MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1096 thunder rage

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In the ground, no one is as fast as Jue.

Because it can definitely be integrated with the earth, borrowing the network of organic matter such as plant roots and underground water flow in the ground, to move at super high speed!

Therefore, when Feng Huo realized and separated the shadow clone to look for Jue, it was already one step too late, and Jue was already one step ahead, and found Uchiha Madara's Wooden clone!

"Although there were some accidents in the middle, we finally caught up."

Uchiha Madara's Mutun clone looked at Jue, and then dismissed himself directly.

The memory was sent back to the body, and Uchiha Madara immediately turned around and rushed towards the place where Jue was.

Fenghuo followed behind, feeling nothing at first, after all, Uchiha Madara had been changing directions crazily before, but after a long time, Fenghuo felt something was wrong.

Uchiha Madara's posture is clearly purposefully rushing in this direction!

Fenghuo immediately ordered all shadow clones to move forward in this direction.

Uchiha Madara seemed to have expected this situation, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he turned his direction again and rushed directly towards the ground.

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, but his sensory ninjutsu couldn't detect Jue's aura at all, so he could only passively follow Uchiha Madara.


Accompanied by dust and debris flying all over the sky, Uchiha Madara's figure broke through the ground directly!

The pupil power of Feng Huo's right eye flowed, and under the five-pointed world, his whole body instantly appeared behind Uchiha Madara, and then his left eye focused on Uchiha Madara's heart.

Although Uchiha Madara was blind, he was extremely sensitive, especially the sensitive part of the chest. Feng Huo's eyes widened and he peeped undisguisedly.

In the next moment, black flames shot up from the palm of Uchiha Madara's left hand!

Uchiha Madara stretched out his right hand decisively, and chopped off his left hand at the wrist!

At the same time, Jue's figure suddenly emerged from the ground.

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly, and opened the eight Dunjia almost instantly, opening the first four doors of opening, resting, living, and hurting, and a powerful aura gushed out from inside Feng Huo!

Immediately afterwards, with a thought, Feng Huo directly untied the biggest yang seal in the sealed world.

In an instant, a torrent of celestial chakra poured into the Fenghuo meridian continuously, and almost instantly, Fenghuo's eyes turned into cross eyes without shadows.

If it wasn't for the transplantation of Naruto's cells, Feng Huo wouldn't have dared to undo this biggest yang seal at all, because the celestial chakra contained in it is too strong!

But at this time, there was no pressure to seal the fire.

In the perfect state of immortal mode, and under the eight-door Dunjia that has been opened to the fourth door, no amount of fairy chakra can only make Fenghuo stronger!


As the celestial chakra in Fenghuo's body continuously turned into violent thunder-attribute chakra, his body surface was filled with a layer of lightning armor in an instant, and countless fine thunder lights jumped on his body surface, crackling and bursting like a thousand birds. tweet!

Afterwards, the lightning armor on the body surface and the lightning attribute chakra converted from the sage chakra in the body frantically condensed and compressed in his right hand!

The thunder light around Feng Huo gradually dimmed, while his right hand shone brightly in the light of the thunder, a dazzling purple, even the scorching sun could not block this purple light!

When more and more thunder attribute chakras condensed in one place, the purple thunder light between Fenghuo's right hand was already flowing like a liquid, and the dense thunder explosion sound spread all over a hundred miles in an instant!

The next moment, the purple streamer between Feng Huo's right hand quickly condensed on the fingertip of his right index finger, and thousands of thunders shrank in an instant, and the whole world seemed to be quiet, only the bright purple light on the fingertips was like an aurora, covering Feng Huo's eyes. Fire surrounds it.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara's scalp was numb, his hair stood up, and a suffocating chill surged up his spine!

"Wood escape-wooden dragon technique!"

Uchiha Madara didn't even dare to accept the reincarnation eye that was handed over, and directly formed a mudra with one hand, and summoned a huge long hook-nosed wooden dragon with sharp wooden thorns all over his body, screaming straight rush to seal the fire!

At this time, sealing the fire is also a shot.

"Thunder Fury!"

Feng Huo stretched forward with one finger, and instantly his whole body seemed to be swallowed by the thunder light between his index fingers, turning into a deep purple line of thunder, which flashed away in the air.

The purple line of thunder penetrated the long hooked-nosed wooden dragon instantly as if entering no one's land, drilled in from the wooden dragon's nose, then drilled out from the wooden dragon's tail, and then penetrated Uchiha Madara's...left shoulder!

Although there was only one ten-thousandth gap, Uchiha Madara relied on the wooden dragon to block the thunder's fury for a moment, and slightly shifted his body, avoiding the fatal vital point of the heart.


The terrifying thunder contained in the thunder line is frantically pouring into Uchiha Madara's body along the thunder line, and then, bright purple rays of light surge out from Uchiha Madara's body.

The purple light became more and more intense, and finally even showed the flesh, meridians and bones inside Uchiha Madara's body!

Uchiha Madara wanted to struggle, but at this time his body was covered by countless thunderbolts, and his muscles, bones, and meridians had been paralyzed by lightning, and he couldn't even move!

When the purple light shines to the extreme, Uchiha Madara's body will turn into fly ash in the thunder light!

At this time, Feng Huo had already escaped from the state of Lei Nu, and the clothes on his upper body had been turned into ashes in the light of the thunder, and scarlet blood beads overflowed and dripped from his body surface, instantly covering his pants on the lower body. All red.

Although there is a fairy mode in perfect condition, and the first four doors of the eight-door dungeon have been opened in advance, but because of this, the Thunder Fury that Fenghuo cast this time is also more powerful than the last time, and the backlash is naturally more powerful .

At this moment, Feng Huo's whole body was stiff and unable to turn back, but the purple light emitted by Uchiha Madara from the inside out reflected the nearby ground like a scorching sun in purple!

Next, is to welcome death!

But at at the critical moment, Jue, no, it was Hei Ze, who actually transferred directly from Bai Ze's body to Uchiha Madara's left half of his body!

The purple meaning reflected on the ground was half covered by Hei Jue's pure black body in an instant.

"Bai Ze, transplant immediately!" Hei Ze's voice was full of anxiety and fear, as if even he couldn't predict the consequences of the lightning explosion inside Uchiha Madara's body.

Bai Ze immediately drilled out from the ground, and savagely stuffed the reincarnation eye into Uchiha Madara's left eye socket.

Hei Ze immediately used his ability to dredge the meridians of Samsara Eye and Uchiha Madara's left eye socket.

Finally, the bright purple light ushered in the most glorious moment.

However, the eyes of reincarnation were successfully transplanted to Uchiha Madara's body by Heijue.

"Sealing Technique Suction!"

Heijue gritted his teeth and roared.