MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1051 catch 9 tails

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Self-reincarnation can bring the dead back to life, but if there is no body, can it still be successful?

Since he didn't know, he didn't dare to take risks. Kuangsha Literature Network

"Ki-sei reincarnation, the one who revives Kushina is Shuji-sei reincarnation!"

Zilai also spoke in a deep voice.

"I didn't expect that in the past so many years, there will finally be a resurrection technique in the ninja world."

Uchiha Madara sighed. The resurrection ninjutsu he knew was the reincarnation of the reincarnation eye, but using this technique not only required the reincarnation eye, but also the life of the caster, and the conditions were extremely harsh.

"Then, tell me the seal of reincarnation." Uchiha Madara asked directly.

"I'm a little sorry." Jiraiya said seriously, "I don't know the seal of reincarnation, because this technique has been sealed by four generations, and no one can learn it!"

"Really?" Uchiha Madara said lightly, "In this case, you will have no value."

Anyway, with the natural technique of reincarnation, Uchiha Madara's desire for reincarnation is not strong. Besides, he is only one step away from his unlimited monthly reading plan, so there is no need to do extra things.

The top priority is to recover Nine Tails first!

Madara Uchiha, at this time, Naruto in the sage mode is fighting with his Kifen and ten Susanoo shadows. The aftermath of the battle changes the nearby terrain like an earthquake, the ground cracks, mountains and rivers collapse, and the vegetation All destroyed, the birds and beasts frantically fled to the distance!

"The fairy mode has a time limit, how long can he last?"

Uchiha Madara hugged his hands with great interest.

Jiraiya stood behind Uchiha Madara, quickly recovering Chakra, while panting and contemplating Uchiha Madara's weakness.

Time passed, and seeing that the battle over there was coming to an end, all Jiraiya could think of was to defeat the caster who reincarnated Uchiha Madara!


Is there no other way?

Jiraiya clenched his hands into fists.

"Give up, you can't stop me."

Uchiha Madarato said without looking back, "Kyuubi, I've decided today."

"Immortal Method - Super Big Jade Spiral Duolian Wan!"

On the battlefield, Naruto used this trick again, throwing dozens of sage spiral pills in one breath, and the terrifying storm wiped out the few remaining shadows, Susanoo, but at this time, his sage mode finally To the limit.

"Damn it, it's time!"

The red eyeshadow in the corners of Naruto's eyes slowly dissipated, but in the next instant, the scarlet nine-tailed chakra gushed out from the sealed world, moved wildly around Naruto's body, and finally formed a tailed beast that seemed to be made of pure gold. coat!

"Nine Lamas..." Naruto was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a moving smile, "You really want to beat this guy up too!"

Naruto's eyes showed fighting intent again, the golden chakra coat was slightly rippling in the night wind, and the powerful momentum rushed towards Uchiha Madara on the opposite side like ripples.

"After Immortal Mode, it's Nine-Tails Mode." Uchiha Madara said contemptuously, "Oh, you also became a running dog of humans in the end, Nine-Tails."

"Shut up!" Naruto was furious, "Kurama is not a running dog, he is my most important partner!"

"Partner? Does such a thing really exist?"

Uchiha Madara snorted softly, and then his hands turned into an afterimage, "Huo Dun-Huo Huo Quen!"


The scorching flames spewed out wildly, turning into a wall of more than 50 meters of fire in an instant, pushing towards Naruto.

Naruto did not retreat but advanced, and the golden cloak instantly turned into nine tails, and the violent Chakra instantly condensed on the nine tails, turning into huge blue spiral pills!

"Spiral chaos pill!"

Naruto rushed into the wall of fire with a roar, and the burning flames engulfed him in an instant. Naruto's mind moved, and the nine spiral pills on his tail immediately pressed towards the flames.

Boom boom boom...

After the Helix pill exploded, the chaotic air wave instantly formed a terrifying storm, forcing a way out in the wall of fire!


Naruto rushed towards Uchiha Madara with a yell, and the rear nine tails soared instantly, carrying the terrifying chakra and lashing towards Uchiha Madara.

Madara Uchiha narrowed his eyes slightly, and instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot.


Uchiha Madara went straight through the gap between the nine tails and kicked Naruto's back.

"So fast!"

Naruto gritted his teeth, and after exiting the immortal mode, he found that his speed was a lot slower, and he couldn't keep up with Uchiha Madara's speed.

But fortunately, in Nine-Tails mode, he can control Nine-Tails freely!

The nine tails flying forward turned instantly, abruptly blocking Uchiha Madara's feet.


The powerful force instantly kicked Naruto into the air, leaving a trail more than ten meters long on the ground.


Naruto stood up from the ground and rushed towards Uchiha Madara again.

But no matter how you strike, you will end up being beaten!

After a while, Naruto was beaten black and blue, covered with injuries.

"Naruto, let me out!"

The Nine Lamas said solemnly in the sealed world, "Your physical strength can no longer hold on!"

Naruto wearily projected his spirit into the sealed world, and said weakly: "Nine Lamas, then please, I will recover soon!"

Kyuubi closed his eyes and snorted coldly: "What a Ren, but thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't have the courage to face Uchiha Madara!"

"Thank you." Naruto smiled wearily.

In the next moment, scarlet chakra burst out from the sealed world.

far away.

Looking down at the battlefield, Uchiha Madara's eyes burst out suddenly: "It's finally out, Kyuubi!"

"Naruto..." Not far behind, Jiraiya secretly thought that something was wrong, and was about to rush to the battlefield immediately to remind Naruto.

But as soon as he moved, countless branches burst out from the surrounding ground, trapping him in place in an instant.

"This is... Wood Dun?" Jilai also felt that the Chakra in his body was finally recovered by these branches, and he couldn't help showing a hint of despair.

"This is the Mutun awakened from the cells I transplanted into the column. It is as powerful as himself!" Uchiha Madara slowly walked towards the battlefield, "Jiraiya, let's feel it, hahahaha!"


Jirai also struggled hard, but the more he struggled, the tighter those branches became, and the speed of drawing chakra became faster and faster!

A lot of bloodshot eyes appeared in Jiraiya's eyes, and he felt that his vitality was rapidly passing away with the remaining chakra in his body.

He lowered his head and saw that the branch in front of him, after absorbing his chakra, actually grew a white flower bud, and then slowly, the flower bud slowly bloomed and turned into a beautiful flower. White flowers!

Jiraiya's vision blurred for a while, and finally fell into the endless darkness.

"A lecherous fairy?!"

When Jiraiya's breath was cut off, Naruto's face changed drastically!

At this time, Naruto has completely turned into a tailed beast, and the huge Nine-Tails body has come out of the sealed world, standing there like a mountain, and Naruto is floating in the center of Nine-Tails' head.

"You'll see him soon."

Uchiha Madara's main body slowly walked over. Under his feet, countless branches moved and crawled like a swarm of snakes, and they became bigger and bigger. In an instant, they turned into a huge forest of vines, and rushed towards Kyuubi crazily.

"Naruto, bad!"

Jiu Lama roared, "It's Mu Dun, **** it, you must not be entangled by this thing!"

"Wait a minute! Nine Lamas, the lecherous fairy is still over there!"

Naruto looked at Jiraiya, who was tied to the ground by branches behind the vine forest, with pain in his eyes.

But at this time, after he has turned into a tailed beast, the initiative is already on the Nine Lamas!

At the moment when the vine forest approached, Jiu Lama jumped and retreated directly.

"Where do you want to go?"

Uchiha Madara's Kinoki has opened the complete body Susano again at some point, the huge samurai sword swung to the top of the cloud, and turned into an afterimage under the moonlight, carrying violent air currents and golden sword energy, crashing Down!

"Tail Beast Jade!"

Jiu Lama turned his head in mid-air and sprayed out a black tailed beast jade, which blatantly hit the samurai sword.


The terrifying explosion directly shattered Susanoo's samurai sword, but the chaotic and violent air wave suddenly turned back, forcefully throwing the shape of Kurama to the ground.

"The tree world is coming!"

On the ground, Uchiha Madara's deity made seals with both hands. In an instant, countless towering giant trees grew from the huge vines, like bamboo shoots after a rain, and shot up into the sky in the blink of an eye. The thick and ferocious huge branches danced in the air and fell towards the head The nine lamas entangled and went away.

The Nine Lama roared, and the nine giant tails swept away, breaking countless branches in an instant.

But with Uchiha Madara's chakra pouring in endlessly, the forest trees on the ground grow faster and faster, and it has turned into a sea of ​​trees in an instant!

Jiu Lama has no ability to fly, so he fell into it!

In an instant, countless branches entangled towards Jiu Lama like crazy.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

The Nine Lama hissed and roared, and the nine giant tails swept left and right, and one after another tailed beast jade was condensed in the mouth, and sprayed wildly towards the sea of ​​trees, but the speed of the destruction of the Nine Lama could not keep up with the growth speed of the sea of ​​trees.

Over time, the nine lamas have been entangled with a large number of branches!


There was a trace of despair in Jiu Lama's voice, "It's over!"

Naruto looked at more and more branches around him, his face became more and more serious, he clenched his hands into fists, and said anxiously: "Nine Lamas, come back to my body!"

"It's useless!"

The eyes of Kurama flashed brightly, and the voice appeared in Naruto's mind, "Uchiha Madara's target is me, Naruto, I will send you out!"

Once Jinchuriki loses the tail beast, he will die, but Konoha has his own reincarnation, so as long as Naruto is still there, he can be resurrected!

As for myself...

At this time, the Nine Lamas have given up any hope.

"No! Nine Lamas, hold on for a while, dad and uncle are coming soon, you..."

How could Naruto leave Kurama behind, and immediately refused, but before he could speak, Kurama had already started.

Its nine giant tails swept across each other, trying to sweep away the branches that entangled it, but in the end only three tails were freed. The Nine Lamas did not dare to hesitate, and brazenly inserted the three tails into his body, entangled Naruto.

"Naruto, goodbye!"

The Nine Lamas bid farewell softly, and in the next moment, the three tails directly pulled Naruto out of his body forcefully, and then threw him towards a certain direction in the night sky.

Compared to the boundless sea of ​​trees and the Kyuubi as big as a mountain, Naruto's body is really too small, just like an ant. In addition, the moonlight is dim at this moment, making it extremely difficult for people to notice.

However, under the eyes of reincarnation, even the smallest things can be reflected in his eyes.

"It seems that you have a good relationship, and you still want to save him at this time."

Uchiha Madara smiled disdainfully.

After knowing the existence of reincarnation, Uchiha Madara naturally knew that even if Naruto would die, he would be resurrected, but what is Naruto without Kyuubi?


The Nine Lamas let out a final roar, and then their huge body was completely submerged by the sea of ​​trees!


In the distance, Jufen watched this scene with an excited smile in his eyes, "In this way, the nine tailed beasts are all together."

He looked up at Madara Uchiha, with a meaningful look in his eyes: Next, it's time for your performance.

The report of capturing Kyuubi was immediately passed on to the ears of Uchiha Nobu and Orochimaru through Jufen.

Nobuo Uchiha was pleasantly surprised at first, but after learning that Kisame Kisame died tragically and Kyuubi fell into the hands of Madara Uchiha, his heart became a little bad again.

He repeatedly confirmed to Jue that only the blood of the Uchiha clan and the blood of the Senju clan can become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, but he still couldn't offset his inner restlessness.

"Where is Orochimaru now? I want to see him immediately!"

Shin Uchiha gritted his teeth.

"No problem, I'll show you the way." Jue said with a smile.

At this moment, Orochimaru's brows were even more delighted, and a rare blush appeared on his cold and fair face.

"Nagato, I did what you didn't do!"

Orochimaru shared his joy with Nagato next to him with a smile.

Nagato looked indifferent, and snorted: "Oshemaru, let's end all of this early."

"Hehehe, for me, becoming Ten-Tails Jinchuriki is just the beginning!" Orochimaru's eyes shone brightly, and he looked up at the dim moonlight, smiling.

At this time, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and it was already midnight.

But Rabbi Eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki and Terumimei Fifth Mizukage were still on their way overnight.

After coming out of Konoha, Qi Labi had a very good heart, gesticulating and rapping while on the Inspiration burst.

Terumi Mei next to him had a bitter expression on his face, obviously unable to feel the beauty of rap, only felt a pain in the head.


"Bi, there are ninjas nearby!"

The voice of the eight-tailed ox ghost rang in Kirabi's mind.


Kirabi stopped rapping in an instant, then used sensory ninjutsu to search around, and soon found a person not far away, and immediately turned around and rushed there, "I don't sleep at home in the middle of the night, and I appeared sneakily in the What are you doing here, Bageyalu is crying for Geyalu!"

"Kirabi?" Terumi Mei looked surprised, but soon, a slightly panting voice came from that direction.

"Eh? Why are you here!"

"Yo, it's you Nian, I remember your name is Uchiha Obito?" Kirabi put down his guard and came to Obito curiously.

Terumi Mei also rushed over quickly.

"Your Excellency the Fifth Mizukage?"

When Obito saw her, he immediately frowned, "Aren't you in charge of guarding the names of various countries in the village, why did you appear here?"

Terumi Mei immediately showed a charming smile, and Duan walked towards Obito enchantingly: "Of course it's because I'm worried about the front line. After all, Obito, you should be fighting on the front line, right? Why did you run back? Could it be that you..."

Obito was furious, he jumped and said, "I went back to the village to save people, and then I have to go back to the front line. It's definitely not what you think!"

"oh, I see."

Terumi Mei stared at Obito, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, "If I'm not mistaken, your kaleidoscope pupil technique is time-space pupil technique."

Qirabbi next to him was shocked: "This is really great!"

Obito was a little flustered.

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