MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 2824 Disparity in strength

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(Five more arrived today!)


Full of void, bitter cold wind.

In front, there is a vast white, endless glaciers, and the end can not be seen at a glance.

Here is the junction of the Danyang Holy Realm and the Tianxu Realm, the ice field! !!

In the void, countless figures stood there, hunted by the cold wind, but no one felt cold or unwell.

These people are naturally many strong men from the Holy World of Danyang, headed by Yin Suer and Jian Wushuang.

At this moment, all of them were gazing at the void ahead.

"Come here!" Yin Su'er said suddenly.

Many of the strong players present turned positive.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, an orderly legion in front of the void came slowly.

The size of this legion is not large. There are only a few thousand people, but each sergeant in the legion exudes an extremely arrogant breath. The most important thing is that these breaths are connected to each other and form a whole.

All of them were wearing silver battle armors. They looked prestigious under the glare of the glacier below, and they were obviously a huge army with thousands of people. It felt like they were just one person. They swept away from a distance. Here, the speed is unified, and when we get closer, we stop uniformly.

Thousands of sergeants of the army then looked up at the same time, and a breath of killing suddenly swept away.

This killing breath is extremely strong. Even in the sacred realm of Danyang, even the great deities who have great strength feel that this killing breath cannot be changed.

"Good army!" Jian Wushuang also secretly exclaimed.

This is the legion that is truly invincible.

It ’s not the same, but it just feels completely different.

Like the Excalibur Army he created, don't look at it, it is also composed of the elite **** deities, but there are some army formations and magic arrays, but in fact the sword is unique, the combat effectiveness of the Excalibur is comparable to that of the Celestial Army. Up, the difference is more than one or two grades.

After all, the creation of the Excalibur Army was too short, and the killings it experienced were too short.

But the Tianxu Army is different. It was created a long time ago. It followed the Tianxu Palace ’s main battle in the south and opened the country. After experiencing countless killings, it has replaced generations of powerful men. Until now Those who can continue to stay in the Tianxu Army not only have their own strengths, they are elites in the elite. The key is their cooperation with each other and their tacit understanding, which is far beyond the capabilities of an extraordinary army.

Even if it is the Redstone Army, the Redstone Army at its peak may still be able to barely compete with the Tianxu Army, but now ... it is also very far away.

Looking at the Tianxu Army appearing in the void in front, the many strong men in the Danyang Holy Realm all looked dignified.

And Yin Suer's gaze was even lowered, "No!"

"What's wrong?" Yunshan and Sizhengong Zhu, who were next to them, immediately came over.

"The breath of divine power is not right." Yin Su'er even said: "I got the message that the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Palace ordered only half of the army of Heavenly Emperor, that is, a thousand people, and a legion of a thousand people. A hundred people, but now I feel the breath of great gods from the opposite camp, but there are more than 150, nearly 160 !!!!

Upon hearing this, Yunshan and others immediately released their own soul power and began to sense it.

The result of induction is obviously the same as Yin Suer.

"There is a breath of nearly one hundred and sixty deities. What is going on?" The master of Sizhengong frowned.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Palace not only dispatched the Army of Heavenly Emperor, but also sent some great gods from within the Heavenly Emperor Palace, plus he has been staying in my Holy Land in Danyang before. Inside Chen Kong and others, this brought together nearly one hundred and sixty deities. "Yin Su'er said lowly.

As soon as this word came out, many powerful men from the Holy World of Danyang took a breath of air.

Great deity, nearly one hundred and sixty?

Are you kidding me?

And soon they also felt clearly. Of the 160 great deities, only 60% of the elementary deities were the primary deities, and the rest were the high deities and the peak deities.

Especially the peak gods, they found out one by one that the peak gods at the arrival of Tianxu Palace had enough fifteen! !!

Fifteen peak gods, as well as one hundred and forty high and elementary gods, as well as a heavenly army that is invincible! !!

The lineup has even been so aggressive?

Let's look at the turn of the Danyang Holy Realm. Although Yin Su'er tried his best to persuade the powerful parties to participate in the war during this time, after all, the time was too short, and the WeChat of Redstone Castle was not enough. Those who have already had the Red Stone Castle and the Sword Alliance all add up, and only 70 or so gods are present.

Yes, there are more than seventy people, and in terms of quality ... most of them are only elementary gods, which is all that Yin Su'er can gather.

As for the number of deities, there are a lot of them. The red stone legion, the excalibur army, and the four top forces all created the legions, and there are many forces from all sides. The Legion of Heaven.

However, although the number of gods in the Legion was large, they did not cooperate with each other. The experience of fighting together, the actual combat effectiveness, I am afraid that it is far less than the Tianxu army that is only a thousand people.

The gap between the two teams is really too big.

"Damn, I thought that the Tianxu Army with only a thousand people was here. With the combat power that Danyang Holy Realm has gathered now, it should have the power of World War I, but I didn't expect that the Lord of the Xun Palace even sent more than that. Fifty great deities came together. "Yin Suer clenched her teeth.

Fifty great deities, this power is really huge.

The additional fifty deities are beyond her expectation and are completely outside the scope of the Danyang Holy Realm ~ ~ It is not just Yin Suer, many powerful people in the Danyang Holy Realm have already judged The differences in the strength of each other's camps are extremely ugly.

And if the only look of all people is calm, there is only sword unparalleled.

"Almost one hundred and sixty deities, the master of the Tianxu Palace is quite big." Jian Wushuang even chuckled.

"Mr. Jianyi, now the gap between the enemy and our camp is so large, you are still laughing? Is there any way to cope with it?" Yunshan next noticed the change in the look of Jian Wushuang and said immediately.

"Is there any way, the soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover it." Jian Wushuang smiled.

"Mr. Jianyi, this battle is no small matter, it is about the survival of my life in Danyang Holy Realm. If you have any preparations, please take it out as soon as possible." Yin Su'er was also anxious.


PS: Five more arrived today! !!