MTL - King of Gods-v4 Chapter 1525 Feel free to kill

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"You are... Zhao Feng!"

Bei Minghui had some doubts and immediately changed his face.

He did not expect that Zhao Feng would return to the spiritual family with Zhao Yufei.

After all, many of the great powers of the wild gods, including the anti-science, are staring at Zhao Feng’s ninth shrine, and Zhao Feng actually took the initiative to return, even returning to the spirits.

"Zhao Feng!"

The four law enforcement elders present changed their faces.

They are the newly promoted law enforcement elders of the Lingzu. They are not actually the people of the Lingzu, but the people of the anti-science. They are naturally very clear about the deeds of Zhao Feng.

In the distance, the minds of the spirits are also trembled, including the ancient gods of the ice.

"How could it be him?"

The ancient **** of the icefield is shaking.

At the beginning, he had made up his mind that he would no longer provoke Zhao Feng for the rest of his life.

But Zhao Feng just returned to the Lingzu, he almost offended Zhao Feng.

Moreover, Zhao Feng just said that the last time he let North Minghui run?

Secretly support the Northern Elders of the Great Elders, but the Lord of the Three Gods!

It is hard to imagine that Bei Minghui seemed to have dealt with Zhao Feng and fled.


Zhao Feng's palm stretched out, and the chaotic thunderbolt sword condensed out, gently glimpsing, releasing a chaotic thunder sword.

In the distance, the elders who are fighting with Zhao Yufei feel such a powerful blow and immediately dodge.

However, a time and space of mystery came to him, making him slow, thinking and even slow.

"Crystalized water!"

As a last resort, the elders spurred the secrets of the spirits of the spirits, and the body turned into a transparent liquid crystal.


Zhao Feng’s chaos thundered Jian Mang, hit the elders and cut through his body, but immediately, the huge wound on his body healed quickly.

Using the spiritual method of the spiritual family, the elders escaped this fatal blow.

Even so, the clan secret surgery can not completely offset the power of this attack, the mouth of the elders spilled a trace of blood, and the face turned white.

As a result, Zhao Yufei’s pressure has gradually increased, and he can compete with the elders and even take advantage.

Looking at Zhao Feng’s understatement, Bei Minghui has already felt that Zhao Feng at this moment is much stronger than it was at the beginning.

"Everyone, come over to me!"

Bei Minghui shouted.

At this moment, the Lingzu is only a **** of the gods. Bei Minghui knows that he is not an opponent of Zhao Feng, but he can't leave easily. Otherwise, the mission will fail and he will be severely punished.

Moreover, now the entire spiritual family is under his control. There are many people here, and there is no chance of winning.


The spirits are everywhere, and the roads radiate amazing black shadows and come to the North.

Among them is a king of the temple, a number of gods and gods, and the top ancient gods under the Lord of God.

The people of many nearby spiritual families were shocked, and no one expected that there were so many powerful people hidden in the spiritual family.


The elders spurred the blood and the power of the gods, and exerted a powerful blow to temporarily defeat Zhao Yufei.

At the same time, he and four law enforcement elders flew to Beihuihui.

Before, their plan was to control the Lingzu and capture Zhao Yufei.

But now, dealing with Zhao Feng is the most important.

"Zhao Feng, even if your strength is far above me, but now I have a lot of people, you can't help me!"

Bei Minghui smiled lightly.

In addition, when Zhao Feng showed his true purpose, he passed the information out.

As long as you drag Zhao Feng for a period of time, waiting for the support of the anti-天派, Zhao Feng will die.

"Last time let you escape, this time you will die!"

Zhao Feng eyes condensed.

Last time, the Anti-Tianjin faction not only sent a lot of gods, but even the law of protection personally shot, and Zhao Feng and others were forced into desperation.

This hatred, he will certainly report, first start from Beihuihui.

"Crazy Junior!"

Bei Minghui screamed.

Zhao Feng is in the Ling family, repeatedly stressed that he lost to Zhao Feng last time, making him face to face.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Around Beihuihui, everyone starts to act.

The enemy is north of Huihui, the great elder, and one of the kings. The rest of the gods, the top ancient gods, stand behind and give support and interference.

"Just take these people and try the 'domain of chaos'!"

Zhao Feng looks slightly excited.


A huge force of chaos, released from the body of Zhao Feng, quickly into the void of heaven and earth.

In the next moment, everything in the hundreds of thousands of miles became dark and gloomy. Everything between heaven and earth began to disappear, turning into a chaotic stream of chaos and raging.

For a moment, the domain of chaos is formed.

In this field, Bei Minghui and others feel that their connection with the heavens and the earth seems to be cut off, and the strength is weakened.

At the same time, when they release their power, they will be swallowed and absorbed by the chaotic forces of the surrounding world.

At the same time, in the face of chaotic chaos in the domain of chaos, they have to do their best to dodge.


A nine-order ancient god, too late to dodge, was hit by chaotic turbulence, the soul flew away.

At the level of Zhao Feng, any crisis in this chaotic domain can easily obliterate God.

All kinds of factors have made many people in the North Minghui party, and have not yet fought, they have already feared.

"Full defense, break through this place!"

Bei Minghui changed his face and immediately shouted.

He can feel the power of this chaotic domain. If he does not leave here, they will have more people and they will not play much.

"It's all here!"

Zhao Feng shouted and took control of the entire chaos.

Suddenly, the entire domain of chaos became violent, chaotic chaos, rampage, and raging attacks.


Bei Minghui screamed, and both palms slammed out and smashed the chaotic turbulence that came from all directions.

However, he cannot take care of everyone.

Zhao Feng’s divine eyes have a good understanding of everything. Once there is a gap, the crisis from the domain of Chaos will take this opportunity to kill the enemy.


The screams continued, and the members of God under the Lord died one after another.

In less than a moment, all the people under God's Lord died.

"The next step is God!"

Zhao Feng's cold smile echoed in the domain of chaos.

In the domain of chaos, in all directions, more powerful chaotic turbulence, colliding.

At the same time, Zhao Feng himself began to act.


Bei Minghui and others broke through the crisis in all directions and broke through.

Just then, there was a figure behind them.

"Zhao Feng!"

Bei Minghui is gloomy and bites his teeth.


He took out the fragments of the artifacts and displayed a chaotic light wave, carrying a huge power, and slashing out.

However, in the domain of chaos, the power of chaos in all directions quickly rushed, hindering the front and weakening its power.

At the same time, Zhao Feng fully urged the law of time and space, avoiding the attack range of this attack, and approaching Beihuihui and others.

"Fast attack!"

The elders immediately drank.

The strength of Zhao Feng, he had just seen it, the ordinary double **** God I am afraid that he can only let it be slaughtered.

Humbling ~

The rest of the staff immediately shot, and the skyward attack screamed forward.

Zhao Feng’s mind is fretting and controls the domain of chaos.

Suddenly, a chaotic stream circling around his body.


All attacks are close to Zhao Feng, and they are all blocked by this chaos.

In a blink of an eye, Zhao Feng is close to the elders and others.

The chaotic thunderbolt sword waved and a sword slammed out.


A one-of-a-kind **** was directly split into two halves by Zhao Feng, and he could not die any more.

In the domain of chaos, the enemy will be subject to certain suppression, and Zhao Feng has gained a lot of growth.

After killing one person, Zhao Feng swayed and went to the other side, and the chaotic thunderbolt sword was once again pulled out.

"Zhao Feng, stop..."

Bei Minghui quickly sipped and joined the great elders and another king.

The king and the elders did not even dare to approach Zhao Feng alone, so the three men joined forces to kill.

However, in the field of chaos, they were suppressed in all aspects, and they could not touch Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng, ignoring the three people's containment, enjoy the fight.

A **** of the gods, like an ant, is easily crushed by Zhao Feng!

In less than a moment, there were only Bei Minghui, the Great Elder, and a King of the Temple.

But they are completely desperate.

"Zhao Feng, stop, let us take a life, you still have time to leave!"

Bei Minghui took the initiative to show weakness.

He can see that Zhao Feng did not make full efforts, and many helpers did not appear. With the strength of the three of them, there is no chance of winning.

At this moment, Bei Minghui did not directly explain, but suggested that the anti-day faction had a strong person to come and persuade Zhao Feng to go as soon as possible.

"Hey, thank you for telling me, I will solve the three of you immediately!"

Zhao Feng sneered, lying in the domain of chaos, like the gods in the dark, giving invisible oppression and fear.


The entire domain of chaos, surging and gradually shrinking.

But the area of ​​the domain of chaos is reduced, and its power is more concentrated.

"Chaotic lock!"

Zhao Feng puts his hands together and exerts another combat skill.

At this moment, he used all the divine power of the domain of Chaos to apply chaotic locks.


In the void, the dim space gradually converges, but three black chaotic spheres are formed.

In the ball, Bei Minghui, a palace king, and the elders are locked.

"I don't want to trap me..."

Bei Minghui screamed, urging blood and artifact fragments, releasing strong energy and constantly bombarding chaotic locks.

For the resistance of Bei Minghui, Zhao Feng did not care much.

After all, he applied three chaotic locks at the same time, which was distracting, and the power of each chaotic lock was not very strong.

Even so, the king and the elders have no resistance.


The chaotic spheres on both sides suddenly shrank into a mass and burst open.

Rebellious kings and great elders, fallen!

Before Zhao Feng observed the elders, he discovered that the great elders at this moment had been transformed into "Death of the Dead" by the anti-God, and were completely controlled by the anti-science.

Being a great elder of the **** of death, they are only the tools that control the spirits, so Zhao Feng did not hesitate to kill him.

Today, the enemy is left with only North Minghui!

In the distance, the high-level elite of the spirits looked at this scene, and they couldn’t say a word.

The powerful team headed by North Minghui and the Great Elders was actually disintegrated by Zhao Feng!


The chaotic black ball where Bei Minghui is located suddenly expands and breaks.

Bei Minghui rushed out of it, staring at Zhao Feng with anger, but no help.


Bei Minghui turned and immediately fled.

Zhao Feng at the moment is much stronger than it was at the beginning. Today, there is only one person left. There is only one dead road left here.