MTL - Kitchen Xiuzhen-Chapter 25 [25] Sworn Luo Xiu!

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"Master ... this evening, Wang ... Cooker Wang Sheng must have rested!"

The housekeeper was talking there bitterly.

Li Deyong's spirit full of energy, suddenly seemed to be evacuated as a whole, kicking back and forth could not help but step back.

Yeah, the holy chef must have rested.

He looked at his son blindly and couldn't help feeling sad.

"How can this be, how can this be ?!"

Li Deyong stared at his son who was lying on the ground, muttering to himself, and two lines of tears slipped down his cheeks.

He couldn't believe it, his son, who was good at night, was so out of breath now.


Li Deyong's wife also rushed in in tears, and saw her son, who had no breath on the ground, burst into tears.

The stern voice immediately shocked everyone in the hospital.

Together with Li Yuan, we went to some small attendants in the Jiuzhong Building. At this time, they came to the kitchen tremblingly, and they were all stunned when they saw the tragic situation of their master.

Young ... Master is dead?

One of the classmates glanced at the two next to him, and then made a sudden thump, kneeling on the ground.

At this time, Li Deyong exhaled deeply, stopped his sadness, and looked at a dish on the counter with red eyes.

That dish has been eaten clean, not even the soup.

"Huh? Fruits?"

Li Deyong saw the fruit that had been cut in half, and felt more and more strange.

My son is a chef, but he does n’t even take a look at the common ingredients. Today ... but he uses fruits to make vegetables?

"Old ... Master!"

One of the followers gathered courage and suddenly whispered, "This ... this must be Luo Xiuju of Jiuzhong Lou!"


Li Deyong's red eyes flashed a cold flash, and he walked up to the attendant, pinching his arm and saying, "What's the matter? Come on!"


The whole body was so painful, and Li Deyong let go, staring at him intently, "Why are you biting Luo Xiu?"

"Yes ... that's it!"

He and Li Deyong reported what happened today with Ben and his wife.

Including today's kitchen battle between Li Yuan and Luo Xiu.

"What ?! Why did you say so early!"


Li Deyong slaps his face directly, and throws it on his face.

At this moment, I still don't know the hatred--


He angrily kicked directly at the follower, angrily exclaimed: "Have you ever regarded me as a master? Ah ?!"

"So ... what about salt!"

"Where's the salt?"

Li Deyong reprimanded there, his complexion turned blue: "Luo Xiu, this boy's cooking ... how could it be a victory!"

"I ... I don't know!"

The follower shivered, and snotted and cried, "The young man got the salt and hid it directly next to him. He said that he would try it out at night. Why is such a normal dish so good?"

As soon as Li Deyong heard, he walked towards Li Yuan's body.

While his wife was crying in the dark, Li Deyong reached out and touched his son's arms.

Sure enough, in his arms, there was a properly wrapped bag.

Pour the bag out and a handful of white powder appears on the table.

"It must be this, this ... this salt must be poisonous!"

The classmate's pupils diffused and pointed at the nitrite on the table, like seeing something terrible.

The anger on Li Deyong's face grew more and more, and he slammed it on the table with tears in his eyes: "Luo Xiu, I'm not at odds with you!"

"come here!"

Li Deyong yelled at the follower.

The two walked in, but Li Deyong turned abruptly, staring at the follower: "Are there any other things you are hiding from me!"

"Ah? Master ..."


Li Deyong's eyes were red, and he was not angry, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

Then he suddenly fell on his knees on the floor with "Ban": "I ... we don't know, how Luo Xiu lived again!"


Li Deyong was suddenly fainted, and today's events ... were greatly unexpected.

"You guys ... you're really upset!"

"Dare to kill?"

Li Deyong took a sigh of relief: "The young master wants to kill, you ... why don't you stop?"

The bitterly flirted with Ban: "We can't stop it. The young master said he was a chef and killed someone, and the temple wouldn't take him like that!"

"So he asked us to ask him to the beach and tie him directly ... to push him into the sea!"

"We watched him sinking--"

"shut up!"

Li Deyong didn't want to listen anymore, but the matter was clearer, but Luo Xiu was clearly resentful, so he poisoned his son.

However, this guy has such a ruthless mind, this poison, and the dishes he made.

This is where Li Deyong was puzzled.

"You go out first!"

Li Deyong waved his hand, and the gimmick with a gimmick abruptly abruptly absent.

At this time, a dark shadow did not know when it appeared behind Li Deyong: "Master, do you want me to take that Luo Xiu now ..."


He made a movement to wipe his neck.

"No, you settle these people first, and the three just now!"

Li Deyong's eyes flashed fiercely, and the man in black nodded, not seeing any action from him. The wave of his hands went out, and the rays of light flew from his hands, shooting from his hands.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Several miscellaneous servants in front of him suddenly broke a big hole in the heart, and all of them died.

The man held one in his hand, several on his shoulders, and disappeared directly into the kitchen.

Within a few moments, the sound of three heavy objects falling into the lake came from the courtyard of the ink-scented Champs.


Li Deyong, holding the handle of the seat, flashed an inexplicable sorrow in his heart.

My son ... is dead!

Poisoned to death!

"Master ... Master, Yuaner ... Yuaner's hatred, you must report it!"

Mrs. Li cried crying there.

Li Deyong nodded to her, raised his head, and realized the killing: "The enemy of killing a child, don't wear it all together!"


The man in black quickly flashed in at this moment: "All solved!"

"Well, now ... go to Jiuzhonglou for me. I will see Luo Xiu kneeling in front of me in the early morning!"

"Take his first class and sacrifice Yuaner's soul hall!"

Li Deyong said in front of his teeth, and this sentence seemed to jump out of the teeth.


The man in black immediately bowed and quickly flashed out of the kitchen ... obviously, it was Li Deyong's task.

"Luo Xiu, I want you to die!"

Li Deyong's roar came in the night, and his heart was broken.