MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1107 sunset

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In fact, Hei Jue didn't know whether it was true or not that Feng Huo said that he could kill himself by using Yin Yang Dun, but seeing Feng Huo and Naruto's excited expressions and eager eyes, he felt inexplicably panicked.

But at this time, Hei Jue was imprisoned by Qiu Dao Yu, and he was so weak that he couldn't even say a complete sentence, so he could only watch Feng Huo and Naruto do whatever they wanted to him!

The sense of shame surged in Hei Jue's heart, but facing Naruto's evil hand slowly reaching out to him, Hei Jue could only close his eyes in despair.

Yin Yang Dun, after Naruto obtained the inheritance of the Sage of the Six Paths, he naturally mastered it.

At this time, the sun-like imprint on the palm of Naruto's right hand is emitting flickering light, and the black face against which is also cloudy and uncertain.

The next moment, Naruto's right palm directly covered Heijue's head!

"Uh, ah, ah"

Hei Jue was shrouded in Yin and Yang Dun, and slowly felt a strange force disintegrating his body. The process of disintegration was not very painful, but it brought enormous pressure to Hei Jue. The feeling of despair and death made Hei Jue Absolutely couldn't control it, and let out intermittent screams. After a while, Heijue's black body that turned into a viscous liquid gradually burst out one by one bubbles, and the bubbles burst in the air, invisible, invisible, and intangible. The green smoke slowly floated up.

Naruto's face was serious: "This is"

"What a powerful vitality!"

Feng Huo squinted his eyes, his eyes had turned into kaleidoscopes, staring fixedly at the vitality emerging from Heijue's body, "This should be the vitality that Otsutsuki Kaguya injected when he created Heijue."

It is really powerful!

And as this trace of vitality drained from the body, Hei Jue's body finally completely dissolved.

"No no" Hei Jue bared his teeth and wanted to say a few harsh words, but in the end, his black thick liquid body gradually turned into black clear water, spilled on the ground, and then merged into the ground. Soon, Hei Jue Jue's body disappeared completely.

However, the rich vitality separated from Heijue's body is still floating in the fairy rock pillar prison created by Fenghuo.

"Uncle, these vitality are so tenacious. They have already lost their bodies, but they are still full of vitality." Naruto squinted his eyes to feel the strong vitality in the rock pillar prison, and was amazed.

Feng Huo nodded slightly.

Otsutsuki Kaguya has a true immortal body, even the Sage of the Six Paths and his brothers cannot kill her, so they can only choose to seal her!

From this, we can see how perverted Otsutsuki Kaguya's vitality is. Hei Jueju has not aged or died for so many years, it all depends on these strong vitality!

If these vitality can be easily eliminated, then Otsutsuki Kaguya's immortal body is a joke.

"I don't have time to study this vitality now, let's seal them first."

Feng Huo directly took out a scroll, and then sealed it, sealing all the vitality overflowing in the rock pillar prison into the scroll.

First Army Battlefield.

In the dark spiritual world of Erzhuzi.

The Sage of the Six Paths seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly turned his head to look at the ground where Fenghuo was located: "That is"

Blinking his eyes twice, Sage of the Six Paths was thoughtful, "Could it be that Fenghuo and Naruto have already killed that guy hiding in the shadow of the ninja world?"

If this is the case, then it is impossible for his mother Otsutsuki Kaguya to be resurrected again!

If Kaguya Otsutsuki couldn't be resurrected, why would he pass on his power to Er Zhuzi?

Seeing Erzhuzi's expressionless face with a bit of arrogance, disdain, and taking it for granted, the Immortal of the Six Paths was excited, no, it was angry.

Besides, it is enough for the Ninja world to have Naruto's fool and Fenghuo's bastard, let Erzhuzi get his own power, God knows what consequences will happen.

"What are you hesitating about?"

Er Zhuzi looked at Sage of Six Paths for a long time without any movement, and became a little impatient, "You should have sensed the battle outside, if you don't go out, all the ninjas of the coalition forces will be killed by Uchiha Madara, and only I can save this world!"

"Well, is that so?"

Sage of the Six Paths said lightly, "In that case, then, go ahead and use your own power to save the world, godfather, I will always pay attention to you, Sasuke Uchiha!"

After the words fell, the figure of the Sage of the Six Paths disappeared.

Disappeared? !

Er Zhuzi was dumbfounded.

what's going on? !

What about my power inheritance?

Shocked, puzzled, puzzled, and at a loss, Er Zhuzi suddenly heard a weeping sound coming from his ears. He was shocked, and then opened his eyes, and saw Sakura's broad forehead pressed against his pretty face. Cry and cry on your face.

"Hey, you" Er Zhuzi felt disgusted for a while.


When Xiao Ying heard Er Zhuzi's voice, she was taken aback for a moment, and then cried even harder, with tears, snot and saliva streaming down his face.

Erzhuzi's face twitched, but no one cared about him at all.

Because the battle between Uchiha Madara and Kai has already begun.


Kai, whose whole body was filled with blood steam, turned into a red afterimage with a light leap, and appeared above Madara Uchiha floating in the air in an instant, "One foot!!"

Kai punched out, and the violent air wave instantly squeezed into a terrifying air cannon visible to the naked eye, which suddenly descended on Uchiha Madara's head.


Uchiha Madara's face changed, and the Qiudao jade floating behind him instantly turned into a black tin stick and landed in his hand, and then he swung the tin stick across his head to block it.

The next moment, the air cannon came!

boom boom boom

Terrifying air waves bombarded Uchiha Madara's tin staff in an endless stream, and the air flow rubbed against the tin staff rapidly, bursting out countless hot sparks, which overflowed to the surroundings.

"Stop joking, how could this level of attack move me?!"

Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth and roared, trying to control his body to float in the air, the horns could be broken, the blood could flow, and he couldn't fall off!


The air cannon coming from above the head became more and more fierce, wilder and irritable. He seemed, seemed, might, maybe couldn't stop it?

Uchiha Madara tilted his head slightly, and through the tin stick in his hand, Samsara's left eye stared fixedly at Kai above who was filled with blood steam, his face gradually ferocious.



In the next moment, Uchiha Madara's body was blasted into the ground by the air cannon cleanly!

The air cannon landed on the ground, and its power remained undiminished. A huge deep pit was blasted out instantly, and the terrifying air flow crazily filled the surrounding area!

After Uchiha Madara was blasted into the ground by the air his limbs were fixed to the ground by the strong air pressure, and his whole face was exposed to the air cannon, making him crazy!

"How is it possible?!" Erzhuzi poked his head out of Xiaoying's broad forehead, seeing this scene, he was in a bad mood.

That taijutsu jounin wearing a disgusting green tight battle suit, could unleash such a terrifying attack? !

The fourth Raikage, Onoki, Terumi Mei and others in the distance also had their pupils shrunk.

"The attack just now..." Onoki's face was serious, even if he performed the technique of stripping the original world of dust escape, he would probably be blasted into nothingness by this air cannon!

Fourth Raikage's mouth is constantly twitching. Although he is not as fast as Namikaze Minato and not as powerful as Tsunade, but combining strength and speed, his Fourth Raikage is the pinnacle of ninja martial arts, the highest. the mountain!

But now, he was knocked down the mountain cleanly by Kai's punch.

"Is the formation of the Eight Gates Dunjia so terrifying?"

Read The Duke's Passion