MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1089 5 Mangjie plus Amaterasu?

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Looking at the fragments of sawdust flying all over the sky in front of him, Feng Huo didn't show any disappointment.

After all, the opponent is Madara Lord, even if he is blind, he is at the pinnacle of ninja world, if he is killed so easily, Fenghuo will really be disappointed.

Feng Huo looked around vigilantly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and directly displayed his perception ability.

Ever since he touched the principle of all things, Fenghuo's perception ability has improved by leaps and bounds, far surpassing the chakra perception technique he has practiced for a long time.

But as soon as the perception ability spreads, Fenghuo is a little bit blind.

After Uchiha Madara has mastered Mudun, his breath can perfectly blend with the trees. Take just now, Uchiha Madara's Mudun avatar, Fenghuo didn't notice it!

That being the case...

"Uchiha Madara! As the strongest Uchiha clan ever, was your spine broken by the first generation during the battle in the Valley of the End?"

Feng Huo suddenly provoked, "Don't you even have the courage to fight me head-on? You coward! You are not worthy of the noble surname Uchiha!"

Fenghuo provoked wildly and despised all kinds of things. Sure enough, Uchiha Madara, who was hiding in the dark, had a slight emotional fluctuation. This fluctuation was instantly sensed by Fenghuo.

"Found you!"

Feng Huo rushed over without saying a word!

In the perfect state of immortal mode and under the Thunder Dun body, the cell activity in Fenghuo's body has surpassed any time before, and his physical fitness is simply superhuman!

With a flash of thunder, Feng Huo suddenly landed behind a tree and punched it out.

The sound of thunder exploded in his fist, directly blasting the giant tree in front of him into pieces!

Among the fragments of broken wood all over the sky, a figure retreated rapidly.

At this time, Uchiha Madara closed his eyes tightly, and the two corners of his mouth were slightly pulled down, obviously in a very unhappy mood.

No ancestor would be happy to be told that by his own descendants. What's more, because Uchiha Madara doesn't have reincarnation eyes at this time, his combat power has plummeted by at least five floors. What courage is simply shameless!

But Uchiha Madara has experienced many battles, and he already knows that Fenghuo is deliberately provoking him. The more he is like this, the more he has to calm down, the more he has to avoid, and the more he has to delay!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara formed a seal again: "Fire escape-the art of dust concealment!"

Uchiha Madara took a deep breath, and then violently spewed out a burst of high-temperature dust. This high-temperature dust diffused for several miles almost instantly, forming a dust cloud that blocked everyone's sight!

Uchiha Madara took the opportunity to hide in the sea of ​​trees he created with the wooden escape just now!


crackling crackling...

In the dust mist, countless high-temperature dust, like tadpoles looking for their mother, frantically flocked towards the Thunder Shield on the surface of Fenghuo's body, and then exploded and dissipated amidst the sound of thunder.

"How long are you going to hide?"

Feng Huo continued to speak, "Uchiha Madara, I am so disappointed in you, I thought you were the only existence in the ninja world who could compete with me, but I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, you look like a big-eyed person, I swear in the name of the Uchiha clan, I have never seen such a shameless person like you since I was born!"

Uchiha Madara's face twitched, and his whole body was on the verge of erupting.

The Fourth Raikage, Onogi, Tsunade, Jiraiya and others in the distance also had their eyes twitching, feeling like they couldn't bear to look directly at them.

Namikaze Minato smiled wryly: "This... Fenghuo probably said that on purpose to anger Uchiha Madara... right?"

"This guy, really..." Onogi floated in mid-air, with his arms crossed and his face uncomfortable.

When fighting against Fenghuo before, he was often attacked by Fenghuo's mouth, and at this time he was inexplicably sympathetic to Madara Uchiha.

"Immortal method - water escape - water rushing wave!"

In the high-temperature dust and fog, Fenghuo saw that Madara Uchiha turned out to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, so he had to perform the Six Ways of Immortal Art again, and then he folded his hands together, and in an instant, he summoned a rapidly rotating and rising water flow like a tornado!

Because of the fusion of Sanwei's chakra and natural energy, this waterspout is extremely thick, with a radius of more than ten meters!

The huge waterspout gradually rose, and soon broke through the highest point of the high-temperature dust and dust mist. At the same time, countless nearby high-temperature dust was also absorbed by the water flow. Gradually, this clear waterspout began to become cloudy and filthy. On the contrary, the surrounding air gradually became clearer!

Uchiha Madara, who is hiding in the sea of ​​trees, uses the wooden escape to integrate his breath with the trees, and outsiders can't detect it at all. In other words, in this sea of ​​trees, every tree has his Uchiha Madara's chakra. Fluctuating, so hiding in the sea of ​​trees, no one can accurately confirm his exact location!

As for the insult of Fenghuo... Uchiha Madara said that he will wait for the reincarnation eyes and ten tails to be recovered, and see how he can blame this unfilial descendant!

After sealing the fire for a few minutes, he didn't get the slightest response when he was almost out of words. He was furious, but for a while, he couldn't do anything about Uchiha Madara who was hiding in the sea of ​​trees!

Even if the forest is set on fire, Uchiha Madara can use Mudun again to create a sea of ​​trees and then blend into the trees. Delaying for a few hours is not a problem at all!

'How to do? '

Feng Huo panicked, but his eyes lit up immediately.

In the next moment, Feng Huo directly sealed and channeled the three forms of Chaolunwu, turned over and went up.

Because the second form of the chaotic round dance is rushing here with the pharmacist on his back, so Fenghuo is channeling the third form this time.


Chao Rondo Sanshi hadn't appeared in the ninja world for a long time, and she screamed excitedly, spreading her wings and flying.

High in the sky, Feng Huo took out a scroll from his arms, and in the scroll, there was a pair of kaleidoscope Sharingans sealed, which belonged to Feng Huo himself!

The kaleidoscope abilities of Fenghuo are the chakra tomb of the left eye and the five-pointed world of the right eye, and at this time, it is the time for the five-pointed world to shine!

Afterwards, Feng Huo left the fairy mode, and transplanted his right eye back on the back of Chaolun Wu Sanshi!

After transplanting Naruto's's cell activity is much faster than that of ordinary people, and its recovery ability is also stronger, so within half a minute, Fenghuo has adapted to his right eye.

"Then next, as long as I see Uchiha Madara, I can directly lock him with the Pentagram!"


Feng Huo's eyes suddenly shone.

The eternal kaleidoscope ability of the two pillars, the left eye is to activate Amaterasu, and the right eye is to control the form change of Amaterasu's fire.

I transplanted back my own right eye kaleidoscope, but the left eye has not been replaced, it is still the eternal kaleidoscope of Erzhuzi!

That is to say, as long as Fenghuo locks Uchiha Madara with Wumangjie, he can directly burn Uchiha Madara with Erzhuzi's left eye using Amaterasu!

And under the Wumang Realm, no matter how Uchiha Madara evades, it is impossible to get rid of the sealing fire!

He is dead!