MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3146 Eyed prey

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(The first is more!)


"This sword is so courageous and courageous. He is a fourth-order real, so dare to fight head-on with Zixiao Pavilion?"

"It is true that if we changed to us, after knowing that Zixiao had reached the slay order, I would certainly find ways to hide, and even escape to the endless territory, so that Zixiaoge could not find it, and waited for hundreds of thousands of years. Come back again, but this sword is heavenly, knowing that Zixiaoge is going to kill him, he also voluntarily ran to the territory under the control of Zixiaoge to kill indiscriminately, hey ... "

"This sword Tianhou method is also taken seriously. He is a fourth-order true saint, and he can kill so many Zixiaoge strongmen in a short time, even the sixth-order true saint, even the sixth-order peak true saint. It's terrible to behead, it's just a monster. "

"Monster? Huh, what if the talent is against the sky, his current behavior makes it clear that he is going to fight with Zixiaoge for you, but what a behemoth is Zixiaoge, and how can it be a fourth-order true saint who can compete with him? Yes, look at it. It won't be long before the people in Zixiaoge will find him and kill him. "

"Well, I think so, after all, Zixiaoge is the hegemon in a heavy day. It has been so ingrained for so many years. Its strength is very small. After a long period of time, it dares to challenge Zixiaoge positively in a heavy day. There is no second except Daolong. Individuals can survive. Although the talent of this sword is excellent, he is far worse than Daolong in strength !! "

"Stupid, this sword is so stupid."

Countless powerful people are talking about it.

These strong men also have different attitudes towards Jian Wushuang. Some people admire Jian Wushuang's courage and guts. Some people marvel at Jian Wushuang's strength and talent, but many people think that Jian Wushuang is too stupid and should not choose to follow Zixiaoge head to head.

But no matter what they think, it has nothing to do with Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang insisted on his own way, he knew what he was doing.

time flies……

Jian Wushuang is still standing in the territory under the control of Zixiao Pavilion, beheading and killing the strong in Zixiao Pavilion.

Zixiaoge is also trying to find his trace and kill him, but Jian Wushuang is very cunning. His whereabouts have been erratic, and because he is a member of the Celestial Alliance, he can get it from the Celestial Alliance. For detailed information, Zixiaoge has trapped him several times, but he has not been fooled.

In a flash, sixty years have passed!

Jian Wushuang has been killing for 60 years in the territory controlled by Zixiaoge, but he is still alive and well.

"In the past sixty years, the number of strong men who have been beheaded by Zixiaoge has been countless. Killing and shooting again and again have given me a lot of strength, but this improvement is not too big. Jian Wushuang stood in a void, his eyes were extremely cold, and he stared at a piece of information that had just arrived.

According to this information, half a month later, Zixiaoge His Majesty Dongxue Kingdom had a new sovereign ascended the throne, and Zixiaoge sent a seventh-level elder elder to attend.

"The seventh-order true saint ..." Jian Wushuang groaned.

With his current strength, it is really easy to slay the general sixth-order true saint, even the sixth-order peak true saint.

Even if the digital sixth-order peaks join forces, he can easily slaughter. Like in these sixty years, there are many sixth-order true saints that Zixiaoge died in his hands.

The sixth-order True Saint alone is no longer difficult for him.

And if he wants to hone and use Zixiaoge as a sharpening stone, he naturally has to find a stronger person to start with.

Therefore, he followed the seventh-order true saint.

"With my current strength, it is not difficult to compete with the ordinary seventh-order elementary true saint. As for whether I can be killed, I am not sure, but even if I cannot kill the seventh-order true saint, I can leave calmly." With a smile on his mouth, Jian Wushuang had made up his mind.

"After half a month, Dongxue Kingdom!"


After half a month, it soon arrived.

The Winter Snow Country is one of the many kingdoms under the command of the Zixiao Pavilion. The territory of the Winter Snow Country is quite vast. In the first day, it is already a large country. There are many strong countries in this country, like The sixth-order true saints are full of six, but the entire kingdom does not have a seventh-order true saint.

Today, the new owner of Dongxue Kingdom came to the throne, and Dongxue Kingdom also specially invited an elder from Zixiao Pavilion to participate.

The ascension ceremony was very lively and the scene was grand. After the ceremony was completed, a huge banquet was held, and countless strong people were noisy at the banquet.

Until the end of the banquet, people began to disperse.

"Master Bai Yuan, be careful and not respectful. I also hope that when you return to the Zixiao Pavilion, you will be able to say a few words for my Dongxue Kingdom." A middle-aged man in a luxurious suit smiled and put one Qiankun sent out.

The old man in a white robe named Bai Yuan turned out to be stunned and nodded with a glance of consciousness, and then nodded with a smile, "The owner is assured that Dongxue Kingdom went to my Zixiao Pavilion a long time ago, and these years also I have always looked at the horse head of Zixiaoge, and Zixiaoge will certainly not forget it. "

"Thank you Lord Bai Yuan so much, and the Lord walked slowly along the way." Said the middle-aged man in luxurious clothes.

Bai Yuan turned and was ready to leave.


Suddenly a figure appeared without any sign in front of the crowd.

Bai Yuan and the well-dressed middle-aged man immediately looked up.

"My name is Jian Tianhou !!" Jian Wushuang said softly.

He said casually, but everyone around him heard the name, but his face changed greatly! !!

"Jiantianhou !!!"

"He is Jian Tianhou? The fourth-order true saint who hasn't been beheaded for 60 years with Zixiao Pavilion?"

"Jiantianhou, did you come to Dongxue Kingdom?"

A large sound of exclamation sounded at the same time ~ ~ and that Bai Yuan's complexion was completely gloomy.

"Boy, you're so brave !!!" Bai Yuan's voice was cold, and he had also secretly sent a message to Zixiao Pavilion.

He knew that Jian Wushuang's strength was good. He was just a seventh-level elementary true sage. Even if he could suppress Jian Wushuang directly, he would never kill the other party, so he must send more powerful men to Zixiao Pavilion.

After receiving the news from Bai Yuan, the top of the Zixiao Pavilion immediately ordered, and three full seventh-tier peak strong men were dispatched as soon as possible.

The three seventh-order peaks, even if the seventh-order peak true siege of the same level is sufficed, is a fourth-order true sacred sword.

Jian Wushuang guessed that Bai Yuan had been summoned, but he was not in a hurry. He had already obtained the detailed information of the Celestial Alliance and had already calculated it.

"Although the Dongxue Kingdom is a large country under Her Majesty's House, there is no space passage in the Zixiaoge directly to the Dongxue Country. Time to breathe !!! "Jian Wushuang muttered in his heart.