MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-Chapter 12 red fox

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In Ji Yuan's heart, Zhang Shilin and others have been greeted for the eighteenth generations of their ancestors. Although it is for the sake of his own life, he saved them after all. Why didn't he take himself with him when he left, even greetings Don't make a sound!

The most angry thing is that Ji Yuan didn't dare to shout if he wanted to scold.

It took a long time for Ji Yuan's mood to stabilize.


After giving himself some relief, Ji Yuan sat down beside the mountain **** statue.

'Damn, what should I do now? Want to venture down the mountain? ’

Ji Yuan looked at the food and water next to the statue of Wangshan Mountain. Finally, the group of guys had some conscience and left some food for themselves.

After calming down a bit, Ji Yuan remembered that he had heard Zhang Shilin call him when he just fell asleep, but he was sleeping soundly at the time, so maybe he didn't pay attention at all.

"Anyway, it's also a savior. You can't wait for me to wake up and say thank you face to face before leaving, or you can shake me awake..."

Ji Yuan still couldn't help sighing, this group of foot merchants left his plans completely messed up.

After all, I came to an unfamiliar world. I originally planned to go down the mountain with the foot merchants. It is best to rely on the identity of the savior and ask them to help find a place to stay, and then make plans.

Since there are tiger spirits in this world, there will definitely be real masters, and maybe there will be immortal cultivators or even immortals, so your eyes may not be cured. path of.

Things like time-travel have all happened, and since then, they have bumped into the tiger spirit head-on. Ji Fate can be regarded as continuous contact with small-probability events. From the perspective of probability, it can be regarded as full of good luck.

Thinking about it this way, Ji Yuan actually felt a little excited.

Picking up the small sack of food from the ground, he took out a steamed bun and put it in his mouth, and then lifted the hemp rope on the bamboo tube and hung it diagonally on his body. Ji Yuan was so careful to **** outside the temple.

With his little eyesight, he can barely use it for the apex without talking about the details. At least he can see the outline of the surrounding scenery, but he has to be very careful when he places his feet.


Just when I arrived at the gate of the temple, in the distant mountains, the sound of tiger roars came from afar.

Ji Yuan flicked, and the excitement disappeared immediately. He stepped back like a conditioned reflex, and suddenly stepped on something round, and his body lost its center of gravity instantly.

"Wow..." "Pongdang~"



Ji Yuan stepped on a candle under his feet, fell backwards and hit the divine case of the mountain temple, then fell again, and fell into a daze.

"Hey...ho...damn...people are unlucky, they get stuck in their teeth when they drink cold water!"

Ji Yuan struggled to sit up, and carefully patted the back of his head looking for the pain, and found that a big bag had been knocked out, and it hurt when he touched it. Fortunately, the pain was only on the skin, and there should be no problem with the brain.

After resting for a while, Ji Yuan felt better, and stared blankly at the small sack and bamboo jar beside him.

This fall relieved Ji Yuan's urge to go down the mountain. You said that if he accidentally did this while climbing and descending, wouldn't he have the possibility of direct reimbursement?

Ji Yuan has always been a person who cherishes his life, and can even be said to be a person who is afraid of pain. He lost his life in his previous life. Although this life has not started well, there is still hope.


The thunder sounded, and the silver snake danced in the sky again, but Ji Yuan was not surprised this time, but seeing the rain coming, it seemed even more inappropriate for him to go down the mountain so half-blind.

As the saying goes, it's easy to go up the mountain, but it's hard to go down, so it's really suitable for the occasion!

'How about... let's take a break? ’

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

It didn't take long for the rain to fall intensively, and the weather in the mountains really changed, so there's no need to worry about fate now.

Fortunately, Ji Yuan sat in front of the god's desk, closed his eyes to restrain his mind, and calmed himself down.

Sure enough, with the peace of mind, the colorless beautiful picture in my heart slowly emerged along with the sound of rain, and the vivid beauty bathed in mountain rain slowly unfolded.

In the heavy rain, what Ji Yuan likes to listen to the most is the sound of animals running around. The picture is very dynamic, and even makes Ji Yuan think of the smell of barbecue.

Suddenly, Ji Yuan heard a small animal panicking in the rain. It seemed to be running towards the mountain temple. After a short trot, it ran into the temple eaves.

The little animal was still dripping with water droplets, and carefully walked into the mountain temple under the hearing of Ji Yuan, but stopped as soon as he stepped into the temple gate, as if he found Ji Yuan sitting in front of the god's case. .

Ji Yuan opened his eyes, and there was a blur of light and shadow in front of him. The appearance of this little animal was also a vague outline, which was smaller than the dog.

Through the observation in the rain just now, Ji Yuan knew that this should be a fox.

This kind of animal is relatively timid, and will not attack humans, so Ji Yuan is more at ease.

Strictly speaking, this deserted mountain temple belongs to animals most of the time. From some animal excrement in the temple, it can be seen that Jiyuan and the foot merchants are just passers-by.

They are all hiding from the rain, and Ji Yuan has no idea of ​​driving away this fox, so it's boring to be alone.

This is a red fox with a relatively bright coat. He was staring at Ji Yuan at the temple gate. Seeing that the people inside didn't respond for a long time, he relaxed a little, hesitated for a while, and walked into the temple gate, which was pasted on the front wall. side, and then start to swing your body.


The rain on the red fox's fur was flung away with the rapid swing of the body, and many of them flew to Ji Yuan who was a few meters away, causing Ji Yuan to cover his face with his hands.

However, when the fox was shaking the water, Ji Yuan could hear the details of the fox more clearly, and the fluffy fur was also clearly visible. Obviously, this is a very beautiful little animal.

This fox is also well-behaved. After shaking the water, he leaned against the wall of the temple gate and rested on his stomach. From time to time, he would be vigilant to observe Ji Yuan's reaction.

One person and one fox, one couldn't walk for the time being, and the other took shelter from the rain in the temple, and they were silent and peaceful.

At this moment, Ji Yuan finally felt a little hungry. Naturally, there was nothing good to eat, but there was still a small bag of dry food to fill his stomach.

He groped to open the bag and squeezed it with his hands. The dry biscuit was as hard as a stone. The steamed bun was not soft, but it was much better than the dry biscuit, so he took out a steamed bun.

I tore a small half of it and put it to my nose and sniffed it. There was no mildew smell, so I stuffed it into my mouth and ate it. The more I ate it, the more I felt hungry. It was eaten up in seconds.

Ji Yuan couldn't help but took another steamed bun, devoured it and solved it, and then abruptly stopped the urge to eat another one.

This bag is not very big. As soon as the two steamed buns go away, a piece is shrunk down. I stretched out my hand and groped and broke it down carefully. There were only two steamed buns and three dry biscuits left.

As a good young man living in the 21st century, he has a proper job. Although everyone always says that he is worried about his livelihood, he has never been worried about whether he will starve to death, so his response in this regard was slow before. After a little while, Ji Fate at this moment suddenly realizes that his food storage is very poor!

And even if you go down the mountain, you probably won't have any relatives and friends you can rely on, right? How do you make a living? What can I do now, begging?

"Sad ah ah ah!!"

Ji Yuan couldn't help but screamed nervously.

The fox on the outside got up alertly.

Instead, it attracted Ji Yuan's attention.

"Hey, little fox, I don't have anything to feed you as a blind man. There are a few buns, but if you don't eat it, I won't give it to you. If you can eat me, it won't be much. I'm a little troubled."


The fox's hair exploded slightly, his limbs were tense, and he grinned at Ji Yuan.

"Just kidding! It's good if you catch a field mouse and a rabbit..."

Ji Yuan's voice was harmonious. He felt that his voice and actions just now must have stimulated the fox. The rabbit was biting in a hurry. Don't treat the fox as a beast!

For a long time, the man and the fox didn't make any movement. The fox was careful to lie down in the corner, and Ji Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief and continued to stare at the case.