MTL - Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality-Chapter 453 Teaching (2)

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Lin Luoran saw the robe man holding the donkey, but she still didn't see the copybook below. Although they didn't see her, she didn't dare to take risks.

To know that in the last dream, she peeped into the robe man volley writing golden characters, this person turned his head to look in her direction, Lin Luoran could not forget forever.

Into the soul of the warning, Lin Luoran hit a cold war, and finally decided to take the limelight.

She is going to run back to the big stone. I know that the robe man is holding the donkey. It is so fast. After a few tens of meters of distance, he will come back to the lake.

She felt that her back was cold, and she was stuck in the same place.

I can't think about it. It's a shrinking inch or another spell. The robe man is holding a donkey and goes straight through her body to the table.

The lake was so windy, Lin Luoran was a chicken, she did not feel the pain, no discomfort, they, they actually passed her body? It turned out that it was not just that she could not be seen because it did not belong to this place. Therefore, for the lakes and mountains and the world where the birds are screaming, they simply do not exist.

Lin Luoran is in a hurry. If she is not here, how can she go back?

She suddenly remembered the stone monument as a cage in the Kalahari Desert. The character, the golden character, had a great power and seemed to break some kind of imprisonment.

Wait, the character and she once saved Baojia, similar, but not the same, Lin Luoran guessed whether these characters have their own meaning, have different effects?

Just like the Fucheng of Qingcheng View, the five elements are divided into details... I have said that the robe man does not ask her to learn other words, is it because, in the eyes of the robe man, can only see this kind of text that can communicate with the heavens and the earth?

Legend has it that Cangjie makes words, thinks about it day by night, observes everywhere, and sees the distribution of the stars in the sky, the appearance of the mountains and rivers, the traces of birds, beasts and worms, the shape of the vegetation, the depiction, and the creation of various symbols. Set the meaning of each symbol, show it to others, and understand it after reading it... The day of the word, the corn rain in the daytime, and the ghosts cry in the evening.

Hundreds of ghosts cry, some people say that because the text is in the world, the people's wisdom is open, the people's morality is divorced, the deceitful and deceitful, the battle for killing is born, the world has no peace days, even the ghosts are not peaceful, will cry more than .

Excluding myths, after the change of years, I think that it is very credible. The words of Huaxia were born at the beginning because of the heavens and the earth. Just as time passed, the words were artificially changed, although more and more standardized. Introduction, but the feeling of heaven and earth in the past has disappeared.

Words have curses and can communicate.

The text has a soul, which can sense everything in the world, and can record the essence of the predecessors.

Lin Luoran's heart is stirring, she once wrote a golden character in ignorance, and attracted a hundred spirits to vote. She has also been trapped in the world of stone tablets, relying on the plausible golden characters of Linyi, so that the gods successfully returned to the body.

And the root of everything, the man in a robe who knows the golden character, is now at the lake, teaching you to practice this character, which may be the source of the text.

Lin Luoran’s heart beats fast and fast, they can’t see her!

If she is willing, can she still hide and learn this character?

Lin Luoran couldn't control his footsteps and ran to the side. Sure enough, the man in the robe did not find her signs. She leaned forward and tied a sandbag on her wrist and was hanging a wrist to write a big character.

After the words have not been written, Lin Luoran can feel the fluctuations of the water ripples. She is blessed to the soul. The two men practice words at the lake. There is no reason for the water vapor in the lines of strokes. She wrote " The word "water" or the word "lake"?

The water ripples are getting stronger and stronger, and the corners of the mouth are showing a happy color. Her head is biased, and she seems to want to show off to the robe man. The hanging wrist is a meal, and the pen is out of front. This character is already destroyed!

The water vapor spread out, and the mouth was slouched, and the man in the robes did not comfort her.

"You rely on good talents, and you can't calm down. You haven't learned five words in two years. What else can you be proud of?"

The robe man shook his head gently. Although it was reprimanded, the voice was plain and unremarkable. It was like a breeze crossing the lake. It was like a mountain spring stone. It seemed like a cloud in the sky. It was amiable and eloquent. Come - this is Lin Luoran's first time to hear the robe man speak, her heart is mixed with five flavors, and many more seem to belong to her own emotions.

Closer to see, although the robes men are like being covered by fog, they can't see the truth, but they have a pair of pupils with dark eyes. There are too many contents inside. The sun rises and the moon changes. She never saw anyone owning it. Such a complicated pair of eyes.

Experience, she and the robes men have a lot of experience.

Just like he is confrontational, even reprimanding can be said to be very gentle. I am afraid that it is not the temper to be born like this, but to witness too many changes, only to have nothing to do with what is happening around me.

Lin Luoran couldn't figure out such a temper. How could he save the shackles in the first place? This robes man is clearly seen as a foreign object. He can't listen to it. He really accepts it, probably only himself.

Lin Luoran remembered the first time he saw him. Before the girl disappeared, she whispered in tears. "Lin Luoran... It’s a better name than 尛尛. Did he like this name?"

He also asked her to help take care of the robe man.

Lenovo's vague words, and the robes man saved her past in a desperate situation, Lin Luoran is not difficult to get the attachment in the swearing tone, probably really in love a journey deep into the trap.

However, even if for some reason, she left the beads to her, she would not be grateful, but to fulfill her wish.

This man, who does not need to take care of it, secondly, a person who is actually indifferent and unintentional, is awkward and indifferent, I am afraid that he has already paid for it.

Lin Luoran took back his thoughts, and he had never seen a man in a squat and a robe.

The sky is dark, the table is still at the lake, the word is not yet practiced, should I come back tomorrow? Lin Luoran comforted himself, holding his knees on the big stone for a night, until the cockroach jumped again in the morning, Lin Luoran was relieved.

He really wrote the word yesterday, Lin Luoran observed for a long time, from the beginning of the pen to the turning point, she remembered the word in her heart.

At the time of practicing the word, Lin Luoran also followed the hands, and began to remember to go back, slowly calm down, perhaps because she and her different temperament, she can feel that she came to the later, this does not know The meaning of the characters is very different.

I have been alone for a few days. There are no robes and men around. She is not a spoiled deer, nor a hard-working word. Strong, clearly out of the fingertips, turned into a feeling of rain.

Lin Luoran couldn't influence the grass of this world. In addition to following the memory, she felt that she was learning how to learn.

After practicing for a few days, Lin Luoran could feel the progress of the embarrassment, the little girl was not satisfied, and the man was wrapped in a robe and came to the lake again.

"I will read it again, can you read it again?"

I want to see the man in the robes originally written characters, Lin Luoran is also very strange, how to practice large characters, the original copybooks can not see, all day to the lake to write on the line?

The robe man was entangled by her and waved at the clarified Great Lakes.

The sparkling lake disappeared and a piece of white paper flew back into the man in the robe. Originally the lakeside, but a low-lying green.

Lin Luoran stunned himself, such a large lakeside, she never doubted it in a few days, it was actually a piece of text! I have been practicing the word against the lake in the past few days. It really has a reason.

In addition to trying to figure out the spirituality of the lake, the original copybook that the man in the robe gave her is the lake.

Life is so boring that people can't help but burst into tears!

Lin Luoran cried and cried, still cheeky and went forward, remembering the original characters written by the robe man in his mind, and wished to swallow the paper and take it away.

“It’s written more and more like a lake, and soon you can practice a word.”

The robe man looked at the results of these days of practice and gave affirmation.

He held the original version, and he was not very spirited: "I feel that it is still far away, unlike what you write."

The robe man laughed: "There is not enough repair, can't support the characters, you haven't even built the foundation, what anxious."

I am really happy now.

Lin Luoran looked at the two people's interactions. I remembered that when I was not able to peek into the robes and write the golden letters, I don't know what the words are. I can't practice the word "lake" when I built the base. She didn't build it at the time. At the base period, even a secret attempt will have a headache.

Hey right, the robes man taught her the words, enough to let her walk the world, no longer have to pay attention to anything else - at least the characters written by the robes man, can have the power to shake the world.

Lin Luoran has a few expectations, but I don’t know what the next word he taught, what is it?