MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3147 Battle 7th St. Holy!

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(Second more!)


The duration of thirty breaths is not too long.

But for Jian Wushuang, it is enough! !!

"The strong man in Zixiaoge can reach him in thirty breaths, and I must kill him in twenty-five breaths. If I cannot kill him, then I must leave." Jian Wushuang stared at Bai Yuan in front of him. , But the body has a terrifying intention to rise.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! ~~~

A stalk of purple long sword came out in suspension, and combined together at the fastest speed, the faint light surrounded by dragons appeared again.

The reincarnation sword array is eighth, you dragon thorn!

Compared to the dragon thorns that Jian Wushuang is now casting 60 years ago, the glare is obviously more dazzling and the power is a little stronger.

At the same time, the three mysteries of the Seven Star Mysteries, the Penalty God of God, and the Jiuyao Star Armor were all performed, and the supreme sword in the Blood Peak Sword also broke out.


Jian Wushuang screamed, and the ray of light surrounded by the dragon burst out.


The void was pierced through the hole, and just a flash, Youguang appeared in front of Bai Yuan.


Bai Yuan snorted, and a blue sword was added to his hand.

As he stroked with one hand, a huge cyan sword light immediately swept out like a cyan bright moon, colliding with the gloom.


The sound of a metal impact sounded, the gleam shook slightly, and then burst out.

As for Bai Yuan, although he has not retreated in the slightest form, his gaze is sinking.

"Seventh order?" Bai Yuan looked at Jian Wushuang in amazement.

This time, he clearly felt that Jian Wushuang had the combat power of the seventh-order true saint.

Not only does he possess the divine power of the seventh-order true saint, but also the power of his sword array, which is almost equivalent to that of the ordinary seventh-order mastery.

Indeed, in these sixty years, Jian Wushuang's perception of the rules has improved a lot, and his mastery of the eighth reincarnation sword array has also been strengthened. Now he is fully controlling the eighth reincarnation sword array, and the power that broke out Yes, it is very close to the general seventh-order extinction.

Coupled with his divine power, its real combat power is already comparable to the ordinary seventh-order elementary true saint.

And this Bai Yuan is just a seventh-order elementary true saint.

"Again !!!!"

Jian Wushuang smiled indifferently, the reincarnation sword array burst out again, at the same time his own figure also moved.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! ~~

Every silver light, like a ghost, quickly jumped and flickered in the void. The reincarnation sword array had not yet attacked Bai Yuan, but Jian Wushuang's figure had already arrived.

"Nine swordsmanship !!"

Jian Wushuang's right hand waved one after another, and in the blink of an eye there were nine sword lights, as if they were falling at the same time, and they all beheaded towards Bai Yuan.


Bai Yuan was not afraid, and he successively issued swords, and the speed of that sword was no slower than that of Wushuang.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

I only heard nine low-pitched impact sounds, the sword unparalleled magic sword Jiu Zhongtian, a sword faster than a sword, but Bai Yuan resisted everything.


The ray of light surrounding the dragon also exploded straight away, but Bai Yuan backhanded a sword, and the outrageous strength drew the ray of light again.

"Boy, is your strength only that much?" Bai Yuan sneered at Jian Wushuang.

"It is indeed the seventh-order true saint, which is really different from those of the sixth-order true saint, but ..." Jian Wushuang said, but his big hand was waving, buzzing ~~~ A large amount of ice and fire power burst forth instantly, Amazing speed swept wildly in all directions.

Binghuo Yulong ruler, Binghuo field has completely erupted.

In the field of ice and fire, mighty power is extremely powerful. At the beginning, even the one who reached the seventh-order high and was close to the peak of the seventh-order peak was under the full suppression of the field of ice and fire. Compared to the Witch, it must be a lot worse.

Under the full suppression of this ice and fire field, Bai Yuan's strength was immediately suppressed by more than 20%.

"Now you and I will fight again."

Jian Wushuang smiled indifferently, the reincarnation sword array exploded again.

Feeling the strong oppression around him, Bai Yuan frowned. Under the suppression of the ice and fire field, he once again shot and collided with the reincarnation sword array.

But this collision, but they did a good job, although the sword array was taken out by Zhen Fei, but his own figure also took three steps back.

call out! call out! call out!

Youguang flashed again and again, and madly rushed towards Bai Yuan again and again.

Bai Yuan couldn't dodge either, but waved the sword in his hand again and again, and flew the light out again and again.

However, Jian Wushuang only used the mind to control the sword array. Bai Yuan relied on his own sword to resist again and again. The shock generated by this collision again and again affected Bai Yuan's deities, plus Jian Wushuang I have also been looking for opportunities around, this situation is obviously very bad for Bai Yuan.


Jian Wushuang, who had been looking for opportunities around, suddenly moved.

Without any sign, Jian Wushuang appeared on the side of Bai Yuan, the blood peak sword swept straight out of his hand, and a hazy but beautiful sword light was on.

Warriors sword code, Xingmeng style! !!

Bai Yuan just resisted the impact of the reincarnation sword array, facing Jian Wushuang's extremely fast sword, he couldn't resist at all.


The sharp sword light was cut on Bai Yuan's body armor, and a force of tearing and strangling broke out, but although this force was overbearing, he did not cut Bai Yuan's body armor, just just A white mark was left on that armor.

"Huh?" Jian Wushuang frowned, and his body suddenly retreated.

Retreating to the distance, Jian Wushuang looked back at Bai Yuan, but his face became a little dignified.

"The information given by Zhan Tianmeng is indeed correct. Although Bai Yuan's strength is not good, his body protection methods are extremely good. The armor he wears is a top holy treasure. He has also cultivated The unique body protection technique, with my current strength, casts Xingmeng on his body, but cannot break the defense of his body surface, at most it only slightly hurts him. "Jian Wushuang muttered ~ www ~ Just a slight shock, it can be repaired with a little bit of divine power, it has no effect on Bai Yuan.

What Jian Wushuang wants to do is to cut Bai Yuan's body armor, then cut the skin on Bai Yuan's body, and erode the "cold blood" venom in the blood peak sword into Bai Yuan's body, only one drop 'Hanxue' venom is enough to kill Bai Yuan.

However, he is afraid that this idea will not work now.

"Boy, you have completely angered me !!!"

Bai Yuan's eyes were scarlet, and staring at Jian Wushuang, his breath suddenly became violent.

Anyway, Bai Yuan is a seventh-order true saint. Although his strength is not too strong, he still has his own hole card and his own killer.

And now, Bai Yuan is about to cast his own killer!


PS: There are still two changes today!