MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1097 round tomb

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"Sealing Technique Suction!"

Heijue bypassed Uchiha Madara's will, directly controlled his body, and displayed the ability of reincarnation eye.

At this time, Uchiha Madara's body has been filled with endless thunder power, and his own Chakra opportunity is pushed to a corner, but under the pupil power of the reincarnation eye, the chakra that was pushed to the corner began to go crazy. Squeezing the power of thunder, he turned backwards in Madara Uchiha's body!

In an instant, a powerful suction came from inside Uchiha Madara's body, the lightning force that had already bloomed to the extreme, and wanted to rush out of Uchiha Madara's body to destroy the world, and was absorbed by Uchiha Madara's body in turn, Then dissipated, like falling into a bottomless swamp, leaving nothing behind.

But Uchiha Madara's body has so much thunder power that even the sealing technique can't eliminate it all at once!

"Bai Jue!"

Hei Jue's voice was full of coldness, and he shouted, "What are you doing there? Why don't you hurry up and deal with the Uchiha sealing fire!"

Bai Jue was scolded for no reason, he was stupefied for a while, but soon came to his senses, and then he got out of the ground with a smirk, and walked behind Uchiha Madara step by step.

There, Feng Huo stood motionless, as if every inch of his skin was bleeding, and the ground under his feet was already stained red with blood!

Obviously, the terrifying ninjutsu just now brought him a huge backlash!

Bai Jue said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I'm just a detective ninja. If others know that I killed Uchiha Fenghuo, who is famous in the ninja world, I don't know how many big people will laugh their heads off, hahaha."

"You talk too much nonsense."

A voice full of majesty, as if a **** descended from the earth, suddenly came out of Fenghuo's body.

Afterwards, a scarlet chakra overflowed from the sealed world in Fenghuo's abdomen, and turned into a huge thorny three-tailed turtle in an instant!

Fenghuo's body was wrapped by Sanwei Iso's chakra, and when it came to its head, although it was still unable to move, under the protection of Sanwei, ordinary ninjas really couldn't hurt him.


Bai Jue's expression changed, and he hurriedly burrowed into the ground.

In the next moment, the majestic and sacred Jiji yelled and threw out the three giant tails behind his buttocks, as if three long and narrow valleys descended from the sky, directly cracking the ground, revealing three ugly huge deep pits!


Isata roared domineeringly, and then swung three giant tails towards Uchiha Madara.

At this time, although Uchiha Madara had already activated the sealing technique to absorb the seal, there was a lot of thunder power in his body, and there was no way to completely eliminate it for a while, so Hei Ze had to attack again.

"Wooden escape-wooden ingot wall!"

Rows of dark gray wooden pillars broke through the ground from both sides of Uchiha Madara's body in an instant, bent and closed in mid-air, turning into an oval wooden wall to completely cover Uchiha Madara.

Boom boom boom!

In the next moment, Isata's three giant tails savagely crushed the wooden wall, and the violent force smashed the ground to pieces again, revealing countless dense cracks and three deep and long ugly pits!

However, Uchiha Madara has disappeared!

"Nearly died."

High in the sky, a cold voice came slowly.

Isota looked up, and saw Uchiha Madara crossing his arms, slowly falling in the air, with a peerless demeanor.

Hei Jue was still attached to his left body, and said: "Master Madara, this time is too dangerous."

Hei Ze also has lingering fears, if Uchiha Madara dies like this, his plan will really collapse.

"Recovered so quickly?"

When the domineering Isoto saw the reincarnation eye of Uchiha Madara's left eye, he felt frightened and wanted to hide in Fenghuo's abdomen.

Isato sensed Xia Fenghuo's physical condition and was overjoyed instantly.

Lei Nu's backlash is very powerful, but in the perfect immortal mode, there is no need to worry about the most terrifying backlash of wood, and the remaining physical damage is not a big deal at all!

Under the stimulation of thunder attribute chakra, the activity of Fenghuo's body cells is rapidly enhanced, and the frustrated body tissues such as meridians, bones, flesh and joints are restored at a frightening speed.

When Uchiha Madara landed lightly on the ground, Fenghuo had already opened his eyes, and the thunder armor once again covered his body surface, annihilating all the blood stains on his body, and the originally weakened momentum burned instantly, forming an invisible wind pressure, Swept towards Uchiha Madara.

Isao immediately put away the chakra, and then retracted into the sealed world in the abdomen of the sealed fire.

At this time, feeling the growing aura of Fenghuo, Uchiha Madara's face darkened: "The attack just now should have had a huge backlash on your body! Why? Why can you recover so quickly?"

Uchiha Madara can recover so quickly because of the eyes of reincarnation, but what is it that seals the fire?

Could it be that Feng Huo was also inherited by the Sage of the Six Paths, and inherited the body of a Sage?

Feng Huo smiled coldly, and asked back: "Uchiha Madara, how was your experience just now?"

"Death? Well, it's not the first time I've died, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Madara Uchiha smiled indifferently.

"No, I didn't mean death, but..."

Feng Huo's eyes fell on Heijue who was attached to Uchiha Madara's left body, and he laughed strangely, "It's the feeling of being controlled by Heijue!"

Uchiha Madara frowned slightly, but soon smiled.

Indeed, just now Hei Ze controlled his body and used the sealing technique to absorb seals, but at that time, Uchiha Madara's body was filled with the power of thunder, and he lost control of his body, so Hei Ze controlled his body.

But now that he has recovered, how can Hei Jue control him again?

Feng Huo knew what he was thinking when he saw the wild and cool expression on Uchiha Madara's face, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he just rushed to kill him.

But at this moment, an ominous premonition welled up in Feng Huo's heart, his pupils shrank slightly, and he flashed to the left in an instant.


A seemingly invisible sound of wind swept past Fenghuo's ears.

'Escaped? ’ Uchiha Madara narrowed his left eye slightly.

As for sealing the fire, his heart skipped a beat.

Was that just now... Uchiha Madara's tomb shadow?

If he hadn't touched the principles of all things and mastered the Six Paths of Immortal Art, Feng Huo would really not be able to perceive the shadow of the wheel tomb summoned by Uchiha Madara at some point!

Feng Huo stared at Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eyes, secretly thinking that he might have to have another minor operation!

Facing Uchiha Madara who has a reincarnation Amaterasu is no longer able to hurt him, that is to say, Erzhuzi's eternal kaleidoscope is useless if it has not evolved to reincarnation. On the contrary, it was Feng Huo's own kaleidoscope, which played an important role in the battle situation at this time!

Thinking of this, Feng Huo immediately began to transplant his own kaleidoscope.

He is doing surgery here, and Uchiha Madara will not stand there stupidly doing nothing.

"The tree world is coming!"

Uchiha Madara formed seals with both hands, and directly summoned a sea of ​​trees covering an area of ​​several miles, manipulating countless ferocious branches to entangle towards Fenghuo!

And Uchiha Madara's tomb shadow kept attacking Fenghuo.

While evading, Feng Huo performed the operation, relying on the Thunder Dun body to withstand a few attacks, and finally completed the transplant.

"Wheel tomb!"

The power of the pupils circulated, and Feng Huo opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan that was still bloodshot just after transplantation, and directly summoned a shadow in the wheel tomb world.

Read The Duke's Passion