MTL - Landing in the Fantastic World-Chapter 875 I will not only kill you, but also kill you!

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The holy realm is the highest existence in the land of the gods.

Once it breaks through this realm, it will be omnipotent and free from the world. From then on, there is no **** between heaven and earth.

Throughout the source of the gods, there are very few sacred lords who can count with both hands.

The Duanmu clan hasn't had the power of the Holy Realm for nearly ten thousand years.

The breakthrough of the elders has given everyone hope in the time of the great calamity.

Now, the face of that monster-like monster has finally changed. Now the situation is changing and the elders of Duanmu clan are no longer able to defeat him.

"I can't kill him here for nothing."

The King of the Barbarian turned his eyes and decided to avoid his sharp edge. After the big man arrived, he would kill all these humans.

Thinking of this, Wang Shanshan turned into a black wild beast. The wild beast still had two huge pairs of wings. After spreading, it covered the sky and darted away with a rolling black whirlwind.

"Huh! Where do you run!"

The elder elder sighed, and his palm was gently scratched in front of his eyes, but it seemed to penetrate this space, and the barbarian king who had been carried hundreds of miles away was caught like a chick.

"This is ... the magical power of the holy realm.

Duanmu Fenghua was very knowledgeable and immediately judged.

"Broken Titan Palm!"

Naturally, the elders will not show mercy to their men, and will directly use their expertise to sacrifice themselves. They are determined to hit the King of the Barbarian Mountain with one hand and to sacrifice the half-dead tribe.

The emptiness shattered, and from the sky, a giant giant fell down, and the size of his palm reached a hundred feet, like a brilliant sky, straight down.


King Barbarian struggled to escape, but in front of the elders of the holy state level, it had no effect.

"My men, you humble reptiles can move?"

Suddenly, a distant sky sounded a majestic and chilling voice, as if it were thousands of miles away, and it was almost late, it was unpredictable.

"Master Moyao!"

The King of the Wild Mountain was so excited that his face exulted.

At this moment, the elder's face was a little hard to look at. This sound alone made him reversal of blood and a throbbing heart. It is conceivable how terrible this Necromancer is.

Immediately afterwards, an overwhelming death threat came over, and the elder found that the Holy Power in his body was completely suppressed, and he could not make out the slightest.

"Haha, you are dead now!"

The barbarian king laughed wildly, he immediately broke away from the elder's shackles, and quickly rushed in the direction of coercion.

However, his body was less than a hundred feet high, and a mighty sword stabbed the air, penetrating directly into the body of Manshan King.

The wildly smiling face of the King of the Mountain suddenly solidified, and then his body burst into pieces, and it turned into a mist of sky and filled the sky.


The Duanmu people are all open-mouthed, and their hearts are shocked.

The elder was also stunned, and then thought of something, a smile on that old face.

"Who is it? How dare you kill me in front of my demon Yao Yao!"

The voice became extremely angry, rolling in like a thunder, and many Duanmu clan vomited blood and mist. This sound was like a heavy hammer was hammered in their heart, causing them a serious body. Trauma.

"Not only will I kill your men, but I will kill you!"

A peaceful voice drifted lightly across the sky.
