MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 2823 arrival!

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(Fourth more!)


Still in the middle of the desolate mountain range.

Hum! !!

There are eighteen sacred blood swords, and each one carries the power of the vast rules of reincarnation, and they gather together in the blink of an eye.

A brand new black excalibur was suddenly condensed. This black excalibur was five meters long, but the blade was very thin, and the power of the rules of reincarnation was more scary. The black excalibur shuddered slightly, it seemed Some are less stable.

"go with!"

Jian Wu's eyes flashed sharply.

The five-meter-long black magic sword burst out instantly, leaving a perfect arc in the void.

It's like a beautiful black sword light passing by.

This sword light is equally intoxicating.

The reincarnation sword formation is the third, and the reincarnation is drunk ... The mood contained in this trick is the same as the seventh style of drunk heart created by Jian Wushuang.

It's intoxicating.


This beautiful black excalibur penetrated the three mountains in front one after another, and the terrifying power was amazing.

Only half a moment before they stopped.

After a pause, the Black Excalibur shook slightly, and there seemed to be signs of collapse, but it finally supported it.

"The drill lasted a year and four months, and I studied it for so long. Did I manage the third round of reincarnation swords?" Jian Wushuang muttered, with a smile on his face.

This year and four months, he has been staying here, during which he did not know how many swords, he always ended in failure.

Failed countless times, but every time he fails, he will be proficient in this mastery of the Epee.

But in the past few days, he can finally perform the third heavy sword formation, and after the exhibition, the sword formation will not immediately collapse.

It can be said that he has barely controlled this sword formation.

The reincarnation sword array is more powerful than the first. The power of this third sword array did not disappoint him. It is much stronger than the second.

"I played against the Sanyin Hou before, and went all out. He was slightly suppressed by speed. He was more powerful than him, but I could n’t cast the reincarnation sword at that time. The sense of reincarnation rules is fully exerted, but it is different now. "Jian Wushuang clenched his hands.

Now, he controls the third round of the reincarnation sword array, exerting his mighty power, which is enough to collide directly with the Sanyinhou.

If it is combined with his own swordsmanship, the rules of time and space and the rules of reincarnation are applied to the limit, he is sure to fight the Sanyinhou.

"I am now looking forward to playing against the Sanyinhou again." Jian Wushuang smiled slightly, but then shook his head. "No hurry, I have only barely mastered this third sword formation, and there is still a lot Room for improvement, I can continue to master it. "

Jian Wushuang didn't think much, but immediately began to master this sword array.

But unfortunately, there was obviously no plan to give him so much time.

"Mr. Jianyi, come to Redstone Castle quickly." Yin Su'er has already come to the news.

Jian Wushuang said to Yin Suer before that he was practicing in retreat and would not take care of outside affairs. Unless the Tianxu Army arrived, don't disturb him.

Now that Yin Su'er is calling for him, it is natural that Tianxu Army is coming.

"Is it only a year since the Tianxu Army arrived? It's fast enough." Jian Wushuang sighed sighing, although he was not completely proficient in the control of the third round of reincarnation, but he was not Continue the drill, but immediately went to Redstone Castle.

In the Red Stone Castle, Jian Wushuang saw Yin Suer.

"Mr. Jianyi, I have been informed that the Tianxu Army entered the ice field a few days ago. It is estimated that it won't be long before it will set foot on the border of my holy realm in Danyang." Yin Su'er said.

"Icefield?" Jian Wushuang moved inside.

After knowing that Danyang Holy Realm is about to have a war with Tianxu Realm, he carefully searched some information about Tianxu Realm.

He knew that Danyang Holy Realm and Tianxu Realm were already connected, and the place where they met each other was the ice field.

The ice field is occupied by the two realms together. The Heavenly Virtual Army only needs to pass through the ice field to reach the territory of the Holy Land of Danyang.

"I originally thought that the Tianxu Army secretly used a space channel to appear in a certain area of ​​my Danyang Holy Realm and launched a surprise attack on my Danyang Holy Realm. I did not expect them to launch a frontal attack on my Danyang Holy Realm through the ice field." Unparalleled wonder.

Jian Wushuang is very clear. Since the Xun Palace has been operating in the Holy Land of Danyang for a period of time, and it can be related to the Blood Thunder King, it is impossible to have a direct access to the Heavenly Realm in the Danyang Holy Realm. .

"Mr. Jianyi has no idea." Yin Suer smiled.

"The space channel connecting the two realms does exist. Not only is the virtual world left in my Danyang Holy Realm, but my Danyang Holy Reality also left a spatial channel in the Heaven Realm, which can connect the two realms. It's not that easy to start. It's nothing to just send one or two people, but this time it is a war between the two realms. On that day, the virtual army mobilized half the size, and it was impossible to pass thousands of powerful people through the space channel Teleported. "

"The consumption of resources is too great. Even the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Palace, I am afraid it cannot support it."

"Is that so?" Sword unparalleled.

Space channels, the longer the distance, the greater the cost of transmission.

It is naturally not that easy to use the space channel connecting the two circles.

"You ca n’t rely on the space channel. The Tianxu Army can only head across the ice field to the Danyang Holy Realm, and at their speed, it will take less than half a month to arrive. We should now go to the edge of the ice field to do it right away. Prepare to block the Tianxu Army within the ice field. "Yin Suer said.

"Well ~ ~ I immediately informed the Jianmeng." Jian Wushuang nodded slightly, and immediately he called Tong Lao.

The current Jianmeng League, because it stopped expanding, is still the first few top players, and they are all called by the swordsman.

In addition, the Excalibur Army in the Sword Alliance has developed rapidly over the years. Although it is still only five hundred people, these five hundred people are all elites, all of whom have great strength and are also brought along.

After all, the virtual army was not all composed of the great gods that day, and most of them were only gods. In this battle, the sword army could also have a certain combat power.

It can be said that in this battle, the sword unparalleled is equivalent to coming out of the nest.

However, it wasn't just the Sword Alliance that came out of the nest, as was Redstone Castle.

In addition, during this period of time, Redstone Castle has been actively preparing to invite the strong from all parties, and also has the support of certain strong and forces from the Danyang Holy Realm. Now, as soon as Yin Suer's orders, the gods will naturally follow suit.

In just a few days of work, many powerful men in Danyang Holy Realm have gathered on the edge of the ice field, waiting quietly there.