MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1079 gang fight

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First Army Battlefield.

Naruto and Namikaze Minato are confronting Orochimaru, Nagato, and Uchiha Madara.

Namikaze Minato's plan is to drag Uchiha Madara by himself, and then let Naruto deal with Orochimaru and Juwei, but at this time, seeing Juwei's huge body and the terrifying chakra fluctuations, Namikaze Minato couldn't help being frightened .

Sure enough, we should bring Mr. Jiraiya, Godai and others over first!

"Naruto, don't do it yet!"

Saying that, Namikaze Minato once again used Flying Thunder God to disappear in place.

"Are you going to send rescuers?"

Orochimaru had just said four words, Namikaze Minato had gone back and forth three times, bringing Jiraiya, Tsunade, and the third Tsuchikage Onoki to Naruto's side.

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth twitched slightly, this expected of the Fourth Hokage!

Thinking of this, Fourth Raikage, Hatake Sakumo, Fifth Mizukage Terumimei, and Fifth Kazekage Temari also appeared on the scene.

"Hehe, Fourth Hokage-sama, are you planning to bring all the ninjas of the Ninja Alliance here?" Orochimaru smiled teasingly.


When Tsunade saw Orochimaru standing on top of Ten-tails, he roared angrily, "You know what you're doing!"

"Long time no see, Tsunade."

Orochimaru smiled, "You who lost your loved ones in the war should know what I want."

Tsunade's face darkened.


"How could such a thing be done?!" Tsunade said angrily, "Be sober, Orochimaru, don't be used by others!"


Orochimaru smiled, "Tsunade, you should be the one who should be awake. I have already controlled the ten tails, and Uchiha Madara and Nagato are also under my control. Who can use me?"

Tsunade was about to tell everyone what Fenghuo told everyone about the Sage of the Six Paths, his mother and Jue, but he was rudely interrupted.

"That's the end of the preaching, and it's almost time to end it all!"

Uchiha Madara folded his hands on his chest, and said coldly.

The reason why Uchiha Madara interrupted Tsunade was not impatient, but a little guilty, after all, there was a ghost in his heart.

"Everyone, leave the ten tails to me!"

Naruto stepped forward, and after receiving the gift from the Sage of the Six Paths, Naruto felt so excited that he could fly, and rushed towards Shiwei after speaking.


Namikaze Minato raised his brows, but quickly restrained his worries about being a father, then set his sights on Uchiha Madara and Nagato, and said calmly, "Everyone, our task is to hold Uchiha Madara And Nagato!"

"Do you really want Naruto to deal with the ten tails alone?"

Onoki's eyes kept on Tobi's body, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt palpitations.

"Everyone must trust Naruto!" Namikaze Minato said firmly.

"In that case, go!"

The fourth generation of Raikage roared, and the thunder armor instantly covered the whole body, boom!

The purple thunder light flashed in the air, and it fell in front of Uchiha Madara in an instant, and the elbow glowing with thunder blatantly pressed against Uchiha Madara's lungs.

Uchiha Madara was not in a hurry, and even took the time to look at Naruto's figure, and then moved his body sideways, avoiding Sidai Raikage's elbow, and kicked Sidai Raikage in the face at the same time.


The Fourth Raikage was kicked into the air, but before his body landed, he turned into Lightning again and rushed towards Madara Uchiha.

"Uchiha Madara will be handed over to the Fourth Raikage, me, Jiraiya, Minato, and the rest, to deal with Nagato, remember, don't take it lightly!" Tsunade said solemnly, and then immediately sealed and psychic out He picked up a huge slug and said, "Slug, sorry for the trouble."

"You're welcome." The slug said softly, and then separated directly, each of Minato Namikaze, Onoki and the others had one.

Then, Tsunade directly untied the Yin seal, performed the Baihao technique, and then rushed towards Uchiha Madara.

Zilai also psychicized two toad celestial beings without saying a word.

"Shima Immortal and Fukasaku Immortal, I will trouble you this time." Jiraiya said solemnly, "Directly use the immortal mode!"

"What a terrifying chakra fluctuation!" Fukasaku Sento looked at the ten tails in front of him, and Toad's face was full of horror.

"This may be the last battle in the ninja world!" Immortal Shima sighed, then closed his eyes and formed seals, and began to absorb natural energy!

Namikaze Minato gently put the slug that crawled on him on his shoulder, then tapped his toes, and instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Uchiha Madara.

Hatake Sakumo, Onoki, Terumi Mei, Temari and others looked at Nagato standing behind Orochimaru.

On the top of Juwei's head, Orochimaru looked at Naruto who was getting closer and closer, with a dignified expression, but feeling the strength of Juwei under his feet, a strong confidence suddenly surged in his heart!

"Do you want to deal with me alone? Well, Nagato, go support Uchiha Madara." Orochimaru decided to give Naruto a chance to single out himself and Ten Tails.


Nagato responded blankly, looked around, and immediately rushed to Onoki, Hatake Sakumo, Terumi Mei, and Temari who were waiting in line.

At this time, Naruto had come to less than a hundred meters in front of Ten Tails. He looked up at the gigantic Ten Tails, and made a bold move.

"Tail Beast Jade Spiral Shuriken!"

The spiral shuriken with the tailed beast jade as its core took shape in his hands almost instantly, and the violent breath spread outward in an instant!


"how is this possible?!"

Orochimaru and Uchiha Madara exclaimed almost at the same time.

'The Chakra of this Tailed Beast Jade... can't be wrong, it's Nine Tails! '

While Uchiha Madara was dealing with the offensive of the Fourth Raikage, Tsunade and others, he was distracted and paid attention to Naruto's every move.

‘Could it be that Namikaze Minato transferred the Yin attribute nine tails in his body to Naruto? '

As soon as Uchiha Madara thought of this, he saw Namakaze Minato directly turning on the Nine Lama Mode, and each of the nine tails rubbed out a huge spiral pill and blasted towards him.

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

The power of the pupils circulated, and Uchiha Madara directly repelled Namakaze Minato to a distance of 100 meters. In the next moment, a thunder light came violently from behind him.

"Thunderstorm level!"

The Fourth Raikage roars to and sends out a berserk blow!


Madara Uchiha unhurriedly poured out his pupil power, instantly turning into a layer of blue rib armor outside his body.


Tsunade rushed over with Baihao's technique, smashing the blue ribs into pieces with one punch.

At the same time, the fourth Raikage's attack happened to pass through the shattered blue ribs, and suddenly landed on Uchiha Madara's face.

"Shinra Tensei needs a gap of five seconds. You just used Shinra Tensei to resist Minato's attack, and the sealing technique can't absorb Taijutsu's attack. Susano was also broken by me, Madara, now you can only force it Take the attack of the Fourth Raikage!" Tsunade's eyes sparkled.


Uchiha Madara looked at the hand knife that was only a few tenths of a millimeter away from his nose, and his hands completed the seal almost instantly, "Mu Dun-Mu Ding Wall!"

Read The Duke's Passion