MTL - Juvenile Medical God-Chapter 4032 Must be outside

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Qin Lang is ready to start with the Kaitian people. It is not to declare war directly to the Kaitian people, but to talk about how much the Kaitian people have in the eleventh-level universe, because Qin Lang knows that the outside world must first be inside, The strongmen of these open heavens in the eleventh-level universe do not know what it is for hiding here, and these guys may have deliberately revealed the whereabouts of Qin Lang to the monks without the world, if they did not give them a "speak" "Qin Lang feels that he will be very unhappy.

Therefore, Qin Lang chose to start with the Kaitian, and found a hiding place for the Tianzu through the indigenous people.

Before Qin Lang saw the world without the hustle and bustle, know that this guy can hide in the law of turbulence, then the opening of the Tianzu certainly has some wonderful means to have some special means, and Qin Lang got the news, but several Kaitian The monk used a mysterious object to establish a hidden stronghold somewhere, and named the place "the heavenly shuttle."

Several indigenous powers in the eleventh-level universe have made some tentative attacks on this place, but they can't break through the defense of the sky shuttle, so they can only give up. Now that Qin Lang is exploring the whereabouts of the Tianzu monks, they will naturally tell Qin Lang where the sky shuttle is.

“Heavenly shuttle?” After Qin Lang got the news, he smiled lightly. “This thing seems to have not only a strong defense, but also a free shuttle in the eleventh-level universe?”

"The shuttle is affirmative, but it is difficult to say freely. If the city owner does not want them to be free, I think most of them will not work." The evil person said to Qin Lang.

"When did you guys learn to flatter?" Qin Lang smiled slightly and wondered that this is not the style of evil people, but it seems that the evil people have some human nature. This is also a good thing, so I don’t think there is any What is wrong, he is prepared to go alone to the open-minded monk in the shuttle line that day.

"Is the city the main person to go? Is there some support?" The sinisters worry that if they are near the Eternal City, these indigenous people will certainly not worry about the safety of Qin Lang, because they are confident in Qin Lang, but if they are far away from here, It’s hard to say, because Qin Lang’s current cultivation has only reached a certain level.

"Reassured, I am not going to fight with them. Although it is impossible to confront, but I am only going to explore the situation." Qin Lang said to the evil people, insisting that a person go to the place where the sky shuttle is located.

There are still countless laws and turbulence along the way. There are also some worldless strong ideas in the spy, and still continually destroying, endless despair... However, this is the eleventh level of the universe, Qin Lang feels that he should Get familiar with it as soon as possible.

After a while, Qin Lang finally found the location where the shuttle was located that day. It is very difficult to locate the space in the eleventh universe, because it is constantly chaotic, constantly disordered, and has almost no reference. Things can be said, but the indigenous people here still have some way to position them, that is, to use the magical power of the eleventh-level universe. In fact, in any level of the universe, both the law power and the universe level have some subtle sensations, because the law power in any universe level is the foundation of a universe level, and the universe and the universe The world is only built on the power of these laws, so no matter how confused the universe and the world are, and its roots are not destroyed, then everything is still valid and can be sensed and referenced.

Of course, it is one thing to understand the truth. It is another thing to find this kind of induction and law. But since the indigenous people already know this kind of induction and connection, then Qin Lang will not have to spend time looking for a solution. At this time, he has found the place where the sky shuttle is located, and saw that the so-called sky shuttle is actually not like a shuttle, but just a group of oval clouds, and the surrounding law is overwhelming. Endless, it looks like the law is turbulent, but this is not a law of turbulence, but it is just a disguise, people think that there is a law here.

In contrast, Qin Lang feels that this guy is still more brilliant, because it is directly living in the law of turbulence, this is not the use of chaos to disguise.

"The monks of the Tianzu do not need to be shriveled inside, I know that you are here." Qin Lang said to the open-minded monk in the sky shuttle, "Why, are you going to shrink in it?"

As a result, there was still no response in the shuttle line on this day. Qin Lang had lost patience and was about to tear open the camouflage around the shuttle. He finally heard a voice saying: "Qin Lang, you are really annoying!"

"Is it irritating? You leaked my whereabouts to a monk without a world. I am quite annoyed. I really want to know, what do you guys like to do, how do you want to do it again and again? And the three places test my patience?" Qin Lang snorted, it was very dissatisfied.

"This...Qin Lang, what you did in the ninth-level universe, we also know, and the master of the mountain has already said that your kid’s ambition, if you are not in the eleventh-level universe, will you clean up, It is definitely not a good thing for us to open a celestial family. Therefore, the master of the mountain uses a strong person without the world to deal with you. This is a strategy. What is it?" The old guy in the shuttle line is plausible. It seems that Qin Lang should be counted by them.

At this time, Qin Lang realized that not only the landlords of the eleventh-level universe have lost their humanity, but also have no morality. Even the monks of these open-minded people have almost fallen into this way. They are only profitable to themselves. It’s all right, regardless of the rest of the lives and the reasons.

"Hey... It seems that there is no reason to talk to you? But I have already arrived here. Do you think I will return empty-handed?" Qin Lang sneered, and the powerful pressure pushed toward the sky-walking shuttle. It is a signal to convey the provocation. Qin Lang knows that there is nothing to talk about with these old folks. These guys are simply eating hard and soft guys, and only after giving them a little color can they attract their attention.