MTL - King of Gods-v4 Chapter 1492 Golden Dragon Holy Land

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In the air, only the pure Yang Gongzhu, Yu Hongguang, and the peak of the stream.

The main character of the stream and the pure yang? Lord, have completely lost their war, and their hearts have collapsed and despair.

Six people were killed and half died. What else can they do with Zhao Feng?

If time can go back, Chunyang Palace will not be an enemy of Zhao Feng.

In the distance, Yu Hongguang is in danger of dying under the wrath of the black dragon, and may die at any time.

"Stop it!"

Zhao Feng suddenly spoke.

On the other hand, the black dragon immediately stopped, and Hong Hongguang was seriously injured and immediately retreated.


The main character of the movie stream is surprised.

In today's situation, they are already dead, and Zhao Feng actually stopped?

There are also pure Yanggong masters, and some are awkward.

"Today's business, let's just do it. If there is a next time, I will completely eradicate the Pure Yang Palace and the Shadow Stream Peak!"

Zhao Fengping said lightly, the last four words of the discourse, one word and one meal.

He is not a person who is addicted to killing.

If he shows all his strength, he can kill all of them at the beginning.

At present, the purpose of Zhao Feng has been reached, and it is only necessary to leave this place as soon as possible.

Although these people were released, their top-level power was greatly damaged, and the next days were not good.

The two powers of the five-star forces are fortunate, and at the same time, they are shaking and warned themselves not to anger this person again, otherwise the entire five-star power will be destroyed.


The robe of time and space will wave, and the black dragon will be destroyed. After being taken into the inner space, Zhao Feng will fly up.

Relying on the law of space, Zhao Feng sensed the exit and shuttled.


The next moment, Zhao Feng's body shape appeared at the entrance of the pure dragon palace Huanglong secret.

However, at this time, a very powerful and powerful divine power fluctuation, which fell on the body of Zhao Feng, made him feel a sense of crisis.

I saw that above the sky, a gold-plated dragon was hovering, and the power could shake the sky and reflect the whole world into a golden world.

"No, there is an ambush!"

Zhao Feng’s heart trembled and immediately spurred the chaotic mine hole.

However, the other party is obviously waiting for a long time and is prepared.


The golden dragon, roaring, hit the bottom, and the speed was so fast that it could not be reacted.

The chaotic mine hole that runs under the rush, twisted and broken under the power of this golden dragon.


The mixed-eyed mine was broken, and Zhao Feng’s figure was shaken out. The body’s blood was boiling and his face was white.

At this moment, he looked at the five figures floating in the distance to the horizon.

Among the five people, two one-day, two two-day, the center of the golden dragon tattoo man, is the three gods!

These five people, Zhao Feng did not know, but it is obvious that the other party knows him.


One of the five people was a little surprised.

Zhao Feng has not been hit hard, and he has not suffered much.

Just at this time!


The Huanglong secret exit, the remaining three of the Pure Yang Palace and the Yingliu Peak appeared, and his face was shocked.

When they saw the five gods in the sky, their faces changed.

"Golden Emperor Lord!"

The two gods of the five-star powers shouted respectfully.

Lord of the Golden Emperor, the Lord of the Three Gods of the Golden Dragon Holy Land.

As a force under the Holy Land, seeing the Lord of the Golden Emperor of the Three Heavens, it is natural to salute.

It’s just that they are a little surprised. Does the Golden Emperor also know the inheritance of the Tianzu hidden here? Otherwise, others will be the three gods, and nothing will come here.

"Zhao Feng, let's just let it go!"

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor did not control the Pure Yang Palace and others, and his eyes stared at Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng?"

The owner of Chunyang Palace and Yu Hongguang.

They guessed that Zhao Feng might have concealed his real name, but the name Zhao Feng sounds familiar.

The ninth god!

The next moment, they suddenly realized that they stared at Zhao Feng with a stunned look.

It turns out that the arrival of the Lord of the Golden Dragon Holy Land is not for the inheritance of the Tianzu, but for the ninth god.

"Is he the owner of the ninth god!"

The pure Yang Gongzhu was shocked and stunned.

The eight great gods, in the wilderness of the gods, have the title of master.

The birth of the ninth **** represents, and there must be another master.

Master, in their hearts, how unattainable!

They did not expect that the youth who had fought with them before were actually the owners of the ninth shrine and might become the masters of the king of God.

However, in the previous battle, Zhao Feng did not use the power of the eyelids.

This is perhaps because they have no qualifications to force Zhao Feng to use the eyelids.

Pure Yang Palace is far away, the dragon and the real **** are both eyes and eyes, and the body is slightly trembled.

"This, my grandfather has invited a horrible strong man to deal with Zhao Feng!"

The Dragon Emperor is only a fourth-order true god. If you look at it, you can only feel the power of the heavens and the earth in the distance. If you are close to some, you will be killed by the aftermath.

In the sky, Zhao Feng wiped the blood of his mouth.

"What are you doing?" See if you have this ability!"

Zhao Feng's face is slightly cold, he naturally sees that the other party is for the ninth god.

He was injured by the Emperor of the Golden Emperor. He was completely unprepared. If he confronted him in a confrontation, Zhao Feng would not necessarily lose.

At the beginning of the Tianji nationality, he was able to fight with Beihuihui.

After leaving the Kingdom of God, he completed his martial arts and found the Supreme God. He also incorporated two pieces of artifacts into the robe of time and space, and the overall strength has been greatly improved.

At this moment, Zhao Feng has the confidence to fight with the Triple God!

"If you take the plunge and take the initiative to surrender the ninth shrine, you may still have a life!"

The Lord of the Golden Emperor threatened the cold.

"Haha, come on? You sneak up on hurting me, today, I will not give up!"

Zhao Feng laughed and took off.


At this time, the seal of Tianhe on his body was completely removed.

His hair gradually returned to the bright silver luster, and reflected the other colors of light, flowing and dancing in the void.

The left-handed, flashing fascinating fantasy silver, can not help but be seen, deeply attracted to it.


Between heaven and earth, the infinite attribute power was stirred by Zhao Feng and absorbed madly.

"What? He actually challenged God's Lord III!"

"Even if he has the ninth god, he will not be the opponent of the Golden Emperor!"

Pure Yang Gongzhu, Yu Hongguang, marveled again and again.

In the wilderness of the wilderness, it is extremely rare for the Double Heaven to challenge the Three Heavens, and it is unheard of to challenge the Triple Peaks.

"Haha, even if you have the ninth god, you are too arrogant!"

The Lord of the Golden Emperor is not angry and laughs.

call out!

The afterimage flashed, a dazzling golden light, and came directly from Zhao Feng.

At this moment, the entire Pure Yang Palace trembled fiercely, and the ancient gods in the far side were all shaken by the earthquake. Many true gods were directly exploding and died.

Hey ~

A dim force of chaos was released, and Zhao Feng held a chaotic thunderbolt sword surrounded by chaotic mines.

In the face of the Triple God, he has no reservations.


At the moment when the two collided, the earthquake trembled, and a mighty storm swept through all directions.

The two gods of the Pure Yang Palace are desperately trying to display their defenses and try to protect the foundation of the Pure Yang Palace.


After a confrontation, Zhao Feng stepped back a few steps.

His chaotic mine hole, a twisted damage, and quickly recovered.

Opposite, the Emperor of the Golden Emperor looked horrified.

"The Triple God, but this is the case!"

Zhao Feng looked at the Emperor of the Golden Emperor and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

He is not wrong with his own strength estimation. Today, he can already compete with the Triple God!

On the other hand, the four gods of the Golden Dragon Holy Land are horrified.

The first match between the Emperor of the Golden Emperor and Zhao Feng was actually evenly divided, and did not take advantage of it!

The owner of Chunyang Palace and the head of the movie stream are even more sturdy.

"Senior, you are too arrogant, but only blocked my strength of 70%. I admit to look down on you, but then, you have no chance..."

The Lord of the Golden Emperor screamed.

In fact, the power he had just used was almost 10%, but it was blocked by Zhao Feng, and his face was greatly damaged.

But next, he won't give Zhao Feng a chance.


At the rear, the golden light is now, two two-day gods appear.

In the two double heavens, there is also a tall woman who reaches the peak of the double heavens. The golden color on the body is glittering and bright, which makes it noble.

This time, the three gods took the shot, Zhao Feng still have the power to fight back?


The Emperor of the Golden Emperor screamed.

Although Zhao Feng blocked his blow, he still has absolute confidence to beat Zhao Feng.

However, at the moment they need to hold Zhao Feng and get the ninth god.

Therefore, he let other people take the shot, lest Zhao Feng escape.


The Golden Dragon Holy Land, the three gods, turned into three golden lights, surrounded by Zhao Feng.

In the face of such a lineup, Zhao Feng is alone, too reluctant.

"Come out"

The robe of time and space, a black scale man, a silver Jubilee Junya youth, and a cat appeared on both sides of Zhao Feng.

Jinlong Holy Land and other people, face exposed.

Although Zhao Feng's helpers are extraordinary, but the repair is too low, no one has reached the double heaven, not enough.


Zhao Feng snorted and took the initiative to kill the Golden Emperor.

Zhao Kong is responsible for the containment of the double **** god, which is somewhat difficult for him, but as a descendant of time and space, the speed is dominant, at least to ensure that he does not die.

The black dragon and the little thief cat are responsible for the golden woman who is holding the double peak.


All kinds of laws and powers fluctuate, and the days are turbulent and volatile.

All the disciples in the Pure Yang Palace had long since evacuated and did not know how far they had left. They were already dead.

"Zhao Feng, your helpers, just come out and die!"

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor sneered.

The battle on the other side is indeed a golden dragon holy land to occupy a big advantage!


In his hand, a golden light thorn is condensed, and there is a faint dragon pattern shining.

Zhao Feng chaos and thundering swords smashed out.

Every time we fight, the law of time and space and the law of light pass through the heavens and the earth, and turbulent.

Doing a dozen tricks, the power of Zhao Feng's chaotic thunderbolt sword is getting stronger and stronger, and it is in no way inferior to the Golden Emperor.

"This kid has such strength!"

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor was horrified.

Zhao Feng can block his blow, perhaps to go all out and give a blow.

Can continue to fight, do not fall, this does not mean that Zhao Feng's true strength, similar to him.


The main face of the Golden Emperor was slightly angry, and the power of the blood in the body exploded, and a dazzling golden light surrounded it, with a golden dragon pattern on it.

After the activation of the blood, the Golden Emperor's main battle force increased!


At the moment of the collision, Zhao Feng was repelled a few steps, and the chaotic thunderbolt sword in his hand trembled fiercely with a fissure.

Although the blood of the Lord of the Golden Emperor is twenty open, it is also extremely powerful.


The identity has been recognized, Zhao Feng is no longer hidden, and there is a layer of dreamy luster in the dreamy gods!


The power of the source is mobilized, and in the left eye, there is a layer of dreamy haze that infiltrates into the void of heaven and earth.

And the world in front of Zhao Feng, in a moment, cast a layer of dreamy blur.