MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1050 threaten

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Konoha: Sealing Fire and Liantian Text Volume Chapter 1050 Threat "Wow..."

"Wind escape - spiral shuriken!"

On the ground, Naruto's shadow avatars screamed and rushed towards the complete Susano which was still burning in the flames, and frantically threw azure blue 'electric fans' spinning rapidly.

The wind helps the fire, and the fire rises to the wind, and the spiral shuriken exploded to form a terrifying storm, carrying the scorching flames into countless blades, cutting messily on the Utengu armor.

Uchiha Madara looked down, and immediately put his mind on Jiraiya, Naruto and the two Toad Immortals in the air.

The two huge samurai swords were raised to the top of the clouds again, aimed at Jiraiya and Naruto, and slashed down.

Jiraiya also observed the situation. The attacks of Naruto's shadow clones below were completely unable to shake Uchiha Madara's Susano. Naruto's sage mode was not completed, and the attack of the katana sword followed.

His gaze finally focused on Uchiha Madara, who was in the middle of Susano's eyebrows and was heavily wrapped in chakra coat and Utengu armor. Although the eyes of reincarnation ignore ninjutsu, Jiraiya also felt that he still had to save the world.

"Immortal method - super big jade spiral pill!"

Jiraiya once again condensed a huge spiral pill, and threw it towards Susano's eyebrows.

Then Jiraiya formed seals with Shima Senjin and Fukasaku Senjin at the same time, and once again used the sage-goemon, spewing out hot flames, trying to blast Susano's defense before the samurai sword fell.

"Don't tell don't know the power of these eyes? Ziraiya."

Uchiha Madara looked playful, and directly waved away the chakra coat and Utengu armor that wrapped him, letting the super-large jade spiral pill and the hot flames bombard him.


Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eyes shone with white light: "Sealing technique suction!"


A strange vortex appeared in Uchiha Madara's hands, no matter whether it was the super large jade spiral pill or Goemon, all of them were covered by the vortex, and then disappeared into the vortex like a hundred rivers entering the sea in an instant, leaving nothing behind!

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work!"

Zilai had already expected it, and he was not discouraged.

The samurai sword above was already less than 50 meters away from them, and the violent air wave that fell first directly hit the two of them.

Jilai also seemed to have guessed this long ago, and did not resist, letting the air wave blow the two of them towards the ground

Immortal Shima's tongue had retracted at this time, even pulling Naruto over.

At the same time, the majestic golden sword energy on the samurai sword also came out through the blade, stabbing at Jiraiya and Naruto like chasing stars and moons.

Zilai didn't dare to hesitate, he hurriedly made seals with both hands: "Tudun - Tuliubi!"

There was a roar on the ground, and a huge stone wall suddenly rose from the ground, and quickly rose to the feet of Jiraiya.

Jiraiya grabbed Naruto with one hand, stomped heavily on the stone wall, and directly used his strength to change the direction of his fall.

In the next moment, two golden sword qi from the top of the head crashed down, splitting the stone wall into three parts like cutting tofu, until it reached the ground. In the end, the lingering power remained undiminished, tearing the earth into two huge mouths .


Madara Uchiha snorted softly, the chakra coat between the eyebrows and the Utengu armor immediately covered him heavily, and wrapped him up again. Afterwards, the complete Susanoo wielded the samurai sword again, carrying a sharp sword energy, and slashed at the Jiraiya and Naruto who landed.

"Damn it!"

Jirai didn't have time to catch his breath, and pulled Naruto to dodge to the side again.

"It's not an option to go on like this, Ziraiya, you will be killed!" Immortal Zhima said solemnly.

"Of course I know, but..." Zilai could do anything, he was also very desperate.

"Use the reverse psychic technique!" Fukasaku Sento said wittily, "Naruto is now the descendant of Mt. Miaogi. Immortal Shima and I can reverse psychic both of you to Mt. Miaogi!"

Jiraiya's eyes lit up fiercely.

That's right, that's it!

Although there is a time limit for reverse spiritism, but during this period of time, it is enough to contact Namikaze Minato and let Namikaze Minato bring someone over to support!

But at this moment, Naruto suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, red eyeshadow has appeared on his eyelids. Compared with Jiraiya's red eyeshadow, which occupies almost half of his face, it looks extremely refined and concise, and his original blue pupils have also turned into a wonderful color at this time. Kiyama's toad-like yellow pupils!

"Catch up!"

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief, then broke away from Jiraiya's hand, and said confidently, "Lecherous Immortal, leave the rest to me!"

"Naruto, don't underestimate Uchiha Madara!" Fukasaku Senki said, "Be obedient and wait for my reverse psychic technique, you know?!"

"This is not possible!"

Naruto refused loudly, "My ninja way doesn't allow me to back down! No matter who the enemy is, I will go forward and do what I say!"


Naruto who turned on the sage mode screamed and rushed towards the complete Susanoo. The size of the two is exactly the difference between a giant and an ant!

"You idiot brat!" Fukasaku Sento hopped on Jiraiya's shoulder angrily, "Little Ziraiya, you should also take care of your apprentice, right?"

Reverse spiritism is different from spiritism. Spiritualism means that no matter what you are doing, even if you are taking a bath, you will be forced to psychic. And reverse spiritism, if Naruto is not happy, even Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage Working together hey yo hey yo there is no way to channel Naruto to Mt. Miaogi!

Jiraiya scratched his head: "Naruto's character is really love-hate, but no matter what he decides, as a teacher, I will support him unconditionally!"

As he said that, Zilai also rushed forward brazenly.

Immortal Fukasaku sighed, feeling that he was going to put his life on the line here.

"I admire your courage, but the gap in strength cannot be made up by pure courage."

Uchiha Madara saw Naruto and Jiraiya who were flying moths into the flame, and smiled lightly, "But it saved me a lot of time."

Two huge samurai swords straddled the air and fell down again.

But at this time, both Naruto and Jiraiya had already turned on the sage mode, their speed increased sharply, and they had already rushed to the back of Susano before the slash of the katana fell.

"Although your Susanoo is bigger than Uncle, but his flexibility is..."

As soon as Naruto opened his mouth, he saw Susano turning around suddenly, and then slashing towards him with a knife.

The fierce hurricane blew towards Naruto along with the sword energy like an overwhelming mountain.

"Naruto, leave it to me!"

Jilai also tapped lightly on the ground, and his whole body turned into an afterimage and rushed up, "Xianfa-Super Invincible Dayu Spiral Pill!"

Amidst the roar, Jiraiya poured Fukasaku Sage, Shima Sage, and all the sage chakra in his body into his hands, leaving nothing behind.

In an instant, the helix pill in his hand skyrocketed wildly, and in an instant, it had a radius of nearly twenty meters, like a big villa, whistling and spinning, emitting a piercing sonic boom!


The red eye shadow on Jiraiya's face gradually disappeared, his veins were exposed, and he smashed the huge spiral pill in his hand.

"The lecherous fairy!"

Naruto's face changed slightly, but this was an opportunity that Jiraiya managed to win for him. He didn't dare to hesitate, his figure turned into an afterimage, bounced continuously on Susano, and finally came to Susano's neck position.

And below, the huge Helix Wan finally touched the samurai sword.

In an instant, a dull roar came from it, and then a circle of blue fine air waves that seemed to be composed of countless wind blades swept in all directions. Wherever they passed, Wutengu's armor and Chakra coat were quickly decomposed and dissipated. Even that samurai sword is like ice and snow under the scorching sun, melting quickly!


Uchiha Madara glanced in surprise, as if he was surprised that Zirai could make such a terrifying attack.

Jiraiya fell powerlessly from the sky, and the two sages on his shoulders also turned into smoke and dissipated with a bang because of the exhaustion of chakra, and returned to Mt. Miaogi.

"Hey, isn't it?"

Jilai also looked at the blue air waves gradually spreading towards him in the air, his face turned black.

At this time, his chakra was exhausted, he couldn't use ninjutsu, and he had nowhere to borrow power in the air, so he could only watch the blue air wave whizzing towards him.

But fortunately, there are still many shadow clones of Naruto on the ground. They rushed up screaming in Nine-Tails coats. The two shadow clones pulled Zilai and quickly fled to the distance, while the rest rushed up to resist the blue Sexy waves.

bang bang bang...

In a series of collision sounds, a large number of shadow clones dissipated into the air, and their memories were also transmitted to Naruto's mind in an instant.

Naruto's eyes brightened slightly after receiving the memory, and Jiraiya also used this trick to smash Susanoo, so he can do the same!

Naruto immediately made a mudra with both hands, separated out more than a dozen shadow clones, surrounded Susano's head, screaming and rubbing balls.

"Immortal method - super big jade spiral pill!"

"Immortal method - super big jade spiral pill!"

"Immortal method - super big jade spiral pill!"

More than a dozen azure spiral pills emerged in the air, and then became bigger and bigger under the infusion of Naruto Senju Chakra, and soon connected into one piece, covering Susanoo's head.

If it weren't for worrying about the depletion of Senju Chakra, Naruto really wanted to create thousands of shadow clones at a time, but he could only think about it.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara was stunned by the bright blue light, but his expression was extremely calm.

No matter how powerful ninjutsu is, it can't hurt him!

How could these guys never understand this truth?

In the next moment, Susano's Wutengu armor quickly disintegrated under the immortal method-super large jade spiral pill, followed by the chakra coat, then flesh and blood, meridians, Susano wrapped in Madara Uchiha, and finally Was completely disintegrated into nothingness!


"Sealing Technique Suction!"

Uchiha Madara's faint voice came from it, and a huge vortex reflected from him, absorbing everything around him!

"It's a pity, it's completely useless!" Uchiha Madara walked up to Naruto with a smile on his face, and the samsara eyes slowly overflowed with violent pupil power, and they were about to rush into Naruto's body, "Then, Kyuubi, it's about time came back."

Naruto yelled: "Shut up, I will never hand the Nine Lamas over to you!"

Amidst the roar, Naruto turned into an afterimage, appeared in front of Uchiha Madara like a teleportation, and punched him in the eye socket!


Madara Uchiha, who was caught off guard by the violent power and the huge inertia brought about by the extreme speed, was blown away by Naruto's punch!

Without the support of his pupil power, the huge complete body Susano finally slowly dissipated in the night sky.

The toad oil that Jiraiya sprayed out before was almost burned out, and soon, the surrounding environment gradually dimmed.

But Naruto could clearly see Uchiha Madara's figure.

"Since you can't use ninjutsu, then I will use taijutsu to defeat you!"

Naruto took back a dozen or so shadow clones next to him, and the remaining celestial chakra would probably allow him to persist for about two minutes.

Naruto didn't dare to waste time, turned into an afterimage in an instant, appeared beside Uchiha Madara again, and punched out.

Uchiha Madara's pupils shrank, his figure twisted in the air, and when he avoided Naruto's fist, he elbowed Naruto's belly!


Naruto retched suddenly, but the senjutsu chakra made his cells very active, and the abdominal injury healed in an instant.


Naruto immediately pushed his knees to Uchiha Madara.

"You did exceed my expectations, but..."

Uchiha Madara sneered.

Comparing gymnastics?

Kid, you're decades too early!

Sure enough, the two fought in the air a few times, this time Naruto didn't hit Uchiha Madara with a single punch, just got beaten!

After a while, Naruto was beaten to the sky, and after a while, Naruto was beaten to the ground again.


Jiraiya has recovered a little chakra at this moment, and rushed towards this side quickly.

However, a person suddenly stopped him.

"You... how is it possible?"

Jiraiya looked at Uchiha Madara standing in front of him in disbelief, his face became more and more ugly.

"To be able to fight to this extent with one of my wooden clones, that kid is really extraordinary, but that's Madara Uchiha chuckled softly.

Zilai couldn't stand the grievance, and staggered back.

He and Naruto fought so **** badly, and the other party was just a wooden clone?

Don't you want to bully the elderly like this?

"It's time to end, or those annoying guys will come again."

Uchiha Madara stretched out his hand to make a seal, and in an instant, ten shadow clones were separated.

"You..." Jiraiya staggered back two steps, the muscles in the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"Guess, can these shadow clones of mine use Susano?" Uchiha Madara looked at Jiraiya's face with great interest.

Jiraiya trembled all over. Since the other party asked this question, the answer is naturally obvious!

Jiraiya clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "Uchiha Madara, I know your goal is Kyuubi, so, then, please don't take Naruto's body, is that okay?"

"I'm actually more concerned about this."

Saying that, Uchiha Madara waved his hand, and the ten shadow clones behind him jumped up immediately. In the air, the pupil power of the ten shadow clones flowed and turned into ten Susano, holding a blue curved blade, Rumbled towards Naruto who was fighting with Uchiha Madara's wooden clone.

Uchiha Madara continued, "I was fighting with Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo before, and I accidentally sensed the breath of the previous Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Kushina, so, can you tell me why Jinchuriki who lost the tail beast still Can you survive?"

Jiraiya's face twitched slightly: "This, this..."


Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, and said with a smile, "It's okay if you don't want to say it, but as a price, after taking Kyuubi, I will completely destroy Naruto's body!"

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