MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1154 Amethyst Tier 8

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Hundreds of layers of fire cocoons were destroyed one after another by this terrorist force.

The strength of Su Yu has already reached the peak state of "", which is seven steps away from the broken, which is just a frontier. On the realm, he has crossed the "", but whether it is the "Five Great Extinctions" or the "Decision of the Emperor" "Su Yu's ability to master and cultivate is far inferior to the world ancestors of the" Four Hands "and the power of the nine-dimensional space.

What he lacks most right now is special strength. Although the huge will is magical enough, he can't handle the existence of the "Clan Emperor" series. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest

Nengpo killed "Tianfo Emperor" in fact because it borrowed the special power of "". This time, he once again faced the horror and special power of the "Clan Emperor" series. Although Su Yu turned his own The power pushed to the peak series. "Although he was in the realm, he has slightly surpassed," Four Hands ... "but in the continuous breaking of the cocoon formed by the ancestral fire of the world, his body was melted in large quantities, piece by piece. Amethyst scales are like melted cream, and purple liquid flows down.

"Damn," Su Yu shouted from the horror. In a short time, he gathered all his strength and has broken through the wall of fire of ten million layers. But his body has been burned for more than half, and the degree of healing cannot keep up. The degree of melting is like this. It only takes one ten thousandth of a second. He may be able to break through 10 million layers of fire walls, but his body will be completely burned and melted into a pool of purple water, and then steamed and disappeared. Clean. "Fiction" novel chapters updated the fastest

Perhaps only the "amethyst core" or "eternal heart" will remain.

The “Sword Emperor” watching from a distance frowned. Originally, he had considerable expectations for Su Yu, thinking that if Su Yu could kill, he would not be defeated by the “Four Hands Emperor” at least. You can fight for both losses, and you will be able to profit from it.

However, he never expected that this Su nose was wrapped in hundreds of layers of fire cocoon. "Seeing that the defeat had already taken place, it would soon disappear.

"How can this little ghost be so fragile", "The Sword Emperor unconsciously clenched the huge sword behind him, killing Su Yu" and regaining the "Eternal Heart" is a great tribute, and it must be received by the Emperor. " "Benefits promised by the emperors" will be unimaginable. The "Sword Emperor" is not really willing to be taken away by the "Four-hand Emperor".

It was just that his "Sword Emperor" made a promise in public, and it was not easy to say a word. He also had a status and status, but it was only a little hesitant that billion layers of fire cocoons "had been broken by Su Yu for 20 million layers. At the same time, the perfect amethyst body he cultivated was completely melted away by this horrible fire cocoon, leaving only a "amethyst nucleus" and a heart-like, "eternal heart".

"Become" and "Four Hands Emperor", giggled wildly, stretched out an arm, and held on to the cocoon, "Eternal Heart".

At this time, an unbelievable thing happened. The “amethyst core” that belongs to Su Yu fell down and rushed towards it. “Eternal Heart” seemed to be left by the horrors surrounding him. The refining of 80 million layers of fire cocoons, "Eternal Heart" also seems to be melted "Su Yu's" Amethyst Nucleus "fell, and instantly merged into" Eternal Heart ".

"Haha" the four-handed emperor's amethyst arm caught at the same time. The 80 million layers of fire cocoons were not harmful to his arm. "It was like a part of his body, and he grabbed it easily, and then The "eternal heart" that has just fused this "amethyst nucleus" in his hands.

"Haha, my eternal heart was overwhelmed by me ~" The Four Emperors laughed wildly "With such great contributions, the Emperor must have a great gift to descend, and it may even be possible to help him break through this" amethyst seventh-order "puppet" and enter Unpredictable levels.

Almost as soon as the "Four Hands Emperor" caught the "Eternal Heart", the smile on his face suddenly froze, and the "Eternal Heart" of his hands suddenly became hot and hot, even at this temperature, he even possessed the "World Ancestor" The "four emperors" of fire can not stand it.

"Ah," a scream of scream "" Four Hands ", the arm was melted instantly into a pool of purple juice, and the" eternal heart "has flickered with dazzling blood red light, the light, this blood Red constantly stretched around, and soon it stretched out a human appearance, and waited for his face to slowly clear up. "The human blood red appearance is like Su Yu.

Pieces of amethyst scales reappeared, and the amethyst scales were densely covered with blood-red silk threads like spider silk, which looked like the blood-red veins all over his body appeared. Weird to the extreme.

At the same moment, in Su Yu's mind, countless complex mysterious experiences emerged, and blood was released from the heart above his head. This "eternal heart" began to merge with his "amethyst core" .

With the continuous integration, Su Yu felt endlessly complicated and difficult experience and strange energy came out. This strange energy was actively combined with his "huge will" to give out a whole new force. .

This power is not the power of God, nor is it the power of the devil, let alone the power of the mystery to the extreme.

With a fist in his right hand, amethysts grew out from behind, and the grown amethysts layered up. "Gradually ~ ~ Two perfect amethyst wings spread far away. .

The "Four Hands Emperor" opened his eyes wide, and the originally melted palms grew back. After a moment of stagnation, they reacted again. "The four palms were grouped together, and their mouths screamed loudly." The world's ancestors are flaming. For a moment, once again, Su Yu's body became a billion-layer layer of "cocoons". Each layer of "cocoons" burned with each other, pushing its temperature to unimaginable levels. limit.

This time, Su Yu was enveloped by the billion layers of "cocoons" without even opening his eyes. His blood-stained amethyst body was burned by this terrible temperature, and there was no melting at all. Signs.

The "Four Hands Emperor" looked in his eyes and took a sip of air-conditioning. The "Sword Emperor" in the distance couldn't help but pinch the giant sword behind him. At the same moment, he blew out the ground.

Seeing here, "The Sword Emperor" instantly confirmed that the "Four-handed Emperor" was in danger.

In addition to the perfect amethyst of the whole body, Su Yu refined a pair of amethyst wings. "Sword Emperor" understood that Su Yu broke through. "Just at the last moment, Su Yu broke through. The amethyst of "Amethyst Seventh Stage" has entered the supreme realm of "" which they dream of.