MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1044 Ghost lamp water moon suit

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Konoha: Sealing the Fire and Connecting the Sky Main Text Volume Chapter 1044 Ghost Lantern Water Moon Clothes Bang!

Under the night, in the pitch-black dense forest, a huge white smoke exploded, and a statue of a demon **** as huge as a mountain suddenly descended!

Uchiha Madara was in the middle of Susano's eyebrows in a complete body, with his hands crossed over his chest, condescending and expressionless staring at Orochimaru below.

Uchiha Madara noticed it when Orochimaru performed psychic art here.

"Half an hour, isn't it here yet?"

Uchiha Madara spoke coldly, with an unhappy tone.

"Really?" Orochimaru's hoarse voice slowly came from below, and said with a smile, "Uchiha Madara, first of all, please put away Susano."


Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, and the light blue complete body Susano disappeared instantly, and then he slowly landed from the air, the red samurai armor swayed slightly in the wind, and there were several crisp sounds of gold and iron clashing.

"I got the exact information here, Jiraiya and Kyuubi Jinchuriki Naruto appeared!" Orochimaru laughed, "Madara, I want you to catch Naruto before Namikaze Minato, and then...recycle him into his body Nine Tails!"

Uchiha Madara slowly narrowed his eyes.

This feeling is really uncomfortable!

Even Hashirama back then did not dare to speak to him in such a tone!

"I see, that's why you brought me back through the psychic."

Uchiha Madara suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "No problem, where is he?"

Orochimaru smiled and told the location of Naruto and Jiraiya.

After listening, Uchiha Madara suddenly showed a sneer, and asked: "Oshemaru, Ziraiya, it should be your same period."

"It's not just the same period, but also a very good companion before." Orochimaru lowered his head slightly, his golden vertical pupil and Samsara's right eye seemed to show nostalgia.

"Then what if Jiraiya also stops me?" Uchiha Madara asked unceremoniously, "Can you kill him?"

"Okay, but don't hold back!"

Orochimaru grinned, stretched out his long tongue, washed his face fiercely, and said with a ferocious smile, "He and I are no longer companions, just and the first Hokage back then."

Madara Uchiha twitched the corner of his mouth, and sneered in disdain: You and Jiraiya, dare to compare with me and Hashirama?

"In short, anyone who prevents you from recovering Nine Tails can be killed!" Orochimaru laughed.

Uchiha Madara turned and left immediately, and his figure gradually disappeared into the night of the dense forest.

"Wait a mininute!"

Nagato standing next to Orochimaru suddenly said, "Uchiha Madara, where did your reincarnation eyes come from?"

Uchiha Madara paused, and then continued to move forward, only a faint sneer came.

"Don't you understand yet, Nagato?" Orochimaru glanced at him and said with a smile, "The real master of your reincarnation eyes is Uchiha Madara!"

Nagato's eyes narrowed sharply.

"The truth is always cruel, isn't it?" Orochimaru thought of the possible relationship between Zetsu, Uchiha Shin and Uchiha Madara, and his vigilance became more and more intense.

In the land of Waves, in the depths of a dense forest near the sea, Ghost Lantern Shuiyue lay on a huge rock, with her legs crossed, dozing off happily.

Beside him, Erzhuzi looked up at the dim moon in the night sky, his eyes were a little... blurred.

For some reason, at this moment, he felt a little restless.

"What's wrong?"

Guideng Shuiyue muttered in a daze, "Aren't you sleeping at night?"

Er Zhuzi glanced at him sideways, but his aloof and arrogant personality kept him from answering.

"Hmph, what, I'm obviously worried about Konoha in my heart, but I have a cold expression on the surface, boring!" Guideng Shuiyue snorted.

The next moment, he was kicked away by the second pillar with an 'ow' sound.

"I hate posturing people the most!" Erzhuzi said coldly, "So, you'd better not say such eccentric words!"

"Bastard, it's clear that you are the one who can put on airs the most!" Guideng Shuiyue is also a person with a temper. After falling to the ground, it turned into a puddle of water, flowing slowly on the grass towards... the direction of the sea.

"What are you doing there?" Er Zhuzi stood up from the huge rock, his dark eyes turned into Sangouyu Sharingans.

"I thought about it, but I still think it's time to go to the land of water, what if my brother Mitsuki Mizuki didn't channel other ninja swords to the battlefield?" Mizuki Mizuki's frivolous voice came out of the water, "Aren't you going to follow me all the time? Is it? Then don’t go to the battlefield, follow me to the country of water.”

Erzhuzi's face immediately fell, and then Sangouyu's Sharingan directly turned into an eternal kaleidoscope!

The terrifying pupil power filled the air in an instant, as if a mountain suddenly pressed down on the pool of water.

Ghost Deng Shuiyue was a little 'difficult to walk', even if he was in a hydration state at this time, it was still the same.

"Hey, Sasuke, you don't really want to kill me, do you?" Ghost Light Shuigetsu was soft at that time, no, he is now in a state of hydration, and has always been soft, "Actually, I was joking with you just now Haha, you didn't see it, I can't wait to go to the battlefield, haha, ha, Sasuke-kun, well, I'm a little worried about the situation on the battlefield, so instead of wasting time on sleeping, why don't we go to the battlefield now? Let's go!"

"Well, there's really nothing I can do about you."

Hearing what Gui Deng Shui Yue said, Er Zhuzi sighed helplessly, and the eternal kaleidoscope slowly rotated, turning into three-gou jade writing sharing eyes, and then turning into pitch-black pupils.

The power of the pupils in mid-air dissipated slowly, and the ghost lamp Shuiyue, who was crushed and rubbed in the grass, immediately dehydrated and appeared in reality.

But at this time his face was very smelly.

'Sasuke Uchiha, you bastard...'

Obviously you want to go to the battlefield, but you insist on throwing the responsibility on me. If I don't go, you still refuse to go. Are you a pervert? !

But he didn't dare to say these words.

After all, as a ninja, you always have to bear some things that ordinary people can't bear, right?

Ghost Lantern Shuiyue tidied up silently, and then rushed towards the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire.

Erzhuzi followed swiftly, but he sighed and said regretfully, "It seems that I won't be able to appreciate the moonlight tonight."

Ghost Lantern Shuiyue staggered, almost rushing to the grass.

'Sure enough, in terms of posturing, I can only convince you, Sasuke-kun! ! '

At the same time, the Ninja coalition camp was two hundred miles behind.


Naruto, who closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up the treetops.

At this time, the bright purple, gold, and blue colors in the distant night sky have dissipated, and only the dim moonlight is left in the night sky, slowly pouring over the dense forest.

"What's wrong?" Jiraiya was also very vigilant, but just now, he didn't notice anything wrong.

"Someone is coming!" Naruto's face was serious, "I felt his malice, and he definitely came for me!"

Jiraiya was startled: "Malicious? Could this be your awakened super perception ability?"

Naruto nodded: "Ah, although I'm not very proficient in using the ability I got after becoming friends with the Kurama, the Kurama can always monitor the surroundings, so there is no mistake, there are enemies coming!"

Read The Duke's Passion