MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-Chapter 1003 The ancient bloodlines are awakened

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"I know... I know... I know..."

On the big tree in the field at the head of the village, there was still Zhi Zhi shouting constantly. An old man under the tree brought his grown-up grandson to the field again to see the fields.

The old farmer wiped the sweat from his face with the towel hanging around his neck, looked up at the sun in the sky, and the bright light in the far south.

"This ghost weather, at this time, there is no frost, and I still cry all day long. Is it not winter this year?"

"Grandpa, it's still so hot, shouldn't it be time to plant another season of rice?"

The grandson had a strong physique. He wiped his sweat and looked away from the field. He looked up at the branches of the big tree on one side, as if he was looking for the cicada.

"What are you planting, the late rice has been harvested, and if the planting suddenly changes, the banker will all die!"

Sun Tzu loosened his vest and fanned the wind with his clothes, but he was extremely irritable. He looked up at the big tree again, only to feel that the voice of Zhi Zhi was getting louder and more annoying.

"Grandpa, go home first, I'll clear the hole over the ditch."

"Then how about it, just go together."

"Oh, grandpa, go back to rest, haven't you been suffering from backache recently?"

The old man subconsciously touched his waist and shook his head helplessly.

"I'm getting old... Then grandpa will go back to rest, you..."

"Hey, grandpa, I'm not too young anymore, and I don't have much to live, so you can go back."

The grandson endured the irritability in his heart, urged the old man to go back, and took off the **** that the other party was carrying on his shoulder and carried it on his shoulder.

"Come back early."


The old man patted his grandson's arm, then left the field and went home slowly.

After the old man left for a while, the grandson turned his head to look at the big tree again, and kicked the tree directly.


A muffled sound was followed by a "rustling" sound, and all the chihs on the tree were shaken by this foot and fell to the ground. Bang", "bang" stomped flat.

"Let you call, it's annoying!"

Knowing that he was stepped into the ground, the surroundings suddenly became much quieter, and the grandson also breathed a sigh of relief, but when he turned around, he suddenly found a person standing beside him. to the sound of someone approaching.

This is an old man with a slightly stooped figure and an old tree root. He looks much older than his grandfather. The young man showed a kind smile.

"Young man, are you excited?"

The young man felt embarrassed to be seen, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I just... just felt too irritable, didn't I scare you, the old man?"

"No, no, I have seen a lot of old people, how can I be intimidated."

The old man shook his head and smiled, and the young man next to him also laughed.

"Did the old man come to visit relatives in the village?"

The old man in front of him was very unfamiliar. The young man thought he should not be from Zhaojiazhuang, but the latter shook his head again.

"Old man, I am a native of Zhaojiazhuang, and I have never travelled far in my life."


The young man was stunned for a moment, then fixed his eyes on the old man again, and then confirmed that he had never seen him.

"Don't be kidding, I've seen all the old uncles in Zhuangshang."

"Young man, I think your arrogance is really unusual. I hope you remember that you are from Zhaojiazhuang, your parents, elders and friends are from Zhaojiazhuang, and your family is also rich in blessings. Easy, don't ruin it."

The young man didn't understand a little, but when the old man said something, he didn't want to talk back, he just said "yes" repeatedly, and then laughed and joked.

"Does the old man still know fortune-telling?"

"Hahahaha... It's not that you know fortune-telling, but that when your grandfather got married, he happened to invite a high-ranking person to have a wedding wine together. The other party had a lively wedding banquet and left the calligraphy for your family, so I said that you are The House of Fuze, otherwise how could you be born?"

"Ah? When my grandfather got married? Calligraphy? Where is it?"

The young man was stunned for a second. The other party seemed to have eaten his grandfather's wedding wine. It seemed that he was really from the Zhao family village. Maybe he went to the next door to become his son-in-law. As for what kind of calligraphy, he had never seen it before.

"Hahahaha, it looks like you really don't know, it's the old couplet pasted in front of the door of your courtyard!"

"Oh, oh, that, that word is really nice..."

The young man suddenly realized that the couplet has not been damaged for so many years, so he did not change it much during the New Year. First, the farmers are frugal, and they have to spend money to replace them. Second, the elders in the family said that they are used to reading, and they feel that they are not themselves. home.

Today's masters are not only mages, but also Confucian scholars who really have literary talents and virtues, so the young man suddenly came to his senses, lowered his voice and asked the old man a question.

"Is this word very valuable? I heard that those famous calligraphers, a thin piece of paper, can be exchanged for a lot of money!"

"Ha... it's worth the money? That couplet is worth every penny, so don't sell it, or your grandfather will have to beat you to death!"

The old man was surprised for a moment, then he raised his tree-root crutches and tried to beat him, while the young man pretended to hide, even claiming "don't dare".

"By the way, young man, what do you see in the south?"


The young man first determined the direction, then looked to the south, there were only fields and ditches, nothing special.


"No, no, you look up and look at the horizon in the distance."

The young man's heart moved slightly, and he looked up at the south sky. In that "bright color", he could see that there was still a sun.


"You can really see it."

The young man suddenly became excited.

"Old man, can you see it too? I told my parents and the others that they said that I lost my mind and that there are two suns, but I can really see it!"

"Well, I can also see that, young man, you are gifted. Either you can live a peaceful and honest life, and your country is strong, and you can naturally keep the world peaceful, or you can serve the country by joining the army. , must not go astray.”

"If I go astray, my father must beat me to death!"

"Hahaha... too!"

The old man smiled, and suddenly his face was stunned. He looked in one direction with shock, and then walked over a little excitedly. The young man beside him frowned and turned his head to look, but there was a white beard over there. The white-haired old man came with a gentleman in a blue shirt.

He didn't shy away from the young man either, the old man took a few steps forward, held his crutches and bowed respectfully to the two who came.

"Little God has seen Mr. Ji and Qin Shenjun!"

Ji Yuan recalled the beginning with a smile on her face, and returned a salute with Qin Zizhou.

"Lord Land, I haven't seen you for many years, stay safe?"

"It's safe and sound, the little **** is very good, and Qin Shenjun also came to help! It's even more pleasant for the little **** to see the two today!"

Ji Yuan looked at the young man beside the big tree over there, and with just one glance, he could see that the other party had an extraordinary background. Although it was not the reincarnation of a powerful divine beast or a fierce beast like Li Feng, it might be the reincarnation of a creature from the ancient times of the wild mountains and seas. This is no exception.

Because of the appearance of the second sun, its radiance aroused the ancient vitality in the heaven and the earth, and also caused the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth to continuously spew from all sides of the world.

Many creatures with ancient bloodline have begun to awaken, and there are also many ancient creatures who were reincarnated because of some magical fate in heaven and earth after they were willing to give up everything in order to escape from the wasteland. There is a cure.

It is not only that there are demons in Yunzhou, in fact, all parts of the world are beginning to be restless.

Moreover, Ji Yuan knew that, compared with all parties in the world, the Black Desolate Demons were undoubtedly the most affected, and the demons in the Southern Desolate Mountains were also eager to move.

But Ji Yuan didn't need to break it, he just nodded to the young man, who didn't react for a while, because he was extremely shocked at the moment.

Ji Yuan didn't look at the young man much, and said to the old man.

"Duke Tu, there is one less **** on the side of the Tianhe Boundary Stone Monument. Duke Qin and I both think it is you. You have practiced the Treasure Records for decades, and you have achieved extraordinary accomplishments. You can complement the Boundary Monument. Would you like it?"

The land public was as expected, looked up at the sky, then lowered his head to face the two of them, and bowed again.

"And today's turmoil, the little **** is willing to contribute a small amount."

"Okay, then let's go with us."

Qin Zizhou stroked his beard with a smile.

Ji Yuan took a step closer to the young man and said calmly.

"All predestined dharmas have their own destiny, and the restlessness in the heart should not be suppressed all the time. It needs to be vented. Why not go out for a walk, whether it is good to practice martial arts and strengthen one's body to eliminate violence and peace, whether to join the army and serve the country, it is good, and you If you can really meditate and farm here, in Ji's opinion, it will have a better future."

"Sir, can't I study hard and get a job title?"

"Well, of course!"

Ji Yuan laughed, and so did the young man. Han Chuang didn't believe it himself, but he suddenly asked with a solemn expression.

"Sir said that there is a certain number in the dark. What if the fixed number in the sky is not good for the world?"

Qin Zizhou slowly looked at the young man, and Duke Tu also turned around in surprise. He was looking at the young man who grew up. At this moment, these words made him a little unfamiliar.

Ji Yuan's often slightly drooping eyelids slowly opened, revealing a pair of pale amber eyes.

"That's a certain number!"

In the conversation, Ji Yuan had already pointed out, and the young man raised his hands, but he was pointed on the forehead by the other party without touching Ji Yuan at all.


It was as if the ball had been punctured. After a burst of frustration, the young man lay upright and fell to the ground. If it wasn't for the ups and downs in his chest, he would have thought he was stabbed to death by Ji Yuan's finger.

"I have broken the root of your soul evil. You and this young man are one body. If you want to be in harmony with him, that's all. If you want to rebel against the ancients and the customers, it will not be as simple as it is today."

Hearing Ji Yuan's words, Duke Tudi immediately felt relieved, and the young man's life was safe.

"Thank you, Mr. Ji!"

"It's nothing, let's go."

Ji Yuan and Qin Zizhou and others left together, even if they didn't see the young man from Zhaojiazhuang, similar things in the world are by no means unique to the human race, and even more to the demons.

After a long time, the young man on the ground shook and woke up from his sleep. He felt a sore back and a pain in his body. He turned to look around, and the people before him were gone. After that, I went home and told my elders about the bizarre incident just now.


It was night, Zhao Tudi returned to the Tianhe Realm, just like the great formation in the Tianhe Realm had a hub, the starlight began to show stronger vitality, it was really flowing like a river, there were yellow springs in the underworld, and the Tianhe in the sky. It also continues to break open the void and slowly extends into the distance.

But it was also at this moment that Ji Yuan, who was standing in the Tianhe Realm, suddenly felt a sense and looked towards the north.


As soon as his mind moved, Ji Yuan had already stepped out, and the Tianhe Realm that had left fell in the direction of induction.

At the same time, the Fierce Demon seemed to have a sense of feeling and looked up at the sky, only to see the stars in the sky shining brightly, and a starlight descended from the sky, coming straight here.

With a frown, the ferocious demon disappeared without a trace, as if it never existed.

Ji Yuan descended from the sky, and Fa Guang had already landed outside the big city in Qi Liang Kingdom in a flash, but after glancing at Yin Zhong's position, he turned around and chased in one direction.

During this period of time, no matter how chaotic the world is, Ji Yuan has always disappeared. One of the reasons is that he doesn't want the other party to be unable to figure out where he is, but what he met tonight is not a small character.

Although there seemed to be nothing in front of him, Ji Yuan kept his sword evasion and kept changing the direction of the flying flies. decadent taste.

"Run for what? Go!"

Ji Yuan raised his arm, the Immortal Binding Rope turned into a golden light and flew out suddenly, forming a golden cage in the distance, shaped like golden glazed glass, shaped like a broad hemisphere, blocking the road in front of him in the opposite direction.


A turbid, blood-like shadow emerged before the golden cage closed, turning into a blood-colored spinning top while spinning, and slammed into the hood turned by the immortal rope.


Under the violent vibration of the sky's breath, the cover was actually pierced, but the next moment, the golden color turned into a rope, like a super-long snake, spinning around the spinning blood, trying to wrap it around.

In Ji Yuan's eyes, the blood in front of him was like a stream of water, and the immortal-binding rope was constantly entangled around it, turning into a piece of gold, and then suddenly tightened to form a golden "zongzi".

But soon there will be endless blood leaking out, and during this period, he can drag the Immortal Binding Rope and fly away together, and the speed is not slow at all.

"Hahahaha, Ji Yuan, your immortal binding rope can't be mine! Let me see how capable you are!"

At the moment when Jiyuan was chasing, the fierce demon suddenly changed his escaping tendency and came back, turning into a human and collided head-on with Jiyuan.


The blue and white light and the blood light are like two hemispheres colliding head-on, shaking the sky and shaking, and at this moment Ji Yuan also pointed out, a white light shining like a big sun at the fingertips, piercing the fierce demon with a "pop", even more disturbing. He shattered half of the opponent's shoulder, but the latter's right hand also reached out as if it were boneless, wrapped around Ji Yuan's body, and buckled to the top door.

Ji Yuan turned his head and opened his mouth, and a cluster of true samadhi fire erupted, burning to the light of blood like boiling oil and splashing water.

"Zi la la la..."

"Ha, this is the true fire of samadhi, and it really burns so painfully!"

Even though the Fierce Demon said so, he didn't retreat at all. The two were almost close to each other, and they shot quickly within a square inch. Whether it was casting spells or imperial weapons, they were all dangerous.

"Not only can it scorch you, but it can also scorch you!"

Ji Yuan's voice was indifferent, and the next moment there seemed to be a layer of phantoms of heaven, earth and mountains and rivers around him, and then it became clear that a huge pill furnace appeared in the mountains and rivers.


The top of the Dan stove flew up, and the raging fire overturned.

But at this moment, the ferocious demon turned into a thick blood mist, still entangled around Ji Yuan, fighting with him around Ji Yuan, and even got close and shot from time to time, ignoring the sea of ​​​​fire.

At the moment when the sea of ​​​​fire approached, the true fire of Samadhi bypassed the fate, and a stone in the torrent separated the flowing water.

"Hahaha, Samadhi True Fire is so domineering, how can there really be anything that can make it have no effect, even if it is your fate, even if the distance is only a minute difference, but it will avoid it. You! Ji Yuan, you thought I was going to run away, but in fact, I was eager to get close to you."

"Very good, then don't leave!"

Ji Yuan didn't have any psychological gap, the other party was even more powerful, but it didn't make him afraid.