MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1 School catastrophe

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Wu Suyu was lying on the desk, listless, listening to his news report with headphones in his ears, and a small radio in the desk drawer.

Su Suyu was more affected by her grandfather, and she was fine on weekdays. She fell in love with the habit of listening to the news on the radio.

Professor Ma, who was teaching Deng Lun in the lecture hall, spoke wildly, gesticulating, but unfortunately no one was listening attentively.

This made Professor Ma secretly sigh that a group of dead wood could not be carved.

The time is about 2:45 minutes, which is the time and place of the first class in the afternoon and afternoon, AJ City Vocational and Technical College, a fourth or fifth class university that is not even third-rate.

The class is “Second Class of Computer Department”, with a total of 27 students.

Xu Suyu changed her sleeping position to make herself more comfortable on the stomach, and glanced around.

Zhang Zhongmou, who is at the same table and the dead party, has already made a slight purr, and the corners of his open mouth have already flowed. He still slightly rolls his eyes from time to time. This guy has many problems after falling asleep.

处 In the first three seats in the left row, the dream goddess Ning Yan is sitting quietly, listening carefully to the lesson.

Tong Ningyan is recognized as a computer department flower, and is the object of secret love and prostitution among Su Yu and most of the boys in this department.

From Su Yu's position at the moment, I can only see Ning Yan's neck like a jade, look at her jade-like skin, and look at the randomly coiled hair, full of indescribable charm.

Wu Suyu swallowed drool and even fell asleep.

的 The girl sitting at the same table of Ning Yan suddenly turned around, just looking at Su Yu and trading with four eyes.

女生 The girl seemed to know what Su Yu was looking at, and her eyes suddenly glared at him. The murderousness was obvious.

Xi Suyu was busy narrowing her eyes, some guilty of guilty conscience.

The girl at the same table with Ning Yan and Su Yu had the same surname, Su Yu. The two lived together. Su Yu and Su Yu not only had the same surname, but also had similar names.

It's a coincidence that the two went to the same kindergarten, the same elementary and middle school, and even got the same university and got the same class.

The two are also considered to be sweethearts. The relationship between them should be close to brothers and sisters. In fact, the opposite is true. The two look at each other unpleasantly.

Su Suyu is even more fierce than boys. When Su Yu first met Su Yu when he was in college, he almost cried. Why did he encounter this broom star again.

Su Yu stared at Su Yu, and Su Yu lay down on the table again, squinting and falling asleep, while listening to various news broadcast in the headphones.

Wu Suyu didn't have any drowsiness, but he really couldn't help but listen to the old professor's lecture. To him, it was far less interesting than listening to the news.

"... Recently there have been frequent 'tiankeng' spots in various places ... According to the news just received, around 10:35 this morning, the northern section of Renmin Road was suddenly surprised by three consecutive 'tiankeng', the largest 'tiankeng' A diameter of more than fifteen meters, a 'Jinhua Supermarket' was almost devoured by the 'Tiankeng' and three people were missing. Now rescue work is in progress, experts predict ... "

The headphone is broadcasting news about "tiankeng". These days, there are news about "tiankeng" all over the world.

These "sky pits" showed no sign at all, the most terrible of which was the appearance of a super giant "sky pit" with a diameter of more than one kilometer in the center of a small foreign city, which almost devoured this small city in half.

The "Tiankeng" incident has caused many people to panic, and some even linked it to the doomsday prophecy of 2012. Although some experts and professors came out to dispel rumors that it was only a natural geological phenomenon, it could not suppress this panic.

Su Yu was listening to the news report on the radio. Although the "Tenkeng" was terrible, it seemed so far away for Su Yu at the moment. He thought more about how to catch up with Ning Yan for dinner Something, a fantasy novel that is being watched will update a few chapters tonight. I do n’t know when the Diablo 3 game will come out ...

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of "Boom", followed by a continuous sound of "Boom" coming from under the teaching building, shaking violently all around.

睡觉 Sleeping, reading novels, texting MM, chatting on mobile QQ ... Everyone looked up, some people were shocked, and more people were confused.

Professor Zhang Da's mouth on the ring platform forgot to close, and suddenly he thought of something and escaped the classroom without saying a word, the speed is no less than the sprint speed of the world sprint champion.

Su Suyu was so busy pulling off the earphones in her ear that she looked up suddenly.

Zhang Zhongmou, who was beside him, slept soundly, was awakened by this shaking and "bang", and woke up, wiped the saliva around the corner of his mouth, and said, "I just touched her thigh, how did I thunder ... Alas, it's getting dark? "

The muffled sound and shaking of "Booming" disappeared only for a few seconds, and everything returned to normal, except that the outside sky suddenly became dark.

"What was that just now? Is it an earthquake?"

"It must be an earthquake, but it's just getting dark. Is it going to rain?"

The classmates in the class finally awoke from the stagnation of just one or two seconds. They all stood up and looked out of the window. Many people were curious, and more people were left with embarrassment.

Outside, there was a buzzing noise everywhere, obviously the shaking and loud noise just a few seconds ago, caused a sensation throughout the college.

"Cough!" There was a coughing sound at the door. The old horse professor who had escaped the first time when he saw something bad came back again, his face was a bit unnatural, and said, "Maybe an earthquake happened, just in case the university is fast Leave, go to the playground, don't stay on the building or stand beside it. "

As soon as Professor Lao Ma finished talking, he was the first one to slip away. It was fortunate that the earthquake did not cause the teaching building to collapse just a few seconds. In case of another visit at this time, it may be unsure.

At this moment, the entire teaching building was noisy, everyone rushed out of the classroom, crowded out, and wanted to leave the classroom early.

"What's wrong?" Su Yu squeezed out of the corridor, looked up to the sky, and saw that the sky was gloomy, dark clouds piled up, and there was an indescribable feeling of depression.

Just now, the sky is clear. How can the sky change after a few shakings of the teaching building?

I looked down, but saw a constant stream of people running out of the buildings, forming a stream of people to gather in the open playground.

Puppet school just in case, let everyone evacuate the building and focus on the playground.

There are noisy people crowding everywhere, Su Yu is blocked in the corridor on the third floor, unable to retreat, but in her mind are the dead party Zhang Zhongmou and the dream goddess Ning Yan.

"In this critical situation, the most manly expression is possible, but unfortunately ... Where is Ning Yan?" Su Yu wanted to be beautiful and turned around, but she couldn't see where Ning Yan was.

As people rushed out of the teaching building, the crowd became less crowded. Su Yu secretly did not see Ning Yan and missed the opportunity for performance.

When Xun Zheng was sorry, suddenly, there was a scream in the distance.

For twenty-one years, Su Yu was the first person to hear such a scream of screaming for the first time. The sound was like a sharp iron nail, which penetrated directly into the human head, into the soul, listening to Gets creepy.

I wasn't just Su Yu. Anyone who could hear this voice looked at the place where the scream came from.

Wu Suyu clearly remembered that it was the school gate.

This is an inaccessible university with a small area. There are only three teaching buildings, two dormitories, plus a library building, a cafeteria, a canteen, a playground, etc. The facilities are very poor. Not far.

When I first thought of what was there, a second scream of fear followed.

Wu Suyu instinctively thought that when there were two security guards in the door guard room by the school gate, he was standing on the third floor corridor, and he saw the thing that he couldn't believe his eyes in this life.

A group of monsters with green skin and naked body, only 13 or 14-year-old children, rushed in from the school gate.

Wu Suyu has good eyesight. He sees these monsters clearly. They have huge eyes, a collapsed nose, a **** mouth, a green body, and a wooden stick like a bat in his hand.

Wu Suyu couldn't believe his eyes. Around him, everyone behaved like him, widening his eyes. At this moment, almost everyone was dumbfounded, and his brain was short-circuited for a moment.

First, the teaching building shook and shook, making a rumbling sound. After a few seconds, the sky became dark, and then screamed, and then a group of monsters emerged?

其 Isn't it all like dreaming? Some even came to their senses and twisted their arms to see if they were dreaming.

群 This group of about a dozen green-skinned monsters with wooden sticks is fast and is rushing to the playground where a large number of students gather.

Most people are sluggish, and a few people react. They scream in fear and start to flee.


Su Yu on the third floor can see very clearly. He saw that the fastest-skinned green-skinned monster waved a big stick in his hand. With a terrible speed and strength, he struck one with a pair of glasses Some dumb chickens stood on the head of a student there.

Then, the head was broken, and blood splattered like cherry blossoms, and white brain was mixed in it.

Is n’t the skull the hardest thing, how can it break so easily?

At this moment, Su Yu had a strange idea in his mind, and then thought of this group of green-skinned monsters, much like Colin Bud in many games he played.

哥 Those monster Columbus in the game are such green-skinned ghosts.

As the first person fell, this group of green-skinned monsters had already rushed into the crowd, almost one by one. Those students who were frightened and didn't know how to escape were hit and fell to the ground, their heads blossomed.

The dazzling blood and **** levels made the students still vomiting.

The playground has fallen into a terrible panic. The students are like headless flies, screaming and running away.

"Fast, fast 110-"

Finally, someone responded, screaming frantically, and thought of dialing the alarm phone while running away.

At this time, Su Yu was also awake. Fortunately, he often helped his mother to do chores such as killing chickens and fish. Perhaps he was used to blood. Surprisingly, although the scene was bloody, he did not vomit, but Like most people, they immediately thought of calling for help.

I took out my mobile phone and looked at it, only to find that there wasn't even a single signal on it. Someone's unbelievable frantic call could not get through.

"Ah, rush up, they rush up!" Suddenly, someone in front of him screamed in horror. Su Yu looked down, looked down, and saw one of the green-skinned monsters rushing into the crowd and rushed in This school building then screamed from inside the building.

人群 The crowd suddenly panicked around, some people instinctively fled to the higher level, and some people were so scared that they didn't even care about the fact that there were several levels and jumped down.

快 "Hurry up, everyone back to the classroom-" Suddenly a woman's voice screamed hoarsely.

Su Suyu looked at her heart, but she was called a female student wearing a dress and glasses, Su Yu recognized that was the class leader Lei Rui.

Everyone was panicking. When they heard Lei Rui's cry, they immediately awakened and fled back to their classroom. Su Yu also rushed back to the classroom, and then closed the windows and the front and rear doors with little effort.

快 "Hurry up, move the table over and block the door."

Although Xun Leirui looks like Sven, at this critical moment, he has exerted considerable command ability.

Su Yu and a few male classmates moved the table and blocked the door. Most of the students who escaped were classmates and a few foreign classmates. Su Yu glanced around. Su Yu and Ning Yan were both here. It's just that the dead party, Zhang Zhongmou, is not here.

Just a blink of an eye, everyone in the corridor outside the third floor escaped cleanly, or fled into their own classroom like Su Yu and others, or fled upstairs, and jumped directly on impulse. When you go upstairs, you have to do as many places as possible to escape downstairs. Unlike in this building, you are blocked.

Su Yu and several male students pushed several school desks together, blocking the front door, listening to the screams coming out from the ears getting closer and closer. These young boys and girls, only in their early twenties, were full of fear. I felt death so close for the first time.

更有 Some of them even hugged and wept in whispers, their legs were frightened, and they fell to the ground and couldn't even stand up.

"Su ... Su Yu, will we die?" Suddenly, Su Yu felt that someone was holding her own corner.

After looking back, Su Yu was found.

On weekdays Su Yu and Su Yu would quarrel as soon as they met, but at the moment they were not in the mood.

Su Suyu saw the fear in Su Yu's eyes for the first time, and she felt inexplicable. She turned her head and said astringently, "I don't know, so many of us ... nothing ... nothing ..."

The words underneath were swallowed, only because there was a loud noise on the outside door, like being hit by something giant. Su Yu and four or five boys almost smashed and flew out together with several desks. .

"Quick! Stop!" Lei Rui, the monitor behind, screamed and rushed up.

Xu Suyu felt tight behind her, but Lei Rui pressed desperately behind her, pushing hard.

The original fragrant action of Xun Yuan was only in this situation at the moment, and no one could care about it. Su Yu gritted his teeth and pushed the door, suddenly turned his head and yelled, "No--"

"Crumbling" for a while, a wooden rattle hit the window glass on one side, and the glass immediately shattered into countless fragments and flew.

A green body covered his face 狞 狰 Appeared outside the window like a legendary ghost image.

Closer, I can see the rich expression on this green monster's face and the horrible and evil look more and more, making people look creepy with only one glance.

"There are students in other classes, please go to them, why do you only want us-" Some girls suddenly yelled in horror.

"I don't want it, I don't want my head to be smashed—" Someone screamed in horror again, seeing this green-skinned monster smashing the window with a wooden stick, and soon it could crawl in, and suddenly opened in fear On the other side of the window, jump out.

外 The window on the other side is not a hallway. If you jump out, you will fall down. This classroom is on the third floor.

With this jump, Su Yu clearly heard a scream.

"Monster——" Someone suddenly screamed, holding up a table and smashing into the window.

刚刚 The greenskin monster just got out of the window half a head and was hit.

Their fourth-rate university has poor facilities and all the desks and chairs are not fixed. Instead, it comes in handy.

Qi Suyu turned around and recognized that the boy, named Qin Jiagui, was a sports member in his class. He played the basketball very well and was tall and handsome. He had many fans in the school.

女朋友 His girlfriend is the classmate of the “Computer Department” class next door.

I heard that he had pursued Ning Yan, but he didn't succeed. He retreated to a class of class flowers. The two have already lived together. Su Yu and a lot of boys were envious and envious.

Qin Jiagui is worthy of being a sports committee member with great strength. He even lifted a table and threw it out, but unfortunately the green-skinned monster just stretched his head in half, and retracted when he saw something bad. Smashed.

Su Suyu looked in her eyes, but she moved quickly, grabbed a chair, and yelled, "Use the chair."

Qin Jiagui woke up and raised a chair. When the monster stretched his head in, he smashed it again.

The green-skinned monster is relatively short ~ ~ You can drill through the iron window that is divided into three compartments, but every time you just drill into half of your head, you are bombarded by Qin Jiagui's chair. Even after three attempts, it was not successful .

Others saw Qin Jiagui hold on, and the spirit was so excited that the boys picked up a chair.

This green-skinned monster didn't even succeed three times, but the last time was smashed by Qin Jiagui's scalp, and a trace of blood like green juice came out.

怪物 The monster seemed angry, took a few steps back, suddenly opened his mouth and made a sharp howling, and then stood in the corridor, stared at the people inside with a horrible and terrible look through the window.

"What is it doing? Why is it not moving?" There was a **** the edge of her, unsure, and could not help asking Qin Jiagui strangely.

Qin Jiagui shook his head, but there is something unknown.

Qi Suyu groaned slightly, suddenly understood, her face changed, and said, "It's calling a helper, not good--"

As soon as the utterances came to an end, several sharp wailing sounds had sounded outside, just like the ancient Warcraft, and the classroom door was beaten with "bang" and "bang".

This kind of green-skinned monster was so powerful that the door was blasted and shaken immediately. Everyone in the classroom was terrified. If they were rushed in, everyone would die here.

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