't feel any threat. Instead, it was irritated. He opened his mouth and shouted wildly at this human.

The Xu family was turned upside down a few times by it, his head was slammed on the stone, and his head suddenly broke.

Big bird likes to play with this kind of human like fleas, it uses his wings to pluck his body to let him continue to play with himself.

The Xu family only felt that the sky was turning, the earth was turning, the whole world was turning, and turning, he completely fainted.

As for how to find the Xu family in the end, it caused a sensation throughout the military.

It was rumored that 72 hours had passed when he was found. There was no news for the entire three days. In the end, it was probably the bird that was tired of it and took him back to the forest where he had disappeared.

Jiang Yan was the first to find the Xu family who was thrown back. He was hanging upside down on a tree branch, and he might fall from it at any time.

Yes, he was stripped off. Besides the mud on his body and face, there were some stinking things. After inspection by experts, it was determined to be human waste.

Commonly known as shit!

"Don't come over." Jiang Yan scolded all the searchers. She stepped forward disgustedly, glanced at the unconscious man on the ground, pinched his nose and kicked. After being convinced that he was really unconscious, he turned and went straight. gone.