MTL - Lady Cultivator-Chapter 675 How many days reunion

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"All of this is just a gamble. // No pop-up window update quickly // [] []" Mo Tiange said carefully.

In the solemn gazes of the three Daojun, Mo Tiange slowly changed the whole thing.

First of all, she told the three Daojun about this journey, fighting from the sea beast army in the two seas of Xumihai and Guixuhai, talking about dozens of demons siege, and talking about life and death. The sky, and then successfully found the Qilin Temple.

"... When we arrived at the Kirin Sacrifice Temple, we found that it was completely different from the other four spirits. Not only was it well-preserved, but it was also prohibited from entering. Just as we were at a loss, laughter came from the sacrifice temple- "

"Who is it?" Jinghe Daojun couldn't wait to ask.

Mo Tiange stared at the three Daojun and said, "It is a predecessor."

"Yeah!" Miao Yidao whispered, "Actually, he sent a predecessor to God?"

Zhenyang Daojun didn't look surprised: "Since it is about the overall situation in the world, can the seniors of Huashen not know? We were negligent before."

Jinghe Daojun nodded: "Yes. The predecessors of God almost never entered the world, so that we ignored their existence." He paused and asked, "Is this predecessor of God already taken over?"

"Yes." Mo Tiange sighed and continued. "We were worried that the predecessors of God had already discovered, and what we were doing, they were already doing ..."

The ancestral temple began in ancient times and was related to the gambling game of the two gods. She did not conceal this, but, in the later development, she did not answer, and pushed everything to the monks.

The monk has never entered the world. Several Daojun only knew that there was a monk in the world, but he had never seen it. Xuanqingmen established the school for tens of thousands of years. Someone had the good fortune to witness the appearance of the monk of the gods, leaving only a few words. In these records, the monks who acted mysteriously acted mysteriously and powerfully, so the three Daojun have no doubt.

"... My high ancestor made it clear that this matter could not be deified. Then we were sent back."

Mo Tiange said, the three Daojun thought each other. After a long time, Zhenyang Tao Jun said: "Since there are predecessors of Huashen. We can not intervene in this matter, so let's erase it. In the future, Xuanqing disciples don't have to investigate.

Jinghe Daojun touched his beautiful short beard and sighed: "In vain."

"I'm afraid it wasn't in vain?" Miao Yijun looked at them with a grin and smiled. "Since the two of you have met the predecessors, have you got any chances?"

Mo Tiange spread his hands. Said with regret: "It's a pity, no."

"No?" Miao Yidao Jun was slightly surprised, "It's not like your style to come home empty-handed in Baoshan."

Mo Tiange and Qin Yue looked at each other with a smile in their hearts. They knew the truth of the matter and were shocked. So why remember to ask for benefits? Can calm down quickly. The determination to continue cultivating is already their will.

"The spirit rhino was left by that Hanquan predecessor and has not returned yet. But what happened ..." Zhenyang Daojun began to worry again.

"Brother Zhenyang, rest assured, there will be seniors, and Brother Rhinoceros will be fine. []" Qin Yue said comfortably, "Moreover, the seniors of Hanquan will give them a chance when they have the words first. I am afraid the Brother Rhinoceros is delayed." ~] "

Zhenyang Daojun nodded: "I hope so." Then, looking around him, he asked with a smile, "Shou Jing. You have been in the middle of the Jin Dynasty for more than a hundred years, and you have watched you for the recent repair. Keep improving, there are hidden signs of breakthrough, when will the retreat impact the late stage? "

Qin Yue glanced at Mo Tiange and said, "If there is no accident, it will be closed in the near future."

"Yeah. Now that Zongmen is thriving, the situation at Tianji is still stable, and you don't need to worry about trivial matters." Zhenyang Daojun thinks and is happy. "If you can successfully advance to the late stage, you must shake the world-you will be promoted when you are more than 300 years old. In the late stage, it has never happened to Tianxiu Xiujie. "

Jinghe Daojun was both comforted and jealous: "No, it's not like the talents of a teacher. It was only 400 years old." Not to mention the late Yuan Ying, when he was 900 years old.

He couldn't help but think back to the time when Qin Hui was taken away from the palace, he just thought that since the descendants of the Qin family had spiritual roots, as an uncle, he should support one or two. Later, he saw Qin Yun's pure mind and high understanding, but he just felt that he could pass it on. Hundreds of years passed, and I saw that he was getting higher and higher, and getting closer to himself, and now even has the possibility to exceed.

Yuan Ying had a difficult time in the later stages, but he intuitively determined that the young would not drag on the level for too long. If you think about it, he is in a state of mind, he is solid, and he has the best resources. How can he not get through this? At the beginning, it was because of lack of opportunity that he was unable to advance to the next level. After getting a few golden figs, he crossed the threshold later.

Qin Yue smiled, but looked at Mo Tiange: "Brother Zhenyang said this early, I'm afraid that it won't be long before the real world shakes."

"Oh?" Zhenyang Daojun looked at Mo Tiange, "Must Qingwei be promoted again?"

Mo Tiange pouted and laughed: "Which is so fast, at least it will take decades!"

"Not happy for decades?" Said Miao Yijun, "Is this exciting sister?"

Speaking of it, Miao Yidao Jun also has the name of a genius. She became a baby before 300 years old, but she is now nearly 800 years old, but she is still in the early days of Yuan Ying. This genius is somewhat misunderstood. But she smiled, and obviously did not linger.

Jinghe Daojun said: "You have been dragged down by the exercises. If you have n’t lost the exercises, it has taken a lot of effort to complete the exercises over the years. Would it have been delayed until now? Now your exercises have been completed and repaired It ’s stable, and it wo n’t be long before you can advance. ”

Miao Yidao nodded his head: "Cheng Jiji Yan, I hope that next time we retreat, we can advance to the next stage."

Mo Tiange thought of Xuan Yin Dao Jun who was still retreating, so he asked, "What about Brother Xuan Yin? Is there any gain from this retreat?"

"This little is in the middle of the shock." Jinghe Daojun cheerfully added, "This time there is great hope."

Xuan Yin Daojun has been a baby for over two hundred years. His cultivation progress is like Jinghe Daojun, and he has always made steady progress. However, in the end, he is a genius with a single root. .

"Shou Jing and Qingwei are expected in the later period. Brother Hua Yan has stabilized in the middle period, Miaoyi and Xuan Yin are about to be in the middle period. Lingxi doesn't talk about the later period, the middle period is always possible, plus Zhifei just had a baby ..." Jun counted down and was very pleased. [] (· ~) "My Xuan Qingmen is so prosperous that the ancestors of all ages must be very pleased."

Not to mention how a few people look forward to the future, Mo Tiange explained that it finally passed.

soon. Ling Xi Daojun returned safely. Although his brows were gloomy, he was calm. As soon as he returned to the mountain, he visited Jiyuantan Dongfu to communicate with the two, agreed with their treatment, and told them. Ling Yunhe and others have returned safely, and concealing the truth is also their common decision. Before Nie Wushou returned to Puyang, he also let him convey a sentence: When the **** is transformed, meet with the king again, and open the way to heaven!

Mo Tiange did not expect that Nie Wushou would convey such a grandiose word, and he could not help but be proud.

"Okay, the day of the gods, see you again!"

Some incentive. Ling Xi Dao Jun went back to practice. He voted for the cold spring's fate, and this time he got a huge chance, so he must fly into the sky.

After a few days. Jing Xing came to visit, still smiling hippie, no gloom at all.

His growing experience is more bumpy than many people. Without a tenacious heart, he can't take this step at all, so he doesn't have to worry about him at all.

As soon as he took a seat, he said, "Can you still resist?"

Qin Yun was very calm: "We two, we can resist half."

"..." Just said a word, it was blocked. Jing Xingzhi was very depressed, "I know, there is no need to worry about you at all."

Mo Tiange laughed: "Seeing Jing Daoyou doing this, we are relieved."

Jing Xingzhi's depression was slightly reduced, and after thinking about it again, he smiled again: "Forget it. I don't care about you." He coughed and said, "I'm here, just to tell you, we all decided to turn to God. What about? "

Mo Tiange nodded gently: "Naturally, we will never give up."

Jing Xing laughed, peach blossom bloomed on his face. After a while, he smiled and said earnestly: "Qin Shoujing, I lost to you as a baby, it is not necessary to be a god, let's wait and see!"

Qin Wei smiled slightly: "Okay. After a few days, I will retreat and impact the later stages."

Jingxing stopped for a moment, and yelled, "What ?! You are going to hit the post so soon. I'm still early, isn't this ..."

Jing Xingzhi left soon, saying that he was going to retreat, and he must not lose too much to Qin Hui.

Soon after, Qin Yue and Mo Tiange retreat together to practice yin and yang. This method, which combines the tactics, Taiyuanlu, Chunyang tactics, and Sanyuan to four top-level exercises, has become incredibly fast. However, after ten years, the two went out of the game and Qin Yue has successfully advanced to the late stage. And became a great monk after the Yuan Dynasty. Mo Tiange has benefited more from it. The later days are just around the corner.

Jing Xingzhi knew the news, bare his **** and closed his mind, and never stepped out of the ancient sword school.

There was also news from Ling Yunhe that the real person on the iron surface was sitting and Yuan Mu was injured. As a result, he took over the first seat and became the first in the middle of Jiu Yanzong's history.

Speaking of the first seat, at the late stage of Qin Yue's breakthrough, Zhenyang Daojun had intended to pass him the first seat, but was rejected. Everyone thought that he was unwilling to take over because Master was still there. Only Mo Tiange knew that he had a heart to think of God, so he was not prepared to waste time and occupied the first seat.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the situation is unbearable. Under the strength of Xuan Qingmen, the chaos of the beasts gradually subsided, and the demon repairs retreated into the south forest. The demon repairs on the mainland of Xichi were forced to return to Xichi because of the strength of the ghost repair. As for the magic path, under the influence of power alone, they moved their doors and moved to the clouds. Taking advantage of the chaos in the clouds, they occupied the western sites and continued to rest.

After the centuries of war, the clouds slowly calmed down, and many ancestors lost their heritage during the war, and the Xiuxian forces shuffled their cards. The Jiu Yanzong always stood still. Although the power dropped greatly, it firmly occupied the position of the first gate in the cloud.

As for Liyang, Nie Wushou once believed that her forces had been conquered by her one by one, and she was still poor and vigorous, but she also had vitality.

Only Yang Chengji's whereabouts have been uncertain, only occasionally I heard that he passed by ...


"Elder Feng Yunzong arrives to congratulate Feng Ningxian!"

"Soul Beast Mu Muliu Mu heads to He!"

"Tiandao Zongxia Guang is here!"

"The Fa-rectification Sect Mingxia Daojun arrived here!"

"The ancient sword school Xiaohe Jianzun is here!"


The main peak of Mount Taikang is decorated with lanterns, which is more solemn than the ceremony of babies. The brothers who come and go are full of joy, and the guests who come to congratulate them are higher than one. However, among these guests, only a few familiar names can be heard sporadically, such as Feng Ning of Fengyunzong and Xiaohe Sword of the Ancient Sword School.

There is one person standing in front of the statue of the ancestor of the main peak Sanqing Palace. He looks like a young man in his twenties. He was tall and unusual in appearance, and his handsome brows were a bit stern and deep, and a magnificent feathered crowned crane stood out against him.

"Mo Daoyou. Congratulations on taking over the first seat!" Ming Xia Daojun of Zheng Fazong saw the man and arched his hands with a smile.

The monks of Xuanqingmen are all called Tao after the Tang Dynasty. This young man is clearly a monk in the late Yuan dynasty.

The youth smiled slightly. After returning a ceremony, he shouted to Xiaohe and others who followed him: "Several Taoists can come, Wuzhen is honored, and I also ask Taoists to wait a moment, the first succession ceremony will begin immediately!"

The monks expressed their innocence, and each led by Dao Tong and waited.

Just then, there was a thunder. The wind was rising, and numerous auras appeared on the Seven Peaks of Mount Taikang.

"What happened?" The guests who had not sat down looked out. They would not bear Dan or baby, would they not see it. This is the celestial phenomenon, the celestial being promoted!

"It's not Jiedan, is there someone baby?" Xiaohe Jianzun looked up and muttered to himself.

Thunder, storm, and aura are indeed like infantile celestial signs, but—

There are faint sounds in the air, like fairy sounds. Flowers in large bowls are poured out of the air, like the legendary heavenly girl scattered flowers!

"Who's a baby boy is so strange ..."

Wuzhen Daojun, who is about to take over the first seat, frowned slightly. Following the flow of Reiki, looking at the location of Qingquanfeng, he was surprised and happy: "Must be ..."

Regardless of greeting the guests, he immediately turned into a glimmer of light and swept towards Qingquan Peak.

Daoguang stopped at Qingquanfeng, at this time Xuanqingmen stayed at Yuanmen Daojun of Zongmen. Gathered in the valley of Qingquan Peak.

Not long after, the stone gate of Dongfu opened, and Sang Yushu, who was already a monk of Yuanying, stepped out. He turned his eyes around and bowed to the crowd, saying, "The masters and brothers are not surprised. This vision is that Master and Master have successfully deified."

"Ah!" Monk Yingyuan was stunned by the news. Shou Jingqing Wei ’s two Daojun are the most outstanding geniuses in Xuanqingmen ’s history. This is something that Xuanqing ’s disciples know all about. They Yuanyuan monks know even more. No longer appearing in front of people, it is for the transformation of God. However, Tianji has never heard the news of monks becoming gods for ten thousand years, and the two Taoists are too young. They both thought that even if they could become gods, it would be a long time later. I never thought that the two Taoists would not be a thousand years old. Achieved the goal.

Deification, Xuan Qingmen appeared the deification monk!

The news spread across the entire Taikang Mountain in an instant, and soon it will also spread to Tianji.

In the Palace of Qing Dynasty, the two oldest Taoist monks with the oldest qualifications of Xuan Qingmen sat on opposite sides of the chessboard.

The two of them, one thousand and eighteen years old, and one thousand and six hundred years old, are already old age. If they had not taken Changshang Dan, which had increased their lives by five hundred, they would be close to sitting. At this time, their backs were still upright, their temperament was still immortal, and only their tiredness between their eyebrows could vaguely see their age.

"Reincarnation, these two little guys, finally incarnation." Jinghe Daojun smiled and fell.

"Yeah, Xuanqingmen finally appeared a monk." Zhenyang Daojun was peaceful, without being anxious because the junior had become a god, but he was still trapped in Yuanying.

"Should we both work hard?" Jinghe Daojun said, "Our Shouyuan, it's not long."

"Aren't we always working hard?" Zhenyang Daojun had to smile ~ ~ But those two people walked faster than us. "

Jinghe Daojun nodded gently, always smiling: "The two of them have been in retreat for two hundred years in Tianmo Mountain. Finally, they found the key to the transformation of the gods from the immortality of Zhongxian Ru. This time you handed in the first seat, or we will Give it a try? "

Zhenyang Daojun glanced at him with a smile, and scolded: "The two of them were only able to go together. What are we two old guys doing together? I don't have a special hobby!"

"Go!" Jinghe Daojun rolled his eyes, "Beijing loves to look at beauties, but he is not interested in seeing you old man!"


A few days later, the ancient sword sent the water sword to respect the scene, Ling Yunhe, the first elder of Jiu Yanzong in the cloud, Nie Wushou, the master of Liyang, and Yang Chengji, who had nowhere in Langya Tianya, received a message. .

"We are deified, when will we meet again?"

——End —— (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to qidian. To vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.) !!