MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1064 transplant

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Orochimaru uses the technique of Onima to perfectly integrate the eyes of reincarnation, so when using the eyes of reincarnation, it only needs to pay a huge amount of chakra to activate the pupil technique of the eyes of reincarnation, but Shin Uchiha is not!

Uchiha Shin's physique is very special, and he will not reject any transplanted organs, but it is just that he does not reject it.

For Uchiha Shin, the use of reincarnation eyes not only consumes Chakra, but also requires a lot of vitality!

The previous owner of the reincarnation eye, Nagato, as a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, not only possesses powerful chakra, but also contains a majestic vitality in his body, but even so, after many years, he is still attracted by the reincarnation eye. man!

Nobu Uchiha does not have the physique of the Uzumaki clan, so it took only a few months to transplant the reincarnation eyes, his black hair has already turned gray, and several crow's feet crawled out of the corners of his eyes!

At this time, he manipulated Payne's Six Paths to attack the second pillar, and every time he used the pupil technique, he was consuming his vitality!

Especially Chao-Shinra Tenmai, even Nagato is extremely afraid of the vitality required by this pupil technique, let alone Uchiha Nobu!

But even so, Chao-Shen Luo Tianzheng still didn't kill Er Zhuzi, but was burned to death by Er Zhuzi with the fire of Amaterasu!

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose money, and in a rage, Shin Uchiha went all the way to the dark, passed the heavenly path Payne, and brazenly used the forbidden technique of reincarnation eyes-earth explosion star!

On the battlefield of the fifth army, a black shiny ball quickly floated into the air, and then a terrifying gravitational force spread out from the black ball, and the dust, weeds, sand and mud on the ground were the first to be sucked into the air by the gravitational force , and then stones, broken wood, and corpses also broke through the air one after another. As the gravitational force became stronger and stronger, a large number of cracks appeared on the ground, and then countless huge rock blocks tens of meters square were pulled away by gravitational force. There was a rumbling crash in the air, and its momentum made the ninjas of the coalition army feel sore in their hearts, livers, spleens and stomachs!

"What level of ninjutsu is this?!" Mifune looked at the scene in the air, his expression changing again and again.

If the ninjas of the coalition army hadn't been blasted dozens of miles away by Tiandao Payne's super-Shenluo Tianzheng just now, I am afraid that everyone would be sucked into the sky by this gravity, but even so, Sanfuan could still feel it when he was dozens of miles away. Seeing a gravitational force falling from the sky, pulling his body, he dared not be careless, and immediately shouted loudly, telling all the ninjas to retreat a certain distance.

As for the clone army organized by Akatsuki, it was not much better. After all, the two moves of Tiandao Payne were indistinguishable from the enemy.

At this time, the black ball in midair has been covered by countless huge rocks, forming a huge rock ball with a diameter of nearly a kilometer, and below, the complete body of the two pillars, Susanoo, has also been pulled into the sky by gravity!


Erzhuzi's eyes widened with anger, and the power of his pupils boiled, frantically pouring into the wings of the complete body Susanoo.


The wings of the complete body Susanoo flapped vigorously, resisting the huge gravitational force from the top of the head, but at this time, the huge rocks that were pulled up from below continued to hit the complete body Susanoo like a comet. On the huge body!

Under the bombardment of dozens of hundreds of thousands, the complete body of the two pillars, Susanoo, is getting closer and closer to the huge rock ball above!

And as the huge rock ball attracts more rock blocks, its volume becomes larger and larger. In less than half a minute, the diameter of the huge rock ball in the air has become 1,500 meters!

Erzhuzi's heart jumped, and he hurriedly used the fire of Amaterasu. The black flames burned wildly on the surrounding rocks, burning a lot of rocks to ashes!

But at this time, as far as the two pillars can see, there are countless huge rocks pulled up by gravity, and the fire of Amaterasu can only burn what they can see. If the source is not burned, just burning rocks will not do anything No help!

Sure enough, as the gravitational force became stronger and stronger, the volume of the boulder pulled from the ground became larger and larger. Even the fire of Amaterasu could not burn the boulder to ashes in an instant.

At this time, the head of the complete body Susanoo had already touched the surface of the huge rock ball!

In the next moment, countless gigantic rocks rumbled up from the ground, directly covering the huge figure of Susanoo!

Tiandao Payne was floating in the air, still feeling uneasy, and still outputting non-stop!

Soon, the diameter of the huge rock ball in the air has exceeded three kilometers!

Looking up from the ground, this huge rock ball with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters is completely a small satellite!

"You are proud of being able to push me to this level, Uchiha Sasuke!" Tendo Payne's cold words slowly floated in the air!

Ninja coalition camp.

In a fire tent.

Feng Huo was lying on the ground in a very lonely manner, and the pharmacist squatted beside him wearing a mask, with a scalpel in one hand and Naruto cells extracted from Naruto's blood in the other.

"Then, here I go!"

Pharmacist hummed and opened Fenghuo's arm with a scalpel.

Feng Huo closed his eyes, feeling the tingling pain from his arm. Not long after, he felt a cold feeling.

After half the payment, the transplant operation is completed!

Feng Huo slowly opened his eyes, looked sideways at his arm, the scar left by the surgery there had been healed by the medicine master, but there was still pain in that place!

"Brother Fenghuo, how do you feel?" Pharmacist asked nervously.

Just as Feng Huo was about to speak, suddenly a powerful force surged from his arm!

this force...

Why does it feel so familiar?

A strange thought came to Fenghuo's mind, and he quickly realized that this familiar feeling must be related to the perception of power that the Immortal of the Six Paths gave him.

After Naruto at this time has already received a gift from the Sage of the Six Paths and has become a sage, so how could the Sage of the Six Paths not be familiar with his own body?

While thinking about it, this force has flowed all over Fenghuo's body, and it has gradually become hotter, but the strange thing is that Fenghuo's skin has not changed at all, not even the slightest change in body surface temperature!

But the muscles all over Feng Huo's body were slowly twitching. At this moment, he felt his body fall into the crater, and the hot magma surrounded his whole body, and drilled into the capillaries of his body bit by bit. Want to melt him completely!

Feng Huo opened his mouth to breathe, but felt that even the air around him was unbearably hot, and every breath made his chest and lungs uncomfortable!

As a veteran driver, Yao Shidou quickly confirmed that Fenghuo was merging with Naruto's cells through the twitching of Fenghuo's muscles and physical reactions, and he couldn't help showing a helpless look. In this state, no one can help Fenghuo !

Pharmacist got up and went outside to prevent people from disturbing the sealing of the fire. As for the rest, he could only look at himself. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site