MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1117 born in reincarnation

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Facing the gazes of tens of thousands of ninjas, Terumi Mei remained silent, in a dilemma, not knowing how to make a choice for a while.

Fortunately, Onoki stood up at this time, and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency Hokage, I understand what you mean. As the shadow of Wuyin Village, Your Excellency Suikage has a great relationship, so the innate art of reincarnation... shouldn't be performed by her. "

In this scene, someone must perform the innate art of reincarnation, otherwise these tens of thousands of ninjas will never give up.

But the person who performs the natural art of reincarnation does not have to be Terumi Mei.

However, if someone else is allowed to perform the innate art of reincarnation, then Terumi Mei's reincarnation eye will naturally be handed over!

Thinking of this, Terumi Mei's expression changed.

They wanted to use these tens of thousands of ninjas to force Tsunade, but they turned around and Tsunade turned around and used these tens of thousands of ninjas to force her to "willingly" hand over her eyes of reincarnation!

This menopausal old woman!

Terumi Mei gritted her teeth, her mouth trembling with anger, but now, she has no choice!


If you just hand over the Eye of Samsara like this, your reputation and prestige may directly fall into the dust.

So, she wants to rescue it at this time.

"Everyone, I didn't know it before, but now that I know it, I'm determined to use the Innate Art of Reincarnation!" Terumi Mei said solemnly.

Onoki curled his lips calmly, and then hurriedly persuaded: "Don't be stupid, Your Excellency Wudai Mizukage, don't forget your identity, the current Wuyin Village cannot do without you!"

Terumi Mei was very stubborn, and hummed: "Since I got the eyes of reincarnation, I should take this responsibility!"

Onoki rolled his eyes angrily, glared at Terumi Mei fiercely, and threatened her with his eyes: If you do this again, I won't persuade you anymore!

Someone needs to cooperate to sing the oboe. If Onogi doesn't persuade, then Terumi Mei will shoot himself in the foot. Not only will he have to pay the price of his life to use the natural technique of reincarnation, but in the end even the reincarnation eye will fall into the hands of others. It's really losing my wife and losing my army!

Thinking of this, Terumi Mei's attitude naturally softened, and after cooperating with Onogi for two more rounds, he expressed regret that he would hand over the Samsara Eye.

Tens of thousands of ninjas watched this scene silently. Some understood it and sneered with disdain. Some couldn't understand it and were deeply moved. Some didn't care about it and just wanted to see their sacrificed companion resurrected quickly.

"Hmph, actor."

Feng Huo snorted, the voice was neither soft nor heavy, just enough for Terumi Mei, Onoki, Fourth Raikage and others to hear.

Terumi Mei's face was slightly blue, and she stared at Fenghuo fiercely with her sideways head, and then decisively pulled Samsara's right eye out of it, and then threw it directly at Fenghuo.

This hot potato depends on how you handle it.

Terumi Mei stared fiercely at Feng Huo.

Feng Huo took it with a smile, then threw it directly at Fourth Raikage, and said, "What are you doing standing there stupidly? Why don't you let Fei Duan come out!"

Fourth Raikage frowned.

Let Fei Duan perform the innate art of reincarnation?

Hiduan is an important 'hostage'. Although he can no longer use Hidan to make Konoha look ugly, the reincarnation he has mastered is still of infinite value. If Hidan dies because of reincarnation...

"Why, does the fourth generation of Raikage want the ninjas in his own village to perform the innate art of reincarnation, or do they intend to let the ninjas in other villages perform it?" Feng Huo saw that he hesitated, but he didn't know what he was thinking, so he said loudly on purpose, so that All ninjas can hear it.

Fourth Raikage's face darkened.

Now, except for Fei Duan, the special person in the coalition army camp, the rest are all ninjas from Wudayin Village and Longin Village and other small ninja villages. There are no prisoners of war at all, so if someone's life needs to be paid for The most suitable candidate for performing the natural technique of reincarnation is Fei Duan!

"In that case..."

The fourth generation of Raikage was very aggrieved, but at this time he could only bear it.

Soon, Fei Duan was brought out by a ninja from Yunyin Village.

At the same time, the ninjas of the various hidden villages have also taken out the bodies of their sacrificed companions from the sealed scrolls, and placed them on the ground one by one, densely packed!

"Are you kidding me?"

Fei Duan looked at the countless corpses in front of him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "I can't resurrect so many ninjas!"

"It's not the reincarnation of one's own life, but the natural art of reincarnation!"

Tsunade walked over with a cold snort.

Behind her, Naruto followed with Namikaze Minato on his back, and Xiao Li followed with Kai on his back.

"Hidan, please." Naruto said.

"Hey, don't say such disgusting things, I..."

Before Fei Duan finished speaking, he was roughly interrupted by Fenghuo.

"It's not for you to talk here."

Fenghuo turned his head and nodded to Nara Shikahisa, who directly used the shadow imitation technique to spread the shadow out, overlapping with Hidan's shadow.

At this time, Hidan's chakra was sealed to death, so under the shadow imitation technique, he had no resistance at all, and his body was directly controlled by Shikaku Nara!

Then the medical ninja stepped forward, took the right eye of Samsara from the Fourth Raikage, and began to perform transplantation on Hidan.

"What do you guys want to do?"

Although Fei Duan's body was controlled, his tongue was still sharp, and he sneered, "I have to tell you in advance, if I want to save one person now, I must kill a hundred people as sacrifices to Lord Evil God, otherwise you will be ignored." No matter how you torment me, I will never perform reincarnation again!"

Fei Duan raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows, but unfortunately, no one paid attention to him.

After the transplant operation, Fei Duan seemed to have noticed something, and kept blinking his right eye: "This eye... so powerful... Could this be..."

Fei Duan's chakra was completely sealed, but after the reincarnation eye was transplanted, the powerful pupil power began to overflow, and Fei Duan vaguely realized something.

But unfortunately, Nara Shikahisa didn't give him time to react at all, and directly formed the seal of '巴'.

Under the shadow imitation technique, Fei Duan also involuntarily formed the 'si' seal.

At this moment, Fei Duan felt that the vitality in his body was being absorbed by the eye of reincarnation at a terrifying speed. If this continued, within a few minutes, he would be sucked dry and die!

"Damn it, **** it!"

Fei Duan yelled, at this moment he already understood what happened, and under the rage, his mental will began to resist crazily, "Stop it, bastard!"

The pupil power of Samsara Eye gradually boiled, and seriously affected Nara Shikahisa's shadow imitation technique.

"Ninja method - the technique of mind and body!"

At the critical moment, Yamanaka Kai made a move, brazenly using his powerful spirit to disrupt Hidan's spiritual will.

At the same time, Nara Shikahisa also increased the power of the shadow imitation technique.

One from the spirit, the other from the body, one from the inside and the other from the outside, tightly playing with Fei Duan in the palm of their hands.


Hiduan gritted his The veins on his forehead were even more exposed. He wanted to struggle, but just as he was concentrating, he was directly interrupted by the spirit of Kaiichi Yamanaka, and he couldn't get his energy up at all!

When the vitality in Fei Duan's body was quickly swallowed by the eyes of reincarnation, his sealed chakras were also absorbed by the eyes of reincarnation forcibly. After a few minutes, Fei Duan's handsome young face became old and thin, Like an old man!

At the same time, on the ground in front of the camp, a huge figure suddenly broke through the ground, it was the King of Hades!

"what is that?!"

"so big!"

"This breath... is really disturbing!"

When all the ninjas saw this King of Hades, they all looked dignified and retreated in unison.

In the next instant, Hades' mouth widened suddenly, and then countless green light spots shot out from his mouth, turning into a brilliant meteor shower in the air, and falling towards the densely packed tens of thousands of ninja corpses on the ground! Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site