MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1048 Seal Shark Muscle

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The night gradually deepened.

The camp of the Ninja Allied Forces also slowly fell silent, only the area where the medical troops were located could hear a few painful groans from time to time.

The batch of medical supplies brought back by Obito has been divided into four parts by Mute, one of which is left in the ninja coalition camp, and the remaining three are sent to the battlefields where the first, second, and fifth troops are located.

After Jing Yin and Lin inspected the wounded and confirmed that there were no omissions, they waved goodbye wearily and went to rest separately.

And after hearing the unimaginable story about the Sage of the Six Paths family, Onogi, Fourth Raikage, Temari and the others also went back to their tents in a daze, resting and digesting.

Afterwards, Minato Namikaze, Tsunade, Fuho, Kaiichi Yamanaka, and Shikahisa Nara came to Minato Namikaze's tent and continued to discuss.

As the person with the highest IQ here, Nara Shikahisa, after learning the stories of Juge, Uchiha Madara, and Sage of the Six Paths, immediately began to think about ways to break the situation.

"If the information provided by Fenghuo is true, then what we need to do now is to prevent the resurrection of the ten tails!" Nara Shikahisa mused, "At present, the Akatsuki organization has obtained the chakras of eight tailed beasts, and the rest is the nine tails." gone."

"There are four people who own the Nine-Tails Chakra, Brother Minato, Naruto, and the Golden Horn Silver Horn." Feng Huo added, "The Golden Horn has been captured by us, and the Silver Horn should be in the hands of Uchiha Nobuo."

"With the Nine-Tails Chakra in Ginkaku, can the Ten-Tails be revived?" Nara Shikahisa asked.

"It can be revived, but only temporarily." Feng Huo said.

Nara Shikahisa said: "If they use the Silver Horn to revive Juwei temporarily, then they will definitely use Ten Tails to capture Sidai or the Nine Tails in Naruto's body to achieve the goal of completely resurrecting Ten Tails, so if Juwei appears, then Sidai And Naruto, Ninja World must be done immediately!"

Yamanaka Haiyi's eyes lit up: "That's right, you hide in Obito's pupil art space, no one will be able to find you, and you will come out after the ten-tailed resurrection time has passed."

Feng Huo sighed, and said regretfully: "But this is just delaying time and lingering. If you can't completely defeat Uchiha Madara, maybe kill him, everything will be in vain."

"Uchiha Madara was reincarnated by Akatsuki's filthy soil, so as long as he defeats the caster who reincarnated his filthy soil, the threat of Uchiha Madara can be eliminated!" Tsunade snorted, "That caster is not Uchiha Poshin is Orochimaru!"

"Do not!"

Feng Huo shook his head solemnly, "You don't know about the reincarnation of the dirty soil, but I know that if the subject of the spell knows the seal of the reincarnation of the dirty soil, then the subject can take the initiative to cancel the contract of the reincarnation of the dirty soil!"

"What do you mean?" Tsunade asked, frowning.

"It means that Uchiha Madara knows the seal of the reincarnation of the dirty soil, he can cancel the contract of the reincarnation of the dirty soil at any time, and then live in the ninja world forever with an immortal body and a state of infinite chakra!" Feng Huo said solemnly.

"How is it possible?!" Tsunade was shocked, and the shadow area in his heart spread instantly.

Namikaze Minato suddenly asked: "Fenghuo, how will we defeat Uchiha Madara in the future?"

Tsunade, Shikahisa Nara, and Kaiichi Yamanaka were also shocked, and they all looked at Fenghuo.

Feng Huo shook his head: "We didn't defeat Uchiha Madara, he successfully sealed the Nine Tailed Beasts into the Golem of the Outer Way, and resurrected the Ten Tails! After becoming the Ten Tails Jinchuriki, Uchiha Madara gained the power of the Six Paths. Then , absolutely possessed him, and revived the Sage of the Six Paths, his mother Otsutsuki Kaguya."

"We lost?" Kaiichi Yamanaka couldn't believe it.

"Win." Feng Huo shrugged, "Naruto and Sasuke joined forces to seal Kaguya Otsutsuki and save the ninja world."

Then the two girls who slapped each other frantically at each other, and finally, each slapped off the other's hand before shaking hands and making peace!

"Naruto and Sasuke?" Namikaze Minato was surprised and delighted, his son was indeed the savior!

"If this is the case, then we just need to wait for Naruto and Sasuke to join forces, right?" Tsunade's eyes lit up.

"Theoretically speaking." Feng Huo scratched his head, "However, I have to tell you that the future has already changed."

"What do you mean?" The four asked nervously.

"When I traveled to the future, I collected information immediately, and the information showed." Feng Huo's eyes turned on them, and he said solemnly, "Before the outbreak of the Fourth World War, Big Brother Minato, Kushina, Senior Jiraiya, Uncle Shuo Mao, Asma, Lin and others are all dead."


Everyone was shocked.

"And in the future, it was Gaara, not Temari, who became Gokage Kazekage, and Shin Uchiha was not the executor of Uchiha Madara's plan." Feng Huo sighed, "In short, everything that happened now has been related to The future as I know it diverges, so I can't guarantee what will happen in the end."

"bank up a fire"

As soon as Namikaze Minato opened his mouth, his face changed suddenly, "No, Naruto is under attack!"

After Namikaze Minato woke up from the ice, he has been communicating with the yin attribute Kyuubi. These days, with his excellent personality charm and the influence of the yang attribute Nine Lamas, the yin attribute Nine Lamas no longer reject Namikaze Minato .

Therefore, Naruto and Jilai were also attacked by Kisame over there, and the Nine Lamas of the Yang attribute passed the information to the Nine Lamas of the Yin attribute through induction.

"Uchiha Madara?" Nara Shikahisa asked nervously.

"It's not him, it's Kisame Kisame!" Namakaze Minato closed his eyes and communicated with Nine Lamas of Yin Attribute, and said, "Master Jiraiya has already suppressed him, so there should be no problem."

"There is Jiraiya here too, the Akatsuki organization will definitely not just send a dried persimmon Kisame!" Thinking of Uchiha Madara who was suddenly psychic away before, Feng Huo squinted and said, "Uchiha Madara should have passed too!"

"In that case, let's reinforce Naruto immediately!" Tsunade shouted.

"Boss Shuimen and I are enough!" Feng Huo said directly.

Namikaze Minato was a little hesitant, after all, if he used the Flying Thunder God to drive two hundred miles, he might faint if he sealed the fire.

Feng Huo knew what he was thinking, and without explaining, he directly grabbed him and left the tent, and then channeled the second chaotic round dance pose.

Namikaze Minato was a little panicked: "Seal the fire, if you use the second style to hurry, will it be slower?"

"Just slow down!" Feng Huo said with a smile.


Seeing Namikaze Minato, Chao Ronwu II happily flapped its wings twice, and suddenly the wind raged, flying sand and rocks.

The two moved neatly into the second chakra round dance and flew towards where Naruto was.

Namikaze Minato stood on Nishiki's back, turned his head and looked at Fenghuo strangely, "Fenghuo, if Uchiha Madara is one step faster than us, Naruto may

Although there is a self-reincarnation, once the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body are stripped, the combat power will be greatly reduced, and the Akatsuki organization will directly resurrect the Ten-Tails if they get the Nine-Tails!

Feng Huo said: "Whether it's sealing Kaguya Otsutsuki, defeating Uchiha Madara, or directly killing Jue, Naruto and Sasuke must die once!"

"Die once?" Namikaze Minato was puzzled.

"Well, die, and then go meet the instigator of all this!" Feng Huo said seriously, "That is the Immortal of the Six Paths!"

"Sage of the Six Paths?" Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up slightly, "Is it true that after the death of the Sage of the Six Paths, his soul has always been in the Pure Land?"

"That's right!" Feng Huo nodded, "His soul has always been paying attention to this war. After Naruto's death, the Sage of the Six Paths will guide him to obtain the power of the Six Paths, and so will Sasuke!"

"I see."

Namikaze Minato heaved a sigh of relief, although he has always trusted Naruto, but the opponent is Uchiha Madara, and even the mother of Sage of the Six Paths, with Naruto's strength, even if he completely masters Kyuubi and learns the sage mode, he may not It's impossible to counter Uchiha Madara, but if he gets the power of Sage of the Six Paths, then it all makes sense.

If possible, Feng Huo would also really like to meet this Immortal of the Six Paths, and see if he can get some benefits from him.

Two hundred miles away.

The flaming dried persimmon Kisame roared in pain, and that was not enough. Naruto's countless shadow clones did not respect the morals of the world at all, and rushed forward, fists raining down on him like crazy.

Dried Persimmon Kisame swung its shark muscle to devour Naruto's shadow clone, while retreating quickly.

But at this time, he was surrounded by countless shadow clones in all directions, and he couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north at all!

Moreover, with these shadow clones constantly attacking him in a suicidal manner, Kisame Kisame couldn't draw out the hand seal at all. If he couldn't form the seal, he couldn't use the water escape ninjutsu, and if he couldn't perform the water escape ninjutsu, he couldn't extinguish the flames on his body!


Dried persimmon ghost shark was angry and in pain, he took the time to look down, the toad oil on his body was far from burnt out, the scorching flames licked his skin, meridians and flesh frantically!

Although the shark muscle kept sending chakra to help him repair the injury, the piercing pain couldn't be offset no matter what!

"Immortal, you must destroy that guy's weapon!"

Naruto's true self appeared next to Jiraiya, his eyes shining brightly.

His perception can clearly detect the effect of the shark muscle on the dried persimmon ghost shark. If he does not knock out the weapon, it will be difficult to kill the opponent.

"This ninja knife is very dangerous, you must not confront it head-on!"

Jiraiya pondered for a while, and immediately had an idea, "Naruto, keep attacking, absolutely don't let him withdraw his hand!"


Naruto trusted Jiraiya very much. Hearing what he said, he immediately formed a seal, and once again separated hundreds of shadow clones, rushing towards Kisame Kisame one after another.

And Jiraiya crazily refined the chakra in his body into toad oil, and then sprayed it on the ground. In just a few breaths, the grass was covered with a large amount of toad oil!

Jilai also saw that it was almost done, and immediately burrowed into the ground with an earth-dun ninjutsu, and quietly touched the dried persimmon ghost.

When the toad oil flowed from the ground to the feet of the dried persimmon ghost, the tongue of fire instantly engulfed the ground, turning it into a huge sea of ​​flames!

Naruto's countless shadow clones were directly swallowed by the sea of ​​flames, turning into countless smoke and dissipating.


The dried persimmon ghost shark was also crackled by the sudden sea of ​​flames, and the whole body exuded the aroma of barbecue.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that Naruto's shadow avatars were also burned to death, Kisame Kisame immediately stuck the shark muscles on the ground, and then made a seal with both hands, "Water escape-explosive water rushing!"

A huge amount of water spewed out from the mouth of Kisame Kisame, annihilating the sea of ​​flames in an instant, and then rushed towards Jiraiya and Naruto in the distance unabated.

at this moment

Next to the shark muscle inserted on the ground, a big evil hand suddenly stretched out!

"Enchantment - Toad Prison!"

Afterwards, Jiraiya also broke through the ground, apart from anything else, it was an enchantment ninjutsu, which pulled the dried persimmon ghost shark into the stomach of the gourd toad in Mt. Miaogi!

The shark muscle, on the other hand, was inserted into the ground alone.

Seemingly sensing the disappearance of the dried persimmon ghost shark's chakra, the shark muscles jumped up from the ground very spiritually, and the big drooling mouth wandered around, as if wanting to confirm the dried persimmon ghost shark's location.

"Then the next step is to seal the shark muscles!"

Jiraiya also looked at the shark muscles, not daring to be careless at all.

Although the dried persimmon ghost shark has been pulled into the stomach of the gourd toad, the explosive water burst of the dried persimmon ghost shark can spray out water that forms an ocean, and even the stomach of the gourd toad can't hold that much!

Therefore, it is necessary to seal the shark muscle before this!

Jilai also took out a sealing scroll, opened it, put it on the ground, and quickly sealed it.

Immediately afterwards, traces of sealing techniques overflowed from the sealing scroll, spreading to the blade of the shark muscle.

Shark muscle immediately opened its mouth wide, trying to devour these sealing techniques, but it was completely useless. These sealing techniques were originally created specifically for objects with the ability to devour!

Shark muscle seems to dislike being sealed, struggling crazily, but lost its owner, no matter how powerful it is at this time, it is just a ninja sword!

Soon, a large number of sealing techniques will cover the entire body of the shark muscle!

"seal up!"

Jiraiya let out a loud shout, and in the next instant, countless sealing techniques wrapped around the shark muscles quickly retracted to the sealing scroll.


Naruto ran over excitedly, looked down, and in the center of the seal scroll, there was a pattern exactly like shark muscle!

Jilai also put away the scroll, then threw it into his arms, and said with a smile: "Without shark muscles, dried persimmon ghost sharks are much easier to deal with."

As soon as the words fell, Ji Laiye's expression changed: "It's not good!"

Then he decisively formed seals and pulled the dried persimmon ghost shark out of the gourd toad's stomach.

huh huh

As soon as the dried persimmon ghost came out, it brought a huge amount of water with it, and the nearby forests were submerged in an instant.

"It's so dangerous, it almost burst the stomach of the gourd toad." Jilai also stepped on the water, with one hand on his hips and the other hand digging his booger, looking at the dried persimmon ghost spitting water happily.


Hearing Jiraiya's mischievous voice, Kisame Kisame suddenly raised his head, and immediately sneered, "Jiraiya, it's not that easy to seal me!"

"Really?" Jiraiya smiled and flicked the booger he dug out at Kisame Kisame.

"Shark muscle!"

Dried persimmon ghost shark stretched out his hand and yelled, but half the money passed, and the surroundings were very peaceful.

"What's going on?" Ganshi Guixier's face finally changed.

"It's over here, dried persimmon ghost shark!"

In the air, Naruto had once again split into countless shadow clones, and they gathered together three by three, frantically rubbing the balls.

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"

Not long after the dim night was once again covered by countless sky-blue 'electric fans', like galaxies straddling above the head of the dried persimmon ghost.

But at this time, the dried persimmon ghost shark has no intention of appreciating it at all.

"Shark muscle, where's my shark muscle?!"

The whites of the dried persimmons and ghost sharks' eyes were bloodshot, staring at Zilaiye so eagerly.

Ji Lai also patted his chest with a smile, and said proudly: "The shark muscle has recognized me as the master, so give up, dried persimmon ghost shark, it will never respond to you again!"

"No, it's impossible!"

Amidst the shrill roar, the spiral shurikens all over the sky crashed down, completely drowning the dried persimmon ghosts!
