MTL - Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality-Chapter 452 Teaching (1)

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The ancient book of the blue cover, with the ancient hot stamping.

A dreamy talk, a girl named 尛尛, where have you gone? Lin Luoran was hesitant to go forward, and the simple atmosphere of the ancient book corroborated what had just happened. The sudden appearance of the hot stamping words showed that Lin Luo was not a blind eye.

The unnamed drug book of the family biography was found in the second half of the grocery store on the N2 planet. The two were combined into one, and the unnamed drug book had its name - "Avenue".

Lin Luoran does not think that it will fade away from camouflage, revealing the true story of the family, and it will be a simple medicine book at the moment.

After all, its title is arrogant, the name "avenue".

Comprehension is also commonly known as monasticism. In addition to exercising and practicing qi, the monk draws the heavens and the earth's five elements of aura to refine the flesh, in order to extend Shouyuan, and to have a realm that matches the repair, so the self-cultivation is a self-cultivation, and it is true. process.

There is a cloud in the ancient Chinese Taoism: the final state of the monasticism, the avenue of heaven, so it is heaven.

Everything in the world, including this ancient universe, has a life and a ruin, the law of ubiquity... People can't escape under this heaven, this book is a big breath.

The room was quiet, Lin Luoran finally could not help but curious, the more you have to read.

The thin book cover, but it seems to have a weight of 10,000 pounds, she turned over the book cover without moving, the entire "Avenue Book" can not be moved, it is like sticking to the table.

Lin Luoran was originally curious, but at the moment it is still relatively strong.

The fire is boiling water, the "Avenue" book is still intact, Lin Luoran thought about it, try to enter the spiritual power into the blue book - whale swallowing water, big mouth, Lin Luoran's aura like no money, she His face turned pale.

The four Jindans in Dantian are running at high speed. In the late meridians of the knot, they have accumulated a lot of sticky aura. At this moment, they have been sucked up by the "Avenue" book. Lin Luoran can't take it off, but for a moment, she feels that the meridians have With the feeling of exhaustion of fire and fire, Jin Dan turned faster, and Lin Luoran had such a moment and even feared that they would split under high-speed rotation!

We must know that it is more difficult for the broken Dan to recondense than the knot. Many monks are because of similar serious injuries. After the fall of the realm, they will not be able to advance for a lifetime.

Even Lin Luoran, who has the space in hand, can't guarantee that after his own Jin Dan is broken, there is still a chance to bear the knot! We must know that there are four golden dragons in her body, which is four times more difficult than the ordinary monks. After serious injuries, it may damage the damage of the roadbed... Lin Luoran’s forehead has pulled out the sweat of the beans, wet.

She is not willing to smile, what was originally thought to be a spiritual collection, but it is a terrible thing?

Just as the spiritual power in the body is about to disappear, Lin Luoran thought that when he heard the cracking of Jin Dan, the blue cover of the "Avenue" book suddenly became light and was easily uncovered by Lin Luoran.

She was so light that she couldn't stand up and fell into her chair and panted for half a mile.

The spiritual power of the monk is really the most precious thing. Lin Luoran feels deeply, and he is determined to go to the pages that have been hard-pressed.

Just a glance, almost did not mad at her!

When she got angry, she couldn’t help but laugh. The "Avenue" that was extracted from the late auspicious monk's body aura was snow-white and clean. Not only did there not have any Taoist collections, but even the previous prescriptions were gone. It was the first page without a wordless book!

She tried to turn to the second page, just like the case of the book cover, she was firmly touched by "super glue", which made her frustrated.

Even if she wanted to open it, she didn't have a bit of aura to support this "avenue" book. Lin Luoran thought of the ancient book and decided to put this wordless book on the side, squatting and not leaving the N2 planet, then returning to the grocery store. Look.

I know that she stood up, dizzy, fell and slammed into the table, and the blue-skinned "Avenue" book that was turned over looked down.

Originally on the white pages, after the golden light flashed, there were many small black spots in the blink of an eye. In a blink of an eye, the ink paintings were smudged, and the clouds flowing like the sky changed and stunned.

Lin Luoran was not found in the sleepy, her room suddenly burst into the golden light, causing the fire phoenix to come out of the room, full of joy. However, the passage of time, the door of the second floor of the cabin did not open, the joy of the face of the fire and phoenix, turned into a worry, several times could not help but want to break in, all endured.

"She has been hiding in it for so long, what are they going to do?" The wolf was cheeky and came forward. He was flattened by a bad mood, and he hid in the corner and looked like a sorrowful look. Depressed and diverted.

It sees the silly hat of the wooden wolf. It is really hurtful. Every time the space changes, Lin Luoran’s advancement, only it knows that some of the insiders of the Fenghuang are worried, the silverfish can not bear to blame, know Seeing the two missing faces of the wooden wolf, the fire phoenix was a sigh of relief.

Is it the so-called "menopause" of the Terran?

The fire phoenix was very depressed and counted on his fingers. He forgot how big this year was.

However, it seems that "Avenue" appeared. The man did not know when he would come to see Xiaolinzi. The fire phoenix buried the bird's head under the wings. It never understood the idea of ​​the man. It was really human, no. It’s really frustrating.


The phoenix’s mood was awkward, and Lin Luoran did not know when he was walking outside the room.

Her spiritual power was exhausted, she was extremely exhausted, and she fell on the table and slept "avenue", sleeping very sweet.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly I heard someone talking, my female voice, sweet and crisp, as if the **** were playing on my fingers. She woke up awkwardly and found herself lying on a large rock. The lake was soft, the sun and the hustle, ten meters in front, closer to the lakeshore, and a few cases. The white paper was blown by the wind, and the words were seven or eight. When I was old...

She wore a nice-looking dress and combed the sugar toe cap. It laughed like a big eye that could be bent into a crescent shape. The glimpse of the faint flow of the skirt was like the girl under the Guanyin seat in the Spring Festival. The previous words are obviously spoken to the people around me. The ordinary robes are usually like a layer of fog that will be submerged in the crowd at any time - a robe man!

Seeing you can still be calm, after all, I have seen it twice, and I am psychologically prepared. When I see a man in a robe, Lin Luoran suddenly fell down from the big rock.

She made a move to learn about Soso's movements. I don't know the two of them on the lakeshore.

"These words are so difficult, I don't want to learn. Are we going to see deer?"

尛尛 起 撒 撒 , 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林She thought that the man in the robe would not agree, but he nodded.

In the sunset at dusk, his face was covered by the water vapor of the lake, blurred, as the beautiful lakes and mountains, only the freehand brushwork of Chinese painting, people can not remember the exact appearance.

"Hold me, hold me." He pulled the robes and the man cuffs spoiled. The man with a look of indifference, Lin Luoran thought that he would not respond to her, but unexpectedly, really bent down and picked up 尛Hey.

Not far from the junction of the grass and shrubs, there are two elk deer, and a few pieces of young leaves are taken away from the mouth. The robe men are holding them, and the deer ran over and squatted from the robe man’s arms. , holding the elk's neck and giggling.

The robe man looked down at her and the wind blew his robes and hair.

A few steps away is the clarified lake, the sparkling lake is dyed golden by the setting sun, the grass without the knees, the robes holding the elk's neck, waiting for her to play the robe man, Lin Luoran is like A bystander, accidentally peering into the happy moments belonging to others, actually let her stay for a long time.

It’s like dreaming, and the birds of Shenlin are so real.

The voice of the little girl, the figure of the man in the robe... How could she dream of such a moment?

No, this is not a dream, it must be the blue skin "avenue" book!

Lin Luoran went to the lakeside case and looked around. He chased the elk and went farther and farther. The robe man slowly followed behind him. The lake was quiet and there was only one person left.

Practice the word, before they wake up, they are practicing words!

Lin Luoran couldn't help but move his footsteps and moved a little to the lake.

It was blown up by the wind, and it really was a stack of written copybooks. Lin Luoran identified it for a long time, vaguely the kind of text that has never been seen on the cover of the book.

Although the style of writing is a description of beginners, Lin Luoran can still feel the power of heaven and earth if it is a word.

Lin Luoran gritted his teeth and wanted to flip the copybook, only to find his hand crossed the table and rushed.

She stopped at the lake and almost fell into the lake.

Why can she sleep on the rock and walk on the ground, but can't flip the copy? Lin Luoran did not know why, seeing the robe man has been holding back and walking, anxiously sweating, do not know how to be good.