MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1047 Kisame shot

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In the dense forest two hundred miles behind the ninja coalition camp.

The absolute clone drilled half of its body from the trunk of a giant tree, and said with a sullen face, "So, didn't you tell Uchiha Madara to act together? Why did you approach Nine-Tails Jinchuriki without authorization, Kisame!"

Kisame Kisame stood among the branches of this giant tree, his eyes passed through the dense branches and leaves, and stared coldly at Nine-Tails Jinzhu Rikisame standing on the treetop like a black spot in the distance, and the three ninjas. One's own self.

"I'm really sorry, but, I really didn't expect to be detected from such a long distance, hehehe, as expected of Ziraiya!" Ganshi Guixie sneered.

"No, it's not Jiraiya who sensed you, it's Kyuubi!" Jue clone complained, "Kyuubi can sense all the malicious auras around it, Kisame, your malice can't be hidden from Kyuubi at all. !"

"So that's how it is." Dried persimmon ghost shark nodded, then pulled out his shark muscle and asked, "Since it has been discovered, should we do it directly?"

"The other party is Jiraiya, one of the Sannin, and Nine-tailed Jinchuriki, Kisame, you have almost no chance of winning." Jue clone said, "Fortunately, Uchiha Madara is on the way, you just need to hold them back That's it."

"I'm very upset to hear you say that." The chakra of the dried persimmon ghost shark was slowly injected into the shark muscle, and it was instantly released.

Thousands of sharp purple barbs rose ferociously from the shark's muscle, and a big mouth protruded from the top. The mouth was full of fangs, and a big tongue stuck out of the mouth, dripping with saliva. The chakra breath of Nine Tails.

"Good luck."

The absolute clone snorted, then slowly sank into the tree trunk and disappeared.

at the same time.

"Found it, in the southwest!"

In the sealed world within Naruto's body, a pair of vertical pupils of the yang attribute Nine Tails Nine Lama exudes scarlet light, staring coldly at the location of the dried persimmon ghost shark, and said to Naruto, "I smell the breath of shark muscle, Naruto People, you must be careful, you must not be entangled by the opponent's weapon!"

"I see!"

Naruto tipped his toes, and rushed directly towards the location of Kisame Kisame.

Jiraiya behind him also reacted quickly, catching up with Naruto immediately on his toes. At this time, he had already noticed the aura emanating from the shark muscle, and according to the information he had, he immediately knew the identity of the other party.

"It's the Dried Persimmon Kisame from the Akatsuki Organization!"

Ji Lai also laughed, "This is a tricky strong man, Naruto, please don't get entangled by his weapon!"

"I know, the Nine Lamas have already warned me." Naruto said solemnly, his eyes sparkling and his fighting spirit boiling.

The distance between the two of them has passed several miles.


Suddenly, a huge purple monster jumped out from between the branches, opened its ferocious mouth, and bit Naruto with one bite.

"Naruto, be careful!"

Nine Lamas shouted in the sealed world.

Without further ado, Naruto separated the shadow clone, and immediately rubbed the balls.

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"


The rapidly rotating sky blue 'electric fan' cuts the air recklessly, and Naruto stuffed it into Sharkis's mouth in an instant.

Shark muscle does not refuse anyone who comes, and swallows the spiral shuriken as soon as the mouth is closed.


Naruto looked a little dumbfounded.

The rotation speed of the spiral shuriken is astonishing, especially when it explodes, it is equivalent to countless wind blades cutting back and forth, even a kunai made of fine iron can cut you into iron filings!


In the next moment, the spiral shuriken exploded in the belly of the shark muscle, and then, there was no more.


Sharkis hiccupped mischievously, stuck out his tongue and bit Naruto again.

Naruto tapped his toes and quickly stepped back.

"Dried persimmon ghost shark, enough is enough!"

Jiraiya rushed forward, forming mudras with both hands, "Nujizo!"

Ji Laiya shook his head, his long white hair suddenly swelled, and then shot out white needles all over the sky, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, covering all the directions where the dried persimmon ghosts were located.

"Aiya, as expected of Jiraiya, one of the Sannin."

Dried Persimmon Kisame backed away in a hurry, and at the same time retracted his right hand, chasing Naruto's shark muscle running around in the air, and immediately retracted it into his hand.

Swinging the shark muscle horizontally, the wide blade immediately blocked all Jiraiya's ninja attacks.

"Fire Escape - Great Flame Bullet!"

Jiraiya immediately changed his attack and spewed out a mouthful of burning yellow phlegm, like a yellow sun pushing away.

The scorching high temperature quickly spread outward, and the nearby vegetation slowly revealed a burnt gray color.

"As expected of Master Ziraiya."

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark revealed half of the shark's head from behind the shark's muscles, with a serious expression on his face.

Shark muscle can indeed devour chakra, but it cannot swallow flames, oil, etc. Once this 'big flame bomb' is swallowed, I am afraid that the flame will burn in the shark muscle for a long time.

Since it cannot be devoured, it can only be blocked.

Dried Persimmon Kisame immediately threw out his shark muscle, and slapped the big flaming bullet to one side with the blade full of barbs.

But in the next moment, Jilai also spewed out more than a dozen old phlegm one after another, and the blazing 'yellow sun' fell from the sky like a meteor shower.

"Sure enough, the first step should be to change the terrain!"

The small eyes of the dried persimmon ghost slowly narrowed, and then he inserted the shark muscle on the ground, and made a seal with both hands, "Water escape-explosive water rush!"


The dried persimmon ghost completely ignored the dozen or so big flame bombs that had descended on his head, bent over and spit out a large amount of water, which turned into a huge oval-shaped water ball in an instant, covering the side of the dried persimmon ghost!

And the dozen or so big flame bombs were instantly melted into the water and disappeared!

"what is this?!"

Both Naruto and Jiraiya were wrapped in the water, and their movements were instantly hindered by the water.

On the other hand, the dried persimmon and ghost shark seemed to have returned home, and their every move was completely unaffected.

"In this case, maybe I can defeat you, Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas!" Kisame Kisame put his sama muscle close to his body with a smile.

In the next moment, the huge shark muscles slowly merged into the body of Kisame Kisame and merged with him!

"This is not good!"

Jilai also communicated with Naruto in spirit, saying, "Naruto, you leave first, I will leave this place to me!"


Naruto was a little annoyed, he obviously got the Nine-Tails, and also learned the Immortal Mode, his combat power should already be very strong, but why is he so passive when he meets Kisame?

"Don't waste your energy, it's impossible for Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to escape!"

After completing the fit, the dried persimmon ghost shark is already in the form of a half-man and half-shark, and his self-confidence has skyrocketed. With a flick of his tail, his whole body is like an arrow that leaves the string, and directly shoots at Naruto.

When he saw it, he frowned.

At this time, the speed of the dried persimmon ghost shark was too fast, even Jiraiya would not be able to catch up with him in the water, so Jilai also made a decisive decision and directly cast the psychic technique.

"Psychic Ninja - Toad Mouth Restraint Technique!"


The white smoke slowly drifted away in the water, and in the next moment, the figure of the dried persimmon and ghost pierced through the smoke, and slammed into it brazenly regardless of his care.


Amidst the silent impact, Gan Shi Gui Sha Meng was able to back up at a faster speed.

"Bastard, are you still a step too late?" Qianshi Guixier felt a little bit of a headache.

As the smoke in the water slowly dissipated, a huge red-brown sausage suddenly appeared in front of the dried persimmon ghost shark, enveloping Naruto and Jiraiya in it!

This piece of sausage is the intestines of the toad that feeds on magma and rocks in Mount Miaomu. It is not afraid of water and fire, and can melt gold and iron. It is extremely tough. If you want to break through from the inside, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky, but From the outside, it is not difficult!

In the intestines of Iwasuku Toad, Jiraiya stood opposite Naruto.

"We're probably in trouble." Ji Lai also said solemnly.

"Lustful Immortal, what happened to that guy's weapon?" Naruto had met Kisame when he left Konoha and practiced with Jiraiya, and even had his feet cut off by his shark muscles. But at that time, Naruto was very weak and had no power to resist the dried persimmon ghost, so naturally he couldn't see the horror of the shark muscle.

"That's one of the seven ninja knives in Wuyin Village. It's called the shark muscle. It can absorb and devour huge chakras at the level of tailed beasts. Half of the tailed beasts collected by the Akatsuki organization over the years are from this shark muscle." Credit!" Zilai said displeased, "You should have known this information a long time ago, Naruto!"

Naruto scratched his head with a dry smile, and then said seriously, "No wonder it can swallow my spiral shuriken directly. This ninja sword is really extraordinary! Lustful sage, what should we do next?"

"The defense of Yansu Toad's intestines is internal but not external. We won't last long. We have to leave here. In the water, our speed is completely unable to compete with dried persimmons and ghosts!" Jiraiya rolled his eyes and immediately began to form seals.

outside the intestines.

The dried persimmon ghost shark slowly swam to the front, looked at it carefully, then decisively released the fit, held the shark muscle in his hand again, and then put the shark muscle on the intestines without saying a word, rubbing crazily!

In just a few breaths, the barbs of the shark muscle had broken into the intestines of Toad Iwasu, and traces of blood slowly spilled into the water along the cracks.

"Hmph, that's all there is to it, Zilaiya!"

Dried Persimmon Kisame grinned, showing his fangs, and rubbed harder.

"Psychic ninja - the art of house collapse!"

In the next moment, Jiraiya's voice suddenly came from the intestines of Iwasu Toad.

The dried persimmon ghost was startled, and hurriedly clenched the shark's muscles and stepped back.

Immediately afterwards, a huge shadow slowly covered the dim moonlight above.

Dried persimmon ghost subconsciously looked up, his pupils shrank involuntarily: "That is"

In the dark mid-air, a huge toad is madly falling towards the huge water polo where the dried persimmon ghost shark is located with the momentum of Mount Tai!

"Hey, isn't this toad too big?"

Dried persimmon ghost shark couldn't help complaining.

The next moment, the huge toad fell into the huge oval-shaped water ball wrapped in the dried persimmon ghost with a bang, and that huge figure instantly caused huge waves, and nearly half of the water was splashed by the toad. air.

And the intestines of the Yansu toad also drifted with the tide and was washed out of the water polo!


Dried Persimmon Kisame was furious, but no matter how hard he tried to control it at this time, he couldn't calm down the countless water jets splashing into the sky in an instant!

Moreover, that huge toad is still sinking!

The dried persimmon ghost shark didn't care about coming to them, and immediately threw its shark muscle at the big toad.

Shark muscle seemed to smell something terrible, drooling, and went up to bite the belly of the big toad without letting go.

"What is this?"

The huge toad can't see what's below, but it can feel the chakra in its body is rapidly passing away.

"Psychic Ninja - Solution!"

Jiraiya's voice came from far away in mid-air.

Accompanied by the huge smoke, the big toad bitten by the shark muscle disappeared into the water in an instant.

Kisame Kisame looked up, and saw that the intestines of Toad Iwasuku had disappeared, and Jiraiya and countless Naruto figures appeared in the night!

"Damn it!"

Dried Persimmon Kisame's eyes are blurred, so many shadow clones, which one is Nine Tails Jinchuriki's main body?

If there was only Nine-Tails Jinchuriki on the scene, Kanshi Kisame would be more than happy to play cat and mouse with Naruto, but since Zilai was watching from the side, Kanshi Kisame was a little flustered.

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"

Countless Naruto in the air formed a team of three or three and started rolling **** frantically. Within a few breaths, the deep night was illuminated by hundreds of 'electric fans' emitting sky blue light!

Dried persimmon ghost shark's face was gloomy, he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately formed a seal with both hands: "Water escape-unlimited shark!"

The terrifying chakra flowed out of the dried persimmon ghost shark, and instantly created a thousand shark-shaped water bombs in the water, parading quickly in the semi-elliptical water polo.

In the next moment, countless sky blue spiral shurikens blasted into the water polo with piercing noises!

The rapidly spinning spiral shuriken drained all the surrounding water. Although the speed slowed down, it flew unswervingly towards Kisame Kisame.

But at this time, the water polo was filled with thousands of shark-shaped water bombs. As soon as the speed of the spiral shuriken slowed down, these shark-shaped water bombs slammed into it crazily.

boom boom boom

Amidst the continuous roar, countless wind blades crazily cut the surroundings along with the surging air waves, and the water in the water polo ran away in an instant!

The disordered and chaotic water flow directly broke away from the control of the dried persimmon ghost, and splashed wildly in all directions.

In just a few breaths, the huge water polo disappeared into the air.

The figure of dried persimmon ghost shark slowly descended from mid-air, with a somewhat ugly expression on his face.

"Ninja method - toad oil bomb!"

Ji Laiya had already landed on the ground at this time, seeing the dried persimmons and ghosts falling, without saying a word, he sprayed out a big mouthful of brown-yellow toad oil, pouring the dried persimmons and ghosts into a drowned chicken.

"Damn it, what the **** is this!"

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark was furious, but then his whole body turned cold, "This is"

These toad oils are very sticky, and once they get on, they are extremely difficult to wash off, and they also exude a pungent oily smell!

If a fire escape comes at this time

As soon as the dried persimmon and ghost shark wanted to come, Jilai also quietly spewed out a small fireball.


Dried persimmon ghost shark jumped backwards with a little toe.

But at this time, his whole body was covered with viscous toad oil, and his ability to move was greatly reduced. He didn't jump very far from the jump just now.

By the time he reacted, the little fireball had already landed on the ground.


The flame of the small fireball instantly ignited the toad oil left on the ground, and then the tongue of flame spread wildly, burning along the toad oil to the **** of dried persimmon ghost shark in an instant!

At the same time, Naruto's countless shadow clones also screamed and rushed towards the dried persimmon ghost.


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