MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 265 Ghost car armor

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Others gathered around, and they were about to make a move, but they were shocked when they suddenly saw the white light of the mysterious master burst into a huge white light and swallowed Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan's Eye of Fear felt a strong emotion of fear in this huge white light, and there was a faint despair in it. This was the fear and despair from the mysterious master.

Even if it is the seventh form of the powerhouse, the body is completely destroyed, and he wants to be reborn with flesh and blood, but the vortex of flesh and blood is defeated by Wang Xuan's blow, and even the white light is blown up, and the mysterious master is finally desperate.

When the power of the world came, the fluctuation of the soul consciousness in the white light was instantly erased by the power of the world.

The power of the world wiped away the struggling soul and consciousness of the mysterious master, and this mass of white light turned into pure energy and merged into Wang Xuan's body.

Wang Xuan sensed that the white light in his right hand was greedily devouring this pure energy. The energy that his monsters could draw had already reached the limit, and he could no longer draw any more energy. up, extending into the right arm.

Xuanzhu is a seventh-form powerhouse, and his body is occupied by hatching beasts. The energy obtained by killing him is so huge. There seemed to be something in the arm that was about to grow, but there was still something missing. Now, with the surging energy of the Profound Lord, there was a crisp sound from the outside of his right arm.

Suddenly, a black steel feather appeared in the skin on the outside of his right arm, followed by the second and third...

In a short period of time, black steel feathers appeared one by one, Wang Xuan was stunned, and a third ghost wing grew out of the outside of his right arm.

Compared to the two two-meter-long ghost wings behind him, this ghost wing is much smaller, only half the size. As the third ghost wing grows, the two ghost wings on his back do not need him to summon, Automatically extended, shaking slightly, the power of the three ghost wings converged in his body.

Suddenly, the three ghost wings resonated and vibrated together, generating an unimaginable terrifying thrust, which made him rush out at an extremely terrifying speed, and instantly rushed to dozens of meters away, so fast that he stayed in the air. Afterimage.

Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue, Wu Tian, ​​Li Tianjiao, Fang Taozhong, and Chang Jing all opened their eyes wide, showing a hint of shock.

At this moment, the speed of Wang Xuan's rushing out has been faintly catching up with the speed of the mysterious master who was previously suppressed by Bai Qianxue's rune formation.

This speed makes them feel dazzled.

Feeling this sudden surge of power, Wang Xuan felt a little bit in his heart. With a thought, the giant arm of the beast with the third ghost wing blasted out along the thrust. The target was the one in front of him that was broken and fell down. Giant trees.

The giant arm of the demon beast carried the third ghost wing, and slammed into the thick tree pole that was taller than a person in front of it. Under the action of the force, it flew into the sky, and the big tree pole with the tree crown on the left pressed against a three-story stone building made of stone bricks. With the loud sound of Lucha, the pressed three-story stone building immediately collapsed and collapsed. , set off a lot of dust and smoke, the momentum is amazing.

A tree pole on the right flew for dozens of meters, and then smashed into a large piece of plants, hitting the ground, making a loud rumbling sound.

Although the power is strong, everyone is not surprised. A super-powerful person like them can cause such destructive power with one punch. What they are amazed at is that the speed at which Wang Xuan rushed out in just a moment can make them dazzled. That's where the real surprise comes in.

This meant that Wang Xuanchao suddenly launched an attack, and they were hard to resist.

Looking at the destruction in front of him, Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. As the third ghost wing grew out, the power of the ghost car in his body faintly produced a reborn transformation. Once they appear at the same time, the power of the ghost car will form a fusion in his body, and each piece of steel feathers will vibrate slightly with the naked eye, shaking each other, producing an unimaginably terrible power.

This power can make him have a faster speed, more terrifying destructive power, and can also use ghost wings to cover his body for defense, with a powerful defensive effect.

He merged with the soul consciousness remaining in the ghost car. Like Warcraft, the ghost car is also a part of his soul. With this transformation, some indescribable special messages naturally poured out from the depths of his soul consciousness. The way he gets some abilities on the ghost car.

Wang Xuan understands that this is because the ghost car is getting stronger and stronger, and he is slowly comprehending and mastering some of the special abilities that the ghost car once possessed. Just like the growth of the form of Warcraft, he has just acquired the third ghost wing, which is equivalent to the growth of the ghost car. evolved into a new form.

This newly acquired special ability is a defensive ability called "Ghost Car Armor".

Once this ability is activated, the three ghost wings are combined together to protect him, basically forming an all-round defense with no dead ends, like a full body armor.

In the "Ghost Car Armor", each steel feather will vibrate slightly, and all the steel feathers will resonate, generating a strong resonance force to offset the powerful attack from the outside. Life-saving defensive skills.

After realizing and mastering the "ghost car armor", the wings behind Wang Xuan and the three ghost wings sticking out from the outside of his right arm slowly converged and disappeared into his body.

When he turned around, he saw Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue, Li Tianjiao and Wu Tian were all looking at him.

"Everyone, this is..." Wang Xuan frowned.

"Wang Xuan, you are indeed right to invite you, without you, we would be in trouble today." Mei Xiaosen suddenly raised his thumbs towards him, just after the battle, if it wasn't for Wang Xuan's mechanical arm strike, he would be in trouble. They can't really kill the mysterious master at all.

As long as the Profound Master is slowed down, only they will die.

Wang Xuan shook his head and said, "It's not the credit of any one person. We all joined forces to kill him. There was such a big commotion here. Just in case, do you want to leave here immediately?"

He thought of the loud whistling that Xuanzhu had made before, and the whistling sound spread far and wide. Although he didn't know if other people would hear it, for safety's sake, it was better to leave here first.

"Yes, let's get out of here." Mei Xiaosen immediately understood and nodded in agreement.

"Let's go." After Bai Qianxue finished speaking, she headed into the distance first.

Several other people took the bodies of Song Lichen and Bian Jinli and left here quickly.

After they left for about a few minutes, five figures suddenly appeared in a row here, all covered in black robes. They quickly turned over and climbed the fence. They immediately saw the collapse of a large number of buildings and the appearance of a mess, and understood that this happened before. After a fierce battle, looking at the large number of potholes remaining on the ground, the damage caused by this battle is not small, and the strength of the shooter is definitely not weak.

The five black-robed men jumped down and approached slowly.

"Elder, the ground is covered in blood, and there are still stumps left. There was a very brutal fight here not long ago."

One of the black-robed men spoke, his voice slightly low.

The headed man in black robe stood still, and strips of octopus tentacles appeared in the black robe, extending down, along the ground, these tentacles were constantly swaying, as if they were sniffing something.

"I sensed the call of the Profound Master before, in this direction... Look at the tragic killing here, the location is definitely right, but why did the Profound Master disappear, even if I kill the enemy, it will not suddenly become without information. Yes…"

The black-robed man at the head is the elder of Xuancheng, and the other four black-robed men are the four guardians of Xuancheng. There were originally five black-robed guardians. The protector died, and now there are only four people in black robes left.

As the tentacles of the octopus stretched out, suddenly, Elder Xuancheng let out a slight growl, and the black robe covering his body was lifted, revealing the terrifying appearance under the black robe.

"These flesh and blood... are the breath of the mysterious master..."

Through the tentacles, he sensed and captured the aura of the Profound Lord, and his heart was horrified, and suddenly he stepped back three steps in a row.

The other four people in black robes were also shocked.

They are the losers who broke through the super-state. Although their strength is stronger than the general super-state limit, they are far from being compared with the real seventh-form powerhouse like Xuanzhu. This pool of flesh and blood belongs to Xuanzhu. It means that the mysterious master has died, and he has been smashed into a pool of flesh and blood. It can be said that he has died without any bones.

"What the **** is going on here..."

More and more tentacles appeared on Elder Xuancheng's black robe, and these octopus tentacles were constantly sniffing the residual breath on the ground around them.

"Mei Xiaosen's breath... Wang Xuan's breath... eh? Wang Xuan?"

The elder's tone suddenly stagnant, thinking that the Xuanzhu once said that Wang Xuan and them are of the same kind. There is Wang Xuan's breath in this scene, but there is no Wang Xuan's body.

"Could it be that…"

"Wang Xuan deceived the mysterious master and attacked the mysterious master?"

It is hard for the elders to believe that in this third-layer world, except for the existence of those totems, no one can kill the Profound Lord, but now the Profound Lord has become a pool of flesh and blood, the biggest possibility is that someone uses a certain method to sneak attack. Killing the Xuanzhu is the most reasonable guess.

"Besides the Profound Master...there are so many, two, three, there are ten auras in total...I understand, these guys from the five major cities secretly united, and secretly calculated the Profound Master, it must be like this... "

The elder was constantly whispering, walking in this ruined place, in front of his eyes, he seemed to see what happened before.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he guessed it was inseparable.

"Even if these ten guys join forces, it is impossible to kill Xuanzhu, but the biggest variable is Wang Xuan. Xuanzhu is not wary of him, and it is very likely that he was plotted against him, and they succeeded..."

"This Wang on earth can disguise the breath of hatching beasts, unless, is it the tree of origin..."

When the elder said this, he looked into the distance, where Wang Xuan, Mei Xiaosen, and Bai Qianxue left just now. He had already sensed their breath.

"Eight auras are very active, but the other two are dead. I understand, two people died, but the bodies were taken away, and I don't want to leave any traces. Unfortunately, how can you escape my eyes..."

The elder sneered.

A man in black robe beside him said, "Elder, shall we catch up?"

"Chase? Even if it's a sneak attack, it's not a simple role to be able to kill the mysterious master. At least there are eight super-state limits. The five of us chase after them. Although we are not afraid, we are not sure that we will be able to beat them."

"Elder, what should we do then?"

Xuancheng Elder Tandan said: "Go back and find King Rakshasa."

"King Rakshasa?" The other four men in black robes looked at each other and couldn't help taking a deep breath. It seemed that the name Rakshasa King had created a strong deterrent force for them.

"King Rakshasa is the leader of Rakshasa City, he will take care of our Xuancheng affairs?" Another man in black robe, half-length of a rock, said with some doubts in his tone.

"It will definitely take care of it. Among the ten people who killed Xuanzhu, there is no accident, and there are people in Rakshasa City. As long as the Rakshasa King knows that Xuanzhu is dead, he will definitely take care of it."

After Elder Xuancheng finished speaking, he gathered a large number of octopus tentacles, turned around and started to leave here.

The other four black-robed guardians followed closely, and the five quickly left here and ran away into the distance.

Their speed is amazing, like five sharp arrows shooting into the distance.

You must know that they are all powerhouses who have tried to make breakthroughs. Although they failed and were attacked by the hatching beasts, but also because the hatching beasts attacked their bodies, compared with normal humans, they can fully exert the power of hatching beasts in their bodies. It can be said that, Under the seventh form, they are even more powerful than the average super-state extreme powerhouse.

Even if he knew about Wang Xuan's eight people, there were only five of them, and the elder didn't think that five of them would lose to eight of them, but he didn't follow his breath to catch up, because with five against eight, he had no absolute certainty of winning. It might be safer to return to the rescue.

Returning to Safe Zone No. 9, they headed straight for Rakshasa City.

Arriving at Rakshasa City, someone soon notified Elder Rakshasa and Elder Xuancheng of his visit.

The scale of Rakshasa City is much larger than that of Xuancheng. It used to be an abandoned ancient city and was assimilated by plants. Now the plants in the ancient city have been cleaned up. Although the surface still looks tattered, it is full of people coming and going. Lively.

Elder Xuancheng brought four black-robed Dharma protectors of Xuancheng and, under the leadership of people, arrived at a five-story building.

Elder Jian Rakshasa brought three black-robed Dharma protectors of Rakshasa City to meet Elder Xuancheng in a great hall.

Seeing Elder Rakshasa, Elder Xuancheng immediately expressed his intention and wanted to meet King Rakshasa.

"King Rakshasa entered the upper world and has never returned." Elder Rakshasa was a little surprised to see Elder Xuancheng coming with four black-robed Dharma protectors. This situation is very rare. Most of the time, a black-robed Dharma protector was sent to inform him, and there was rarely such a situation.

"What happened, you need to see King Rakshasa?" Elder Rakshasa and Elder Xuancheng had a good relationship and asked curiously.

"Master Xuan has an accident." Elder Xuancheng did not hide it, and immediately explained everything he had just investigated in detail.

"Is there such a thing?" Elder Rakshasa and the three black-robed men behind him were shocked, and all stood up from their original seats.

They know that Xuanzhu is the seventh-form powerhouse, one of the five leaders of the five major cities, a real big man, hearing that Xuanzhu was killed is simply too shocking.

"Yes, it should have something to do with this Wang Xuan." Elder Xuancheng's voice was hoarse and low, and he said his conjecture.

After listening to the elder Luosha, he was a little stunned, and then he said: "This kind of thing is unheard of. After the Xuanzhu returned, he didn't tell you anything?"

Elder Xuancheng shook his head and said, "After Master Xuan returned, he should have noticed that someone wanted to make a breakthrough, so he rushed over without having time to tell me anything, and now the only way I can think of is to report this matter to King Rakshasa."

Elder Rakshasa smiled bitterly and said: "After the upward passage was opened, King Rakshasa and Lord Xuan entered the higher floor together. I have not received any news from King Rakshasa until now. I didn't expect such a thing to happen, and I don't know when King Rakshasa will return, but we can't wait."

Elder Xuancheng nodded and said, "Yes, if nothing else happens, after these guys escape, they will definitely find a way to find a breakthrough. If they succeed in breaking through, it will be a real trouble."

"So we have to find them within 24 hours and nip these hidden dangers in the bud before they break through."

When the elder Rakshasa said this, he slowly said: "If it is as you guessed, the mysterious master will have an accident because he suffered a plot, then these people are not to be afraid of, we can work together to solve them, if you are no longer worried, You can invite Elder Phoenix, Elder Dynasty, and Elder Justice together, and we will join forces with the five parties to measure that they cannot escape."

Elder Xuancheng nodded and said, "If we can really invite all three of them, if we join forces, we will naturally be able to capture them."

Elder Rakshasa said: "Since this is the case, I will accompany you on a trip, I believe that it should be able to persuade them, although we all belong to different camps, but on this point, our goals are the same, and we must not tolerate this world. A superhuman or higher human will appear."

"Yes, if there is, it must be our companion."

After that, the two elders, together with the seven men in black robes, left the "Rakshasa City" and rushed towards the nearest "Justice City".

They are going to invite the justice elders, the phoenix elders, and the dynasty to gather the most powerful forces to completely solve the hidden huge hidden danger of Wang Xuanba.

The elders of the two cities came to see them together. The elders of justice understood that something important must have happened, and rushed out to greet them.

"The two of you are... Could it be that something has changed in the upward passage?" Elder Justice saw the group of black-robed men in front of him, slightly startled, and hurriedly invited them into a hall.

"It's not about going up the passage. We are here to invite you to join us and kill eight people." Elder Rakshasa's words made Elder Justice slightly startled, and said, "Kill eight people with you? What do you mean?"

"Fairy Wood"

"It's up to you." Elder Luosha looked at Elder Xuancheng.

Elder Xuancheng repeated what happened before in detail.

After speaking, the justice elder still did not respond. In the hall, a faintly feminine voice suddenly sounded: "Mysterious Lord is dead?"


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