MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 927 What exactly is your secret weapon?

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The number of monsters that appeared in the human world exceeded 12. For ordinary people, the most powerful of them is undoubtedly the one-horned long-necked dragon that destroyed an aircraft carrier formation in the United States.

But for the militaries of various countries, what they fear most is the monster named Muto by New Tuvalu.

Most monsters act alone, but there are two kinds of monsters that have been proven to cooperate.

One is the skeleton reptile, a monster that is keen on eating people. Although it is very small compared to other monsters, it can be wiped out by human weapons. However, as long as they appear, they must be in groups, ranging from dozens to hundreds.

The other is Muto. In the war between humans and monsters, there have been two or more Mutos in the history of cooperating to fight against humans. Compared to skeleton reptiles, almost all human weapons have no effect on them.

Muto can release electromagnetic pulse waves. Even though humans have mastered the shielding of electromagnetic pulse waves, most facilities in normal human cities do not have the ability to resist electromagnetic pulse attack waves.

This anti-electromagnetic pulse attack wave technology has been applied in the military, not only to deal with Muto, but also to deal with New Tuvalu. After all, New Tuvalu has also mastered the technology of electromagnetic pulse attack.

But even so, human military weapons do not need to worry about electromagnetic pulse attack waves, and there is still no way to deal with Muto.

Huge in size and amazing in defense, even the frontal explosion of a nuclear bomb could not kill Muto. In the human world, apart from the space-based satellites of New Tuvalu, there is no way to eliminate Muto in a short time.


The head of the Australian military looked shocked, and murmured in horror.

At this time, the high-level military officials of various countries, including him, no longer looked at the big screen of the central command, but looked directly outside through the huge porthole of the command room of the New Tuvalu.

In the air about one kilometer above sea level, a 'portal gate' larger than the three space carriers suddenly appeared, and it could be clearly seen even without the aid of equipment.

The New Tuvalu landed directly at the level of the portal, so that the professional equipment on the New Tuvalu could detect the 'portal'.

The portal became more and more stable, and the images that could be observed became clearer and clearer.

At this time, not only the coalition forces were watching, but other non-Pacific Treaty Organization member states were also watching.

Although they were not able to participate in this military operation, in line with the common threat to mankind, the Pacific Treaty Organization allowed their reconnaissance planes to enter the coalition forces.

The military command centers of China, Russia, the United States and other countries have all fallen into a short period of sluggishness at this time.

They can clearly see that in the blue halo called the portal by New Tuvalu, it is absolutely impossible to exist on the earth.

Just the mountain peak in the background, according to the calculation of professional equipment, has an altitude of at least 40,000 meters. If this is on the earth, or even in the solar system, this mountain has already been detected by humans.

Among the eight planets in the solar system, the highest mountain is only 27,000 meters above sea level, which is Mount Olympus of Mars.

And the mountains over 40,000 meters... are definitely not the focus of countries at this time.

What they are most concerned about is the number and volume of that group of mutos.

Monsters are as powerful as their size, and for Muto, the bigger the bigger the stronger. This point has been confirmed by human beings, or New Tuvalu.

"127 mutos, the smallest male and female mutos are bigger than the most powerful ones before us." Huaxia military technician Xunhui reported: "there are 32 mother mutos, the size of the mother mutos , is larger than the male Muto, according to observations, more than half of the female Mutos are pregnant, if they come to the earth, they will definitely wreak havoc on all countries in order to reproduce."

The militaries of various countries have been reported immediately, but the information that can be seen is limited to this.

At the same time, they have a question, that is: "Why doesn't New Tuvalu do anything? Could it be that you want to wait for them to come?"

The lethality of 127 mutos is simply unimaginable. Even with two space-based satellites, it is impossible to eliminate so many mutos in the first place.

Moreover, the portal is opened on the sea, if these mutos enter the sea, the lethality of the space-based satellites will inevitably drop to the point where they can be ignored.

"I demand that the portal be attacked immediately, and they must not be allowed to come over."

Several shouts sounded from the new Tuvalu space carrier. They had already thought of the most terrible situation, so they directly ignored Admiral Ryan's full command, and even wanted to disregard the order and arrange their own country's army without authorization. Attack the portal.

Admiral Ryan did not explain, but said directly: "Shoot a round of missile salvo, target portal."

The top military officials from all over the world breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately became concerned. Because Admiral Ryan's expression seemed to have a hint of ridicule?

After the order was issued, more than 70 different types of anti-air missiles fired from the warship that received the order towards the portal in the air.

However, the expected explosion scene did not appear, not even the sound. After 70 missiles, it is even worse than sinking into the sea, without even a splash of water, it just disappeared without a trace.

"Because of your ignorance of the portal, I will not pursue the act of attacking you without authorization just now. But, it is only this time."

Admiral Ryan said indifferently: "No matter which country it is, as long as it dares to make trouble at this time, I will destroy it first."

This kind of threat, from the mouth of Admiral Ryan, made other countries' military leaders dare not speak out.

An attack had no effect at all, and they were completely confused. At this time, they had no choice but to rely on the New Tuvalu military.

The portal in the air has become clearer and more stable. In the central command hall of the New Tuvalu, even Muto's roar from the other side of the portal was collected.

But what is strange is that none of those Mutos chose to rush towards the portal.

From a human perspective, the portal should be in the sky of another planet, about a hundred meters above the ground.

Therefore, it is possible to see the huge Muto group on the ground and the alien landscape in the distance through the portal.

At this time, some people began to rejoice, was it because some female Mutos couldn't fly, so they didn't rush to the portal.

Some people are also wondering why there is only Muto on the other side of the portal, but no other monsters.

At this moment, a report sounded in the command hall of the New Tuvalu: "The fluctuation value of the portal has stabilized, and the other party is about to break through the portal."

Just when the sound of the report fell, a part of the male Muto with wings could be seen grabbing the larger female Muto.

The other male, Muto, flew up and rushed towards the portal.

When these mutos soared into the sky, human beings were surprised to find that there were still many corpses of monsters on the ground.

There are one-horned long-necked dragons, skeleton and huge corpses of ‘apes’, corpses of dozens of monsters, many of which have never appeared on Earth before.

At this time, in New Tuvalu, Li Daniu said with a smile: "Ao Chuang, this time the holographic projection is done well."

The monsters are all made by Li Daniu. He doesn't have dozens of monsters, and he doesn't have so many resources to waste so many monsters. Everything is a holographic projection.

As long as humans can't enter the portal, no one will be able to discover that those are holographic projections.

When Li Daniu praised Ultron, the six male Mutos were about to fly out of the portal.

Admiral Ryan roared loudly: "Space-based satellite, fire."

The two space-based satellites, which had been waiting for a long time, opened fire directly under the operation of the soldiers on the New Tuvalu.

Dozens of meteors fell from the sky, and when the six male Mutos just flew out of the portal, they were hit directly.

Amidst the bang, six male Mutos fell into the sea with howls.

However, this scene did not stop the Muto group on the other side of the portal. More Mutos are still rushing towards the portal.

"Space-based satellite, keep firing."

At this time, many people began to rejoice that the size of the portal was not large, otherwise, the space-based satellites would not be able to wipe out hundreds of Mutos in an instant.

However, many people can't help but worry even more, because the number of high-strength alloy weapons projected by space-based satellites, which is the legendary gun of God, or the scepter of God as it is called in Western countries, is limited.

How can space-based satellites be replenished with ammunition in such a short period of time. And if it is impossible to replenish ammunition, how to eliminate more than a hundred mutos?

"General Ryan, what is your secret weapon?"

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