MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1065 perception?

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As time passed, Fenghuo's consciousness gradually began to blur, and a darkness slowly enveloped his mind.

But when Feng Huo was in a daze, he seemed to see an old man sitting cross-legged on the top of a big tree in the dark to practice!

With the appearance of the old man, a glimmer of light finally appeared in the dark world. Feng Huo looked around and found that it was actually a wide dense forest, with a cool breeze blowing in, bringing with it a hint of fresh green grass.

Inexplicably, Fenghuo also felt a bit of coolness, like drinking a cup of iced tea in summer, the chilling feeling made his skin crawl!

‘Sage of the Six Paths? '

Feng Huo 'looked' at the old man in front of him with his eyes closed, motionless as if he could only breathe, and a hint of surprise slowly overflowed from his heart.

When Naruto was dying, the Sage of the Six Paths appeared in his spiritual world.

In the original book, when Erzhuzi was dying, the Immortal of the Six Paths also appeared in his spiritual world.

But now, after transplanting Naruto cells by himself, there was a huge adverse reaction. At this time, the Sage of the Six Paths also appeared in his spiritual world. What does this mean?

This shows that he is also very likely to be the Son of Destiny!

Although the Sage of the Six Paths doesn't admit it, his body is still very honest!

But the Sage of the Six Paths seems to have only two sons, so whose reincarnation is he?

Wouldn't the Sage of the Six Paths have an illegitimate child?

Hey hey...

In the spiritual world, Fenghuo couldn't control his thoughts.

But while Feng Huo was thinking wildly, the surroundings were unbelievably peaceful, only the breathing sound of the Immortal of the Six Paths could be heard in a long and faint way.





The Immortal of the Six Paths in front of him sat cross-legged on the treetop, as if he was asleep, exhaling and inhaling in a calm and natural way, and then, there was no more.

Fenghuo panicked, what does this mean?

"Sage of the Six Paths?"

"Old ancestor?"

"Otsuki Hagoromo?"

"Big wooden tube feather coat?"

"Washing tub?"

Feng Huo shouted provocatively twice, but the Sage of the Six Paths in front of him didn't respond at all.

Feng Huo was stunned for a moment, and then reached out to touch the Sage of the Six Paths, but his hand slid across the Sage of the Six Paths directly, as if the Sage of the Six Paths in front of him was just an image!

Feng Huo blinked twice, and then forced himself to calm down.

"So, it's not that the Sage of the Six Paths appeared in my spiritual world!"

In this case, there is only one possibility.

This is... Sage of the Six Paths' perception of power!

But what should I do now?

Fenghuo was a little confused.

The so-called comprehension, in Fenghuo's view, is equivalent to an experience package. Fenghuo transplanted Erzhu's Eternal Kaleidoscope before, and also perfectly controlled the pupil power of Eternal Kaleidoscope, and squeezed out the impurities in it, so Fenghuo thought he was The experience package of the Sage of the Six Paths has been digested and absorbed, but it seems that it has not yet.

So, what is the perception of the Sage of the Six Paths?

The power mastered by the sages of the Six Paths is the sage's body and sage's eyes, so what are the sage's body and sage's eyes?

To be honest, Fenghuo only knows what it is, not why. In this way, there is only one thing Fenghuo can do now.

He simply walked behind the Sage of the Six Paths, and sat down cross-legged back to back.

Feng Huo restrained the distracting thoughts in his mind, then closed his eyes and breathed slowly.

Fenghuo's spiritual world quickly calmed down, only two breathing sounds came and went, but gradually, Fenghuo's breathing was diverted by the Immortal of the Six Paths, and the frequency of the two gradually became the same.



Fenghuo's consciousness seems to be in chaos, and it seems to be opening up the world, seeing the mountains, seeing the water, seeing the sky and the earth.

At a certain moment, a vast dense forest suddenly appeared in front of his eyes!

and many more!

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, and distracting thoughts flooded into his mind instantly.

Don't you close your eyes? He didn't use perception ninjutsu, so how could he see things?

With distracting thoughts, the dense forest in front of Fenghuo disappeared immediately.

Feng Huo opened his eyes, and there was darkness in front of him!

He turned his head suddenly, and of course there was no image of the Sage of the Six Paths behind him.


When Feng Huo was hesitant, there was a sudden scorching pain, and his consciousness returned to his body instantly.

Opening his bloodshot eyes, Feng Huo saw the top of the tent. He wanted to get up, but the muscles all over his body had spasms, and he couldn't move at all.

He wanted to speak, but his tongue seemed to be cramping, and he couldn't speak at all.

huh huh huh...

Feng Huo heard the blood in his body flowing rapidly, and there was a surging, wild sound like a river breaking its bank!

Feng Huo opened his mouth, wanting to breathe, but it seemed that his lungs were completely out of touch with him, even though he opened his mouth wide and swished inhalation, he still couldn't **** the air into his body!

Dying to die!

A sense of despair suddenly surged in Feng Huo's heart!

‘No, no, I’m sure there’s still a chance to be rescued! '

At the critical moment, Feng Huo suddenly remembered the scene that happened in the spiritual world, so he calmed down and let his consciousness enter the spiritual world.

Feng Huo's spiritual world at this time has been plunged into darkness, and he can't see his fingers. Feng Huo didn't have time to think, so he sat down cross-legged, restrained distracting thoughts, and then closed his eyes and breathed.

At the same time, in the intelligence room.

The information about the coercion of the ten tails from the battlefield of the first army, and the information about the appearance of the new Payne Six Paths on the battlefield of the fifth army, have all been transmitted here through the spiritual magic!

Minakaze Minato, Tsunade, Hatake Sakumo, Onogi, Fourth Raikage, Temari, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi, Chojuro and other high-level coalition forces have gathered here.

Of course, there are Terumi Mei of the Five Generations of Mizukage and Rabbi Riki of the Eight-tailed Jinzhu!

At this time, the Fourth Raikage Ai was staring at Kirabi with a gloomy expression.

"Yo, big brother, don't look at me with a scary expression, you Bageyalu crying Geyalu!"

Kirabi couldn't stand Fourth Raikage's expression, so he twisted his **** and rapped, trying to adjust the dignified atmosphere of the scene.

"Shut up you bastard!"

Fourth Raikage's eyes were tearing apart, "I have clearly banned you from appearing here! Who is it? Who allowed you to come to the front line! Tell me!"

"Brother, regarding this matter, I, I..." A drop of cold sweat dripped from Kirabi's forehead.

"Of course I rushed here because I was worried about the front line. We have good intentions, Your Excellency Raikage!"

Terumi Mei supported her waist with one hand, stretched out her hand slightly and pointed at Fourth Raikage, and said with a charming smile, "So you can't blame us~"

Fourth Raikage's brows twitched, and his violent temper was a little uncontrollable.

"Now is not the time to argue!"

Onogi snorted, "The intelligence from the first unit on the battlefield is likely to be about Ten-Tails, if Ten-Tails is really revived..."

"Isn't there still Naruto!"

Fourth Raikage gritted his teeth and said, "Your Excellency Hokage, you used to highly praise your son. Now that Hidan has arrived, Naruto can be resurrected even if he is dead. So Juwei should be handed over to him as a matter of course." Let's deal with it!"

Onogi said in a condensed voice: "Your Excellency Raikage, don't say such angry words. No matter how talented Naruto is, it is impossible for him to lose Kyuubi..."

"no problem!"

A resolute voice suddenly came from the intelligence room, "Ten tails... Leave it to me!" Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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