MTL - Jun Ye Can’t Help But Tease His Wife-Chapter 556 Sober Xu Family

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Jiang Yan will never forget that look, as if his throat was choked by a pair of hands, the feeling of suffocation scared her and made her want to run away immediately.

The Xu family still stared at the person in front of them for a moment, as if he hadn't fully awake yet, he was looking at this woman seriously.

Jiang Yan walked cautiously, she had to make sure, even if she was guilty, she had to be calm, she had to make sure that this man was really awake, it was just the legendary return of light!

Xu's eyes moved as she approached.

Jiang Yan clasped his clothes tightly with his hands, and every step seemed to be on the blade.

Xu's family couldn't move, and his prolonged stay in bed made him extremely tired.

Jiang Yan panted. She didn't need to look. The man was really awake. She beat the drum in her heart and almost could hear the heart about to jump out of her body.

How to do? What to do next?

She wasn't even sure if the man had heard what she had just said. She wanted to bet, but she was afraid of losing.

The Xu family suddenly chuckled their lips, just like in the past.

Jiang Yan struck a spirit, and pretended to be squatting down like a calf with deep affection. "Master, master, are you really awake? Are you awake?"

The Xu family tried to raise their hands.

Jiang Yan shook his hand, as if he had put his palm on his cheek, "Master, what do you want to say?"

"I just had a dream." He didn't speak for a long time, his throat was dry and his voice was dumb.

Jiang Yan picked up the kettle next to him, "Master, don't talk, let's drink some water before you say, wait for me, I'll go and pour you a glass of water."

The Xu family allowed her to leave.

When the door was closed gently, Jiang Yan's hand holding the kettle trembled uncontrollably. She hurriedly walked to the room where no one opened the water, took out the phone, and dialed the number.

The call was quickly answered, and it was clear that the other party was waiting for her to reply.

Jiang Yan directly said, "He is awake. He is really awake this time."

The other party was silent for a moment. "Does he doubt anything?"

Jiang Yan carefully recalled his speech and manner, and it made no difference.

The other side said, "You go back and guard him carefully, don't let him touch anyone, and I will arrange the next thing."

Jiang Yan trembled back to the ward.

The Xu family waved at her, "Come here."

Jiang Yan approached him cautiously, poured half a glass of water, and blew the hot air before handing it to him, "Master, drink a little."

The Xu family took a sip, and his dry throat suddenly refreshed a lot. He smiled, "You still know what I want."

"Is the master still sick?"

"It's okay, but why am I doing this?" The Xu family knew that they had been lying for a long time, and their bodies were so numb that he could barely feel the presence of his legs.

Jiang Yan massaged his leg for him. "You are the sequela of a car accident. When you recover a little energy, we will slowly recover. The doctor said that you did not lie down for a long time and will recover soon. . "

Xu's family said nothing, "How about the children?"

"All at home, there are too many germs in the hospital, and I'm afraid they will make you no noise, so I didn't bring them over."

The Xu family shook her cool hand, "Why sweat so much? Is it hot?"

Jiang Yan's mouth twitched, shaking his head, "Maybe I just went out and got some water."

"Go bring the kids over, I miss them a little."

However, Jiang Yan continued to massage his legs. "Master, just woke up, would you like something to eat? I'll let the chef prepare some white porridge for you?"

"I want to see the child." Xu family said again.

Jiang Yan looked at him, "Master, you are still weak--"

"I'm not that weak yet, go back and bring me all the children to see."

Jiang Yan knew his temper and was not afraid to be too rebellious. He picked up his bag and said, "Okay, I'll go now."

The ward was quiet again.

The Xu family looked intently at the closed door, and the pet in their eyes drowned little by little, and finally covered with a thick layer of hatred.

Jiang Yan is wandering in the corridor, she has seen countless times, and confirmed again and again.

A doctor passed her by.

Jiang Yan looked at it subconsciously. The place where the doctor went happened to be Xu's ward. Her heart was hanging high, and she was almost tense and panic-stricken.

Is it someone sent by that person?

The doctor pushed in. The cold wind blows in the quiet corridors, and the air seems to unknowingly spread a thick smell of disinfection water.

Xu Jinrui was sitting on a wheelchair, and Jun Jun couldn't help staring at his little girl who was pushing her. He said, "Xiao Xiao, I hurt my waist, not my leg."

Shen Xiaoxiao was serious, "Can you still go?"

Xu Jinrui couldn't laugh or cry, "You have made me dare not go even if you can."

Shen Xiaoxiao continued to push the wheelchair. "Big brother just likes to cheat me."

"When did I deceive Xiao Xiao?"

Shen Xiaoxiao lifted her fingers and counted one by one, "I think about it, I'm afraid that these five fingers are not enough."

Xu Jinrui used her big palm to hold her little hand in her palm. "Xiao Xiao looks the most serious."

Shen Xiaoxiao raised her head proudly, "Don't think that I will disregard me if I say a few words. The elder brother gave me a seal and stamped it. As a kid, I can be as innocent. Now we are all adults. Trusted soldier. "

Xu Jinrui nodded solemnly, "Yes, my Xiao Xiao sir."

Shen Xiaoxiao's lips froze and she smiled, "It's almost here."

Xu Jinrui slowly got up from the wheelchair, "Xiao Xiao doesn't need to go in, help me buy a bottle of water, OK, I will take medicine in a moment."

Shen Xiaoxiao shook her head, "I want to go in together."

Xu Jinrui pointed to his clothes. "Wait a while but check the injured area. Xiao Xiao is sure to go in?"

Shen Xiaoxiao blushed involuntarily, and she snorted. "I'll go in next time."

Xu Jinrui opened the door of the consultation room.

The doctor on duty had just prescribed the last patient's medicine, and asked without asking, "Where is it uncomfortable?"

"Just got hit by a car, and my back hurts a lot." Xu Jinrui turned to face the doctor.

The doctor picked up his clothes, but his vision did not fall on the bruise on his waist, but instead he looked at the scars that had already been scabbed. Obviously, the originator of these wounds is likely to be the other person.

When Xu Jinrui saw that he was not talking, he asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

The doctor squeezed his mask and took a hard look at the childlike child. "The injury is not serious, it may be a muscle contusion, apply some medicine, and take some oral medicine to stop bleeding. That's fine, but don't do strenuous exercise these two days and try to stay in bed. "

"I see." Xu Jinrui took advantage.

The doctor asked again, "You made those wounds yourself?"

Xu Jinrui didn't intend to hide anything either, nodded, "Yes."

The doctor frowned, and he could not imagine why a child would leave so many shallow wounds on his body. Of course, this is the patient's privacy, and he has no right to ask again.

As soon as Xu Jinrui left the consultation room, she saw the little girl running rashly.

Shen Xiaoxiao panted, panting, "What did the doctor say?"

Xu Jinrui took out her handkerchief and wiped her sweat. "It's nothing, just a scratch. Just rest for two days."

Shen Xiaoxiao patted the heart beating fiercely, unscrewed the water bottle and handed him, "Drink."

Her smile, like pure water, without any impurities, was so clean that she couldn't bear to destroy or even interfere.

The night wind swept through the fallen leaves, and the ups and downs were swirling.

Xu Jinrui watched one car after another in the front yard of the hospital, it seemed that some big man was passing by.

Shen Xiaoxiao followed his sight and looked at it. Several cars got on at least dozens of people, one by one, walking towards the backyard expressionlessly.

The front yard of the hospital is an outpatient clinic, and the inpatient department across the yard is.

Xu Jinrui frowned without traces. These people are all trained soldiers. Although wearing regular clothes, the momentum of the soldiers inside and out is difficult to resist.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Shen Xiaoxiao raised her hand before her eyes and shook it.

Xu Jinrui bent her lips and said, "It's okay, let's follow it up."

Shen Xiaoxiao grabbed the wheelchair next to her with obvious intention.

Xu Jinrui shook her head slightly. "No, I can go."

"Brother, you don't want to wait for me to take two steps, right?

Xu Jinrui visually inspected the distance between himself and the inpatient department, which seemed to be really difficult for some strong people.

The atmosphere in the hospital seemed suddenly dignified. All the medical staff did not dare to silently choose to turn a blind eye. They were busy with their own work and did not go through the private affairs between the big men.

Jiang Yan was making a phone call while hiding in the fire passage. She wanted to make sure that the doctor had sent him, but the phone in her hand had not been connected yet, and the iron door of the closed fire passage was forcibly pushed open.

The lights in the corridor entered her eyes after scrambling, and Jiang Yan subconsciously closed her eyes.

"Mrs. Master, please come over." A man made a please gesture.

Jiang Yan felt a little stunned in her heart, and she backed away, if she didn't catch her eyes, she quickly grabbed the railing of the stairs, fearing that she would have rolled down the stairs long ago.

She patted her heart with a lingering fear, but her heart had not been completely lowered, and the two men had restrained her freedom from left to right.