MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 967 Mars spacecraft lost contact

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One month before the wedding of the new Tuvalu king, a breaking news spread all over the world in a short period of time.

"The latest news from our reporter in New Tuvalu."

In the China CCTV 1 news broadcast program, the host said to the camera: "Three hours ago, the spaceship Mars, which flew from New Tuvalu to Mars for a second landing expedition, was confirmed to be missing."

"Mars is the first spaceship for humans to land on Mars, which itself has epoch-making significance. And the loss of contact with Mars this time is also the first time that humans have been confirmed to have lost contact since the beginning of the interstellar era of spaceships. spacecraft."

"It is reported that there are 16 passengers on the Mars, of which 9 are the crew of the Mars, and the other 7 are scientists from the New Tuvalu Royal Academy. The purpose of their trip is to..."

CCTV's report was not the only one. After the news was confirmed, media from various countries immediately issued urgent news reports.

The first real spacecraft that lost contact with humans, and it was the spacecraft that went to Mars for the second human landing on Mars. This news is absolutely earth-shattering.

Prayers began all over the world for those passengers on Mars. Or when some malicious, envious, and jealous people cursed Mars and New Tuvalu, the whole country of New Tuvalu was also filled with sadness.

Compared with a month ago, when the new Tuvalu king got married, the whole country celebrated. The current New Tuvalu can be described as the whole country mourning.

However, it was at this time that His Majesty the King of New Tuvalu was actually talking to his princess...

"I said, can you push harder?"

"I'm already working hard, don't you feel it?"

"Do you think I seem to have feelings?"

Lucy was already sweating profusely, but Li Daniu looked calm and calm.

"Stop fighting, this kind of training is meaningless at all."

Lucy stopped and left the training ground directly: "I'm going to take a shower."

Li Daniu, who stayed on the training ground, was a little speechless. He already had a superhuman physique, but he still needed to take a bath?

A woman is indeed a woman.

Ao Chuang's voice sounded in the training ground: "Your Majesty, I don't think the princess needs to train her combat experience at all, because with the princess' current physical fitness and related abilities, there is no power on earth that can threaten her existence." .And you're still here."

Of course Li Daniu knew this. Lucy's body was created based on Krypton's Genesis Library technology. Not only has Superman's ability to absorb star energy and use it to strengthen himself, but also has some powers of mutants combined by Li Daniu.

For example, the mind power attached to the X gene of the black phoenix. Of course, because when Li Daniu extracted this gene, the original owner hadn't reached the level of nothingness power of the peak black phoenix. Therefore, under innate limitations, Lucy will never be able to reach the level of nothingness power.

That's the case, on the earth, except for those dark forces in New Tuvalu, there is no country with any power that can threaten Lucy.

"You know what a fart, I am a 'sex' between husband and wife."

After Li Daniu despised Ao Chuang, he asked, "What is the reaction of the countries now?"

After Ao Chuang was choked by Li Daniu, he was not annoyed, and replied: "The heads of state have contacted Prime Minister Burns, expressed sympathy, and are willing to help. Of course, they actually have no ability to help. And our local The moon tour project has not been affected, because the distance between the earth and the moon is very close, and we can rescue in time."

"In addition, Your Majesty, according to the novels I have read, the movies and TV dramas I have watched, and the contact between the various disguised robots I have monitored and the people around them, I have never heard of the 'sensuality' between husband and wife. ', it is cultivated by real fighting. Generally speaking, the 'interest' between husband and wife is in the bedroom..."

Li Daniu interrupted Ao Chuang and said, "Okay, let's get down to business!"

"Is the artificial wormhole we built stable?"

Ultron replied: "It has been completely stabilized. At present, Mars has successfully passed through the artificial wormhole we created. It appeared in a galaxy more than 35 light-years away from our solar system. They will be in the After 2 hours, land on a planet suitable for human habitation in this galaxy."

After returning from the movie world of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2", Li Daniu began to continue to search for the foundation to fulfill his dream of an interstellar empire, a livable planet suitable for human survival.

With the help of the space gem power of the "marquee crystal stick", Li Daniu inspected more than 60 galaxies in 20 days.

In addition to the dozens of galaxies previously detected by Ao Chuang, after inspecting hundreds of galaxies with environments similar to the solar system, Li Daniu finally found a planet that is similar to the environment of the earth and suitable for human survival.

"Very well, let them stay on that planet for a day or two, and then come back the same way."

The disappearance of the Mars spacecraft, which shocked the whole world, is actually a "survival from a desperate situation" drama directed by Li Daniu.

A spaceship carrying human's dream of exploring the starry sky suddenly lost contact, and then appeared in a strange galaxy, and found a planet similar to the earth, which can relieve the earth's increasing population pressure and energy pressure .

This kind of plot can be made into a movie.

Ultron reminded: "Your Majesty, our number of spaceships is not enough. If we want to carry out full immigration, it will take at least 3 months. Of course, if we can announce our teleportation technology, then it is completely possible to use it there." On the planet, and on the earth, open a space channel that can exist for a long time. In this way, our comprehensive immigration plan will not be a problem."

Li Daniu nodded and said: "The space channel must be opened, but it cannot be opened on the earth. Instead, it must be opened in the outer space of the earth. Otherwise, those countries will make noise in front of me again." It's messed up."

Ao Chuang instantly understood what Li Daniu meant. If the space channel opened in outer space, then, unless he had a spaceship, it would be impossible to appear on another planet through the space channel.

However, with the scientific and technological strength of other countries on the earth, it will take at least five years to develop their own Moreover, the space channel is very guarded. You only need to set up laser weapons next to it, and no spaceship can pass through it.

Unless, those spaceships have shields. However, other countries on the earth do not have spaceships, so how could they develop protective shield technology?

Ultron asked again: "Your Majesty, do we need to stop our 'Australian Raiders' plan?"

When Li Daniu heard Ultron's reminder, he thought of the Australian strategy plan he had made before.

Plans can never keep up with changes, and his strength in the film world has progressed far beyond his imagination. It's like some people start writing their own books because they are bored and have no online novels to read. Who knows that a book can become a god...

(ps: I have nothing but admiration for those authors who conferred gods in one book!)

"The Australian strategy continues, but the goal has changed from occupying Australia to allowing all Australians to immigrate to our country." Li Daniu said: "Of course, the place where they immigrate will no longer be the current New Tuvalu, It's New Tuvalu Star!"


Li Daniu added: "In addition, activate camouflaged robots in other countries and subliminal influence devices installed in other countries. Their goals are all to help New Tuvalu attract immigrants."

In the past eight years, Li Daniu ordered Ao Chuang to send many camouflaged robots to other countries. Based on Li Daniu's resources, these camouflaged robots have a very high position.

There are successful businessmen, celebrities with many fans, authors of best-selling books, politicians in the middle and high levels, and so on.

When these disguised robots are activated, the impact they can bring is simply incredible.

"How can my New Tuvalu Empire only have tens of millions of people?"