MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3164 Hidden special space-time

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(The first is more!)


Hearing the words of Xinzong, the dark figure on the throne could not help silence.

Can the real soul be directly repaired by divine power?

And a fourth-order true saint, but the divine power is as vast as the sea, and the divine body collapses and reorganizes 50 times, and it only consumes half of the divine power?

Coupled with Jian Wushuang's terrible combat power that is definitely against the sky ...

"So it seems likely that the rumor is true." The dark figure murmured softly.

"Rumour?" Xinzong looked at the imaginary two, but did not know what the dark figure said.

"What happened later?" The dark figure looked down.

Xin Zonglian replied: "After the arrival of Ba Cang, he directly said that Jian Tianhou was the man in his temple of time and space, and asked us to leave. The three of us did not agree at first, but the strength of Na Cang was terrible. He With just a single finger, Xing En was killed, and I and the imaginary can only flee immediately. "

"Ba Cang?" The dark figure groaned slightly. "I have heard of the name of the Ba Cang Lord of the Temple of Time and Space. He has gone to the universe battlefield for some time, and has a good reputation. He is simply talking about strength. The rulers of the rule of the world can already be called the top, even if compared with the three palace masters who cut the sky alliance, it is only slightly worse. "

"It's so easy to kill the three of you."

Xinzong and Xuzhu could not help lowering their heads.

Although they have heard of Ba Cang's fame before, they don't really feel how terrible Ba Cang is. After all, they are the three rulers who work together and are confident that they can fight with Ba Cang, but as a result, Ba Cang ’s The strength is far beyond their imagination.

"That sword heaven, have you gone with Ba Cang?" The dark figure asked.

"Yes, it should be with Ba Cang to the Temple of Time and Space." Xinzong said.

"It's troublesome." The dark figure banged his fingers on the chair. "Temple of Time and Space is the most mysterious and oldest force in the early world of God. In the world of Early Time, no one knows where the old nest of the space time temple is No matter what, even the strong men and women of His Royal Highness, do not know. "

"Since Ba Cang took him to the Temple of Time and Space, then unless he later came out of the Temple of Time and Space, no one had the opportunity to deal with him in the early world of God. Even though I had many means of witch gods, I couldn't handle it. Go inside the temple and start fighting against this sword !!! "

"No more, the opportunity has been missed, and I can only wait for the next opportunity. I just don't know if this sword will give us a chance to start."

The dark figure sighed slightly, but its figure slowly turned into nothingness.

Seeing the dark figure disappear, Xinzong and Xuzhu kneeling there were relieved.

Obviously, after knowing that their mission failed, and failing to bring back the sword prince to the Witch God Religion, the Lord Witch God did not blame them even though he was angry.

Indeed, they have all done their best.

It's just swordsman, too difficult to deal with.


A dark void.

Here, it is already at the very edge of a heavy sky. Jian Wushuang followed Ba Cang, and under the leadership of Ba Cang, he carried out nearly a hundred teleports before arriving here. You must know that once Ba Cang has a teleport, it is enough How many miles has been traveled for hundreds of trillions of miles?

If Jian Wushuang rushed on his own, without the help of the space channel, there would be no decades to come.

It can be reached by teleportation in just a few moments.


Both Ba Cang and Jian Wushuang appeared in this dark void.

After appearing, Jian Wushuang looked at the dark void in front of him with a little doubt and blankness.

"Master Ba Cang, is the Temple of Time and Space here?" Jian Wushuang made a mistake.

The dark void in front of me was full of nothingness, but it was nothing like the nest of a force.

"Of course, the Temple of Time and Space is not here. This void is just one of the sensing points to enter the Temple of Time and Space." Ba Cang said.

"Induction point?" Jian Wushuang was even more puzzled.

"My temple of time and space, majoring in the rules of time and space, and various methods of using space and time have reached the point of reaching the peak, and the nest of my temple of time and space is in a very special time and space." Ba Cang explained.

"This special time and space is not a secret world of heaven and earth. It has even exceeded the realm of the early gods. In short ... This special time and space is hidden in the early gods, but no one can find it."

"No one can find it?" Jian Wushuang stunned. "So, how can I go to the Temple of Time and Space?"

"Of course there is a way." Ba Cang smiled, but with a big wave of hands, a strange wave of time and space passed on.

After this spatiotemporal wave was passed on, there was a void in front of the sword without two sides, and a unique space-time channel also slowly formed.

"This is the passage to the Temple of Time and Space." Ba Cang said, "Of course, this passage is not so simple to form. Several conditions must be met at the same time. First, this space passage can be formed only at the induction point! ! "

"I also said just now that the temple of time and space is in an extremely unique time and space, and this time and space are incompatible with the beginning of the divine realm. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to enter the unique time and space from the beginning of the divine realm. However, the founder of the Temple of Time and Space, the master of the temple, tried to find a way to make the space and time of the Temple of Time and Space have a certain connection with the Tai Chi Kingdom, and then set up some sensing points in some places of the Tai Chi Kingdom. "

"These sensing points can be related to the spacetime where the Temple of Time and Space is located ~ ~ Like the void where you are now, it is one of them."

"The second condition is that only those who are at the true core of the Temple of Time and Space will know how to connect with the space and time of the Temple of Time and Space to form a passage of time and space !!"

"As for the third condition in the end, it is even more harsh, that is, you need to have a very high understanding of the rules of time and space, and you need to fully understand the rules of time and space before you can successfully consolidate this space-time channel."

"In other words, even if you are at the core of the Temple of Time and Space, if you do n’t fully understand the rules of time and space, then you ca n’t enter the Temple of Time and Space by your own strength. If you want to go in, you can only pass the message to the Temple of Time and Space The high-ranking powerhouses, let them take the shot and lead you in. "

"Is that so?" Jian Wushuang couldn't help but admire, and at the same time he knew from the bottom of his heart that the empty temple had existed in the early world for so many years, but so far no one knows where its old nest is.

It turns out that the old nest of the Temple of Time and Space is so hidden! !!

(End of this chapter)