MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1110 Father and son

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He couldn't do it, neither could these amethysts.

Maybe when all the constraints are gone, even the space limitation is gone, instead of returning to simplicity, the space form will return to the most primitive state.

Here, there is no possibility of breaking the void or carrying forward and backward space-time crossing.

I just hit too hard and hit a purple gold wall. The horrible force shook back, causing him to spit blood. However, he turned around and inhaled. He recovered as much as possible, and kept looking around. The space around him was completely sealed. , There is no possibility of escape at all. W novel chapters are updated the fastest

The chain shrinking one by one disappeared. "Suo Guozheng gave out a slightly roaring sound like Warcraft." A pair of bloodshot purple and gold eyes suddenly turned to Su Yu.

The breath of terror was like Jiang Chao swept through.

Outside, Zheng is silently watching everything in this sealed space through the light curtain of the image. "Su Guozheng's consciousness has only left the kill mark and violent. Once he is out of trouble and sees Su Yu, he will inevitably attack. This is a battle between father and son. Who is the final winner?

One is a collection of all the powers of the giant gods, which can be said to be the combination of all the strongest forces of the "positive and negative realms", while the other is born from the "amethyst" bloodline power plus the special mutation of human beings. "Amethyst", but it is known as the world's most powerful inheritance and pedigree "has no more powerful existence than" Amethyst "." Fiction "novel chapters are updated the fastest

When the two sides meet, who will be the stronger of the stronger?

"Dad", Su Yu just uttered a word, Su Guozheng had made a terrible roar, and his body swept through the same wind.

"Boom" bang, the two bodies hit each other heavily, the sound of purple friction on the skin of purple gold burst, Su Yu was hit hard and fell out, hit his back on the purple gold wall, sending out dull Sound.

"嗥" Su Guozheng opened his mouth, roared to the sky, his hands were divided, and "a piece of amethyst-like spikes emerged on his body. Su Yu pressed his hands on the wall behind him and flew out obliquely." At almost the same moment, Su Guozheng and his body passed by. The horrifying force caused Su Guozheng to hit the purple gold wall immediately, and immediately "an earth-shattering loud noise erupted, and the purple gold metal walls buzzed. When Su Guozheng bounced back, Su Yu stretched out his right hand, and a huge will came. He suppressed the fall of Su Guozheng first, and his right hand fist was slightly ten thousandths of a second later, and he banged on Su Guozheng's chest. .

Now Su Guozheng has gone mad, only to stop him before saying "Su Yu has no mercy.

The terrifying fist banged on the amethyst-like spikes of Su Guozheng's skin, and a harsh sound broke out. Su Guozheng's nose, nose, and ears immediately bleed. He opened his eyes wide, and suddenly his arms stretched out. Pulling Su Yu, shouting earth-shattering, "the two bodies rolled over heavily.

The energy agitation in the entire space has reached a terrifying realm, and only this specially made purple gold metal wall space can withstand.

"Wake me up"

Su Yuli drank the horrible giant god's will full of strength and bouncing in the whole body. Unfortunately, when he touched the surrounding metal walls, he was dispelled by the spell power.

If it wasn't for the power of this spell, Su Yu could smash this purple gold wall with a punch.

Su Yu drunk, in exchange for a heavy blow on Su Guozheng's head.

This collision hit Su Yu's face door, and a snorting sound "Su Yu flipped out, although he and Su Guozheng broke out of the" positive and negative worlds ", it can be called the ultimate existence on two different evolutionary lines "But once bound in this small space," the fight between them is not much better than ordinary people.

The two fought close to each other, punched to the flesh, and the amethyst-like corners of Su Guozheng's body were shattered. ”One piece of splashing, and Su Yu's body also showed terrible blood holes one after another. With one breath, these blood regrows again.

Su Yu focused her huge will on her fist, and bombarded Su Guozheng's head from time to time, struggling for both defeats, entangled Su Guozheng, and every punch hit Su Guozheng's head, Su Guozheng's head would burst out Charm energy.

"Wake up," Su Yu growled inwardly, and his huge will sensed his roar, and constantly struck Su Guozheng's head. "I want to break the seal of this spell and wake up Su Guozheng's will.

Ziluo, Golden Eagle, etc. are watching the killing inside quietly through the video light curtain. Although the limitation of the purple gold wall and the power of spells does not seem to have any earth-shattering power, they clearly understand the energy horror in it. At what level, even the specially made purple gold wall squeaked from time to time. Even if an adult giant **** is thrown into it at this moment, I am afraid that it will be squeezed into a blood rain by this terror energy in an instant.

Su Yu struck Su Guozheng's head with a huge willpower, and Su Guozheng threw Su Yu backhand at almost the same moment and hit a distant wall.

He shook his head again, and his body scrambled out, resisting Su Yu's fallen body, and stretched his arms. "A deadly cross on Su Yu's neck.

Su Yu couldn't breathe immediately, feeling the power of terror like twisting her neck and squeezing it.

Su Yu had to grab Su Guozheng's arms backhand, trying to tear it apart.

"Su Yu, don't let go and try your best ..."

Suddenly, Su Guozheng's voice rang suddenly in Su Yu's head.

He was shocked.

"Don't show anything abnormal ~ ~ The Amethyst woman is looking at us outside and can't make her doubt." Su Guozheng's voice became anxious, and he strangled Su Yu's arm. "Nothing Let go.

Without real power, you can't hide the violet that is watching from outside.

Su Yu has understood that Su Guozheng has restored his will, knowing that he is going to stun the outside Violet. "Immediately mobilize the real power, pulling Su Guozheng's two sides, both sides of the body are closely attached together." Looks like They are scrambling desperately "I want to kill each other.

At the same moment, Su Guozheng's voice was echoing in Su Yu's mind with urgency: "Listen to me, they only need one host, and we have only one way ... or we can fight for a little vitality ... Su Yu, Escape anyway ... "

Su Yu's eyes widened, listening to Su Guozheng's plan, at this moment he knew that Su Guozheng's will has always been sober. Obviously, all these changes have come out of the unexpected, and Su Guozheng has been pretending to be "Controlled, just a few killings" but the real battle, let alone Zi Luo was cheated, even Su Yu, the man in the game, was deceived all the way, until Su Guozheng spoke, he finally understood "All of this" was planned by Su Guozheng.

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