MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3163 Back to the Temple of Time and Space

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Chapter 3,163 Back to the Temple of Time and Space (Page 1/1)

(Second more!)


"Hum!" "Hum!"

Two murmurings sounded at the same time, and the two rulers were obviously injured.

But even if they were injured, the pace of the two did not stop, they did not dare to return.

"I'm in a good mood today, so I'll spare you two lives and go back and tell you the witch **** and tell him not to fight this little guy's idea in the future, otherwise my temple of time and space won't mind letting him taste the funeral dog again. Cang's thick voice echoed between heaven and earth.

Most of the people around did not hear the meaning of the last sentence said by Ba Cang, but the two rulers could hear, but their body was shaking, and the escape speed was faster.

With the disappearance of these two rulers in the sight of everyone, the air blockade around Shanleibao was naturally lifted.

Ba Cang's figure flickered, already appearing in front of Jian Wushuang.

Looking at Ba Cang in front of him, Jian Wushuang immediately sounded the scene of killing the red-haired handsome man directly under his finger, and when he was shocked, he immediately bowed and salute, "Jian Tianhou, met Ba Cang grown ups!"

Of course, Jian Wushuang is grateful to Ba Cang.

After all, if it wasn't for Ba Cang's shot, then only by using those two beads would he be able to resolve the immediate crisis.

Now Ba Cang chased away the three rulers for him, and naturally kept the cards of those two beads for him.

At the same time Jian Wushuang was also very curious.

He did practice space-time divinity, and the people in the time-space temple are not fake, but he has never made any contact with the time-space temple. How would the people in the time-space temple know that he exists, and in addition, he deliberately dispatched such a powerful The ruler came to save himself?

"Little guy, follow me." Ba Cang said.

"Where?" Jian Wushuang looked up in confusion.

"Of course, back to the Temple of Time and Space, where else can I go?" Ba Cang laughed.

"But I ..." Jian Wushuang still hesitated.

"Why, you don't want to go to the Temple of Time and Space?" Ba Cang looked over.

"Of course not, but I didn't have any preparation before, and I'm in a very bad situation. Even the three sacred realms have followed me. If I go to the temple of time and space, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble to the temple of time and space." Jian Wushuang Road.

"Trouble? Haha, you are too underestimated of my time and space temple. In the early world of God, my time and space temple is completely sideways. Even the cut heaven alliance and the ancestor dojo are very jealous of my time and space temple. Those three sacred realms did not dare to use my time and space temple by borrowing their courage. "Ba Cang was very confident.

"Relax, you are the person of my temple of time and space. My temple of time and space will naturally protect you and will not let anyone bully you. Even the three sacred realms will not work. Go."

Ba Cang didn't bother with Jian Wushuang's promise, he grabbed Jian Wushuang's arm directly.


A wind blew through, and the two had disappeared above the void.

In the surroundings, many practitioners of Shanleibao still stood there, and even though they saw the disappearance of Ba Cang and Jian Wu, they had never returned to God.

After a long time, the Lord of Thunder Hill finally woke up.

"Good guy, a ruler was killed on the spot?"

"I didn't expect my little mountain Thunder Fortress, a war of this level would have happened, and a ruler died ... hmm!"

"Temple of Time and Space, Ba Cang? I have never heard of this name, but now it is a super existence, Master Master may know."


From Shanleibao, I don't know how many miles of void have passed.


Two figures appeared out of thin air.

After Jian Wushuang appeared, he looked at the surrounding environment in amazement.

The surrounding environment is obviously different from that in Shanleibao, and Jian Wushuang dared to conclude that he is very far away from Shanleibao now, but this is only a momentary effort.

"This is ... teleport?" Jian Wushuang exclaimed.

"Yes, it's teleportation." The next Ba Cang looked over and smiled: "You can master the teleportation when you reach the fourth stage of your understanding of the rules of time and space. You are still relatively low now. Yes, but it's a lot worse than the fourth stage, but don't worry, when you return to the temple of time and space, there are a lot of time and space resources for cultivation. With your talent, you can easily reach the fourth stage. "

Wen Yan, Jian Wushuang is wry smile.

He didn't want to go to the Temple of Time and Space at first, but when he looked at Ba Cang, he was afraid that he would fly away.

However, to go to the Temple of Time and Space, Jian Wushuang is not disgusted.

After all, the temple of time and space is dominated by the rules of time and space. There are a lot of powerful people who have reached the peak of the study of time and space. There are also a variety of mysteries of space and time.

It is different from the celestial star of celestial alliance.

The many cultivation resources on the cut sky only have a great effect on some weaker true saints, but the stronger the strength, the effect becomes weaker and weaker. With the current strength of Jian Wushuang, go to cut the sky, it is difficult to get big Chance, but the Temple of Time and Space, many training resources are of great use to him.

"Little guy, go on, from here to the Temple of Time and Space, it's still far away."

With a smile, Ba Cang immediately grasped Jian Wushuang's arm and started teleportation again.


Under that huge abyss.

Without the sun, it's dark and dark everywhere.

The vast and vast dark hall, the center of the hall, a hazy dark figure condensed on the throne.

Below, Xinzong and the wicked old man, the False Lord, knelt there with great fear, bowed their heads, and did not dare to look directly at the people on the throne.


Low and husky voice emanating from the dark figure, "The prophet bears the price of the rules of destiny, and finally finds the position of the little guy. Then the three of you go to capture the little guy. , But as a result, your three rule masters joined forces, not only failed to bring the little guy back to ~ ~ on the contrary, have you died one? "

"What a waste I want you to use?"

Sounds of anger and murder, rising sharply in the hall, the face of the frightened heart Zong and the virtual host changed greatly.

"Master Witch God." Xin Zonglian said, "I and the other three have indeed done their best, but the fourth-order true saint named Jian Tianhou is really weird. He can not only rely on divine power to restore his soul, but his His divine power was as huge as the sea. I and three of them defeated his **** body nearly fifty times, and his divine power was more than half consumed! "

"And before we completely exhausted his divine power, the Lord of Cang of the Temple of Time and Space arrived!"


PS: Two more arrived today!

Twenty-first volume finished!

Volume 22, Tomorrow!

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