MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-Chapter 11 test

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After the adjustment, Fenghuo refined chakra in the morning, practiced seal in the afternoon, and exercised in the evening. His daily practice schedule was full, and there was no room for others.

As for the secret surveillance, he didn't pay attention to it. As long as the Sharingan is not revealed, he believes that with his training, it is impossible to alert the real big shots.

This is indeed the case. After the captain of the police force, Uchiha Yamano, sent people to monitor Fenghuo for a week, he recalled the surveillance personnel and at the same time labeled Fenghuo: a diligent but limited Uchiha tribe. Open your eyes, it is worth cultivating.

Half a month has passed such a boring day, and the practice of sealing the fire has finally paid off.


"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

As soon as Fenghuo spit out his mouth, a huge hot flame spewed out. Compared with before, this flame was twice the size, and the heat was astonishing, and the destructive power was even more terrifying.

"The printing speed has reached one per second, and finally there is progress!"

Moreover, his load has increased again at this time, his feet have reached three kilograms, and his hands are two kilograms.

In contrast, his daily meat consumption is also increasing day by day, and the money lent to him by the pharmacist No Naoyu is gradually bottoming out.

As for Obito Uchiha, this guy only persisted for two days, and then he couldn't stand it anymore, so he went to Lin to ask for a good card.

Fenghuo persuaded him several times, but Uchiha Obito remained the same, so he had no choice but to give up.

"Well, my current Chakra level barely reaches the Genin level, so I should be qualified to practice Medical Ninjutsu!"

Feng Huo was gearing up and decided to go to the pharmacist No Naiyu, firstly to borrow money, and secondly to learn medical ninjutsu.

Konoha Hospital is located in the village center of Konoha Village, some distance from the Uchiha Clan's family land. After sealing the fire, he changed into clothes without the Uchiha Clan emblem and went out.

Speaking of which, this is the first time Fenghuo has left the Uchiha clan alone.

The village outside is far more lively than the place of the Uchiha tribe. Most people coming and going around are smiling and laughing, which makes Fenghuo's mood inexplicably brighter.

Walking all the way to Konoha Hospital, Fenghuo saw a few Uchiha ninjas wearing police uniforms patrolling the street, their eyes were very cold, and everyone looked like a spy.

Feng Huo shook his head slightly, no wonder the police force in Konoha Feng was not well-received in the original book, with such patrolling personnel, it is no wonder that they are getting better.

Soon, Fenghuo came to Muye Hospital, where the flow of people was even bigger, many patients came in and out accompanied by their family members, and there was a pleasant smell of disinfectant in the air.

Feng Huo entered the hospital, asked the pharmacist No Naiyu's office and went there.

Now that World War II has just passed, Konoha's medical ninjas have a lot of leisure time, so when the fire was sealed off, Pharmacist Nonoyu happened to be sitting at his desk thinking about something.

"Sister Pharmacist." Feng Huo knocked on the door, a shy blush appeared on his immature face.

In two previous lifetimes, this was the first time that Feng Huo came to ask someone to borrow money.

"Huh?" Pharmacist No Naiyu looked up, startled for a moment, and then showed a gentle smile on his face, "It's Fenghuo, why, are you here to pay back the money?"

Feng Huo rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and said, "Sister Yaoshi, you guessed wrong, guess again."

"..." Pharmacist No Naiyu blinked his eyes twice, and said with a wry smile, "Could it be that you are here to borrow money?"

"Sister Yaoshi is really smart." Feng Huo praised the other party.

Pharmacist No Naoyu shook his head and smiled wryly: "Yes, you little devil, really!"

Seeing her lifeless expression, Feng Huo immediately hit the snake with the stick: "Sister Yaoshi, you are a medical ninja, can you teach me medical ninjutsu?"

"You want to learn medical ninjutsu?" Pharmacist Nonoyu asked curiously, "You are only 6 years old, why do you want to learn medical ninjutsu?"

"In this way, if I am injured, I can see a doctor by myself instead of going to the hospital." Feng Huo said seriously, this statement is 70% true and 30% false, but with his 6-year-old age, it falls into the ears of pharmacist Nonaoyu. Among them, it is ten percent of the truth.

"It's not easy to learn medical ninjutsu. Your chakra must reach a certain standard and be able to control it precisely. These are two prerequisites. Of course, if you don't have talent, even if you meet these two prerequisites , and I can’t learn it.” Pharmacist No Naoyu said with a smile, “Are you sure you want to learn?”

"Well, I want to learn!" Feng Huo nodded seriously.

"Okay, then I'll test your chakra level." Pharmacist No Naoyu walked up to Feng Huo, putting a hand on his shoulder.

In an instant, Feng Huo could only feel a clear stream coming from this gentle hand, circling along the meridians in his body and then leaving.

Pharmacist No Naoyu's eyes widened slightly: "That's right, Feng Huo, your Chakra level has barely reached the standard."

Considering that this child is only 6 years old, his cultivation must be very hard. Pharmacist Nonoyu rubbed Fenghuo's head, and then tested his chakra control ability.

"Can you climb trees and tread water?"

"Of course, I've learned it a long time ago!" Feng Huo patted himself on the chest, trying to bring himself closer to Obito Uchiha, after all, a 6-year-old child cannot act too mature.

"Then try walking up this wall."

Naturally, there were no trees in the office for Fenghuo to climb, but the walls could.

Feng Huo walked up to a wall, took a deep breath, his chakra instantly covered the soles of his feet, and then walked up step by step, his body was level with the ground, as if he had escaped gravity.

Pharmacist No Naoyu's eyes brightened slightly, nodded and said: "Okay, let's seal the fire, your chakra control ability has also passed."

"So, UU Reading Can I learn medical ninjutsu?" Feng Huo jumped down and asked excitedly.

"Then we have to see if you have the talent!" Pharmacist No Naoyu said with a smile.

Although she is Konoha Nebu, Danzo's subordinate, she has not been prohibited from teaching others medical ninjutsu. In addition, she likes children and has no direct grievances with the Uchiha clan, so it is very important for her to teach fire-sealing medical ninjutsu. , does not exclude.

"Integrate your chakra into your right hand, like me." Pharmacist Nonoyu's right hand has chakra condensed, exuding a light blue light, very beautiful.

Fenghuo followed suit, controlling the chakra influx into his right hand, and soon, his right hand also began to glow.

"Medical ninjutsu is a ninjutsu that stimulates cells through chakra to heal wounds of patients. It can also achieve detoxification and attack effects through form changes."

Pharmacist Nonoyu explained the basics of medical ninjutsu while observing the chakra light on Fenghuo's right hand, his eyes sparkled slightly.

Medical ninjutsu is also very important for durability.

Just like a doctor on the operating table, if you stand for half an hour, you will be so tired that you won't even have a chance to hold a scalpel!

The same is true for the medical ninja, the chakra light on Fenghuo's right hand lasted for ten minutes before Pharmacist Nonoyu smiled and called to stop.

At this time, Feng Huo's face was pale, and it was a major test for him to continuously output chakra and precisely control it in his right hand to prevent it from leaking out, but fortunately it seems to have passed.

"Congratulations on sealing the fire, you have passed the first round of tests." Pharmacist Nonoyu said with a gentle smile.

"Oh, it's only the first round of testing?!" Feng Huo was about to cry.

What about the attributes of a big sister who is gentle, kind, virtuous, considerate, warm, generous and caring?

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