MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1054 Fudge six immortals

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"found it!"

Under the dim moonlight, after sealing the fire a few miles away, he finally found Naruto who was hanging in the air by a branch.

The Nine-Tails was captured, and at this time, the Nine-Tails Chakra in Naruto's body was rapidly dissipating like water without roots, and his vitality was also constantly weakening!

Namikaze Minato hurried over upon hearing the sound.

"How is Naruto?" Namikaze Minato asked nervously, "Sage of the Six Paths, will he really appear?"

Although Naruto can be revived by reincarnation, losing Nine Tails is a huge loss for Naruto.

At this time, Feng Huo had already hugged Naruto to the ground, then put one hand on Naruto's head, and said solemnly: "Naruto's current condition is on the verge of death, and the Sage of the Six Paths will definitely appear in his consciousness, Brother Minato, here is please."

Namikaze Minato was startled: "You won't really..."

"Ah, I really want to meet the Sage of the Six Paths!"

As he said that, Feng Huo projected all of his energy into the depths of Naruto's mind.

"Am I dead?"

In the depths of the darkness, Naruto opened his eyes suddenly, and looked around, the surroundings were empty, as quiet as the end of the world.

He stood up with his hands on the ground, only to find that there was a very shallow layer of water on the ground under him, and there were circles of ripples, which kept spreading outward.

"You're awake." An old voice suddenly came from the darkness nearby, "Your definition of death seems to be a little different from the death of my time, and you always say you're dead, young man, you might as well So pessimistic."

Naruto was taken aback, and turned his head to look, the darkness in his sight spread to both sides like a living thing, revealing a back figure floating cross-legged on the water.

She was wearing a white windbreaker, with nine jade hooks on the back of the windbreaker, arranged in threes and threes.

Under the figure's buttocks, there were several black **** floating, and beside it was a dark object that looked like a Zen stick.

"Who are you?"

Naruto asked warily.

"Who am I? This is indeed a question, because I can't guarantee whether my name passed down by the world will be the same as my name on the newspaper." An old voice came slowly, and then, the figure faintly appeared in mid-air Turning around, revealing an old but extremely strange face.

There are two strange horns on the forehead, a circle pattern resembling an eye between the eyebrows, a wrinkled face, and a long beard on the chin. Looking at the face, he has a majestic face, with a sense of sacredness and inviolability. Like a kind old man.

Naruto secretly cursed in his heart.

Just listen to the old man continue: "I am the incarnation of peace and order, named Yuyi!"


Naruto frowned, with a dazed expression on his face, and stared at the old man named Yuyi in front of him. There was silence all around, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

"..." Yuyi, the Immortal of the Six Paths, coughed dryly, and found a step for himself, "I actually expected your reaction, after all, my deeds have passed a thousand years ago!"

Naruto's face became even more bitter: What the **** is this guy talking about? I can't understand it at all. Sure enough, what annoys me the most is this kind of old man who keeps talking for a long time and can't get to the point!

Naruto approached slowly, and then he found the pair of eyes in Yuyi's eyes...

"Ah, this is... the eyes of reincarnation?!" Naruto's expression changed.

The Immortal of the Six Paths snorted: "You still have some vision. Of course, it would be better if you could understand your own current situation more practically. Yes, you are not dead yet. This is your spiritual world. I know You are in a hurry, but it's useless to be anxious now, you..."

Facing a bunch of incomprehensible nonsense from the Sage of the Six Paths, Naruto said that his patience has a limit: "Hey, old man, what are you talking about? Can you speak more simply! Ordinary people can understand The kind that understands!!"

The Immortal of the Six Paths had a sacred and inviolable expression on his face, and he was not annoyed, and continued: "The era I lived in is too far away from now, so I have great differences with you in terms of cultural traditions, concepts, and ethics. When you are a reincarnation beyond the era, you will feel a huge gap between the two, although I have also learned the language of the new era and the way of dealing with people, but, I..."

The blue veins on Naruto's forehead were slowly exposed, and the cold sweat was dripping down his forehead. He really couldn't bear it anymore: "Ah, I'm so annoying you old man! What are you talking about? I'm not here to listen to a strange old man When talking nonsense, "

Sage of the Six Paths completely ignored Naruto's complaints, and continued with a majestic expression on his face, "However, I think the study of language is different from general knowledge, it is very ambiguous, just like us, as ancients, I Communication with you today is not smooth, considering the current conceptual issues and materialist perspective, I..."

"You... are you an alien?" Naruto slumped his shoulders and complained with a dejected look on his face.

"I..." The Immortal of the Six Paths paused, obviously shocked by this, and complained, "Aliens or something, by the way, you have said too much, ha, ha, ha, ha."

"..." Naruto looked confused: This stinky old man is really playing with me here, right?

"Huh? Still don't understand?" Sage of the Six Paths asked with a dignified expression, "Communication is so difficult."

"No, I understand it, but I always feel that the tone of your speech is seriously inconsistent with this face." The muscles on Naruto's face twitched slightly.

"Very good, let's get started with this feeling, please give me some advice." Sage of the Six Paths had a majestic face and a solemn voice, but the content of the words...caused Naruto to feel uncomfortable.

"Then, I will introduce myself again. My name is Yuyi, and I am also the Sage of the Six Paths who founded the Ninja Sect." The Sage of the Six Paths said slowly.

"What? You..." Naruto heard a story about this old man from Jiraiya, but this story happened thousands of years ago!

The Immortal of the Six Paths was about to speak when suddenly he raised his eyebrows and looked up in surprise.

"Is accident or..."

Sage of the Six Paths closed his eyes slightly, and in the next instant, a shadow floated up from his body, curling up like smoke.

at this time.

Fenghuo's spiritual projection has slowly entered Naruto's spiritual world.

As the godfather who single-handedly brought up Naruto, Naruto's spiritual world did not reject Fenghuo, so Fenghuo broke in easily!

"That is…"

And the moment Fenghuo came in, Naruto also noticed, "Uncle, I can feel Uncle's breath, where, where is he?"

"Don't worry!"

The Immortal of the Six Paths said, "I have already sent out the Chakra clone to meet him. Now, I have something to entrust to you. You must listen carefully."

After Fenghuo's spiritual projection entered Naruto's spiritual world, he found that it was so dark that he couldn't distinguish up, down, left, right, south, east, north.

Feng Huo knew that it was because Naruto was on the verge of death, so his spiritual world would become like this, and once his spiritual world completely fell into darkness, then Naruto would die.

"You are the descendant of Indra, Uchiha seal the fire!"

An old voice came quietly from behind Fenghuo.

Feng Huo turned his head to look, and the darkness around him suddenly dissipated slowly, revealing the strange face of the Sage of the Six Paths.

"Sage of the Six Paths!"

Feng Huo called out his name in one breath, then seemed to think of something, and hurriedly changed his words, "Eh? Who are you? How did you end up in Naruto's spiritual world?"


Sage of the Six Paths said with a sullen face, "You have already recognized me, although I don't know why you can recognize me, because I don't remember my portrait being circulated in the ninja world, and it has been thousands of years, but it is undeniable , your existence has brought a lot of trouble to the Pure Land, you can't deny this, right?"


Feng Huo's eyebrows twitched, why did he feel that what this guy said was a bit out of line, although he could barely understand it, but...

"You won't forget." The Sage of the Six Paths reminded, "Reincarnation!"

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice: What kind of opening method is this?

I came here to ask for a chance, how did I become a debt collector by the Immortal of the Six Paths?

He can't carry this blame!

"Sage of the Six Paths, I didn't develop reincarnation!" Feng Huo said aggrievedly.

"but you…"

"I've never used it either!" Fenghuo vowed, "I swear in the name of the ancestors of the Uchiha clan!"

There is nothing wrong with this statement. It is Fei Duan, a follower of the evil god, who has been reincarnating himself to save people all this time. You have to settle accounts and find Fei Duan. I am innocent!

You can't hurt good people!

Thinking of this, Feng Huo couldn't help but raise his head and hold his chest up, and he spoke uprightly, confidently, and righteously!

At this moment, the corner of the Sage of the Six Paths twitched slightly.

Isn't the ancestor of the Uchiha clan his eldest son Indra?

In this way, he is also the ancestor of this guy.

Besides, that ninja who has been using his own reincarnation to save people was not forced to do so by you!

Don't you have any points in your mind?

How... cunning!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Feng Huo hurriedly said again: "And there are forbidden techniques that are more extreme than reincarnation!"

"You mean the reincarnation of the filthy soil." The Sage of the Six Paths sighed.

"That's right, that Uchiha Madara outside, if he unlocks the reincarnation of the dirty soil, he will permanently gain immortality and infinite chakra. Isn't this bug too perverted? Don't you go out and take care of it, old man?" Feng Huo complained road.

"Huh? Starling? What's that?"

The Sage of the Six Paths thought for a while with a serious face, then shook his head, and said, "I am an ancient who died a long time ago, and the me you see now is just that I left Chakra wandering in this world to watch me create The ninja go to the last monk!"

Feng Huo frowned, the words were a bit convoluted and the meaning was vague.

But it doesn't matter if the fire is sealed.

"Sage of the Six Paths, the ninja world has reached the most dangerous moment. All the ninjas have joined the battle. Once they fail, the ninja world will be over! You can't just sit here and ignore everything!" Feng Huo said sincerely, "Even if you For some reason, I can’t make a direct shot, ahem, I can also help here.”


Sage of the Six Paths felt a little tingly. Is this guy really his offspring?

Why is there an urge to send him to the Pure Land?

Feng Huo was still a little flustered when he saw the serious face of the Immortal of the Six Paths without saying a word, but he felt that he could still be saved.

"Sage of the Six Paths, I have endured humiliation these years, and I have dug out all the secrets of the Akatsuki organization!" Fenghuo Xijing said with a heavy face, "The leaders of the Akatsuki organization seem to be Uchiha Nobu and Orochimaru, but It is actually Uchiha Madara. Once Orochimaru seals the Nine Tailed Beasts into the Golem of the Outer Way and revives the Ten Tails, then it will definitely be attached to Orochimaru or Uchiha Shin, and use the ability of reincarnation to resurrect Uchiha Madara. At that time, Uchiha Madara will be Ten Tails Jinchuriki!"

The Sage of the Six Paths remained silent.

Fenghuo had to continue: "However, Uchiha Madara has been planning for decades, but he doesn't know that behind him, there is another black sword who has planned for hundreds of years or even a thousand years! Once Uchiha Madara becomes Ten Tails Jinchuriki, Hei Jue will assimilate him and become... your old mother!"

Immortal of the Six Paths frowned: Why does it feel like this guy is scolding him?

Is it an illusion?

After all, I am his ancestor!


"Fenghuo, how do you know these secrets?" The Immortal of the Six Paths asked solemnly.

"I traveled to the future through the dragon veins, and thus learned the cause and effect of all this!"

Feng Huo opened his eyes and said.

Then he told the Sage of the Six Paths the set of arguments that had already been numbered.

The Immortal of the Six Paths was a little unbelievable after hearing this: "Traveling into the future... how could such a thing happen?"

"Naruto traveled from the future to the past, and I traveled from the past to the future. From the perspective of the law of energy conservation and the theory of relativity, isn't this obvious?" Feng Huo said confidently.

"The law of energy conservation? The theory of relativity? What is that? Is the current concept developing so fast?" The Sage of the Six Paths looked serious and thought to himself: I obviously studied the current concept seriously, but I didn't expect that I was still behind?

Feng Huo waved his little hand: "Sage of the Six Paths, the point is not here, right? You should know that Uchiha Madara has recovered Nine-Tails, and soon, Ten-Tails will be resurrected, Uchiha Madara will be resurrected, your old mother Otsutsuki Kaguya will be resurrected soon too! Time waits for no one!"

"So, I'm entrusting the matter to Naruto!" Sage of the Six Paths said seriously.

"Many people are powerful, so entrust me with one more!" Feng Huo also said seriously, "You will never pin all your hopes on Naruto, right?"

The Sage of the Six Paths blinked twice: Really, he plans to entrust the reincarnation of his eldest son Indra in the future.

But he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Fenghuo, since you have traveled to the future, you should know the final direction of this war, right?"

Feng Huo's expression changed and said sadly: "The ninja alliance finally won, but... Miserable! It's terrible! Only a few thousand of the 80,000 ninja alliance died, and there were no high-level officials left in the hidden villages. The next few! The most serious thing is that the land of fire, the most prosperous place in the ninja world, was also shattered by the war. Countless earthquakes and countless erupting volcanoes destroyed countless ordinary people living in this country! You created it yourself This ninja world, because of this war, has gone from prosperity to perdition!"

"Is it so serious?!" The Immortal of the Six Paths said solemnly.

"Ah, I will never lie!"

People who know me say that I am an honest and reliable young man!

Feng Huo said solemnly, "I have been working hard to improve my strength these years to change the future of the ninja world! So, Sage of the Six Paths, please!"

The Immortal of the Six Paths pondered for a while, really unable to distinguish whether what Feng Huo said was true or not, finally he sighed and said: "In this case, I can pass on my power to you, but... this power needs to be obtained by yourself Understand!"

Feng Huo blinked twice: "What do you mean?"

"It means that the power I have now will be entrusted to the reincarnation of my two sons, so all I can give you is my understanding of power!" The Immortal of the Six Paths said seriously.

"Uh..." Feng Huo suddenly felt that his endocrine disorder was disturbed, and he had the urge to kill the Immortal of the Six Paths.

However, considering the huge gap between the two parties, Fenghuo decided to wait until he inherited this understanding of power before taking action!

"Then, get ready to accept this gift, Fenghuo!" The Immortal of Six Paths slowly stretched out his hand, and a powerful aura instantly poured into Fenghuo's spiritual projection.

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